Healing a Traumatised Plant
Andre Willers
1 Dec 2012
Synopsis :
We try to save and heal an uprooted plant .
Discussion :
1.A severe windstorm (the old cape south Easter) stripped the plant of it’s pot and soil .
2.Immediate EMT was to put it in water with a very low concentrate of asprin .
3. It was flowering , but is now sensibly shedding the flowers .
4.Proposed Treatment :
4.1A rather hefty asprin treatment (100 mg/500 ml per day) . This is to treat the shock .
Remember , the plant’s entrails is outside it’s body .(Microroots) . this injury is like somebody reaching in and pulling your entrails out . The salicylate reduces shock and keeps the xylem open .
4.2Nutrients . A honey solution in lukewarm water . Do not use sugar. Industrial available sugars are full of Death Markers (ie fragments of cellular walls formed in the manufacturing process) . The plant cellular system sees them as Bad News , a wall of particles signifying destruction up the line .
4.3A little bit of MSM
4.4A pinch of salt .
4.5 A clove of crushed garlic . The Allicin zaps the nasties eating the plant alive .
4.6 Transplant the plant to similar soil and decrease the dosage gradually.
4.7 Temperature . Use the rule that chemical activity doubles with every 10 degree centigrade increase (this is a physical constant) . So dissolve the chemicals at a slightly higher temperature , feed it to the plant . Then immediately follow with an equal or greater volume of cold water .
4.8 The brave can whisper to plant as well (see Appendix I)
This will work with most traumatised hearts as well .
My plant understand me only too well .
Appendix I
The Plant Whisperer
Andre Willers
28 Oct 2012
Synopsis :
The hot breath (38C) and endogenous ethylene of the Plant Whisperer close to the plant induces hormonal changes in the plant .
Discussion :
Whispering to plants means being up close with your heat and breath . The hot-air envelope surrounding the body encompasses the plant and further concentrates ethylene .
1.Hormonal sensitivity .
Even small concentrations of high temperature right on the leaves (human breath about 1 ppb) will trigger plant reactions .See Appendix II for which reactions .
2.Humans enhance the effect by exposure to sunlight .See Appendix I . Don’t whisper to plants in the dark .
3. Smokers have about double the effect . See Appendix I .
4.Herd effect :
A breath of a herd of herbivores (cows , buffalo , dinosaurs ,etc) will act to synchronize a field .
The plants will release signalling molecules to amplify the effect of the ethylene from the herd’s breath . Maturity and reproduction in synchronization has major evolutionary survival benefits .
Remember the dung . The dung spreads trace elements (especially sulphur from lightning strikes) . The herd animals’ breeding is forced into synchronization with the plants .
A mutual feedback system evolves .
5.The Human Herd :
Each human is a herd of single-celled organisms . Some are more “human” than others . Some are symbiotic , some mutualistic , some commensal and some parasitic .
Just to make things interesting , they can switch roles . They have a large repertoire of roles hidden in the DNA and Epigenetic switches .
But a large number still have plant genes sensitive to ethylene . The strong suspicion arises that the human body uses ethylene to synchronize senescence . At least the mitochondria .
Note the bit about anaerobic conditions inhibiting ethylene formation . Aerobic exercise .
6.Rejuvenation :
We now have three mechanism affecting the whole and parts of the metabolism :
1.Molecular freeze (See Appendix III on hibernation using H2S)
2.Ethylene synchronizing the shebang in whole and parts .
3.Stem cells.
Stem cells are being produced all the time , but forced into age-synchronization by ethylene .
7.The Living forever trick .
We can play them off against each other to selectively synchronize a group of cells iro senescence , then freeze them using the H2S trick , then force neighbouring cells/organs into juvenility using ethylene during the unfreezing .
8.Notice that both H2S and ethylene (C2H4) are very permeable gases . Major players in the early evolution of life .
9. What is a poor man to do ?
All this sounds horribly expensive . Immortality for only the rich ?
What we want to do is to is boost age-synchronization using ethylene , then freeze it using H2S , then re-synchronize the age mechanism on the stem cells . In other words , give the stem cells an overwhelming advantage .
10.The Method:
1.Pre-prepare by taking silver nano particles (See Appendix II :inhibitors . Or wear silver jewelry . )
2.Take a whiff of ethylene . Wait three breaths .
3.Take a whiff of H2S . Wait three breaths .
4.Take a whiff of ethylene . Wait three breaths .
5.Repeat at least once a day.
This should rejuvenate some systems .
11.Why is such a simple system not known ? Because humans fear a lack of death .They are limited by the scope of their environment . Which is one of the reasons I am writing this .Death is only the beginning .
Hope that death is not but a dream .
Appendix I
Human ethylene exhalation.
Release of ethylene in sunlight .
From 1 ppb to about 4 ppb after about 20 minutes .
During lipid peroxidation traces of volatile hydrocarbons such as methane, ethane, ethylene, propane, butane, hexane and pentane are produced in very low concentrations and exhaled through breath and/or released through the skin.
Within 3 min after UV is turned on, the C2H4 emission starts to rise. After UV exposure, a two-phase decay in C2H4 emission was observed: a fast decay resulting from wash out by the lungs and blood and a slow long-term decay from the body tissue.
Body Burden:
Ethylene was detected in the expired air from 2 of 8 volunteers (1 smoker) during a test period of approximately 1 hr at quantities of 120 ug (smoker) and 0.91 ug(1).
[(1) Conkle JP et al; Arch Environ Health 30: 290-5 (1975)]**PEER REVIEWED**
Appendix II
Ethylene as a sensitive plant hormone .
Ethylene is a gaseous effector with a very simple structure. Nonetheless, ethylene has features that identify it as a hormone such as the fact that it is effective at nanomolar concentrations.
BLEECKER A.B. and KENDE H (2000) Ethylene: a gaseous signal molecule in plants. Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. 16: 1-18 (2000) http://cellbio.AnnualReviews.org/cgi/content/full/16/1/1
Inhibitors are frequently used to study biosynthesis of ethylene and ethylene activity. AVG (aminoethoxyvinylglycine) und AOA (aminooxy-acetic acid) are inhibitors of ethylene biosynthesis. NBD (2, 5-norbornadiene) and Ag+ inhibit an ethylene response by binding to and blocking of the ethylene receptor. NBD is more specific as compared to silver ions.
Ethylene has evolved as the central regulator of cell death programs in plants. In roots and in some plants in stems, lack of oxygen induces formation of intercellular spaces, the so-called aerenchyma. Low oxygen conditions in waterlogged roots, for instance, result in lysogenous aerenchyma formation through programmed death of cells in the cortex. This process is controlled by ethylene, as is programmed death of endosperm cells during cereal seed development.
This reactions is oxygen-dependent. At anaerobic conditions ethylene formation is completely suppressed.
Environmental and biological triggers of ethylene
Environmental cues can induce the biosynthesis of the plant hormone. Flooding, drought, chilling, wounding, and pathogen attack can induce ethylene formation in the plant. In flooding, root suffers from lack of oxygen, or anoxia, which leads to the synthesis of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC). ACC is transported upwards in the plant and then oxidized in leaves. The product, the ethylene causes epinasty of the leaves.
One speculation recently put forth for epinasty is the downward pointing leaves may act as pump handles in the wind. The ethylene may or may not additionally induce the growth of a valve in thexylem, but the idea would be that the plant would harness the power of the wind to pump out more water from the roots of the plants than would normally happen by transpiration alone.
List of plant responses to ethylene
Seedling triple response, thickening and shortening of hypocotyl with pronounced apical hook.
In pollination, when the pollen reaches the stigma, the precursor of the ethylene, ACC, is secreted to the petal, the ACC releases ethylene with ACC oxidase.
Stimulates leaf and flower senescence
Stimulates senescence of mature xylem cells in preparation for plant use
Induces leaf abscission
Induces seed germination
Induces root hair growth — increasing the efficiency of water and mineral absorption
Induces the growth of adventitious roots during flooding
Stimulates epinasty — leaf petiole grows out, leaf hangs down and curls into itself
Stimulates fruit ripening
Induces a climacteric rise in respiration in some fruit which causes a release of additional ethylene.
Affects gravitropism
Stimulates nutational bending
Inhibits stem growth and stimulates stem and cell broadening and lateral branch growth outside of seedling stage (see Hyponastic response)
Interference with auxin transport (with high auxin concentrations)
Inhibits shoot growth and stomatal closing except in some water plants or habitually flooded ones such as some rice varieties, where the opposite occurs (conserving CO2 and O2)
Induces flowering in pineapples
Inhibits short day induced flower initiation in Pharbitus nil[27] and Chrysanthemum morifolium[28
Ethylene action slows at lower temperatures.
At their minimum temperature levels, fruit is basically inactive and does not respond well to externally supplied ethylene.
Ethylene will penetrate most substances.
In fact, it will permeate through produce cardboard shipping boxes, wood and even concrete walls.
Appendix III
http://andreswhy.blogspot.com Nov 2008
Hibernation and Cryogenics
Andre Willers
19 Nov 2008
Discussion :
Jessica Palmer pointed out on the 16th Nov 2008 that the primary problem with cryogenics seems to be in the re-establishment of metabolic processes after un-freezing .
But we have an already existing template for doing exactly that .
Hibernation .
See Appendix A
The evolutionary explanation is that during the transition-phase from methane/sulfur to oxygen atmosphere (circa 1.5 bn years ago) , there was a major advantage in suspending oxygen-driven systems if the organism found itself in a non-oxygen environment . It went into hibernation .
At the same time , alcohol was being excreted as a poison (like oxygen) . The ancestors of mitochondria (who could use low concentrations of oxygen or alcohol ) sought refuge in cells whose cell-walls were resistant (but not impervious) to alcohol transition .
Remember , alcohol is completely soluble in water , but oxygen is not . This difference drove the process . Alcohol concentrations in water could grow large , but oxygen-concentrations could not .
Mitochondria earned their keep by mopping up alcohol first and later converting oxygen to ATP . (The glucose and ketone metabolism came after this) . The ketone metabolism has never been very popular , because of the high loss-rate in excretory products , but has been kept as a third string on the bow . (Utilization of fat and protein-muscle reserves during low-glucose periods. )
Mitochondria thus has an exclusive preference of usage : alcohol , glucose , ketones in that order .
From experimental evidence (see Appendix A) , there is a genetic switch sensitive to the concentration of H2S to bring both the host cell and the mitochondrium to a state where all programmed molecular activity is suspended . (The power is switched off) .
But , of course , random beth(0) molecular activity due to temperature does not cease . Uncontrolled and anaerobic reactions still occur .
We get rid of most anaerobic organisms first .
Lots of sulfur , VitC and alcohol (fermented berries or carbohydrates in the stomach . A low acidity is required in the run-up to hibernation)
Then freeze .
Starting the contraption up again is a bit of a problem .
1. The power-plant :
The mitochondria needs to be primed with their preferred fuel (alcohol)
Oxygen needs to be infused .(Hyperbaric chamber)
2. Garbage disposal
The cellular garbage-disposal systems need to be activated . ATP from the powerplant needs to be allocated to breakdown-product disposal before the ATP is allocated to DNA/RNA production processes .
The garbage-disposal uses mechanisms that use sulfur to create the various vacuoles and ropes (cf mitosis) . Enough sulfur is vital .
Once again , oxygen and alcohol is used . Both are recognized by all systems as poisons to be removed as a first priority . They activate a quite sophisticated garbage-disposal system as H2S concentrations decrease .
3 . Flushing
All that garbage has to flushed away , preferably not through the kidneys or liver .
Use machines .
As H2S concentrations decrease , damage might occur due to PH fluctuations . Acidity (H2SO4 , etc) Buffering would be advisable .
4. Temperature:
Lots of water at 105 to 107 Fahrenheit for mammals , pulsing at pulserate(about 90 cycles per minute .)
This is to activate the chaperone systems and discourage opportunistic viruses .
5. Music
See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com “Music”
Play harmonious music so the vibrations can be felt throughout organism being thawed . This enhances timing-procedures by orders of magnitudes . Emergent order .
(A Beth(0.x) effect . )
The de-hibernization process must have an exact program at molecular level to reboot the cellular metabolism . Precisely what you need after a cryogenic procedure .
But its efficiency (ie your chance of survival) can be boosted by orders of magnitude by using the steps above .
Interesting notes:
1. Do hibernating animals like bears use alcohol-producing cells in their bloodstream to time hibernation? This can be tested .
2. Are there cold-chaperone molecules ? There should be .
3. Hibernation is easy . Nature has done all the hard work . Keeping the mechanism ticking over at a very slow rate enables cellular-garbage clearing for a relatively short period (6-8 months)
4. De-cryogenics is a bit harder , Beth(1) intervention is needed .
5. Alcohol-concentrations : we are talking about 1% to 2% imbibing . About 0.06% inside the cell . Ie , the cell-wall protects by a factor of about 30
6. Pulse-Cryogenics : alternate freezing and hibernation to get a better survival factor . For those who are too stupid to design a zero-entropy system .
Try : Life=negative entropy . Non-life = positive entropy . Design it so the sum is zero .
Appendix A
From http://andreswhy.blogspot.com “ Birdflu Update-4” dated 29 Oct 2005
Suspended Animation (the real thing!)
In 2005, Mark Roth and other scientists from the University of Washington and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle demonstrated that mice can be put into a state of suspended animation by applying a low dosage of hydrogen sulfide (80 ppm H2S) in the air. The breathing rate of the animals sank from 120 to 10 breaths per minute and their temperature fell from 37 °C to 2 °C above ambient temperature (in effect, they had become cold-blooded). The mice survived this procedure for 6 hours and afterwards showed no negative health consequences.
Such a hibernation occurs naturally in many mammals and also in toads, but not in mice. (Mice can fall into a state called clinical torpor when food shortage occurs). If the H2S-induced hibernation can be made to work in humans, it could be useful in the emergency management of severely injured patients, and in the conservation of donated organs.
As mentioned above, hydrogen sulfide binds to cytochrome oxidase and thereby prevents oxygen from binding, which apparently leads to the dramatic slowdown of metabolism. Animals and humans naturally produce some hydrogen sulfide in their body; researchers have proposed that the gas is used to regulate metabolic activity and body temperature, which would explain the above findings
Dosages of H2S:
Treatment involves immediate inhalation of amyl nitrite, injections of sodium nitrite, inhalation of pure oxygen, administration of bronchodilators to overcome eventual bronchospasm, and in some cases hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
Exposure to lower concentrations can result in eye irritation (because of the high alkality of the SH- anion), a sore throat and cough, shortness of breath, and fluid in the lungs. These symptoms usually go away in a few weeks. Long-term, low-level exposure may result in fatigue, loss of appetite, headaches, irritability, poor memory, and dizziness. Higher concentrations of 700-800 ppm tend to be fatal.
• 0.0047 ppm is the recognition threshold, the concentration at which 50% of humans can detect the characteristic rotten egg odor of hydrogen sulfide [2]
• 10-20 ppm is the borderline concentration for eye irritation.
• 50-100 ppm leads to eye damage.
• At 150-250 ppm the olfactory nerve is paralyzed after a few inhalations, and the sense of smell disappears, often together with awareness of danger,
• 320-530 ppm leads to pulmonary edema with the possibility of death.
• 530-1000 ppm causes strong stimulation of the central nervous system and rapid breathing, leading to loss of breathing;
o 800 ppm is the lethal concentration for 50% of humans for 5 minutes exposition (LC50).
Concentrations over 1000 ppm cause immediate collapse with loss of breathing, even after inhalation of a single breath.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Swilling Red Wine
Swilling Red Wine
Andre Willers
30 Nov 2012
Sniffing , then swilling red wine in the mouth even without swallowing it significantly enhances the absorption of Resveratrol and other anti-oxidants .
Discussion :
1.Sniffing it :
Alcohols and flavonoids pre-prepare the mouth cavity to absorb transient flavonoids .
A well-known neurological effect . Drooling , in effect .
2.Swilling it in the mouth .
This is where the tyre hits the tarmac . Delicate aromatic compounds that would be destroyed by the acidic meat-grinder of the stomach gets absorbed by the body at this stage .
Nitpickers will say that Resveratrol and other ephemerates are not very water soluble . But they are in a alcohol-water solution , as well as unknown enzymes stimulated by the sniffing preparation .
3.Gout :
Just swilling the red wine around in the mouth and then spitting it out will not raise uric acid levels (allergic responses might be triggered in a very small number of cases) .
I am going to try it . Cheaper and more enjoyable than expensive Reservatrol capsules . I can sneak up by swallowing the occasional mouthful . No distilation by cooking , though .
4.Coffee and Tea :
The same holds for the flavonoids in coffee and tea .
Cold Brewing for both is strongly recommended , with some sort of sniffing and swilling ceremony .
See Appendix II
5.Long-lived waiters .
Ancient , doddering waiters are stock in trade of period comedies . Like all clichés , they were based in fact .
You don’t think they threw the leftovers away , did you ?
The most fertile ground for a biologist is the expectorants by wine-tasters . Chock-full of enzymes that enhance smell , taste and the uptake of anti-oxidants .
6.An Interesting aside :
Old boozers can patent the enzymes and relevant genomes that they have developed over the years of Darwinnian Selection . Sell their Taste .
This was more interesting than I thought .
“This is a modest little wine , more distinguished by it’s exit than it’s entrance .”
Andre .
Appendix I
Buccal delivery is 250 times more effective than swallowing it .
One way of administering resveratrol in humans may be buccal delivery, that is without swallowing, by direct absorption through tissues on the inside of the mouth. When one milligram of resveratrol in 50 ml 50% alcohol/ water solution was retained in the mouth for one minute before swallowing, 37 ng/ml of free resveratrol were measured in plasma two minutes later. This level of unchanged resveratrol in blood can only be achieved with 250 mg of resveratrol taken in a pill form.[
Appendix II
A Really good cup of coffee .
Andre Willers
26 Jul 2009
Synopsis :
Capture the volatile essences of coffee through cold-brewing and microwaving .
Even revitalize stale ground coffee .
Discussion :
The Theory :
The food-preparation stage of coffee is done during the peeling , fermentation and especially roasting stages .
The grinding and brewing is to prepare it for ingestion via drinking . In these processes , a large percentage of the volatiles are lost (of about 800 distinct compounds at least .)
As discussed before , some are of distinct medical advantage ( see http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "Aroma and Caffeine)"
Cold brewing .
This is a widely used cold-brewing method . See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toddy_coffee
This retains many volatiles lost by high temperature water brewing methods .
As discussed by many plain coffee-lovers , cold brewing gives the best tasting coffee of all . Because it retains many of the volatiles unnecessarily lost in the hot-water process .
But how to retain the volatiles when reheating the concentrate ?
The Microwave .
Put the coffee concentrate in cup , top up with cold water , cover with cling-wrap or splash/pressure guard and heat in the microwave until just below boiling (about 92-98 Centigrade)
How does it work ?
Shaken , but not stirred .
Like James Bond .
The cold brew is made by putting about 0.25 g of coffee grounds in one ml of water . This forms a coffee quicksand . Hence the shaken , not stirred . The volatiles are internally trapped by the coffee particles themselves , and dissolved in the water . This ratio is quite critical . Stirring it releases the volatiles , instead of trapping them .
This is left for about 12 hours . This can be hastened , but not without losing some of the tasty volatiles .
Boltzmann strikes again ! (Although covered pulsing is used by instant coffee manufacturers)
The Trick !
Put the resultant filtered concentrate in a cup and top up with cold , repeat cold water , cover with cling-wrap or splash/pressure guard and heat in the microwave until just below boiling (about 92-98 Centigrade)
The volatiles dissolve directly into the excited water molecules , without having much chance to escape .
Your coffee tastes like a freshly brewed cuppa .
Light sediment .
As you might have noticed , there is no heavy filtering . Light sediment still retains many molecules of flavour stuck to the walls (cf water molecules on dry sand) . The microwave process releases these , revitalizing even stale coffees .
I do not know what would happen with heavy sediment , but I suspect oily residues and tastes .
Sigh . I wish I could patent this . Even this little bit is worth a lot of money .
I tried this .
I took some very old ground coffee in the freezer (about 2 years old:stale) . Plonked them into a coffee plunger with cold water and left them for about 14 hours . Then simply decanted through a paper filter (not really necessary) .
Then about 6 tablespoons of concentrate per cup , microwaved as per above , gave a beautiful cup of coffee . The flavour and acidity came through perfectly , and there was no stomach acidity . The caffeine was noticeable , but not as heavy as with instant .
It Worked !
The stale coffee was revivivied !
A Dracula Special .
Speeding up the process .
You can try pulsing microwaves . About 5 seconds at a time .
Freezing has been done ad nauseam .
It is called instant coffee . The freezing process breaks some essential bonds on some of the more volatile chemicals .
Hint , hint :
By entangling the ends of some special molecules , during the freeze-drying process , a bias towards similar attachments can be formed during re-hydration . Simple lasers at special frequencies will suffice . Since the binding energies are low , even diode lasers will suffice . Cheap and tasty .
Sigh . This will be much easier with potato chips .
Hello Quantum Chips .
Especially with coffee , already proven to have easily-manipulated quantum characteristics .
And you thought I was joking .
Andre .
Andre Willers
30 Nov 2012
Sniffing , then swilling red wine in the mouth even without swallowing it significantly enhances the absorption of Resveratrol and other anti-oxidants .
Discussion :
1.Sniffing it :
Alcohols and flavonoids pre-prepare the mouth cavity to absorb transient flavonoids .
A well-known neurological effect . Drooling , in effect .
2.Swilling it in the mouth .
This is where the tyre hits the tarmac . Delicate aromatic compounds that would be destroyed by the acidic meat-grinder of the stomach gets absorbed by the body at this stage .
Nitpickers will say that Resveratrol and other ephemerates are not very water soluble . But they are in a alcohol-water solution , as well as unknown enzymes stimulated by the sniffing preparation .
3.Gout :
Just swilling the red wine around in the mouth and then spitting it out will not raise uric acid levels (allergic responses might be triggered in a very small number of cases) .
I am going to try it . Cheaper and more enjoyable than expensive Reservatrol capsules . I can sneak up by swallowing the occasional mouthful . No distilation by cooking , though .
4.Coffee and Tea :
The same holds for the flavonoids in coffee and tea .
Cold Brewing for both is strongly recommended , with some sort of sniffing and swilling ceremony .
See Appendix II
5.Long-lived waiters .
Ancient , doddering waiters are stock in trade of period comedies . Like all clichés , they were based in fact .
You don’t think they threw the leftovers away , did you ?
The most fertile ground for a biologist is the expectorants by wine-tasters . Chock-full of enzymes that enhance smell , taste and the uptake of anti-oxidants .
6.An Interesting aside :
Old boozers can patent the enzymes and relevant genomes that they have developed over the years of Darwinnian Selection . Sell their Taste .
This was more interesting than I thought .
“This is a modest little wine , more distinguished by it’s exit than it’s entrance .”
Andre .
Appendix I
Buccal delivery is 250 times more effective than swallowing it .
One way of administering resveratrol in humans may be buccal delivery, that is without swallowing, by direct absorption through tissues on the inside of the mouth. When one milligram of resveratrol in 50 ml 50% alcohol/ water solution was retained in the mouth for one minute before swallowing, 37 ng/ml of free resveratrol were measured in plasma two minutes later. This level of unchanged resveratrol in blood can only be achieved with 250 mg of resveratrol taken in a pill form.[
Appendix II
A Really good cup of coffee .
Andre Willers
26 Jul 2009
Synopsis :
Capture the volatile essences of coffee through cold-brewing and microwaving .
Even revitalize stale ground coffee .
Discussion :
The Theory :
The food-preparation stage of coffee is done during the peeling , fermentation and especially roasting stages .
The grinding and brewing is to prepare it for ingestion via drinking . In these processes , a large percentage of the volatiles are lost (of about 800 distinct compounds at least .)
As discussed before , some are of distinct medical advantage ( see http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "Aroma and Caffeine)"
Cold brewing .
This is a widely used cold-brewing method . See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toddy_coffee
This retains many volatiles lost by high temperature water brewing methods .
As discussed by many plain coffee-lovers , cold brewing gives the best tasting coffee of all . Because it retains many of the volatiles unnecessarily lost in the hot-water process .
But how to retain the volatiles when reheating the concentrate ?
The Microwave .
Put the coffee concentrate in cup , top up with cold water , cover with cling-wrap or splash/pressure guard and heat in the microwave until just below boiling (about 92-98 Centigrade)
How does it work ?
Shaken , but not stirred .
Like James Bond .
The cold brew is made by putting about 0.25 g of coffee grounds in one ml of water . This forms a coffee quicksand . Hence the shaken , not stirred . The volatiles are internally trapped by the coffee particles themselves , and dissolved in the water . This ratio is quite critical . Stirring it releases the volatiles , instead of trapping them .
This is left for about 12 hours . This can be hastened , but not without losing some of the tasty volatiles .
Boltzmann strikes again ! (Although covered pulsing is used by instant coffee manufacturers)
The Trick !
Put the resultant filtered concentrate in a cup and top up with cold , repeat cold water , cover with cling-wrap or splash/pressure guard and heat in the microwave until just below boiling (about 92-98 Centigrade)
The volatiles dissolve directly into the excited water molecules , without having much chance to escape .
Your coffee tastes like a freshly brewed cuppa .
Light sediment .
As you might have noticed , there is no heavy filtering . Light sediment still retains many molecules of flavour stuck to the walls (cf water molecules on dry sand) . The microwave process releases these , revitalizing even stale coffees .
I do not know what would happen with heavy sediment , but I suspect oily residues and tastes .
Sigh . I wish I could patent this . Even this little bit is worth a lot of money .
I tried this .
I took some very old ground coffee in the freezer (about 2 years old:stale) . Plonked them into a coffee plunger with cold water and left them for about 14 hours . Then simply decanted through a paper filter (not really necessary) .
Then about 6 tablespoons of concentrate per cup , microwaved as per above , gave a beautiful cup of coffee . The flavour and acidity came through perfectly , and there was no stomach acidity . The caffeine was noticeable , but not as heavy as with instant .
It Worked !
The stale coffee was revivivied !
A Dracula Special .
Speeding up the process .
You can try pulsing microwaves . About 5 seconds at a time .
Freezing has been done ad nauseam .
It is called instant coffee . The freezing process breaks some essential bonds on some of the more volatile chemicals .
Hint , hint :
By entangling the ends of some special molecules , during the freeze-drying process , a bias towards similar attachments can be formed during re-hydration . Simple lasers at special frequencies will suffice . Since the binding energies are low , even diode lasers will suffice . Cheap and tasty .
Sigh . This will be much easier with potato chips .
Hello Quantum Chips .
Especially with coffee , already proven to have easily-manipulated quantum characteristics .
And you thought I was joking .
Andre .
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Andre Willers
29 Nov 2012
Synopsis :
Sea-going political entities .
Discussion :
An old idea , but nobody has managed to make it work .
You need Ostrum Principles to make it work . Otherwise you end up classified as pirates (see Chinese Pirate Fleets , platforms ,et al .)
You need something like a floating Hong Kong , using Ostrum Principles .
See Appendix I
I cannot give the rules , but can say that if you do not follow the Ostrum Principles you will fail .
Good Luck
Appendix I
Professional and Ostrum .
Andre Willers
25 Nov 2012
We analyse demands on the Professional’s attention using Ostrum Metarules .
Discussion :
The eight actual metarules are in Appendix I .A below . Humans do not have the capability of grasping or seeing them all at once , so we will have to do them item-by-item .
Can humans actually “grow”” to encompass all the 27 Rules necessary and Sufficient to describe the Universes ? . Not difficult at all . They then create new Universes , but make them more interesting by pinching boundaries .
1.The Common Resource is all the Information Demanding systems wanting a portion of the Professional’s attention .
2.Tragedy of the Commons variant .
Exploitation of the free information to the max , with attempts to inhibit certain channels . Doomed to failure . The resource is effectively infinite , because (A + ~A < Universum) . No constraint is possible in the long term .
Short term constraints are possible .
3.Network Theory :
“Small worlds” networks are the general human networks of pushing information . This simply means that most information is sent and handled by “close” nexi , but there are long-range neurons that carry information to other nexi (or mirror networks) .
4.First Pass on Overstimulation of Information :
Simply pass it on to onto the subsidiary networks , except for Amygdala Interrupts . (See Appendix II)
5. Second pass :
Correlations have been made at very low levels . Rethinks .
6. Third and n’th passes :
You get the drift . The system refines itself through feedback processes .
7.Predictive rewards :
This is where we get to the nitty-gritty of Ostrum Systems .
Any farming system , agricultural or not, foregoes present reward for future benefits . You have to get Oabout eight things right to make a living .
Thoe domain of dopamine-systems . Once you enter it , you cannot leave it .
8. Humans farm the noosphere the same as they farm the land . But that same pesky 8’th term disturbs things . The relationship to higher Beth(x) beings . The disturbance is built-in and unavoidable.
9. Osrtum managed to get 7/8 system rules independent of the observer . A significant accomplishment .
What does this mean ? Small scale systems can be predicted and manipulated .
10. This means you !
A Small thing , but my own .
Appendix I
The only Game in town .
The Ostrum Game
Andre Willers
30 Oct 2011
“One Game shall bind them all .” , ( with apologies to Tolkien)
“This time , we know for sure the grass is greener somewhere”
“A Revolution , any Revolution.”
Synopsis :
A Game for Grown-ups .
The Eight Ostrum Design Principles are Meta-rules that generate self-consistent sets of rules that encompasses competition , co-operation , catastrophe , hierarchies and other systems undreamt of , all between discrete , interacting , self-organising systems .
Your avatar can go from SecondLife to Simworld , to War Worlds , to any desired locale .
Reality becomes a subset .
Discussion :
1.An incredible amount of money can be made .While money still has some meaning .
Without too much work . See Para 8 in Appendix A
Each Game Company is a base nested institution .
They bind easily together , releasing a lot of energy and money .
Explosive Feedback Synergism .
A run-up to the Singularity .
2.Feedback between Games and Reality :
The Meta-rules make no differentiation between Game-characters and Real-characters .
Indeed , many Real-characters have been spun into Game-characters , and vice-versa .
Think Sherlock Holmes , MacGyver , Gauss , young Werther etc
See “mirror-neuron networks” , any soap opera , etc .
Real-life problems get treated the same way as Game problems . The more diverse and sophisticated the Game interactions become , the more effect on any real or Game system .
Eventually , they become undistinguishable as technology progresses .
3.The Grass is provably greener somewhere .
Long known as a wishful thinking fallacy , until Ostrum published the Design Principles in 1990 .
This was the trigger event of under-the-surface knowledge about Ostrum Rules building up .
Suddenly , it became possible .
A Phase-change in the noosphere occurred .
It meant that a Disaster of the Commons or an Empire was not inevitable . Grandchildren could survive .
Enormous tensions began surfacing . These effects are still playing out now .
A really , really major Hysterical Focus started forming , and is still intensifying .
Now , are you surprised that 1990 was the year of huge revolutions , when the USSR collapsed ?
The Ostrum Game beat the Ring of Power .
And you have not seen anything yet .
The pace of Revolutions is intensifying .
A good thing , if Homo wishes to escape extinction .
4.Automating Ostrum Rules :
They might be Meta-rules , but they are still rules .
We can certainly write programs that can serve to guide past most of the pitfalls and suggest alternatives .
5.Multicellular Bodies as Commons :
We can certainly analyze bodies in terms of Commons . The Dear Reader will find many interesting things if he does that .
Note the emphasis on communication .
Talk to your body . Aloud . And listen in the silences in between .
Create a virtual body and note the interactions .
Use the Ostrum Design principles .
6.Singularity :
It is immediately obvious that humans are then not limited to Real biochemical definitions of personality . The emphasis on communication means that personalities are distributed across Real and Game spaces . The Game space personality segments are only limited by internal non-contradictory rules . That can be done via Ostrum Design principles .
Not exactly instantaneous , but I can intuit that the time can be calculated . It would be less than real time .
The putative developing system would have ethical constraints on abandoning Real-part personalities under Ostrum Rules .
Told you it would be kindler , gentler .
7.Phase Change :
The system has already undergone an irrevocable phase change in 1990 .
You can fast-forward the rest .
8.Did Ostrum know what she was unleashing ?
The Revolutionary aspects , nearly certainly .
In her quiet way , she is one of the greatest Revolutionaries in Homo Sapiens history . Worthy of being called a Matriarch .
The Singularity aspect is more uncertain . She certainly knew that she unleashed major fairness , but the phase-change in the Noosphere I do not know .
Still , a tour-de-force .
How do feel like being a pet of your avatar ?
Andre .
Appendix A
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elinor_Ostrom
To quote from Wiki : (comments in brackets are my own ).
“ Ostrom identifies eight "design principles" of stable local common pool resource management:[10]
1. Clearly defined boundaries (effective exclusion of external un-entitled parties;
2. Rules regarding the appropriation and provision of common resources that are adapted to local conditions; (Equal sharing of debts and rewards)
3. Collective-choice arrangements that allow most resource appropriators to participate in the decision-making process; (Consensus decisions-no leveraged hierarchies)
4. Effective monitoring by monitors who are part of or accountable to the appropriators; (Policing)
5. A scale of graduated sanctions for resource appropriators who violate community rules; (Opportunity to learn from mistakes )
6. Mechanisms of conflict resolution that are cheap and of easy access; (Fair and Fast Justice . See how Inquisitorial Justice systems like Chinese , French or Sharia does it.)
7. Self-determination of the community recognized by higher-level authorities; (Autonomy within clearly defined levels . Something like a Federation.)
8. In the case of larger common-pool resources,organization in the form of multiple layers of nested enterprises, with small local CPRs at the base level. (Clear and quick relations with others. A potential sticky point with states.)
Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action Ostrom, Elinor, Cambridge University Press, 1990 “
The most important book in the Twentieth Century .
Try to read it .
Andre Willers
29 Nov 2012
Synopsis :
Sea-going political entities .
Discussion :
An old idea , but nobody has managed to make it work .
You need Ostrum Principles to make it work . Otherwise you end up classified as pirates (see Chinese Pirate Fleets , platforms ,et al .)
You need something like a floating Hong Kong , using Ostrum Principles .
See Appendix I
I cannot give the rules , but can say that if you do not follow the Ostrum Principles you will fail .
Good Luck
Appendix I
Professional and Ostrum .
Andre Willers
25 Nov 2012
We analyse demands on the Professional’s attention using Ostrum Metarules .
Discussion :
The eight actual metarules are in Appendix I .A below . Humans do not have the capability of grasping or seeing them all at once , so we will have to do them item-by-item .
Can humans actually “grow”” to encompass all the 27 Rules necessary and Sufficient to describe the Universes ? . Not difficult at all . They then create new Universes , but make them more interesting by pinching boundaries .
1.The Common Resource is all the Information Demanding systems wanting a portion of the Professional’s attention .
2.Tragedy of the Commons variant .
Exploitation of the free information to the max , with attempts to inhibit certain channels . Doomed to failure . The resource is effectively infinite , because (A + ~A < Universum) . No constraint is possible in the long term .
Short term constraints are possible .
3.Network Theory :
“Small worlds” networks are the general human networks of pushing information . This simply means that most information is sent and handled by “close” nexi , but there are long-range neurons that carry information to other nexi (or mirror networks) .
4.First Pass on Overstimulation of Information :
Simply pass it on to onto the subsidiary networks , except for Amygdala Interrupts . (See Appendix II)
5. Second pass :
Correlations have been made at very low levels . Rethinks .
6. Third and n’th passes :
You get the drift . The system refines itself through feedback processes .
7.Predictive rewards :
This is where we get to the nitty-gritty of Ostrum Systems .
Any farming system , agricultural or not, foregoes present reward for future benefits . You have to get Oabout eight things right to make a living .
Thoe domain of dopamine-systems . Once you enter it , you cannot leave it .
8. Humans farm the noosphere the same as they farm the land . But that same pesky 8’th term disturbs things . The relationship to higher Beth(x) beings . The disturbance is built-in and unavoidable.
9. Osrtum managed to get 7/8 system rules independent of the observer . A significant accomplishment .
What does this mean ? Small scale systems can be predicted and manipulated .
10. This means you !
A Small thing , but my own .
Appendix I
The only Game in town .
The Ostrum Game
Andre Willers
30 Oct 2011
“One Game shall bind them all .” , ( with apologies to Tolkien)
“This time , we know for sure the grass is greener somewhere”
“A Revolution , any Revolution.”
Synopsis :
A Game for Grown-ups .
The Eight Ostrum Design Principles are Meta-rules that generate self-consistent sets of rules that encompasses competition , co-operation , catastrophe , hierarchies and other systems undreamt of , all between discrete , interacting , self-organising systems .
Your avatar can go from SecondLife to Simworld , to War Worlds , to any desired locale .
Reality becomes a subset .
Discussion :
1.An incredible amount of money can be made .While money still has some meaning .
Without too much work . See Para 8 in Appendix A
Each Game Company is a base nested institution .
They bind easily together , releasing a lot of energy and money .
Explosive Feedback Synergism .
A run-up to the Singularity .
2.Feedback between Games and Reality :
The Meta-rules make no differentiation between Game-characters and Real-characters .
Indeed , many Real-characters have been spun into Game-characters , and vice-versa .
Think Sherlock Holmes , MacGyver , Gauss , young Werther etc
See “mirror-neuron networks” , any soap opera , etc .
Real-life problems get treated the same way as Game problems . The more diverse and sophisticated the Game interactions become , the more effect on any real or Game system .
Eventually , they become undistinguishable as technology progresses .
3.The Grass is provably greener somewhere .
Long known as a wishful thinking fallacy , until Ostrum published the Design Principles in 1990 .
This was the trigger event of under-the-surface knowledge about Ostrum Rules building up .
Suddenly , it became possible .
A Phase-change in the noosphere occurred .
It meant that a Disaster of the Commons or an Empire was not inevitable . Grandchildren could survive .
Enormous tensions began surfacing . These effects are still playing out now .
A really , really major Hysterical Focus started forming , and is still intensifying .
Now , are you surprised that 1990 was the year of huge revolutions , when the USSR collapsed ?
The Ostrum Game beat the Ring of Power .
And you have not seen anything yet .
The pace of Revolutions is intensifying .
A good thing , if Homo wishes to escape extinction .
4.Automating Ostrum Rules :
They might be Meta-rules , but they are still rules .
We can certainly write programs that can serve to guide past most of the pitfalls and suggest alternatives .
5.Multicellular Bodies as Commons :
We can certainly analyze bodies in terms of Commons . The Dear Reader will find many interesting things if he does that .
Note the emphasis on communication .
Talk to your body . Aloud . And listen in the silences in between .
Create a virtual body and note the interactions .
Use the Ostrum Design principles .
6.Singularity :
It is immediately obvious that humans are then not limited to Real biochemical definitions of personality . The emphasis on communication means that personalities are distributed across Real and Game spaces . The Game space personality segments are only limited by internal non-contradictory rules . That can be done via Ostrum Design principles .
Not exactly instantaneous , but I can intuit that the time can be calculated . It would be less than real time .
The putative developing system would have ethical constraints on abandoning Real-part personalities under Ostrum Rules .
Told you it would be kindler , gentler .
7.Phase Change :
The system has already undergone an irrevocable phase change in 1990 .
You can fast-forward the rest .
8.Did Ostrum know what she was unleashing ?
The Revolutionary aspects , nearly certainly .
In her quiet way , she is one of the greatest Revolutionaries in Homo Sapiens history . Worthy of being called a Matriarch .
The Singularity aspect is more uncertain . She certainly knew that she unleashed major fairness , but the phase-change in the Noosphere I do not know .
Still , a tour-de-force .
How do feel like being a pet of your avatar ?
Andre .
Appendix A
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elinor_Ostrom
To quote from Wiki : (comments in brackets are my own ).
“ Ostrom identifies eight "design principles" of stable local common pool resource management:[10]
1. Clearly defined boundaries (effective exclusion of external un-entitled parties;
2. Rules regarding the appropriation and provision of common resources that are adapted to local conditions; (Equal sharing of debts and rewards)
3. Collective-choice arrangements that allow most resource appropriators to participate in the decision-making process; (Consensus decisions-no leveraged hierarchies)
4. Effective monitoring by monitors who are part of or accountable to the appropriators; (Policing)
5. A scale of graduated sanctions for resource appropriators who violate community rules; (Opportunity to learn from mistakes )
6. Mechanisms of conflict resolution that are cheap and of easy access; (Fair and Fast Justice . See how Inquisitorial Justice systems like Chinese , French or Sharia does it.)
7. Self-determination of the community recognized by higher-level authorities; (Autonomy within clearly defined levels . Something like a Federation.)
8. In the case of larger common-pool resources,organization in the form of multiple layers of nested enterprises, with small local CPRs at the base level. (Clear and quick relations with others. A potential sticky point with states.)
Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action Ostrom, Elinor, Cambridge University Press, 1990 “
The most important book in the Twentieth Century .
Try to read it .
Major new Carbon NanoTech Alert
Major new Carbon NanoTech Alert
Andre Willers
28 Nov 2012
A macroscopic way of making cheap nano-carbon fibres with amazing and very profitable properties
Discussion :
1.This is already being done on a large scale . See Appendix I
2.The macroprocess is simple and can basically be done in your kitchen . Expect large scale innovation as everybody gets into the act .
3.See the barrier properties and foaming in Appendix II .
This lends itself to hydrogen energy storage , safe NCC Zeppelins , etc
4.Doping the foam can give cheap desalination .
5.NCC has conductive properties . Much cheaper solar energy capture systems using more efficient chlorofil-type mechanisms are possible . This is important , since the basic raw material for NCC is cellulose (basically , plants) . For a closed , renewable cycle we need bubble trees , if need be extra-planetary .
Even now , we can think of designing a self-replicating bubble tree to populate the solar system . All you need is Carbon , Hydrogen , Oxygen , Nitrogen (CHON) and some trace elements .
6. Not to mention foldable screens for TV or PC’s ,
7.Global warming . Better worry about Global cooling . The industrial demand for carbon will lead to large scale CO2 mining . Buying cheap carbon futures (about 10 years) will bring major rewards .
8.The time-span of this technology ?
The forecast (see Appendix I) is about $600 Billion industry by 2020 (8 years from now ) .
I think this is too conservative .
9.Fracking and new gas fields.
If we add this into the mix , we see that the NCC and gas technologies complement each other to an uncanny degree . The gas storage NCC enables at room temperature due to it’s barrier to gas-transfer , makes for an easy adaptation from petroleum gas (petrol) to the new system . And as the gas systems peter out , mining the Earth’s atmosphere (CO2) or the Sun’s atmosphere (Protons , Carbon , etc could be done ) .
10.The biggest prize is Venus . Enough to make any industrialist drool . A readymade chemical reactor on planetary scale . All you have to do is channel the reactions . And now you have the tool (NCC) to exploit it to the max .
11.And the Singularity ?
This speeds it up . Foaming conducting surfaces makes a nice , easy topological transition from flat to multidimensional architectures . See Appendix III and other foam posts .
12. Economic Systems :
This is Real Wealth creation via technological innovation . It is not Zero-sum . It will create an enormous pulse of wealth , much bigger than the invention of the planter in 1700 AD
See Appendix IV what effect Jethro Tull’s little invention had on the world .
We can predict that within the next eight years the demand for metals of any description will drastically decline . Crash is a better word . Steel will be badly effected . NCC is stronger than steel , lighter and does not need high temperatures . Ditto for platinum , copper , aluminium , etc .
This is already happening to some degree , but the rush for the exit has not yet started .
13.The Big Crash
Suitable for number 13 . Enormous amounts of capital had been sunk into technologies to get materials that now can be obtained from the atmosphere or the ocean .
Quelle horreur ! The rich might have to work for a living . As for pensioners , who cares about them ?
14. The Ostrum Principles .
See Appendix V .
How to handle a Common Resource , especially if it as free as the air .
15. Futures .
The whole process will be accelerated by the charming human process of betting on Leveraged Futures , even though they have not the foggiest idea of what is going to happen . Reminds me of a second marriage : “The triumph of hope over experience”
16 An Interesting Aside :
I have not added 3-D printers into the mix . You can make nearly anything with NCC and a 3D printer
Where , oh where , are the artists that make 4D or 5D or nD printers ?
Things are rapidly going to become very interesting .
Have a look at https://www.google.co.za/search?q=ruins+of+detroit&hl=en&tbo=u&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ei=bn22UNKRIcrIhAf28oCIDA&sqi=2&ved=0CDAQsAQ&biw=1366&bih=643
It was a visceral shock to me to see brand names I grew up with at one with Nineveh .
Keep mobile
Appendix I
Why wood pulp is world's new wonder material
• Updated 11:23 24 August 2012 by Will Ferguson
• Magazine issue 2878. Subscribe and save
• For similar stories, visit the Nanotechnology Topic Guide
THE hottest new material in town is light, strong and conducts electricity. What's more, it's been around a long, long time.
Nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC), which is produced by processing wood pulp, is being hailed as the latest wonder material. Japan-based Pioneer Electronics is applying it to the next generation of flexible electronic displays. IBM is using it to create components for computers. Even the US army is getting in on the act, using it to make lightweight body armour and ballistic glass.
To ramp up production, the US opened its first NCC factory in Madison, Wisconsin, on 26 July, marking the rise of what the US National Science Foundation predicts will become a $600 billion industry by 2020.
So why all the fuss? Well, not only is NCC transparent but it is made from a tightly packed array of needle-like crystals which have a strength-to-weight ratio that is eight times better than stainless steel. Even better, it's incredibly cheap.
"It is the natural, renewable version of a carbon nanotube at a fraction of the price," says Jeff Youngblood of Purdue University's NanoForestry Institute in West Lafayette, Indiana.
The $1.7 million factory, which is owned by the US Forest Service, will produce two types of NCC: crystals and fibrils.
Production of NCC starts with "purified" wood, which has had compounds such as lignin and hemicellulose removed. It is then milled into a pulp and hydrolysed in acid to remove impurities before being separated and concentrated as crystals into a thick paste that can be applied to surfaces as a laminate or processed into strands, forming nanofibrils. These are hard, dense and tough, and can be forced into different shapes and sizes. When freeze-dried, the material is lightweight, absorbent and good at insulating.
"The beauty of this material is that it is so abundant we don't have to make it," says Youngblood. "We don't even have to use entire trees; nanocellulose is only 200 nanometres long. If we wanted we could use twigs and branches or even sawdust. We are turning waste into gold."
The US facility is the second pilot production plant for cellulose-based nanomaterials in the world. The much larger CelluForce facility opened in Montreal, Canada, in November 2011 and is now producing a tonne of NCC a day.
Theodore Wegner, assistant director of the US factory, says it will be producing NCC on a large scale. It will be sold at just several dollars a kilogram within a couple of years. He says it has taken this long to unlock the potential of NCC because the technology to explore its properties, such as electron scanning microscopes, only emerged in the last decade or so.
NCC will replace metal and plastic car parts and could make nonorganic plastics obsolete in the not-too-distant future, says Phil Jones, director of new ventures and disruptive technologies at the French mineral processing company IMERYS. "Anyone who makes a car or a plastic bag will want to get in on this," he says.
In addition, the human body can deal with cellulose safely, says Jones, so NCC is less dangerous to process than inorganic composites. "The worst thing that could happen is a paper cut," he says.
When this article was first posted, Jeff Youngblood was incorrectly quoted as saying that nanocellulose is 2 nanometres long. It also incorrectly stated that NCC material has eight times the tensile strength of stainless steel – this has now been corrected.
Appendix II
Some excerpts from Wikipedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nanocellulose, or microfibrillated cellulose (MFC), is a material composed of nanosized cellulose fibrils with a high aspect ratio (length to width ratio). Typical lateral dimensions are 5–20 nanometers and longitudinal dimension is in a wide range from 10s of nanometers to several microns. It is pseudo-plastic and exhibits the property of certain gels or fluids that are thick (viscous) under normal conditions, but flow (become thin, less viscous) over time when shaken, agitated, or otherwise stressed. This property is known as thixotropy. When the shearing forces are removed the gel regains much of its original state. The fibrils are isolated from any cellulose containing source including wood-based fibers (pulp fibers) through high-pressure, high temperature and high velocity impact homogenization (see manufacture below).
Nanocellulose can also be obtained from native fibers by an acid hydrolysis, giving rise to highly crystalline and rigid nanoparticles (generally referred to as nanowhiskers) which are shorter (100s to 1000 nanometers) than the nanofibrils obtained through the homogenization route. The resulting material is known as nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC).[1]
Mechanical properties
It has long been known that crystalline cellulose has interesting mechanical properties for use in material applications. The tensile strength of crystalline cellulose has been shown to be on the order of 500MPa, which is similar to aluminum's. Its stiffness has been shown to be in the order of 140–220 GPa, which is in the same size order as for instance Kevlar and is better than, for example, glass fibers, both fibers used commercially to reinforce plastics. Films made from nanocellulose have been shown to have high strength (over 200 MPa), high stiffness (around 20 GPa) and high strain (12%). Its strength/weight ratio is 8 times that of stainless steel.[7]
[edit]Barrier properties
In semi-crystalline polymers, the crystalline regions are considered to be gas impermeable. Due to relatively high crystallinity,[17] in combination with the ability of the nanofibers to form a dense network held together by strong inter-fibrillar bonds (high cohesive energy density), it has been suggested that nanocellulose might act as a barrier material.[16][19][20] Although the number of reported oxygen permeability values are limited, reports attribute high oxygen barrier properties to nanocellulose films. One study reported an oxygen permeability of 0.0006 (cm³ µm)/(m² day kPa) for a ca. 5 µm thin nanocellulose film at 23 °C and 0% RH.[19] In a related study, a more than 700-fold decrease in oxygen permeability of a polylactide (PLA) film when a nanocellulose layer was added to the PLA surface was reported.[16]
The influence of nanocellulose film density and porosity on film oxygen permeability has recently been explored.[21] Some authors have reported significant porosity in nanocellulose films,[22][23][24] which seems to be in contradiction with high oxygen barrier properties, whereas Aulin et al.[19] measured a nanocellulose film density close to density of crystalline cellulose (cellulose Iß crystal structure, 1.63 g/cm³)[25] indicating a very dense film with a porosity close to zero.
Changing the surface functionality of the cellulose nanoparticle can also affect the permeability of nanocellulose films. Films constituted of negatively charged cellulose nanowhiskers could effectively reduce permeation of negatively charged ions, while leaving neutral ions virtually unaffected. Positively charged ions were found to accumulate in the membrane.[26]
Nanocellulose can also be used to make aerogels/foams, either homogeneously or in composite formulations
Appendix III
If you are zero , you are a Zen hero .
The Inside of Zero .
Andre Willers
7 Aug 2009
Synopsis :
A system of 13 Diophantine equations with 26 unknowns are the necessary sufficient to describe Arith I systems relative to Arith II system , with a Degree of Complexity = 10 .
These are used to describe a mathematical vacuum , with some physical consequences .
Discussion :
See Appendix A , B , Recursive Theory .
See previous posts , where Arith I and Arith II systems were discussed in detail .
The problem lies in discussing Non-Aristotelian systems using Aristotelian concepts of delineation (ie True , not-True ) .
Infinity .
The alert reader would have noticed that most of the problems come from processes continued indefinitely , which is taken as infinity . But is it ? Kantor already proved that varieties of infinity exists . It immediately follows that the software-computer we call mathematics and logic needs some revision .
The works of Russell , Godel , Matiyasevich et al pointed out some further contradictions in the Aristotelian model .
Can a theorem be true only for Aleph0 but not for Aleph1 ?
This is analogous to the problems with parallel lines continuing "infinitely" , that led to non-Euclidean geometries .
Recursive Genesis .
The standard axioms of arithmetic needs only a tweak on one axiom to generate the necessary revisions .
Generate new numbers by adding 1 to any number a .
Arith II
The Standard Set (call it Arith II) states that a+1<>a , where a is a previous number . The number line does not loop back on itself .
Arith I
The number line can loop back on itself . A circular number-line is formed . In a certain sense , we are discussing the topology of circular number loops in a Arith II space and their relationships .
The metric has not been defined . The question then becomes :
How many Arith I systems (= ArithI(m) ) plus one ArithII system (we only need one ArithII) are necessary sufficient to describe this particular Universum ?
Rotational Translations (spin) .
This is actually moving from one dimension to another , regardless of the frame of reference . Every ArithI system then actually needs a spin indicator : ie , which way it is curving in an (n-1) dimensional space .
I draw your attention to the curious fact that the angle in 2-dim is 2pi , while in 3 dim it is 4pi . More of this anon .
The Degree :
The maximum exponent in an equation if you change all the variables into one variable . This is important because it indicates the number of dimensions we have to use to describe the equation . Do not confuse it with the number of variables .
Minimum Necessary Sufficient .
The Ball-Breaker . The description defines reality .
This has been called many things :
Principle of Least effort , time , distance ,
Entropy .
Occam's Razor .
Collapse of the wave-function .
Economy of effort , etc .
The trade-off :
Matiyasevich et al has shown that there is a relationship between the Degree and the Number of variables necessary to describe an item in an Universum using a related number of equations .
Boundaries :
The following relationships has been proved :
Degree = 4 , variables 58
Degree = 10 , variables = 26 , equations =13
Degree = 10^45 , variables = 10
Is there a minimum number number of degrees ?
I doubt very much whether a Degree lower than 4 will be found . See Physical significance below .
See previous posts .
Physical Significance .
"Everything that can be , will be . But not all at once ." AW
The Degree can be described as the number of dimensions . You will notice the correlation with string theory .
Sadly , a Theory of Everything is impossible . But we can creep up on it .
Delicious !
Degree = 10 , variables = 26 , equations =13 , Spin =2
The numbers 26 =2x13 , and spin =2 should be knocking at the jaded doors of your mind .
Cards .
A pack of 13x4 = 52 cards forms a very good analogue of the Mathematical Process of a Universum .
You can work out for yourself why humans have a good use for a very good analogue of the universe .
And the Jokers ?
Remember , the Joker can take on any value . A good decription of a trans-luminal , low-probability event .
The most popular string theory uses 10 dimensions .
And the rest of the Tarot pack ?
Remember , we are talking about necessary sufficient without straining human capabilities too much .
Prime Numbers :
A prime number is simply an ArithI system (in ArithII measurements) that cannot be chopped up .
A mathematical atom , relative to ArithII . The number we need is related to the number of variables .
It is like zero
The Inside of Zero .
Degree = 10 , variables = 26 , equations =13 , Spin =2
If we plug in 26 prime numbers into the Diophantine polynomial generational equation in AppendixA below (and there are an infinity to choose from) , we get 26 ArithI systems , which have a mathematical vacuum inside them . No numbers .
A very interesting place . Note that the resultant is also a prime atom . It is recursive . Only the spin remains free .
Like the inside of a singularity .
Physically , this will have some very interesting effects .
There are no quantum fluctuations inside zero . The metric does not exist , even at Planck level .
Super-conductivity :
Purely an effect of the number of atoms crowded together .
It does not matter which atoms . They just have to be in certain configurations . Hence the present confusion in the field .
Disintegration of matter
(cold-fusion or cold-fission) .
But observational systems really like conservation laws . Energy release can then be only through particle or EM means .
If the geometries are chosen correctly , we can constrain the output mainly to electron/proton or electron/EM .
Direct electrical energy from matter . Very good power generation in our Universum .
Quantum Epigenetics .
The patterns on the surface of zero are constrained by trans-luminal effects inside zero . The outside patterns dictate the quantum-fluctations , as well as trans-luminal and super-luminal effects from all over .
The spin of Zero will thus drag creation of quantum fluctuations around it . This will affect things not only on a small scale , but on a large scale as well . The Drags do not balance out .(cf Relativistic rotation drag)
This can actually easily be calculated in the standard way by wave functions and General Relativity .
Rotating around a point
Note that there is a difference between spin and a particle rotating about center .
This can be constrained by using the fact that angular radians in 2 dimensions is 2pi and in 3 dimensions is 4pi .
Physically , in our descriptions , it means the particle does not really know whether it is orbiting in 2 dimensions or is spread over a surface in 3 dimensions (cf h/2pi)) , but we can constrain the geometries (and do in our quantum devices !)
God's sense of humour .
Degree = 10 , variables = 26 , equations =13 , Spin =2
Each degree (ie dimension) can take on +1, 0, -1 spins . Thus 10^3 number of states .
(We do not worry about minimum necessary sufficient spins , only state what is .)
This gives a polynomial of 27 integers of degree 10 with a value of 3 spins . See Appendix A below .
The Fine structure constant of our universe is
1/alpha = h/2pi * c / e^2
=137.035 999 070 (98)
where h is Planck's Constant , c is lightspeed in vacuo (see above) and e is electron charge , all in dimensionless electrostatic units . The value is dimensionless (ie the same for any definition of units)
It shows the relationship between h (Plancks constant , which includes the definition of mass) , spin (the pi , but there has to be compensation for dimensional drifting between dim2 and dim3 as discussed above) , observational speed (c ) and electric charge (e) .
It means that spinning mass and charge are intimately related to the number of dimensions it has to rotate through .
So , it is no surprise to find that
Beta = (1/10 + 1/27) * 10^3
=1000*(0.1 + 0.037037037…)
= 137 . 037 037 …
The difference in the sixth decimal can be attributed to drag effects and dimensional compensations , which have not been taken into account .
Biological Epigenetics .
The same type of argument can be applied to biological cells and denizens of multicellular organism . While they might not rotate , they definitely do partially rotate to-and-fro .
Three magnetic fields at right angles to each other or twistor-EM waves will have definite biological effects .
Do not try this at home .
Does nothing matter ?
The Zero knows .
Andre .
Appendix A
From http://mathworld.wolfram/com/PrimeDiophantineEquations.html
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formula_for_Primes
Formula based on a system of Diophantine equations
A system of 14 Diophantine equations in 26 variables can be used to obtain a Diophantine representation of the set of all primes. Jones et al. (1976) proved that a given number k + 2 is prime if and only if the following system of 14 Diophantine equations has a solution in the natural numbers:
α0 = wz + h + j − q = 0
α1 = (gk + 2g + k + 1)(h + j) + h − z = 0
α2 = 16(k + 1)3(k + 2)(n + 1)2 + 1 − f2 = 0
α3 = 2n + p + q + z − e = 0
α4 = e3(e + 2)(a + 1)2 + 1 − o2 = 0
α5 = (a2 − 1)y2 + 1 − x2 = 0
α6 = 16r2y4(a2 − 1) + 1 − u2 = 0
α7 = n + l + v − y = 0
α8 = (a2 − 1)l2 + 1 − m2 = 0
α9 = ai + k + 1 − l − i = 0
α10 = ((a + u2(u2 − a))2 − 1)(n + 4dy)2 + 1 − (x + cu)2 = 0
α11 = p + l(a − n − 1) + b(2an + 2a − n2 − 2n − 2) − m = 0
α12 = q + y(a − p − 1) + s(2ap + 2a − p2 − 2p − 2) − x = 0
α13 = z + pl(a − p) + t(2ap − p2 − 1) − pm = 0
The 14 equations α0, …, α13 can be used to produce a prime-generating polynomial inequality in 26 variables:
ie: PrimeNumber = (k+2) ( 1- a0^2 - … a13^2) )
This is equal to the polynomial
(k + 2)(1 −
[wz + h + j − q]2 −
[(gk + 2g + k + 1)(h + j) + h − z]2 −
[16(k + 1)3(k + 2)(n + 1)2 + 1 − f2]2 −
[2n + p + q + z − e]2 −
[e3(e + 2)(a + 1)2 + 1 − o2]2 −
[(a2 − 1)y2 + 1 − x2]2 −
[16r2y4(a2 − 1) + 1 − u2]2 −
[n + l + v − y]2 −
[(a2 − 1)l2 + 1 − m2]2 −
[ai + k + 1 − l − i]2 −
[((a + u2(u2 − a))2 − 1)(n + 4dy)2 + 1 − (x + cu)2]2 −
[p + l(a − n − 1) + b(2an + 2a − n2 − 2n − 2) − m]2 −
[q + y(a − p − 1) + s(2ap + 2a − p2 − 2p − 2) − x]2 −
[z + pl(a − p) + t(2ap − p2 − 1) − pm]2)
> 0
is a polynomial inequality in 26 variables, and the set of prime numbers is identical to the set of positive values taken on by this polynomial inequality as the variables a, b, …, z range over the nonnegative integers.
In other words , we have a single Diophantine polynomial equation with 27 variables based on 14 sub-equations .
Eliminating one variable (n) as discussed above , leaves us with 26 variables based on 13 equations , but the Exponential Order (Degree) is unchanged .
A general theorem of Matiyasevich says that if a set is defined by a system of Diophantine equations, it can also be defined by a system of Diophantine equations in only 9 variables. Hence, there is a prime-generating polynomial as above with only 10 variables. However, its degree is large (in the order of 1045). On the other hand, there also exists such a set of equations of degree only 4, but in 58 variables (Jones 1982). Jones et al 1976 , Riesel 1994 p40
Appendix B
Diophantine set
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In mathematics, a Diophantine set of j -tuples of integers is a set S for which there is some polynomial with integer coefficients
f(n1, ..., nj, x1, ..., xk)
such that a tuple
(n1, ..., nj)
of integers is in S if and only if there exist some (non-negative) [1] integers
x1, ..., xk with
f(n1, ..., nj, x1, ..., xk) = 0.
Such a polynomial equation over the integers is called a Diophantine equation. In other words, a Diophantine set is a set of the form
where f is a polynomial function with integer coefficients. [2]
Matiyasevich's theorem, published in 1970, states that a set of integers is Diophantine if and only if it is recursively enumerable. A set S is recursively enumerable precisely if there is an algorithm that, when given an integer, eventually halts if that input is a member of S and otherwise runs forever. This means that the concept of general Diophantine set, apparently belonging to number theory, can be taken rather in logical or recursion-theoretic terms. This is far from obvious, however, and represented the culmination of some decades of work.
Matiyasevich's theorem effectively settled Hilbert's tenth problem. It implies that Hilbert's tenth problem is unsolvable. This problem is the challenge to find a general algorithm which can decide whether a given system of Diophantine equations has a solution among the integers. David Hilbert posed the problem in his celebrated list, from his 1900 address to the International Congress of Mathematicians.
• 1 Examples
• 2 Matiyasevich's theorem
o 2.1 Proof technique
• 3 Application to Hilbert's Tenth problem
o 3.1 Logical structure
o 3.2 Refinements
• 4 Further applications
• 5 Footnotes
• 6 References
• 7 External links
[edit] Examples
The well known Pell equation
X^2 – d(y +1)^2 = +- 1
is an example of a Diophantine equation with a parameter. As has long been known, the equation has a solution in the unknowns x,y precisely when the parameter d is 0 or not a perfect square. In the present context, one says that this equation provides a Diophantine definition of the set
consisting of 0 and the natural numbers that are not perfect squares. Other examples of Diophantine definitions are as follows:
• The equation a = (2x + 3)y defines the set of numbers that are not powers of 2.
• The equation a = (x + 2)(y + 2) defines the set of numbers that are not prime numbers.
• The equation a + x = b defines the set of pairs (a,b) such that (a<=b)
[edit] Matiyasevich's theorem
Matiyasevich's theorem says:
Every recursively enumerable set is Diophantine.
A set S of integers is recursively enumerable if there is an algorithm that behaves as follows: When given as input an integer n, if n is a member of S, then the algorithm eventually halts; otherwise it runs forever. That is equivalent to saying there is an algorithm that runs forever and lists the members of S. A set S is Diophantine precisely if there is some polynomial with integer coefficients f(n, x1, ..., xk) such that an integer n is in S if and only if there exist some integers x1, ..., xk such that f(n, x1, ..., xk) = 0.
It is not hard to see that every Diophantine set is recursively enumerable: consider a Diophantine equation f(n, x1, ..., xk) = 0. Now we make an algorithm which simply tries all possible values for n, x1, ..., xk, in the increasing order of the sum of their absolute values, and prints n every time f(n, x1, ..., xk) = 0. This algorithm will obviously run forever and will list exactly the n for which f(n, x1, ..., xk) = 0 has a solution in x1, ..., xk.
[edit] Proof technique
Yuri Matiyasevich utilized an ingenious trick involving Fibonacci numbers in order to show that solutions to Diophantine equations may grow exponentially. Earlier work by Julia Robinson, Martin Davis and Hilary Putnam had shown that this suffices to show that every recursively enumerable set is Diophantine.
[edit] Application to Hilbert's Tenth problem
Hilbert's tenth problem asks for a general algorithm deciding the solvability of Diophantine equations. The conjunction of Matiyasevich's theorem with a result discovered in the 1930s implies that a solution to Hilbert's tenth problem is impossible. The result discovered in the 1930s by several logicians can be stated by saying that some recursively enumerable sets are non-recursive. In this context, a set S of integers is called "recursive" if there is an algorithm that, when given as input an integer n, returns as output a correct yes-or-no answer to the question of whether n is a member of S. It follows that there are Diophantine equations which cannot be solved by any algorithm.
[edit] Logical structure
Here an argument taking exactly the form of an Aristotelian syllogism is of interest:
(Major premise): Some recursively enumerable sets are non-recursive.
(Minor premise): All recursively enumerable sets are Diophantine.
(Conclusion): Therefore some Diophantine sets are non-recursive.
The conclusion entails that Hilbert's 10th problem cannot be solved. The most difficult part of the argument is the proof of the minor premise, i.e. Matiyasevich's theorem, which itself is much stronger than the unsolvability of the Tenth Problem.
[edit] Refinements
Later work has shown that the question of solvability of a Diophantine equation is undecidable even if the equation only has 9 natural number variables (Matiyasevich, 1977) or 11 integer variables (Zhi Wei Sun, 1992).
[edit] Further applications
Matiyasevich's theorem has since been used to prove that many problems from calculus and differential equations are unsolvable.
One can also derive the following stronger form of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem from Matiyasevich's result:
Corresponding to any given consistent axiomatization of number theory,[3] one can explicitly construct a Diophantine equation which has no solutions, but such that this fact cannot be proved within the given axiomatization.
[edit] Footnotes
1. ^ The two definitions are equivalent. This can be proved using Lagrange's four-square theorem.
2. ^ Note that one can also use a simultaneous system of Diophantine equations to define a Diophantine set, because the system
f1 =0 , …,fk =0
is equivalent to the single equation
f1^2 + f2^2 + … + fk^ = 0
3. ^ More precisely, given a -formula representing the set of Gödel numbers of sentences which recursively axiomatize a consistent theory extending Robinson arithmetic.
[edit] References
• Yuri Matiyasevich. "Enumerable sets are Diophantine." Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 191, pp. 279-282, 1970. English translation in Soviet Mathematics. Doklady, vol. 11, no. 2, 1970.
• M. Davis. "Hilbert's Tenth Problem is Unsolvable." American Mathematical Monthly 80, pp. 233-269, 1973.
• Yuri Matiyasevich. Hilbert's 10th Problem Foreword by Martin Davis and Hilary Putnam, The MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-13295-8
• Zhi-Wei Sun, Reduction of unknowns in Diophantine representations, Sci. China Ser. A, 35:3 (1992), pp. 257–269.
[edit] External links
• Matiyasevich theorem on Scholarpedia.
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diophantine_set"
Categories: Diophantine equations | Hilbert's problems
Appendix IV
Written in Dec 2005 .
The crucial effects of one invention that was applied .
Jethro Tull – Super Hero
In 1701 an Englishman called Jethro Tull invented the seed drill . By quickly and reliably planting seeds at the optimal spacing and depth , this invention enabled about a fourfold increase in yield within one season .
This invention created the largest pulse of wealth in history . Bigger than the invention of fire . Bigger than the invention of agriculture . Bigger than the invention of the internal combustion engine or transistor .
It kick-started the Industrial Revolution .
The reasons:
Most wealth was agricultural.
The increase in wealth was within one season . Malthusian population growth would take about 2 to 3 generations to catch up . Imagine getting a 400% raise in your salary in one year without inflation . This was the effect . This pulse of wealth propagated onwards , giving leisure and incentive to inventors . (ref Baby Boomer Pulse)
The result was a pulse of wealth stimulating other individuals to make similar inventions . The Age of Reason was born . The problem was the massive increase in population made possible by the efficient mechanized systems .
The large number of surplus males and the means to support large armies led to the First Large War (Napoleontic) . This gave the Age of Reason a knock (Nationalism), but you could still state unpopular beliefs without being killed for it . The Second Large War (WWI) destroyed the Age of Reason and ushered in the ideologies (Communism , Marxism , Fascism , Capitalism ). If you stated an unpopular belief , you stood a good chance of being heavily penalized for it . The demise of ideologies collapsed the system back to Religious Fundamentalism , where you can be killed for stating an unpopular belief . The Age of Reason is finally dead . This is the state at circa 2006 AD .
The Age of Reason only lasted a century , but gave rise to our present wealth .
When evaluating ideas like that of Huebner ( see “Waiting for the lights to go out” in Sunday Times of Oct 16 2005 ) , it is important to remember that changes come in pulses . Things might seem to be going to hell in a hand-basket (cf horse-poop in New York circa 1890’s) , but discontinuities generate pulses of change and wealth . You might as well try to explain a transistor using Newtonian mechanics . In other words , analyzing pulses of change as simple statistics of numbers of people over time is garbage .
Is Reason a Good Thing ?
The human race is trembling on the brink of extinction because of the inability of reason to resolve the problem of population and competition .
Example: China
Twice China has limited expansion:
1 Destruction of exploration fleets in 15 th century : the result was Western domination 200 years later (not very long) .
2 One child families in the 20 th century . The Result was a pulse of wealth (as more resources was devoted to education of the lone children) , but their main competitor India is exceeding their population .
Reason (ie logic) has two major drawbacks :
1 The Universum (Venn) is unbounded . This has been proven rigorously in 1906 (Principia Mathematica by Whitehead and Russell) . This means that no theory of everything is possible . ( If you think you have a TOE , you can always define items outside the delineated boundary which , by definition , do not fit inside TOE.)
2 Chaos Theory shows that that even inside a deterministic system , time-sequence predictions are only possible with varying degrees of error (cf weather) . The number of near equipotential branches grow exponentially after a finite number of time units .
This means that the End Does Not Justify The Means .
At best , a prediction must have some sort of probability margins .
This argument is only valid if no time-travel is possible .
Is there hope?
Our present locale (the sidereal Universe) can be expressed as Locale I , defined by the principle that conservation laws are possible There are rules !. Seeing Locale I as delineated , means pockets of being (particles) , space , time and curvaceous space-time. But it is unstable iro non-conservation systems (defined as Locale II). Locale I is maintained artificially by Locale II .
Locale I is maintained primarily as a nursery (try bringing up kids where there are no rules!) , but also as a holiday (going primitive) and trading/warfare locale . This is because interactions can be enforced in Locale I (ie the rules:conservation of something) , whereas in Locale II you cannot force an interaction .
The above reasons work better if there is a lot of variety .Also , the usual reasons of humanity , looking after the planet , etc , etc do not apply except as insofar they illustrate a lesson . In other words , nobody is innocent except the children , and they get the lessons they need .
What does this mean ?
There will be a variety increase soon .
This can be
1. Massive depopulation (plague , eco)
2. Aliens in space
3. Aliens in time
4. Both (most likely : there is only one singularity per universe : the first contacts from the local viewpoint will be on most similar interfaces.)
Merry Christmas
The Alien.
Appendix V
How to avoid a Tragedy of the Commons .
Professional and Ostrum .
Andre Willers
25 Nov 2012
We analyse demands on the Professional’s attention using Ostrum Metarules .
Discussion :
The eight actual metarules are in Appendix I .A below . Humans do not have the capability of grasping or seeing them all at once , so we will have to do them item-by-item .
Can humans actually “grow”” to encompass all the 27 Rules necessary and Sufficient to describe the Universes ? . Not difficult at all . They then create new Universes , but make them more interesting by pinching boundaries .
1.The Common Resource is all the Information Demanding systems wanting a portion of the Professional’s attention .
2.Tragedy of the Commons variant .
Exploitation of the free information to the max , with attempts to inhibit certain channels . Doomed to failure . The resource is effectively infinite , because (A + ~A < Universum) . No constraint is possible in the long term .
Short term constraints are possible .
3.Network Theory :
“Small worlds” networks are the general human networks of pushing information . This simply means that most information is sent and handled by “close” nexi , but there are long-range neurons that carry information to other nexi (or mirror networks) .
4.First Pass on Overstimulation of Information :
Simply pass it on to onto the subsidiary networks , except for Amygdala Interrupts . (See Appendix II)
5. Second pass :
Correlations have been made at very low levels . Rethinks .
6. Third and n’th passes :
You get the drift . The system refines itself through feedback processes .
7.Predictive rewards :
This is where we get to the nitty-gritty of Ostrum Systems .
Any farming system , agricultural or not, foregoes present reward for future benefits . You have to get Oabout eight things right to make a living .
Thoe domain of dopamine-systems . Once you enter it , you cannot leave it .
8. Humans farm the noosphere the same as they farm the land . But that same pesky 8’th term disturbs things . The relationship to higher Beth(x) beings . The disturbance is built-in and unavoidable.
9. Osrtum managed to get 7/8 system rules independent of the observer . A significant accomplishment .
What does this mean ? Small scale systems can be predicted and manipulated .
10. This means you !
A Small thing , but my own .
Appendix I
The only Game in town .
The Ostrum Game
Andre Willers
30 Oct 2011
“One Game shall bind them all .” , ( with apologies to Tolkien)
“This time , we know for sure the grass is greener somewhere”
“A Revolution , any Revolution.”
Synopsis :
A Game for Grown-ups .
The Eight Ostrum Design Principles are Meta-rules that generate self-consistent sets of rules that encompasses competition , co-operation , catastrophe , hierarchies and other systems undreamt of , all between discrete , interacting , self-organising systems .
Your avatar can go from SecondLife to Simworld , to War Worlds , to any desired locale .
Reality becomes a subset .
Discussion :
1.An incredible amount of money can be made .While money still has some meaning .
Without too much work . See Para 8 in Appendix A
Each Game Company is a base nested institution .
They bind easily together , releasing a lot of energy and money .
Explosive Feedback Synergism .
A run-up to the Singularity .
2.Feedback between Games and Reality :
The Meta-rules make no differentiation between Game-characters and Real-characters .
Indeed , many Real-characters have been spun into Game-characters , and vice-versa .
Think Sherlock Holmes , MacGyver , Gauss , young Werther etc
See “mirror-neuron networks” , any soap opera , etc .
Real-life problems get treated the same way as Game problems . The more diverse and sophisticated the Game interactions become , the more effect on any real or Game system .
Eventually , they become undistinguishable as technology progresses .
3.The Grass is provably greener somewhere .
Long known as a wishful thinking fallacy , until Ostrum published the Design Principles in 1990 .
This was the trigger event of under-the-surface knowledge about Ostrum Rules building up .
Suddenly , it became possible .
A Phase-change in the noosphere occurred .
It meant that a Disaster of the Commons or an Empire was not inevitable . Grandchildren could survive .
Enormous tensions began surfacing . These effects are still playing out now .
A really , really major Hysterical Focus started forming , and is still intensifying .
Now , are you surprised that 1990 was the year of huge revolutions , when the USSR collapsed ?
The Ostrum Game beat the Ring of Power .
And you have not seen anything yet .
The pace of Revolutions is intensifying .
A good thing , if Homo wishes to escape extinction .
4.Automating Ostrum Rules :
They might be Meta-rules , but they are still rules .
We can certainly write programs that can serve to guide past most of the pitfalls and suggest alternatives .
5.Multicellular Bodies as Commons :
We can certainly analyze bodies in terms of Commons . The Dear Reader will find many interesting things if he does that .
Note the emphasis on communication .
Talk to your body . Aloud . And listen in the silences in between .
Create a virtual body and note the interactions .
Use the Ostrum Design principles .
6.Singularity :
It is immediately obvious that humans are then not limited to Real biochemical definitions of personality . The emphasis on communication means that personalities are distributed across Real and Game spaces . The Game space personality segments are only limited by internal non-contradictory rules . That can be done via Ostrum Design principles .
Not exactly instantaneous , but I can intuit that the time can be calculated . It would be less than real time .
The putative developing system would have ethical constraints on abandoning Real-part personalities under Ostrum Rules .
Told you it would be kindler , gentler .
7.Phase Change :
The system has already undergone an irrevocable phase change in 1990 .
You can fast-forward the rest .
8.Did Ostrum know what she was unleashing ?
The Revolutionary aspects , nearly certainly .
In her quiet way , she is one of the greatest Revolutionaries in Homo Sapiens history . Worthy of being called a Matriarch .
The Singularity aspect is more uncertain . She certainly knew that she unleashed major fairness , but the phase-change in the Noosphere I do not know .
Still , a tour-de-force .
How do feel like being a pet of your avatar ?
Andre .
Appendix A
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elinor_Ostrom
To quote from Wiki : (comments in brackets are my own ).
“ Ostrom identifies eight "design principles" of stable local common pool resource management:[10]
1. Clearly defined boundaries (effective exclusion of external un-entitled parties;
2. Rules regarding the appropriation and provision of common resources that are adapted to local conditions; (Equal sharing of debts and rewards)
3. Collective-choice arrangements that allow most resource appropriators to participate in the decision-making process; (Consensus decisions-no leveraged hierarchies)
4. Effective monitoring by monitors who are part of or accountable to the appropriators; (Policing)
5. A scale of graduated sanctions for resource appropriators who violate community rules; (Opportunity to learn from mistakes )
6. Mechanisms of conflict resolution that are cheap and of easy access; (Fair and Fast Justice . See how Inquisitorial Justice systems like Chinese , French or Sharia does it.)
7. Self-determination of the community recognized by higher-level authorities; (Autonomy within clearly defined levels . Something like a Federation.)
8. In the case of larger common-pool resources,organization in the form of multiple layers of nested enterprises, with small local CPRs at the base level. (Clear and quick relations with others. A potential sticky point with states.)
Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action Ostrom, Elinor, Cambridge University Press, 1990 “
The most important book in the Twentieth Century .
Try to read it .
Andre Willers
28 Nov 2012
A macroscopic way of making cheap nano-carbon fibres with amazing and very profitable properties
Discussion :
1.This is already being done on a large scale . See Appendix I
2.The macroprocess is simple and can basically be done in your kitchen . Expect large scale innovation as everybody gets into the act .
3.See the barrier properties and foaming in Appendix II .
This lends itself to hydrogen energy storage , safe NCC Zeppelins , etc
4.Doping the foam can give cheap desalination .
5.NCC has conductive properties . Much cheaper solar energy capture systems using more efficient chlorofil-type mechanisms are possible . This is important , since the basic raw material for NCC is cellulose (basically , plants) . For a closed , renewable cycle we need bubble trees , if need be extra-planetary .
Even now , we can think of designing a self-replicating bubble tree to populate the solar system . All you need is Carbon , Hydrogen , Oxygen , Nitrogen (CHON) and some trace elements .
6. Not to mention foldable screens for TV or PC’s ,
7.Global warming . Better worry about Global cooling . The industrial demand for carbon will lead to large scale CO2 mining . Buying cheap carbon futures (about 10 years) will bring major rewards .
8.The time-span of this technology ?
The forecast (see Appendix I) is about $600 Billion industry by 2020 (8 years from now ) .
I think this is too conservative .
9.Fracking and new gas fields.
If we add this into the mix , we see that the NCC and gas technologies complement each other to an uncanny degree . The gas storage NCC enables at room temperature due to it’s barrier to gas-transfer , makes for an easy adaptation from petroleum gas (petrol) to the new system . And as the gas systems peter out , mining the Earth’s atmosphere (CO2) or the Sun’s atmosphere (Protons , Carbon , etc could be done ) .
10.The biggest prize is Venus . Enough to make any industrialist drool . A readymade chemical reactor on planetary scale . All you have to do is channel the reactions . And now you have the tool (NCC) to exploit it to the max .
11.And the Singularity ?
This speeds it up . Foaming conducting surfaces makes a nice , easy topological transition from flat to multidimensional architectures . See Appendix III and other foam posts .
12. Economic Systems :
This is Real Wealth creation via technological innovation . It is not Zero-sum . It will create an enormous pulse of wealth , much bigger than the invention of the planter in 1700 AD
See Appendix IV what effect Jethro Tull’s little invention had on the world .
We can predict that within the next eight years the demand for metals of any description will drastically decline . Crash is a better word . Steel will be badly effected . NCC is stronger than steel , lighter and does not need high temperatures . Ditto for platinum , copper , aluminium , etc .
This is already happening to some degree , but the rush for the exit has not yet started .
13.The Big Crash
Suitable for number 13 . Enormous amounts of capital had been sunk into technologies to get materials that now can be obtained from the atmosphere or the ocean .
Quelle horreur ! The rich might have to work for a living . As for pensioners , who cares about them ?
14. The Ostrum Principles .
See Appendix V .
How to handle a Common Resource , especially if it as free as the air .
15. Futures .
The whole process will be accelerated by the charming human process of betting on Leveraged Futures , even though they have not the foggiest idea of what is going to happen . Reminds me of a second marriage : “The triumph of hope over experience”
16 An Interesting Aside :
I have not added 3-D printers into the mix . You can make nearly anything with NCC and a 3D printer
Where , oh where , are the artists that make 4D or 5D or nD printers ?
Things are rapidly going to become very interesting .
Have a look at https://www.google.co.za/search?q=ruins+of+detroit&hl=en&tbo=u&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ei=bn22UNKRIcrIhAf28oCIDA&sqi=2&ved=0CDAQsAQ&biw=1366&bih=643
It was a visceral shock to me to see brand names I grew up with at one with Nineveh .
Keep mobile
Appendix I
Why wood pulp is world's new wonder material
• Updated 11:23 24 August 2012 by Will Ferguson
• Magazine issue 2878. Subscribe and save
• For similar stories, visit the Nanotechnology Topic Guide
THE hottest new material in town is light, strong and conducts electricity. What's more, it's been around a long, long time.
Nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC), which is produced by processing wood pulp, is being hailed as the latest wonder material. Japan-based Pioneer Electronics is applying it to the next generation of flexible electronic displays. IBM is using it to create components for computers. Even the US army is getting in on the act, using it to make lightweight body armour and ballistic glass.
To ramp up production, the US opened its first NCC factory in Madison, Wisconsin, on 26 July, marking the rise of what the US National Science Foundation predicts will become a $600 billion industry by 2020.
So why all the fuss? Well, not only is NCC transparent but it is made from a tightly packed array of needle-like crystals which have a strength-to-weight ratio that is eight times better than stainless steel. Even better, it's incredibly cheap.
"It is the natural, renewable version of a carbon nanotube at a fraction of the price," says Jeff Youngblood of Purdue University's NanoForestry Institute in West Lafayette, Indiana.
The $1.7 million factory, which is owned by the US Forest Service, will produce two types of NCC: crystals and fibrils.
Production of NCC starts with "purified" wood, which has had compounds such as lignin and hemicellulose removed. It is then milled into a pulp and hydrolysed in acid to remove impurities before being separated and concentrated as crystals into a thick paste that can be applied to surfaces as a laminate or processed into strands, forming nanofibrils. These are hard, dense and tough, and can be forced into different shapes and sizes. When freeze-dried, the material is lightweight, absorbent and good at insulating.
"The beauty of this material is that it is so abundant we don't have to make it," says Youngblood. "We don't even have to use entire trees; nanocellulose is only 200 nanometres long. If we wanted we could use twigs and branches or even sawdust. We are turning waste into gold."
The US facility is the second pilot production plant for cellulose-based nanomaterials in the world. The much larger CelluForce facility opened in Montreal, Canada, in November 2011 and is now producing a tonne of NCC a day.
Theodore Wegner, assistant director of the US factory, says it will be producing NCC on a large scale. It will be sold at just several dollars a kilogram within a couple of years. He says it has taken this long to unlock the potential of NCC because the technology to explore its properties, such as electron scanning microscopes, only emerged in the last decade or so.
NCC will replace metal and plastic car parts and could make nonorganic plastics obsolete in the not-too-distant future, says Phil Jones, director of new ventures and disruptive technologies at the French mineral processing company IMERYS. "Anyone who makes a car or a plastic bag will want to get in on this," he says.
In addition, the human body can deal with cellulose safely, says Jones, so NCC is less dangerous to process than inorganic composites. "The worst thing that could happen is a paper cut," he says.
When this article was first posted, Jeff Youngblood was incorrectly quoted as saying that nanocellulose is 2 nanometres long. It also incorrectly stated that NCC material has eight times the tensile strength of stainless steel – this has now been corrected.
Appendix II
Some excerpts from Wikipedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nanocellulose, or microfibrillated cellulose (MFC), is a material composed of nanosized cellulose fibrils with a high aspect ratio (length to width ratio). Typical lateral dimensions are 5–20 nanometers and longitudinal dimension is in a wide range from 10s of nanometers to several microns. It is pseudo-plastic and exhibits the property of certain gels or fluids that are thick (viscous) under normal conditions, but flow (become thin, less viscous) over time when shaken, agitated, or otherwise stressed. This property is known as thixotropy. When the shearing forces are removed the gel regains much of its original state. The fibrils are isolated from any cellulose containing source including wood-based fibers (pulp fibers) through high-pressure, high temperature and high velocity impact homogenization (see manufacture below).
Nanocellulose can also be obtained from native fibers by an acid hydrolysis, giving rise to highly crystalline and rigid nanoparticles (generally referred to as nanowhiskers) which are shorter (100s to 1000 nanometers) than the nanofibrils obtained through the homogenization route. The resulting material is known as nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC).[1]
Mechanical properties
It has long been known that crystalline cellulose has interesting mechanical properties for use in material applications. The tensile strength of crystalline cellulose has been shown to be on the order of 500MPa, which is similar to aluminum's. Its stiffness has been shown to be in the order of 140–220 GPa, which is in the same size order as for instance Kevlar and is better than, for example, glass fibers, both fibers used commercially to reinforce plastics. Films made from nanocellulose have been shown to have high strength (over 200 MPa), high stiffness (around 20 GPa) and high strain (12%). Its strength/weight ratio is 8 times that of stainless steel.[7]
[edit]Barrier properties
In semi-crystalline polymers, the crystalline regions are considered to be gas impermeable. Due to relatively high crystallinity,[17] in combination with the ability of the nanofibers to form a dense network held together by strong inter-fibrillar bonds (high cohesive energy density), it has been suggested that nanocellulose might act as a barrier material.[16][19][20] Although the number of reported oxygen permeability values are limited, reports attribute high oxygen barrier properties to nanocellulose films. One study reported an oxygen permeability of 0.0006 (cm³ µm)/(m² day kPa) for a ca. 5 µm thin nanocellulose film at 23 °C and 0% RH.[19] In a related study, a more than 700-fold decrease in oxygen permeability of a polylactide (PLA) film when a nanocellulose layer was added to the PLA surface was reported.[16]
The influence of nanocellulose film density and porosity on film oxygen permeability has recently been explored.[21] Some authors have reported significant porosity in nanocellulose films,[22][23][24] which seems to be in contradiction with high oxygen barrier properties, whereas Aulin et al.[19] measured a nanocellulose film density close to density of crystalline cellulose (cellulose Iß crystal structure, 1.63 g/cm³)[25] indicating a very dense film with a porosity close to zero.
Changing the surface functionality of the cellulose nanoparticle can also affect the permeability of nanocellulose films. Films constituted of negatively charged cellulose nanowhiskers could effectively reduce permeation of negatively charged ions, while leaving neutral ions virtually unaffected. Positively charged ions were found to accumulate in the membrane.[26]
Nanocellulose can also be used to make aerogels/foams, either homogeneously or in composite formulations
Appendix III
If you are zero , you are a Zen hero .
The Inside of Zero .
Andre Willers
7 Aug 2009
Synopsis :
A system of 13 Diophantine equations with 26 unknowns are the necessary sufficient to describe Arith I systems relative to Arith II system , with a Degree of Complexity = 10 .
These are used to describe a mathematical vacuum , with some physical consequences .
Discussion :
See Appendix A , B , Recursive Theory .
See previous posts , where Arith I and Arith II systems were discussed in detail .
The problem lies in discussing Non-Aristotelian systems using Aristotelian concepts of delineation (ie True , not-True ) .
Infinity .
The alert reader would have noticed that most of the problems come from processes continued indefinitely , which is taken as infinity . But is it ? Kantor already proved that varieties of infinity exists . It immediately follows that the software-computer we call mathematics and logic needs some revision .
The works of Russell , Godel , Matiyasevich et al pointed out some further contradictions in the Aristotelian model .
Can a theorem be true only for Aleph0 but not for Aleph1 ?
This is analogous to the problems with parallel lines continuing "infinitely" , that led to non-Euclidean geometries .
Recursive Genesis .
The standard axioms of arithmetic needs only a tweak on one axiom to generate the necessary revisions .
Generate new numbers by adding 1 to any number a .
Arith II
The Standard Set (call it Arith II) states that a+1<>a , where a is a previous number . The number line does not loop back on itself .
Arith I
The number line can loop back on itself . A circular number-line is formed . In a certain sense , we are discussing the topology of circular number loops in a Arith II space and their relationships .
The metric has not been defined . The question then becomes :
How many Arith I systems (= ArithI(m) ) plus one ArithII system (we only need one ArithII) are necessary sufficient to describe this particular Universum ?
Rotational Translations (spin) .
This is actually moving from one dimension to another , regardless of the frame of reference . Every ArithI system then actually needs a spin indicator : ie , which way it is curving in an (n-1) dimensional space .
I draw your attention to the curious fact that the angle in 2-dim is 2pi , while in 3 dim it is 4pi . More of this anon .
The Degree :
The maximum exponent in an equation if you change all the variables into one variable . This is important because it indicates the number of dimensions we have to use to describe the equation . Do not confuse it with the number of variables .
Minimum Necessary Sufficient .
The Ball-Breaker . The description defines reality .
This has been called many things :
Principle of Least effort , time , distance ,
Entropy .
Occam's Razor .
Collapse of the wave-function .
Economy of effort , etc .
The trade-off :
Matiyasevich et al has shown that there is a relationship between the Degree and the Number of variables necessary to describe an item in an Universum using a related number of equations .
Boundaries :
The following relationships has been proved :
Degree = 4 , variables 58
Degree = 10 , variables = 26 , equations =13
Degree = 10^45 , variables = 10
Is there a minimum number number of degrees ?
I doubt very much whether a Degree lower than 4 will be found . See Physical significance below .
See previous posts .
Physical Significance .
"Everything that can be , will be . But not all at once ." AW
The Degree can be described as the number of dimensions . You will notice the correlation with string theory .
Sadly , a Theory of Everything is impossible . But we can creep up on it .
Delicious !
Degree = 10 , variables = 26 , equations =13 , Spin =2
The numbers 26 =2x13 , and spin =2 should be knocking at the jaded doors of your mind .
Cards .
A pack of 13x4 = 52 cards forms a very good analogue of the Mathematical Process of a Universum .
You can work out for yourself why humans have a good use for a very good analogue of the universe .
And the Jokers ?
Remember , the Joker can take on any value . A good decription of a trans-luminal , low-probability event .
The most popular string theory uses 10 dimensions .
And the rest of the Tarot pack ?
Remember , we are talking about necessary sufficient without straining human capabilities too much .
Prime Numbers :
A prime number is simply an ArithI system (in ArithII measurements) that cannot be chopped up .
A mathematical atom , relative to ArithII . The number we need is related to the number of variables .
It is like zero
The Inside of Zero .
Degree = 10 , variables = 26 , equations =13 , Spin =2
If we plug in 26 prime numbers into the Diophantine polynomial generational equation in AppendixA below (and there are an infinity to choose from) , we get 26 ArithI systems , which have a mathematical vacuum inside them . No numbers .
A very interesting place . Note that the resultant is also a prime atom . It is recursive . Only the spin remains free .
Like the inside of a singularity .
Physically , this will have some very interesting effects .
There are no quantum fluctuations inside zero . The metric does not exist , even at Planck level .
Super-conductivity :
Purely an effect of the number of atoms crowded together .
It does not matter which atoms . They just have to be in certain configurations . Hence the present confusion in the field .
Disintegration of matter
(cold-fusion or cold-fission) .
But observational systems really like conservation laws . Energy release can then be only through particle or EM means .
If the geometries are chosen correctly , we can constrain the output mainly to electron/proton or electron/EM .
Direct electrical energy from matter . Very good power generation in our Universum .
Quantum Epigenetics .
The patterns on the surface of zero are constrained by trans-luminal effects inside zero . The outside patterns dictate the quantum-fluctations , as well as trans-luminal and super-luminal effects from all over .
The spin of Zero will thus drag creation of quantum fluctuations around it . This will affect things not only on a small scale , but on a large scale as well . The Drags do not balance out .(cf Relativistic rotation drag)
This can actually easily be calculated in the standard way by wave functions and General Relativity .
Rotating around a point
Note that there is a difference between spin and a particle rotating about center .
This can be constrained by using the fact that angular radians in 2 dimensions is 2pi and in 3 dimensions is 4pi .
Physically , in our descriptions , it means the particle does not really know whether it is orbiting in 2 dimensions or is spread over a surface in 3 dimensions (cf h/2pi)) , but we can constrain the geometries (and do in our quantum devices !)
God's sense of humour .
Degree = 10 , variables = 26 , equations =13 , Spin =2
Each degree (ie dimension) can take on +1, 0, -1 spins . Thus 10^3 number of states .
(We do not worry about minimum necessary sufficient spins , only state what is .)
This gives a polynomial of 27 integers of degree 10 with a value of 3 spins . See Appendix A below .
The Fine structure constant of our universe is
1/alpha = h/2pi * c / e^2
=137.035 999 070 (98)
where h is Planck's Constant , c is lightspeed in vacuo (see above) and e is electron charge , all in dimensionless electrostatic units . The value is dimensionless (ie the same for any definition of units)
It shows the relationship between h (Plancks constant , which includes the definition of mass) , spin (the pi , but there has to be compensation for dimensional drifting between dim2 and dim3 as discussed above) , observational speed (c ) and electric charge (e) .
It means that spinning mass and charge are intimately related to the number of dimensions it has to rotate through .
So , it is no surprise to find that
Beta = (1/10 + 1/27) * 10^3
=1000*(0.1 + 0.037037037…)
= 137 . 037 037 …
The difference in the sixth decimal can be attributed to drag effects and dimensional compensations , which have not been taken into account .
Biological Epigenetics .
The same type of argument can be applied to biological cells and denizens of multicellular organism . While they might not rotate , they definitely do partially rotate to-and-fro .
Three magnetic fields at right angles to each other or twistor-EM waves will have definite biological effects .
Do not try this at home .
Does nothing matter ?
The Zero knows .
Andre .
Appendix A
From http://mathworld.wolfram/com/PrimeDiophantineEquations.html
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formula_for_Primes
Formula based on a system of Diophantine equations
A system of 14 Diophantine equations in 26 variables can be used to obtain a Diophantine representation of the set of all primes. Jones et al. (1976) proved that a given number k + 2 is prime if and only if the following system of 14 Diophantine equations has a solution in the natural numbers:
α0 = wz + h + j − q = 0
α1 = (gk + 2g + k + 1)(h + j) + h − z = 0
α2 = 16(k + 1)3(k + 2)(n + 1)2 + 1 − f2 = 0
α3 = 2n + p + q + z − e = 0
α4 = e3(e + 2)(a + 1)2 + 1 − o2 = 0
α5 = (a2 − 1)y2 + 1 − x2 = 0
α6 = 16r2y4(a2 − 1) + 1 − u2 = 0
α7 = n + l + v − y = 0
α8 = (a2 − 1)l2 + 1 − m2 = 0
α9 = ai + k + 1 − l − i = 0
α10 = ((a + u2(u2 − a))2 − 1)(n + 4dy)2 + 1 − (x + cu)2 = 0
α11 = p + l(a − n − 1) + b(2an + 2a − n2 − 2n − 2) − m = 0
α12 = q + y(a − p − 1) + s(2ap + 2a − p2 − 2p − 2) − x = 0
α13 = z + pl(a − p) + t(2ap − p2 − 1) − pm = 0
The 14 equations α0, …, α13 can be used to produce a prime-generating polynomial inequality in 26 variables:
ie: PrimeNumber = (k+2) ( 1- a0^2 - … a13^2) )
This is equal to the polynomial
(k + 2)(1 −
[wz + h + j − q]2 −
[(gk + 2g + k + 1)(h + j) + h − z]2 −
[16(k + 1)3(k + 2)(n + 1)2 + 1 − f2]2 −
[2n + p + q + z − e]2 −
[e3(e + 2)(a + 1)2 + 1 − o2]2 −
[(a2 − 1)y2 + 1 − x2]2 −
[16r2y4(a2 − 1) + 1 − u2]2 −
[n + l + v − y]2 −
[(a2 − 1)l2 + 1 − m2]2 −
[ai + k + 1 − l − i]2 −
[((a + u2(u2 − a))2 − 1)(n + 4dy)2 + 1 − (x + cu)2]2 −
[p + l(a − n − 1) + b(2an + 2a − n2 − 2n − 2) − m]2 −
[q + y(a − p − 1) + s(2ap + 2a − p2 − 2p − 2) − x]2 −
[z + pl(a − p) + t(2ap − p2 − 1) − pm]2)
> 0
is a polynomial inequality in 26 variables, and the set of prime numbers is identical to the set of positive values taken on by this polynomial inequality as the variables a, b, …, z range over the nonnegative integers.
In other words , we have a single Diophantine polynomial equation with 27 variables based on 14 sub-equations .
Eliminating one variable (n) as discussed above , leaves us with 26 variables based on 13 equations , but the Exponential Order (Degree) is unchanged .
A general theorem of Matiyasevich says that if a set is defined by a system of Diophantine equations, it can also be defined by a system of Diophantine equations in only 9 variables. Hence, there is a prime-generating polynomial as above with only 10 variables. However, its degree is large (in the order of 1045). On the other hand, there also exists such a set of equations of degree only 4, but in 58 variables (Jones 1982). Jones et al 1976 , Riesel 1994 p40
Appendix B
Diophantine set
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In mathematics, a Diophantine set of j -tuples of integers is a set S for which there is some polynomial with integer coefficients
f(n1, ..., nj, x1, ..., xk)
such that a tuple
(n1, ..., nj)
of integers is in S if and only if there exist some (non-negative) [1] integers
x1, ..., xk with
f(n1, ..., nj, x1, ..., xk) = 0.
Such a polynomial equation over the integers is called a Diophantine equation. In other words, a Diophantine set is a set of the form
where f is a polynomial function with integer coefficients. [2]
Matiyasevich's theorem, published in 1970, states that a set of integers is Diophantine if and only if it is recursively enumerable. A set S is recursively enumerable precisely if there is an algorithm that, when given an integer, eventually halts if that input is a member of S and otherwise runs forever. This means that the concept of general Diophantine set, apparently belonging to number theory, can be taken rather in logical or recursion-theoretic terms. This is far from obvious, however, and represented the culmination of some decades of work.
Matiyasevich's theorem effectively settled Hilbert's tenth problem. It implies that Hilbert's tenth problem is unsolvable. This problem is the challenge to find a general algorithm which can decide whether a given system of Diophantine equations has a solution among the integers. David Hilbert posed the problem in his celebrated list, from his 1900 address to the International Congress of Mathematicians.
• 1 Examples
• 2 Matiyasevich's theorem
o 2.1 Proof technique
• 3 Application to Hilbert's Tenth problem
o 3.1 Logical structure
o 3.2 Refinements
• 4 Further applications
• 5 Footnotes
• 6 References
• 7 External links
[edit] Examples
The well known Pell equation
X^2 – d(y +1)^2 = +- 1
is an example of a Diophantine equation with a parameter. As has long been known, the equation has a solution in the unknowns x,y precisely when the parameter d is 0 or not a perfect square. In the present context, one says that this equation provides a Diophantine definition of the set
consisting of 0 and the natural numbers that are not perfect squares. Other examples of Diophantine definitions are as follows:
• The equation a = (2x + 3)y defines the set of numbers that are not powers of 2.
• The equation a = (x + 2)(y + 2) defines the set of numbers that are not prime numbers.
• The equation a + x = b defines the set of pairs (a,b) such that (a<=b)
[edit] Matiyasevich's theorem
Matiyasevich's theorem says:
Every recursively enumerable set is Diophantine.
A set S of integers is recursively enumerable if there is an algorithm that behaves as follows: When given as input an integer n, if n is a member of S, then the algorithm eventually halts; otherwise it runs forever. That is equivalent to saying there is an algorithm that runs forever and lists the members of S. A set S is Diophantine precisely if there is some polynomial with integer coefficients f(n, x1, ..., xk) such that an integer n is in S if and only if there exist some integers x1, ..., xk such that f(n, x1, ..., xk) = 0.
It is not hard to see that every Diophantine set is recursively enumerable: consider a Diophantine equation f(n, x1, ..., xk) = 0. Now we make an algorithm which simply tries all possible values for n, x1, ..., xk, in the increasing order of the sum of their absolute values, and prints n every time f(n, x1, ..., xk) = 0. This algorithm will obviously run forever and will list exactly the n for which f(n, x1, ..., xk) = 0 has a solution in x1, ..., xk.
[edit] Proof technique
Yuri Matiyasevich utilized an ingenious trick involving Fibonacci numbers in order to show that solutions to Diophantine equations may grow exponentially. Earlier work by Julia Robinson, Martin Davis and Hilary Putnam had shown that this suffices to show that every recursively enumerable set is Diophantine.
[edit] Application to Hilbert's Tenth problem
Hilbert's tenth problem asks for a general algorithm deciding the solvability of Diophantine equations. The conjunction of Matiyasevich's theorem with a result discovered in the 1930s implies that a solution to Hilbert's tenth problem is impossible. The result discovered in the 1930s by several logicians can be stated by saying that some recursively enumerable sets are non-recursive. In this context, a set S of integers is called "recursive" if there is an algorithm that, when given as input an integer n, returns as output a correct yes-or-no answer to the question of whether n is a member of S. It follows that there are Diophantine equations which cannot be solved by any algorithm.
[edit] Logical structure
Here an argument taking exactly the form of an Aristotelian syllogism is of interest:
(Major premise): Some recursively enumerable sets are non-recursive.
(Minor premise): All recursively enumerable sets are Diophantine.
(Conclusion): Therefore some Diophantine sets are non-recursive.
The conclusion entails that Hilbert's 10th problem cannot be solved. The most difficult part of the argument is the proof of the minor premise, i.e. Matiyasevich's theorem, which itself is much stronger than the unsolvability of the Tenth Problem.
[edit] Refinements
Later work has shown that the question of solvability of a Diophantine equation is undecidable even if the equation only has 9 natural number variables (Matiyasevich, 1977) or 11 integer variables (Zhi Wei Sun, 1992).
[edit] Further applications
Matiyasevich's theorem has since been used to prove that many problems from calculus and differential equations are unsolvable.
One can also derive the following stronger form of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem from Matiyasevich's result:
Corresponding to any given consistent axiomatization of number theory,[3] one can explicitly construct a Diophantine equation which has no solutions, but such that this fact cannot be proved within the given axiomatization.
[edit] Footnotes
1. ^ The two definitions are equivalent. This can be proved using Lagrange's four-square theorem.
2. ^ Note that one can also use a simultaneous system of Diophantine equations to define a Diophantine set, because the system
f1 =0 , …,fk =0
is equivalent to the single equation
f1^2 + f2^2 + … + fk^ = 0
3. ^ More precisely, given a -formula representing the set of Gödel numbers of sentences which recursively axiomatize a consistent theory extending Robinson arithmetic.
[edit] References
• Yuri Matiyasevich. "Enumerable sets are Diophantine." Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 191, pp. 279-282, 1970. English translation in Soviet Mathematics. Doklady, vol. 11, no. 2, 1970.
• M. Davis. "Hilbert's Tenth Problem is Unsolvable." American Mathematical Monthly 80, pp. 233-269, 1973.
• Yuri Matiyasevich. Hilbert's 10th Problem Foreword by Martin Davis and Hilary Putnam, The MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-13295-8
• Zhi-Wei Sun, Reduction of unknowns in Diophantine representations, Sci. China Ser. A, 35:3 (1992), pp. 257–269.
[edit] External links
• Matiyasevich theorem on Scholarpedia.
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diophantine_set"
Categories: Diophantine equations | Hilbert's problems
Appendix IV
Written in Dec 2005 .
The crucial effects of one invention that was applied .
Jethro Tull – Super Hero
In 1701 an Englishman called Jethro Tull invented the seed drill . By quickly and reliably planting seeds at the optimal spacing and depth , this invention enabled about a fourfold increase in yield within one season .
This invention created the largest pulse of wealth in history . Bigger than the invention of fire . Bigger than the invention of agriculture . Bigger than the invention of the internal combustion engine or transistor .
It kick-started the Industrial Revolution .
The reasons:
Most wealth was agricultural.
The increase in wealth was within one season . Malthusian population growth would take about 2 to 3 generations to catch up . Imagine getting a 400% raise in your salary in one year without inflation . This was the effect . This pulse of wealth propagated onwards , giving leisure and incentive to inventors . (ref Baby Boomer Pulse)
The result was a pulse of wealth stimulating other individuals to make similar inventions . The Age of Reason was born . The problem was the massive increase in population made possible by the efficient mechanized systems .
The large number of surplus males and the means to support large armies led to the First Large War (Napoleontic) . This gave the Age of Reason a knock (Nationalism), but you could still state unpopular beliefs without being killed for it . The Second Large War (WWI) destroyed the Age of Reason and ushered in the ideologies (Communism , Marxism , Fascism , Capitalism ). If you stated an unpopular belief , you stood a good chance of being heavily penalized for it . The demise of ideologies collapsed the system back to Religious Fundamentalism , where you can be killed for stating an unpopular belief . The Age of Reason is finally dead . This is the state at circa 2006 AD .
The Age of Reason only lasted a century , but gave rise to our present wealth .
When evaluating ideas like that of Huebner ( see “Waiting for the lights to go out” in Sunday Times of Oct 16 2005 ) , it is important to remember that changes come in pulses . Things might seem to be going to hell in a hand-basket (cf horse-poop in New York circa 1890’s) , but discontinuities generate pulses of change and wealth . You might as well try to explain a transistor using Newtonian mechanics . In other words , analyzing pulses of change as simple statistics of numbers of people over time is garbage .
Is Reason a Good Thing ?
The human race is trembling on the brink of extinction because of the inability of reason to resolve the problem of population and competition .
Example: China
Twice China has limited expansion:
1 Destruction of exploration fleets in 15 th century : the result was Western domination 200 years later (not very long) .
2 One child families in the 20 th century . The Result was a pulse of wealth (as more resources was devoted to education of the lone children) , but their main competitor India is exceeding their population .
Reason (ie logic) has two major drawbacks :
1 The Universum (Venn) is unbounded . This has been proven rigorously in 1906 (Principia Mathematica by Whitehead and Russell) . This means that no theory of everything is possible . ( If you think you have a TOE , you can always define items outside the delineated boundary which , by definition , do not fit inside TOE.)
2 Chaos Theory shows that that even inside a deterministic system , time-sequence predictions are only possible with varying degrees of error (cf weather) . The number of near equipotential branches grow exponentially after a finite number of time units .
This means that the End Does Not Justify The Means .
At best , a prediction must have some sort of probability margins .
This argument is only valid if no time-travel is possible .
Is there hope?
Our present locale (the sidereal Universe) can be expressed as Locale I , defined by the principle that conservation laws are possible There are rules !. Seeing Locale I as delineated , means pockets of being (particles) , space , time and curvaceous space-time. But it is unstable iro non-conservation systems (defined as Locale II). Locale I is maintained artificially by Locale II .
Locale I is maintained primarily as a nursery (try bringing up kids where there are no rules!) , but also as a holiday (going primitive) and trading/warfare locale . This is because interactions can be enforced in Locale I (ie the rules:conservation of something) , whereas in Locale II you cannot force an interaction .
The above reasons work better if there is a lot of variety .Also , the usual reasons of humanity , looking after the planet , etc , etc do not apply except as insofar they illustrate a lesson . In other words , nobody is innocent except the children , and they get the lessons they need .
What does this mean ?
There will be a variety increase soon .
This can be
1. Massive depopulation (plague , eco)
2. Aliens in space
3. Aliens in time
4. Both (most likely : there is only one singularity per universe : the first contacts from the local viewpoint will be on most similar interfaces.)
Merry Christmas
The Alien.
Appendix V
How to avoid a Tragedy of the Commons .
Professional and Ostrum .
Andre Willers
25 Nov 2012
We analyse demands on the Professional’s attention using Ostrum Metarules .
Discussion :
The eight actual metarules are in Appendix I .A below . Humans do not have the capability of grasping or seeing them all at once , so we will have to do them item-by-item .
Can humans actually “grow”” to encompass all the 27 Rules necessary and Sufficient to describe the Universes ? . Not difficult at all . They then create new Universes , but make them more interesting by pinching boundaries .
1.The Common Resource is all the Information Demanding systems wanting a portion of the Professional’s attention .
2.Tragedy of the Commons variant .
Exploitation of the free information to the max , with attempts to inhibit certain channels . Doomed to failure . The resource is effectively infinite , because (A + ~A < Universum) . No constraint is possible in the long term .
Short term constraints are possible .
3.Network Theory :
“Small worlds” networks are the general human networks of pushing information . This simply means that most information is sent and handled by “close” nexi , but there are long-range neurons that carry information to other nexi (or mirror networks) .
4.First Pass on Overstimulation of Information :
Simply pass it on to onto the subsidiary networks , except for Amygdala Interrupts . (See Appendix II)
5. Second pass :
Correlations have been made at very low levels . Rethinks .
6. Third and n’th passes :
You get the drift . The system refines itself through feedback processes .
7.Predictive rewards :
This is where we get to the nitty-gritty of Ostrum Systems .
Any farming system , agricultural or not, foregoes present reward for future benefits . You have to get Oabout eight things right to make a living .
Thoe domain of dopamine-systems . Once you enter it , you cannot leave it .
8. Humans farm the noosphere the same as they farm the land . But that same pesky 8’th term disturbs things . The relationship to higher Beth(x) beings . The disturbance is built-in and unavoidable.
9. Osrtum managed to get 7/8 system rules independent of the observer . A significant accomplishment .
What does this mean ? Small scale systems can be predicted and manipulated .
10. This means you !
A Small thing , but my own .
Appendix I
The only Game in town .
The Ostrum Game
Andre Willers
30 Oct 2011
“One Game shall bind them all .” , ( with apologies to Tolkien)
“This time , we know for sure the grass is greener somewhere”
“A Revolution , any Revolution.”
Synopsis :
A Game for Grown-ups .
The Eight Ostrum Design Principles are Meta-rules that generate self-consistent sets of rules that encompasses competition , co-operation , catastrophe , hierarchies and other systems undreamt of , all between discrete , interacting , self-organising systems .
Your avatar can go from SecondLife to Simworld , to War Worlds , to any desired locale .
Reality becomes a subset .
Discussion :
1.An incredible amount of money can be made .While money still has some meaning .
Without too much work . See Para 8 in Appendix A
Each Game Company is a base nested institution .
They bind easily together , releasing a lot of energy and money .
Explosive Feedback Synergism .
A run-up to the Singularity .
2.Feedback between Games and Reality :
The Meta-rules make no differentiation between Game-characters and Real-characters .
Indeed , many Real-characters have been spun into Game-characters , and vice-versa .
Think Sherlock Holmes , MacGyver , Gauss , young Werther etc
See “mirror-neuron networks” , any soap opera , etc .
Real-life problems get treated the same way as Game problems . The more diverse and sophisticated the Game interactions become , the more effect on any real or Game system .
Eventually , they become undistinguishable as technology progresses .
3.The Grass is provably greener somewhere .
Long known as a wishful thinking fallacy , until Ostrum published the Design Principles in 1990 .
This was the trigger event of under-the-surface knowledge about Ostrum Rules building up .
Suddenly , it became possible .
A Phase-change in the noosphere occurred .
It meant that a Disaster of the Commons or an Empire was not inevitable . Grandchildren could survive .
Enormous tensions began surfacing . These effects are still playing out now .
A really , really major Hysterical Focus started forming , and is still intensifying .
Now , are you surprised that 1990 was the year of huge revolutions , when the USSR collapsed ?
The Ostrum Game beat the Ring of Power .
And you have not seen anything yet .
The pace of Revolutions is intensifying .
A good thing , if Homo wishes to escape extinction .
4.Automating Ostrum Rules :
They might be Meta-rules , but they are still rules .
We can certainly write programs that can serve to guide past most of the pitfalls and suggest alternatives .
5.Multicellular Bodies as Commons :
We can certainly analyze bodies in terms of Commons . The Dear Reader will find many interesting things if he does that .
Note the emphasis on communication .
Talk to your body . Aloud . And listen in the silences in between .
Create a virtual body and note the interactions .
Use the Ostrum Design principles .
6.Singularity :
It is immediately obvious that humans are then not limited to Real biochemical definitions of personality . The emphasis on communication means that personalities are distributed across Real and Game spaces . The Game space personality segments are only limited by internal non-contradictory rules . That can be done via Ostrum Design principles .
Not exactly instantaneous , but I can intuit that the time can be calculated . It would be less than real time .
The putative developing system would have ethical constraints on abandoning Real-part personalities under Ostrum Rules .
Told you it would be kindler , gentler .
7.Phase Change :
The system has already undergone an irrevocable phase change in 1990 .
You can fast-forward the rest .
8.Did Ostrum know what she was unleashing ?
The Revolutionary aspects , nearly certainly .
In her quiet way , she is one of the greatest Revolutionaries in Homo Sapiens history . Worthy of being called a Matriarch .
The Singularity aspect is more uncertain . She certainly knew that she unleashed major fairness , but the phase-change in the Noosphere I do not know .
Still , a tour-de-force .
How do feel like being a pet of your avatar ?
Andre .
Appendix A
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elinor_Ostrom
To quote from Wiki : (comments in brackets are my own ).
“ Ostrom identifies eight "design principles" of stable local common pool resource management:[10]
1. Clearly defined boundaries (effective exclusion of external un-entitled parties;
2. Rules regarding the appropriation and provision of common resources that are adapted to local conditions; (Equal sharing of debts and rewards)
3. Collective-choice arrangements that allow most resource appropriators to participate in the decision-making process; (Consensus decisions-no leveraged hierarchies)
4. Effective monitoring by monitors who are part of or accountable to the appropriators; (Policing)
5. A scale of graduated sanctions for resource appropriators who violate community rules; (Opportunity to learn from mistakes )
6. Mechanisms of conflict resolution that are cheap and of easy access; (Fair and Fast Justice . See how Inquisitorial Justice systems like Chinese , French or Sharia does it.)
7. Self-determination of the community recognized by higher-level authorities; (Autonomy within clearly defined levels . Something like a Federation.)
8. In the case of larger common-pool resources,organization in the form of multiple layers of nested enterprises, with small local CPRs at the base level. (Clear and quick relations with others. A potential sticky point with states.)
Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action Ostrom, Elinor, Cambridge University Press, 1990 “
The most important book in the Twentieth Century .
Try to read it .
Prions of Immortality Update I
Prions of Immortality Update I
Andre Willers
28 Nov 2012
Synopsis :
Prions have been found that play a chaperone role in stem cells .
Discussion .
See Appendix I for the findings .
See Appendix II for why this is not a surprise .
Expect more of the same soon .
A nice Singularity surprise for Xmas 2012 .
Just before the Deluge ?
Appendix I
Fairly latest findings
Protecting prion protein keeps stem cells young
• 17 August 2012 by Jessica Hamzelou
• Magazine issue 2878. Subscribe and save
• For similar stories, visit the Stem Cells Topic Guide
COULD we stem the tide of ageing by delaying the deterioration of stem cells? A new compound that appears to do just that could help us find ways to protect our organs from age-related wear and tear, experiments in mice suggest.
As we age, so do our mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs): their numbers in our bone marrow decline, and those that are left lose the ability to differentiate into the distinct cell types - such as bone, cartilage, fat and possibly muscle cells - that help in the healing process.
"We think this ageing of stem cells may be linked to the onset of some age-related disorders, such as osteoporosis," says Ilaria Bellantuono at the University of Sheffield in the UK.
Earlier research in mice had suggested that the prion protein expressed by MSCs might play a role in holding back stem cell ageing. Mice lacking the prion protein were less able to regenerate blood cells. The study provided more evidence that correctly folded prions serve a useful purpose in the body, despite the role that misfolded prions play in BSE and vCJD.
Bellantuono and her colleagues have now found that the prion protein performs a similar function in humans - older MSCs from human bone marrow expressed less of the protein than younger ones.
In a bid to find a compound that might slow MSC ageing, the team tested numerous molecules known to target prion proteins on dishes of human stem cells. One molecule emerged as a potential candidate - stem cells treated with it produced 300 times the number of cells over 250 days than untreated stem cells. The treated cells kept on dividing for longer.
The team then injected treated cells into the thigh bones of mice, and three days later found that they had produced three times as many new cells as they would normally produce. After five weeks, there were 10 times as many cells.
The new cells appeared to be of higher quality, too, and readily differentiated into bone and fat cells, as well as those that support the tissue and blood vessels.
Bellantuono's team think the molecule works by helping the prions protect the stem cells from the DNA damage associated with normal ageing. When they exposed both treated and untreated cells to hydrogen peroxide - a compound known to cause DNA damage - they found that the treated cells were protected from damage (Stem Cells, DOI: 10.1002/stem.1065).
"You can delay the loss of stem cells' function by manipulating the prion protein," says Bellantuono, who presented the findings at the Aging Online Symposium last month. "In the long term, you may go a long way to maintaining tissue health in [old] age."
It may be some time before the compound can be used to fight ageing, but similar molecules might have a more immediate benefit in stem cell therapies.
"A big problem with using MSCs for therapy is that you need to inject millions of cells, but it's difficult to get millions in a dish," says James Adjaye of the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin, Germany. "This molecule lets the cells grow for longer - it's very interesting in that respect."
Appendix II
Prions of Immortality
Andre Willers
21 May 2012
“The medium is the message” Marshall McLuhan
Prions as Amyloid Quaternary Protein Structures formed both the structure and message of the DNA wrapping the histone . The primary evolutionary reason was to regulate “STOP” codon errors . An added plus was epigenetics . Certain prions are evolving into “STOP” sequences involving population densities .
Discussion :
The Appendices are in a more-or-less complexity sequence , drilling down .
1.What does present day prion diseases do ? They mask the “STOP” codon . Certain proteins are over-produced , including normal PrP , which can then be converted to harmful forms (PrPSc) . This forms a positive feedback cycle (ie a plague)
There are controls ( See Appendix III ) , which are related to non-angiosperm Gaiean feedback systems (see http://andreswhy.blogspot.com “The Flower , The Dinosaur and Puff” Dec 2008) .
As non-angiosperm areas decrease due to human population pressure and global warming , expect a massive increase in prion epidemics in all populations . Watch the angiosperm pollinators , especially . (eg bees , insects) .
What to do ? Cultivate more non-angiosperms , especially fungi . Those massive pig-fat lakes in USA should be quite profitable as mushroom farms .
An interesting aside : note the correlation of asparigine with acrylamide (acrylamide is a potent nerve poison) . Asparagine + sugar + heat(>120C) -> Acrylamide ->nerve damage .
See Appendix VII
Persons with peripheral neuropathy are vulnerable to prion epidemics .
Mortality :
The Mortality mechanism of old age evolved out of this process . Gaia does not favour uncontrolled feedback processes .
Boom-bust is bad for business at Casino Gaia .
Premature “STOP” codons is even at present responsible for some 11% of genetic diseases . Postmature “STOP” codons causes overproduction of many proteins . The machinery clogs up . Also called old-age .
See Goldratt on the results of inventory build-up due to production lines running at maximum efficiency . (I did not expect him to pop up in this context) . The system literally chokes on the costs of obsolete inventory . Think of the body as a business conglomerate . Remember what happened to them ? Rapacious predators dismembered them . Think diseases . Your friendly venture capitalist turns into a ravening monster if he scents blood in the water (quorum mechanisms) . Happening in a body near you .
It is not immediately obvious in what to do .
Let us look a bit down-stream (evolutionary wise) , because we know evolutionary systems are highly conservative . They usually adapt systems .
Bacterial Plaques(films) vs Bacterial Free forms .
We theorize that this evolved from the Amyloid Quaternary Protein Structures vs Prion filaments .
This frees an enormous body of knowledge and techniques to bear on the problem .
1.We already know that quorum mechanisms are involved , hence that signalling molecules are involved in these systems . We can target these for fruitful leads .
2.The nervous system is involved in a proactive way . See Appendix VII.
3.Phene systems (control machinery in the cellular wall) evolved
See Appendix VIII below .
An Interesting aside : Prions of Intelligence.
“STOP” systems for neural tissue are relaxed at approximate ages 1-5 , 15 , 25 , 55+
This is when neural tissue is reorganized . For reorganization , new dendrites have to be formed . There is a concomitant effect on the immune system . Longevity is also increased .
Note the 55+ . This is the Grandparent effect . Women after menopause should be classified as a separate sex .See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com “The Sexes of Man” Nov 2004 :see Appendix IX for your convenience .
Prions of Fertility :
This has already happened in 1704 AD from some island off Scotland . A plague of fertility only now burning out . See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com “A vaccine for overpopulation” Apr 2012 .
Hibernation techniques :
Selective lowering of metabolic systems . Selective injection of low concentrations of H2S .
See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com “Gelatine Genetic Memory” May 2012 .
Prions of Immortality :
It might happen naturally , but much more likely to be engineered . Which can be done now.
Gaia would probably tolerate longevity , but fertility would fall through the floor (an effect already noticeable . Birthrates in in countries in Western Europe or Japan are below replacement rates . ) Some very old and extremely powerful feedback effects are involved . Quorum effects at cellular wall (phene) level . So , don’t worry about overpopulation . Extinction or competition would be a bigger concern .
How long can you live if the only cause of death is Accidental Death ?
The last time I looked , about 25 000 years . Any Insurance company will be glad to take your premiums . A sucker bet . (It falls into the “Horse might learn to sing” category .) Not because of the unlikelihood of immortality , but because no human institution will last that long .
The Prions of Immortality would simply selectively relax “STOP” codon masking . That’s all .
We do not know enough yet to do this in a free-prion which is also infective , though I can see that it can be done (I am not smart enough to do it ) . Oh well .
What can be done ?
This is not medical advice , and though something will work , so would a spanner in the gears .
“Youth is wasted on the young”
This advice is meant for 55+ ages . When there is already a preprogrammed relaxation of “STOP” blockages .
In very early evolutionary history , there was a niche for long-lived organisms (still seen in dinosaurs , sharks , crocodiles , but especially in cartiligenous fishes . The dinosaurs are , of course , chickens .
The idea is to help along an existing urge . Something like stochastic resonance effects .
The Recipe :
1.Cook a gelatine from chicken cartilage . You can add a gelatine thickener from other sources like seaweed (even older) .
2.Sprinkle it with about 1 gm of MSM while cooling and stirring . The idea is to form and enhance H2S bound in the gelatine . The H2S immobilizes any invading bacteria by switching off their metabolism . I am not so sure about all viruses . But the viruses are dependant on cell machinery , which can be halted by H2S . The critical concentration is about 80 ppm . Small . So , don’t overdo it .
More is not better here . I do not know what the effect would be , but you probably won’t like it .
Recasting the gelatine (ie repeatedly heating and cooling it) will enhance the anti-bacterial effect , because you are increasing the H2S concentration . But please note , you are not killing them . At best , pasteurising them . They will pop back .
3.Now for the fungi . Use the “roots” , ie the mycelia .This is where the critical chemical triggers lie . The mushroom itself is only the sacrificial fruiting body . Which is why anti-prions were discovered in rock-lichens . Not much room for roots there .
Note the recent prevalence of prion disease in elk , vectored in from the commensal velvet organisms on their antlers . They don’t rub their antlers on lichen covered rock as much as they used to . Global warming ? Herding ? Probably both .The herders can solve it by growing lichen covered rocks and rubbing the lichen on the antlers .
It can be done in aerosol form , even from a plane . Humans owe the elk this , at least .
4.Add Allicin .
The juice of a freshly squeezed garlic clove . It kills . But we are more interested in its top predator status .
Like wolves in a natural park , it alters the behaviour of vulnerable systems . They pucker up . H2S systems switch on . Metabolisms slow . Exactly what we are looking for .
Eat immediately afterwards . (Allicin does not last long) .
Add artificial sweeteners (but not aspartame or sugars) and flavours (but not tartrazine) if you want .
5.Alcohol : all living systems using mitochondria metabolizes alcohol first . A small pulse of alcohol (5 ml) will switch off alternate energy pathways .
6.Do this first and see what happens . Keep record .
7.Things like statins , Q10 , metformin , etc all play a role .
Zero-carb pizza with extra garlic and anchovies , anyone ?
Andre .
Appendix I
“Protein Misfolding Cyclic Amplification (PMCA) is an amplification technique (conceptually likePCR but not involving nucleotides) to multiply misfolded prions originally developed by Soto and colleagues.[1] It is a test for spongiform encephalopathies like BSE.
The technique initially incubates a small amount of abnormal prion with an excess of normal protein, so that some conversion takes place. The growing chain of misfolded protein is then blasted withultrasound, breaking it down into smaller chains and so rapidly increasing the amount of abnormal protein available to cause conversions.[1][2] By repeating the cycle, the mass of normal protein is rapidly changed into misfolded prion (termed PrPSc).”
A mathematical solution for the exponential growth rate resulting from the combination of fibril growth and fibril breakage has been found.[6] The exponential growth rate depends largely on the square root of the PrPC concentration.[6] The incubation period is determined by the exponential growth rate, and in vivo data on prion diseases in transgenic mice match this prediction.[6] The same square root dependence is also seen in vitro in experiments with a variety of different amyloid proteins.[32]
Appendix II
“Amyloid biophysics
Amyloid is characterized by a cross-beta sheet quaternary structure”
“Quaternary structure”
Main articles: Protein quaternary structure and Nucleic acid quaternary structure
In biochemistry, quaternary structure is the arrangement of multiple folded protein or coiling protein molecules in a multi-subunit complex. For nucleic acids, the term is less common, but can refer to the higher-level organization of DNA in chromatin,[7] including its interactions with histones, or to the interactions between separate RNA units in the ribosome[8][9] or spliceosome.”
Appendix III
“ Notably, most of the fungal prions are based on glutamine/asparagine-rich sequences, with the exception of HET-s and Mod5.” Note Acrylamide and peripheral neuropathy .
^ Yam, Philip. "Natural Born Prion Killers: Lichens Degrade "Mad Cow" Related Brain Pathogen". Scientific American. Retrieved 20 May 2011.
“In 2011 it was discovered that prions could be degraded by lichens.[83][84]”
Appendix IV
“Stop codon
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In the genetic code, a stop codon (or termination codon) is a nucleotide triplet within messenger RNA that signals a termination of translation.[1] Proteins are based on polypeptides, which are unique sequences of amino acids. Most codons in messenger RNA correspond to the addition of an amino acid to a growing polypeptide chain, which may ultimately become a protein. Stop codons signal the termination of this process by binding release factors, which cause the ribosomal subunits to disassociate, releasing the amino acid chain.
In the standard genetic code, there are several stop codons:
in RNA:
UAG ("amber")
UAA ("ochre")
UGA ("opal")
in DNA:
TAG ("amber")
TAA ("ochre")
TGA ("opal" or "umber")
Appendix V
“The investigators at University of Rochester found that they could chemically alter a mutant mRNA containing an early stop codon. This alters the codon so that it is not read as a stop codon, but instead as a codon instructing the addition of an amino acid. The scientists accomplished this by converting uridine, the first base of the stop codon, into another molecule, pseudouridine.”
Appendix VI
Cross-Talk between RNA and Prions
1. Colin G. Crist* and
2. Yoshikazu Nakamura†
+Author Affiliations
1. Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo, 4-6-1 Shirokanedai, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8639
1. *To whom correspondence should be addressed. Phone: +81-3-5449-5307, Fax: +81-3-5449-5415, E-mail: nak@ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp
• Received June 13, 2006.
• Accepted June 13, 2006.
As concepts evolve in mammalian and yeast prion biology, rather preliminary research investigating the interplay between prion and RNA processes are gaining momentum. The yeast prion [PSI+] represents an aggregated state of the translation termination factor Sup35 resulting in the tendency of ribosomes to readthrough stop codons. This “nonsense suppression” activity is investigated for its possible physiological role to engender on Saccharomyces cerevisiae the ability to respond to stress or variable growth conditions and thereby act as a capacitor to evolve. The interaction between prion and RNA is a two way street—the cell may have adopted RNA processes in translation to govern the presence of prions and the [PSI+] prion's nonsense suppressor phenotype may exhibit different growth phenotypes by its control of translation termination. RNA processes in the mammalian cell also effect and are affected by prions.
Appendix VII
Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy and Acrylamide
Dated 11/06/2006
See links at the bottom .
Acrylamide is formed by the Maillard reaction , when the Amino Acid Asparigine reacts with reducing sugars like glucose and fructose at a temperature over 120 degrees Celsius . (ie when bread , potatoes , cookies , etc begin to brown ).
Asparigine + glucose/fructose + (temp>120 Celsius) = Acrylamide
Acrylamide is a potent neurotoxin . It interferes with the internal neuronal transport in the axon . The transport of nutrients from axon nucleus to the end point of the nerve and the return of breakdown products of long nerves ( like to fingers and toes ) are first affected . The ends of the axon start to die . ( Numbness in extremities . )
Sensations of restlessness , tingling , burning , etc associated with peripheral neuropathy are probably caused by the spurious signals caused by the accumulation of debris at the interference site in the charge balance of the axon wall .
( Think train derailment in the middle of the Karoo , with the smashed up carriages messing up the signalling system )
Since many non-diabetics have peripheral neuropathy , the two diseases do not seem to be directly linked . But a synergistic link is strongly suspected .
But if you are diabetic and already have had attacks of peripheral neuropathy , ingesting high concentrations of acrylamide will surely lead to an attack of peripheral neuropathy .
Note the short half-life of acrylamide means that the concentration of acrylamide is driven by diet alone .
Asparigine , glucose/fructose , (temp>120 Celsius) are all three necessary to produce Acrylamide . Hence foods low on the first two , or cooked below 120 Celsius are safe .
The EU study found that 90% of diet derived acrylamide comes from :
French Fries (slap chips) : 16% – 30%
Potato crisps : 6% - 46%
Coffee (its always roasted ) : 13% - 39%
Pastries and Sweet biscuits : 10% - 20%
Bread , breadrolls , pizza and toast (especially the crust) : 10% - 30%
In general , avoid anything that used a temperature of 120 Celsius or above in it’s preparation . This includes teas .The effective concentrations of acrylamide needed to trigger the reaction is very low , especially for diabetics already sensitized .
Anything low GI microwaved submerged in water , or cooked without burning or browning should be ok .
Durum pastas should be ok , but no grills or ovens . Bye-bye toasted cheese sandwiches .
If you have to eat bread , cut off the crusts . Mothers used to do this for their children .
Any connection to attention Deficit Disorder ?
The irritability felt in the first stages of peripheral neuropathy ( ie wandering feet , can’t keep still ) and later on , irritable aggressiveness , sleeplessness and any activity to focus attention on anything except the painful feet ) sounds like the recipe for aggressive expansion .
Remember , that only the upper and middle classes ate bread . The bottom class (99 % of the population till about 1800 AD) ate porridge morning , noon and night. Milling kernels of wheat was ( and is ) expensive in real energy terms . (cf “Roman women will not grind wheat or cook “ after the Sabine episode , or lack of white bread in WW2) . Since it is a high energy food , it would be one of the great ironies of history that Empires and Inventions were caused by bread crusts . There is also a positive feedback element involved , namely that the type of wheat with the highest aspargine content will be the most widespread ( spread by the restless conquerors ) .
One wonders if the political instability inherent in the Middle East and North Africa are due to the high acrylamide content of their traditionally baked (from hot rock flat bread) foods . (In poorer regions like Europe , the plebs could not afford the energy cost .)
Hah! So much for meat . The weevilly baked biscuit of the middle ages was the driving force of the mariners to populate the earth with high-asparigine wheat .
No wonder things have gotten more unstable . For every diabetic , there are at least ten with an itchy , irritable nervosity .
Will humans use aspariginase ? This is an enzyme that destroys asparigine . Dosing food to a country with this will render them relatively docile in long run . Any volunteers ?
An interesting corollary is rice vs wheat . Rice is usually cooked at 100 Celsius . As the Chinese and Indian populations shift to high-arganine western wheat types , not only will their diabetes rates rise , but their aggression will rise at a much higher rate .
Interesting times for all .
Can one bake bread at less than 120 Celsius ?
See web references on Acrylamide:
1. PIM’s (1999) : The clinical picture .
Some highlights:
Chronic exposure to Acrylamide:
Chronic acrylamide toxicity is characterized by local
dermatitis, excessive sweating, fatigue, weight loss and
features of progressive CNS disturbance (especially truncal ataxia) and peripheral neuropathy. The severity of symptoms and the rapidity of onset appears to relate to the duration of exposure to, and the daily dose of, acrylamide.
Recovery over a period of weeks to months following removal from exposure is the usual course.
Biological half-life by route of exposure
In blood, acrylamide has a half-life of approximately 2
hours. In tissues, total acrylamide (parent compound an
metabolites) exhibits biphasic elimination with an initial
half-life of approximately 5 hours and a terminal half life of 8 days (Edwards, 1975; Miller et al., 1982).
Acrylamide does not accumulate in the body. [Note: all data derived from animal studies].
2. On 25 April 2002 (cf New Scientist of 22 April 2006 p 8 ) , Sweden’s National Food Administration announced that acrylamide in significant concentrations was found in many common processed foods . This prompted a major clinical food study by the European Union : the results are given on the EU’s food site:
http://www.ciaa.be click on Documents , Positions , search on acrylamides from website .
Appendix VIII
Phene Systems.
Andre Willers
5 Nov 2009
Synopsis :
Cellular-wall control systems(phenes) of epigenetic and virus systems are becoming known and described .
Discussion :
See NewScientist 8 Aug 2009 p 41 "Kills all known germs" by B Holmes .
Relevant research by Philip Thorpe at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas .
See also http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "Coffee Foam" 2 Aug 2009 and later .
The argument is simple : self-replicating structures started on the walls of bubbles (probably clay : Gecko life) . These developed into the present day epigenetic control structures of processes inside the bubbles (ie cells) .
Viruses are messengers/controls both for intra-cellular and extra-cellular use .
Which is why they are usually wrapped in variants of the cell-wall .
Phosphatidylserine :
From the NewScientist article , this is a molecule mostly found sticking out of the inner lining of the cell-wall . Virus budding entails that this molecule is then found in particular patterns sticking out of the outside the outer cell-wall .
We expect such a mechanism if the cell-wall harbours the meta-controls (ie epigenetics) of the cell and some multicellular activity (ie virus messenger generation).
Humans have created antibodies that inactivate or target-for-destruction the bits of the Phosphatidylserine molecule sticking out of the cell-wall .
This will break the feedback-cycle of a large range of harmful viruses (apparently including HIV , Flu's , some cancers) .
Bavituximab ( a name only a Pharma could love) does exactly this . Expect to see a lot of it .
The question is :
Why are these antibodies not part of the body's normal immune system ?
The virus system is also used for information carrying .
Suppressing the virus system completely will destroy a multicellular organism , and make it revert to a collection of individual cells , even down to elemental chemicals if done properly . (Cf Ebola , SuperEbola , etc)
This can be bypassed by shining intense , quantum-entangled infra-red light through the mess (see previous posts) .
The normal system has to play a delicate balancing act between destruction from bad viruses and good,communication viruses .
If the baddies get too big an influence , intervention might be required . This is the duty of the epigenetic system . Why is it falling down on the job ?
The Dendritic Immune sytem
This is the connection between the synapse-type learning systems and the phene-system in the cell walls .
The dendritic immune system's effectiveness is magnified by at least 3 orders of magnitude by a continuous sharp pressure-differential . The search space is drastically reduced by stochastic resonance . (The proof is either immediately obvious or very long).
Hence modern music and it's prevalence .
Your chances of survival is about 10^3 better if you listen to some semi-random rock.
Hence iPod and others . This is a real effect .
But we can do better than that by internal Click programming .
You know : Clicking the tongue , beak , teeth , exoskelet .
There is no animal with synapses or an immune system that makes no clicks at some stage .
This is actually quite amazing .
We would then expect plants to be noisy . And they are , on very low frequencies . This is how desert elephants survive : they hear the bulbous plants growing by the low-frequency pulses sensed through their feet . A patch of bulbs would have a signature low-frequency pulse observable from a long way off . (The bulbs would evolve-learn to spurt growth at the same time . This would lessen the chance of detection and eating by close-by herbivores not as smart as elephants)
Click-talking plants .
Better than just talking to them . But try some castanets . Tap-dancing will work too , but the neighbours will think you're really crazy tap-dancing to the plants . Tojours .
Grinding your teeth .
A common complaint , usually explained away as stress . Actually , your teeth are trying to click together . A part of the body's housekeeping routine . Programming the gums and intestinal tract .
Just for the hell of it , click your teeth together 5 times together with 5 double-tongue clicks interspersed as you feel . Count them . You will feel an immediate stress-relief feeling . Blood pressure will drop . Be careful if medication to lower blood pressure is taken .
I just thought of the above , and tried it .
The teeth (molars mostly) must click against each other . You will notice there is a damage-control protocol hardwired in . The teeth will click , but not hard enough to cause damage . This already tells us that this is an old system .
The natural tendency will be for a double-teeth click , followed by a double tongue-click with the mouth open . The process then repeats , varying the teeth , tongue and mouth open/closed .
Be careful of hypotension of the cardiovascular system . The stress relief is very pronounced . Especially around the neck and upper shoulder muscles .
Teeth-grinding should cease .
But why ?
I did not expect this . But the effect is so pronounced that I cannot ignore it .
The neck and shoulder muscles do not relax through an effort of will or exercise . They just relax . (Sort of melt) .
Maybe a double bite-bite on empty air signals the end of an aggressive episode , and for expensive fight-or-flight mechanisms to stand down .
This would make this fairly deep-wired , certainly deeper than psychological stress .
Phene effects .
The stand-down is an immediate stand-down , regardless of the number previous stress-generating events . This must be true , since this is the epigenetic programming system . There is no other memory system .
Phene programming of immune-systems , bone-growth , digestion , neural growth etc ,are immediately affected . Genes are switched from crisis to maintenance . Using the carbohydrate-energy mechanism is a short-term crisis mechanism .
Standing down the mechanism should ameliorate conditions like Diabetes II .
Or getting fat .
Want to get thin ?
The algorithm :
Double-teeth click , followed by a double tongue-click with the mouth open . The process then repeats , varying the teeth , tongue and mouth open/closed .
Repeat at least ten times a month .
That’s it .
Can it be this simple?
Yes .
Why has nobody thought of it before ?
As far as I am aware , nobody in our recorded history has thought that the click of teeth together can have physiological effects . Prehistoric societies were probably aware of the effect .
Yet it does , as you can find out for yourself .
The same for the simplicity . Simple causes has wide effects , because they are so basic . You must look at the whole argument .
In any case , there is hardly any risk .
I am doing it . Tojours!
Hasta la vista !
Coming or going .
Andre .
Appendix IX
Nov 2004
The Sexes of Man
Standard Darwinism as applied to genes would indicate that the optimum strategy for a single cell is to have as many offspring as possible .
But how did multicellular organisms then manage to survive in competition with single cells ? After all , it takes more energy to run a multicellular : the organizational overheads .
Their edge is “tough times” . Some cells in multicellular organisms learned to utilize neighbour cells . Since these resources were close , the energy of utilization compared to a unicell hunting food was low .
If times are good , unicellular organisms like bacteria are inclined to eat multicellulars alive or eat their food (cf virulent tropical diseases , etc) . Unicellulars are still by far the biggest biomass on the planet .
If times are bad , the multicellular lives off the designated sacrificial cells , while the surrounding unicellulars die off en masse .
So the optimal environment for multicelluar organism to evolve and flourish is in environment of periodic scarcities . ie Tidal pools , seasons , Milankovich cycles , meteor strikes, volcanoes etc .
Note:the synoptic argument below is in time- and logical sequence .
Some cells became more important than others : in good times cells differentiated , in bad times the less important were scavenged first . Cells learned to package themselves for neat absorbtion (apoptosis) . Organs formed . Only some cells reproduced new organisms . This was a huge saving : stem cells differentiated from egg-cells . The immune system developed. (Differentiated stem cells) . Sex developed as a immune system response against attackers (parasites and diseases ) . Sex also had huge energy saving advantages , since a single gene-set could populate an eco- niche (and deny it to competitors) , but nearly all the males could be sacrificed when times are bad . One would expect a really strong hardwired tendency for males to die near their offspring . (Cf wars , exiles)
Parental care evolved . Now surpluses could be transferred from the adults to the children as long as the adults lived ( or were programmed to care ) .
To put it another way : a gene group can ensure better survival by having a non-reproducing group of relatives. This is but our old principle above where close cells are used as reserves . The only question is the exact percentage .
If a constant percentage (r) of every human generation is postulated to lead to offspring , the relevant percentages for maximized resources per child are
Grandchildren Offspring : 79.3701% No-Offspring : 20.6299%
Great-Grandchildren Offspring : 88.0749% No-Offspring : 11.3251%
(This derivation is available on request , but can easily be duplicated . Just remember that the surplus per generation is the children the “non-offspring” lot did not have , and that the surplus only accumulated after the “non-offspring” should have had children (ie one generation))
As long as the number of offspring per parent remains constant (regardless of 1 to 1 , 1 to many) parentages , these percentages will remain .
What does this mean ?
With humans , it means there is a large niche ( 11% to 21% ) of any generation where having no offspring means that the chances of a gene-groups viable survival is optimal . ie It pays the society to have 11-21% childless people .
The other sexes of Man
These are the gays , asexuals , misanthropes , explorers and other assorted misfits .
(Note recent statistical finding that the female relatives of gay men have more children than average : either a gene fit or the women looking around and thinking they can afford more children on expectations . )
Furthermore , if the birthrate decreases , this niche decreases by between the square and the cube of the decrease the birthrate during the period of the decrease . (Vicious)
Ie a halving of the birthrate will mean a decrease in the niche to ( 3% to 5%) at the best . Note that this is only applicable during the transition . Once it is stabilized , it will return to the 11-22 % range . But things in the interim will not be pleasant .
A societal decrease in tolerance of 8% can only be described as a turn towards fundamentalism .
This is structural:ie driven by factors effectively outside human control .
In both the West and Muslim worlds , the chance of having viable offspring in the 2nd and 3rd generation has decreased markedly . In the West by decreasing birthrates , and in the Muslim world by a static resource base divided by an increasing population . This tends to fundamentalism . Ironically enough , it does not hold (at the present moment) for China,India,Japan because of high growth rates .
But if a worldwide recession (a-la-1930’s) set in (probability +-45%) , then China and Japan could hunker down , but India would be forced into a fundamentalist Hindu expansionist phase . This would trigger a US - India alliance which would grind Islam fine , re-colonise Africa and eye South-America with a hungry eye . Australia is already past its carrying capacity .
To put it in other words , get off-planet . The monkeys are soon going to render this one uninhabitable .
Andre Willers
28 Nov 2012
Synopsis :
Prions have been found that play a chaperone role in stem cells .
Discussion .
See Appendix I for the findings .
See Appendix II for why this is not a surprise .
Expect more of the same soon .
A nice Singularity surprise for Xmas 2012 .
Just before the Deluge ?
Appendix I
Fairly latest findings
Protecting prion protein keeps stem cells young
• 17 August 2012 by Jessica Hamzelou
• Magazine issue 2878. Subscribe and save
• For similar stories, visit the Stem Cells Topic Guide
COULD we stem the tide of ageing by delaying the deterioration of stem cells? A new compound that appears to do just that could help us find ways to protect our organs from age-related wear and tear, experiments in mice suggest.
As we age, so do our mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs): their numbers in our bone marrow decline, and those that are left lose the ability to differentiate into the distinct cell types - such as bone, cartilage, fat and possibly muscle cells - that help in the healing process.
"We think this ageing of stem cells may be linked to the onset of some age-related disorders, such as osteoporosis," says Ilaria Bellantuono at the University of Sheffield in the UK.
Earlier research in mice had suggested that the prion protein expressed by MSCs might play a role in holding back stem cell ageing. Mice lacking the prion protein were less able to regenerate blood cells. The study provided more evidence that correctly folded prions serve a useful purpose in the body, despite the role that misfolded prions play in BSE and vCJD.
Bellantuono and her colleagues have now found that the prion protein performs a similar function in humans - older MSCs from human bone marrow expressed less of the protein than younger ones.
In a bid to find a compound that might slow MSC ageing, the team tested numerous molecules known to target prion proteins on dishes of human stem cells. One molecule emerged as a potential candidate - stem cells treated with it produced 300 times the number of cells over 250 days than untreated stem cells. The treated cells kept on dividing for longer.
The team then injected treated cells into the thigh bones of mice, and three days later found that they had produced three times as many new cells as they would normally produce. After five weeks, there were 10 times as many cells.
The new cells appeared to be of higher quality, too, and readily differentiated into bone and fat cells, as well as those that support the tissue and blood vessels.
Bellantuono's team think the molecule works by helping the prions protect the stem cells from the DNA damage associated with normal ageing. When they exposed both treated and untreated cells to hydrogen peroxide - a compound known to cause DNA damage - they found that the treated cells were protected from damage (Stem Cells, DOI: 10.1002/stem.1065).
"You can delay the loss of stem cells' function by manipulating the prion protein," says Bellantuono, who presented the findings at the Aging Online Symposium last month. "In the long term, you may go a long way to maintaining tissue health in [old] age."
It may be some time before the compound can be used to fight ageing, but similar molecules might have a more immediate benefit in stem cell therapies.
"A big problem with using MSCs for therapy is that you need to inject millions of cells, but it's difficult to get millions in a dish," says James Adjaye of the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin, Germany. "This molecule lets the cells grow for longer - it's very interesting in that respect."
Appendix II
Prions of Immortality
Andre Willers
21 May 2012
“The medium is the message” Marshall McLuhan
Prions as Amyloid Quaternary Protein Structures formed both the structure and message of the DNA wrapping the histone . The primary evolutionary reason was to regulate “STOP” codon errors . An added plus was epigenetics . Certain prions are evolving into “STOP” sequences involving population densities .
Discussion :
The Appendices are in a more-or-less complexity sequence , drilling down .
1.What does present day prion diseases do ? They mask the “STOP” codon . Certain proteins are over-produced , including normal PrP , which can then be converted to harmful forms (PrPSc) . This forms a positive feedback cycle (ie a plague)
There are controls ( See Appendix III ) , which are related to non-angiosperm Gaiean feedback systems (see http://andreswhy.blogspot.com “The Flower , The Dinosaur and Puff” Dec 2008) .
As non-angiosperm areas decrease due to human population pressure and global warming , expect a massive increase in prion epidemics in all populations . Watch the angiosperm pollinators , especially . (eg bees , insects) .
What to do ? Cultivate more non-angiosperms , especially fungi . Those massive pig-fat lakes in USA should be quite profitable as mushroom farms .
An interesting aside : note the correlation of asparigine with acrylamide (acrylamide is a potent nerve poison) . Asparagine + sugar + heat(>120C) -> Acrylamide ->nerve damage .
See Appendix VII
Persons with peripheral neuropathy are vulnerable to prion epidemics .
Mortality :
The Mortality mechanism of old age evolved out of this process . Gaia does not favour uncontrolled feedback processes .
Boom-bust is bad for business at Casino Gaia .
Premature “STOP” codons is even at present responsible for some 11% of genetic diseases . Postmature “STOP” codons causes overproduction of many proteins . The machinery clogs up . Also called old-age .
See Goldratt on the results of inventory build-up due to production lines running at maximum efficiency . (I did not expect him to pop up in this context) . The system literally chokes on the costs of obsolete inventory . Think of the body as a business conglomerate . Remember what happened to them ? Rapacious predators dismembered them . Think diseases . Your friendly venture capitalist turns into a ravening monster if he scents blood in the water (quorum mechanisms) . Happening in a body near you .
It is not immediately obvious in what to do .
Let us look a bit down-stream (evolutionary wise) , because we know evolutionary systems are highly conservative . They usually adapt systems .
Bacterial Plaques(films) vs Bacterial Free forms .
We theorize that this evolved from the Amyloid Quaternary Protein Structures vs Prion filaments .
This frees an enormous body of knowledge and techniques to bear on the problem .
1.We already know that quorum mechanisms are involved , hence that signalling molecules are involved in these systems . We can target these for fruitful leads .
2.The nervous system is involved in a proactive way . See Appendix VII.
3.Phene systems (control machinery in the cellular wall) evolved
See Appendix VIII below .
An Interesting aside : Prions of Intelligence.
“STOP” systems for neural tissue are relaxed at approximate ages 1-5 , 15 , 25 , 55+
This is when neural tissue is reorganized . For reorganization , new dendrites have to be formed . There is a concomitant effect on the immune system . Longevity is also increased .
Note the 55+ . This is the Grandparent effect . Women after menopause should be classified as a separate sex .See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com “The Sexes of Man” Nov 2004 :see Appendix IX for your convenience .
Prions of Fertility :
This has already happened in 1704 AD from some island off Scotland . A plague of fertility only now burning out . See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com “A vaccine for overpopulation” Apr 2012 .
Hibernation techniques :
Selective lowering of metabolic systems . Selective injection of low concentrations of H2S .
See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com “Gelatine Genetic Memory” May 2012 .
Prions of Immortality :
It might happen naturally , but much more likely to be engineered . Which can be done now.
Gaia would probably tolerate longevity , but fertility would fall through the floor (an effect already noticeable . Birthrates in in countries in Western Europe or Japan are below replacement rates . ) Some very old and extremely powerful feedback effects are involved . Quorum effects at cellular wall (phene) level . So , don’t worry about overpopulation . Extinction or competition would be a bigger concern .
How long can you live if the only cause of death is Accidental Death ?
The last time I looked , about 25 000 years . Any Insurance company will be glad to take your premiums . A sucker bet . (It falls into the “Horse might learn to sing” category .) Not because of the unlikelihood of immortality , but because no human institution will last that long .
The Prions of Immortality would simply selectively relax “STOP” codon masking . That’s all .
We do not know enough yet to do this in a free-prion which is also infective , though I can see that it can be done (I am not smart enough to do it ) . Oh well .
What can be done ?
This is not medical advice , and though something will work , so would a spanner in the gears .
“Youth is wasted on the young”
This advice is meant for 55+ ages . When there is already a preprogrammed relaxation of “STOP” blockages .
In very early evolutionary history , there was a niche for long-lived organisms (still seen in dinosaurs , sharks , crocodiles , but especially in cartiligenous fishes . The dinosaurs are , of course , chickens .
The idea is to help along an existing urge . Something like stochastic resonance effects .
The Recipe :
1.Cook a gelatine from chicken cartilage . You can add a gelatine thickener from other sources like seaweed (even older) .
2.Sprinkle it with about 1 gm of MSM while cooling and stirring . The idea is to form and enhance H2S bound in the gelatine . The H2S immobilizes any invading bacteria by switching off their metabolism . I am not so sure about all viruses . But the viruses are dependant on cell machinery , which can be halted by H2S . The critical concentration is about 80 ppm . Small . So , don’t overdo it .
More is not better here . I do not know what the effect would be , but you probably won’t like it .
Recasting the gelatine (ie repeatedly heating and cooling it) will enhance the anti-bacterial effect , because you are increasing the H2S concentration . But please note , you are not killing them . At best , pasteurising them . They will pop back .
3.Now for the fungi . Use the “roots” , ie the mycelia .This is where the critical chemical triggers lie . The mushroom itself is only the sacrificial fruiting body . Which is why anti-prions were discovered in rock-lichens . Not much room for roots there .
Note the recent prevalence of prion disease in elk , vectored in from the commensal velvet organisms on their antlers . They don’t rub their antlers on lichen covered rock as much as they used to . Global warming ? Herding ? Probably both .The herders can solve it by growing lichen covered rocks and rubbing the lichen on the antlers .
It can be done in aerosol form , even from a plane . Humans owe the elk this , at least .
4.Add Allicin .
The juice of a freshly squeezed garlic clove . It kills . But we are more interested in its top predator status .
Like wolves in a natural park , it alters the behaviour of vulnerable systems . They pucker up . H2S systems switch on . Metabolisms slow . Exactly what we are looking for .
Eat immediately afterwards . (Allicin does not last long) .
Add artificial sweeteners (but not aspartame or sugars) and flavours (but not tartrazine) if you want .
5.Alcohol : all living systems using mitochondria metabolizes alcohol first . A small pulse of alcohol (5 ml) will switch off alternate energy pathways .
6.Do this first and see what happens . Keep record .
7.Things like statins , Q10 , metformin , etc all play a role .
Zero-carb pizza with extra garlic and anchovies , anyone ?
Andre .
Appendix I
“Protein Misfolding Cyclic Amplification (PMCA) is an amplification technique (conceptually likePCR but not involving nucleotides) to multiply misfolded prions originally developed by Soto and colleagues.[1] It is a test for spongiform encephalopathies like BSE.
The technique initially incubates a small amount of abnormal prion with an excess of normal protein, so that some conversion takes place. The growing chain of misfolded protein is then blasted withultrasound, breaking it down into smaller chains and so rapidly increasing the amount of abnormal protein available to cause conversions.[1][2] By repeating the cycle, the mass of normal protein is rapidly changed into misfolded prion (termed PrPSc).”
A mathematical solution for the exponential growth rate resulting from the combination of fibril growth and fibril breakage has been found.[6] The exponential growth rate depends largely on the square root of the PrPC concentration.[6] The incubation period is determined by the exponential growth rate, and in vivo data on prion diseases in transgenic mice match this prediction.[6] The same square root dependence is also seen in vitro in experiments with a variety of different amyloid proteins.[32]
Appendix II
“Amyloid biophysics
Amyloid is characterized by a cross-beta sheet quaternary structure”
“Quaternary structure”
Main articles: Protein quaternary structure and Nucleic acid quaternary structure
In biochemistry, quaternary structure is the arrangement of multiple folded protein or coiling protein molecules in a multi-subunit complex. For nucleic acids, the term is less common, but can refer to the higher-level organization of DNA in chromatin,[7] including its interactions with histones, or to the interactions between separate RNA units in the ribosome[8][9] or spliceosome.”
Appendix III
“ Notably, most of the fungal prions are based on glutamine/asparagine-rich sequences, with the exception of HET-s and Mod5.” Note Acrylamide and peripheral neuropathy .
^ Yam, Philip. "Natural Born Prion Killers: Lichens Degrade "Mad Cow" Related Brain Pathogen". Scientific American. Retrieved 20 May 2011.
“In 2011 it was discovered that prions could be degraded by lichens.[83][84]”
Appendix IV
“Stop codon
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In the genetic code, a stop codon (or termination codon) is a nucleotide triplet within messenger RNA that signals a termination of translation.[1] Proteins are based on polypeptides, which are unique sequences of amino acids. Most codons in messenger RNA correspond to the addition of an amino acid to a growing polypeptide chain, which may ultimately become a protein. Stop codons signal the termination of this process by binding release factors, which cause the ribosomal subunits to disassociate, releasing the amino acid chain.
In the standard genetic code, there are several stop codons:
in RNA:
UAG ("amber")
UAA ("ochre")
UGA ("opal")
in DNA:
TAG ("amber")
TAA ("ochre")
TGA ("opal" or "umber")
Appendix V
“The investigators at University of Rochester found that they could chemically alter a mutant mRNA containing an early stop codon. This alters the codon so that it is not read as a stop codon, but instead as a codon instructing the addition of an amino acid. The scientists accomplished this by converting uridine, the first base of the stop codon, into another molecule, pseudouridine.”
Appendix VI
Cross-Talk between RNA and Prions
1. Colin G. Crist* and
2. Yoshikazu Nakamura†
+Author Affiliations
1. Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo, 4-6-1 Shirokanedai, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8639
1. *To whom correspondence should be addressed. Phone: +81-3-5449-5307, Fax: +81-3-5449-5415, E-mail: nak@ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp
• Received June 13, 2006.
• Accepted June 13, 2006.
As concepts evolve in mammalian and yeast prion biology, rather preliminary research investigating the interplay between prion and RNA processes are gaining momentum. The yeast prion [PSI+] represents an aggregated state of the translation termination factor Sup35 resulting in the tendency of ribosomes to readthrough stop codons. This “nonsense suppression” activity is investigated for its possible physiological role to engender on Saccharomyces cerevisiae the ability to respond to stress or variable growth conditions and thereby act as a capacitor to evolve. The interaction between prion and RNA is a two way street—the cell may have adopted RNA processes in translation to govern the presence of prions and the [PSI+] prion's nonsense suppressor phenotype may exhibit different growth phenotypes by its control of translation termination. RNA processes in the mammalian cell also effect and are affected by prions.
Appendix VII
Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy and Acrylamide
Dated 11/06/2006
See links at the bottom .
Acrylamide is formed by the Maillard reaction , when the Amino Acid Asparigine reacts with reducing sugars like glucose and fructose at a temperature over 120 degrees Celsius . (ie when bread , potatoes , cookies , etc begin to brown ).
Asparigine + glucose/fructose + (temp>120 Celsius) = Acrylamide
Acrylamide is a potent neurotoxin . It interferes with the internal neuronal transport in the axon . The transport of nutrients from axon nucleus to the end point of the nerve and the return of breakdown products of long nerves ( like to fingers and toes ) are first affected . The ends of the axon start to die . ( Numbness in extremities . )
Sensations of restlessness , tingling , burning , etc associated with peripheral neuropathy are probably caused by the spurious signals caused by the accumulation of debris at the interference site in the charge balance of the axon wall .
( Think train derailment in the middle of the Karoo , with the smashed up carriages messing up the signalling system )
Since many non-diabetics have peripheral neuropathy , the two diseases do not seem to be directly linked . But a synergistic link is strongly suspected .
But if you are diabetic and already have had attacks of peripheral neuropathy , ingesting high concentrations of acrylamide will surely lead to an attack of peripheral neuropathy .
Note the short half-life of acrylamide means that the concentration of acrylamide is driven by diet alone .
Asparigine , glucose/fructose , (temp>120 Celsius) are all three necessary to produce Acrylamide . Hence foods low on the first two , or cooked below 120 Celsius are safe .
The EU study found that 90% of diet derived acrylamide comes from :
French Fries (slap chips) : 16% – 30%
Potato crisps : 6% - 46%
Coffee (its always roasted ) : 13% - 39%
Pastries and Sweet biscuits : 10% - 20%
Bread , breadrolls , pizza and toast (especially the crust) : 10% - 30%
In general , avoid anything that used a temperature of 120 Celsius or above in it’s preparation . This includes teas .The effective concentrations of acrylamide needed to trigger the reaction is very low , especially for diabetics already sensitized .
Anything low GI microwaved submerged in water , or cooked without burning or browning should be ok .
Durum pastas should be ok , but no grills or ovens . Bye-bye toasted cheese sandwiches .
If you have to eat bread , cut off the crusts . Mothers used to do this for their children .
Any connection to attention Deficit Disorder ?
The irritability felt in the first stages of peripheral neuropathy ( ie wandering feet , can’t keep still ) and later on , irritable aggressiveness , sleeplessness and any activity to focus attention on anything except the painful feet ) sounds like the recipe for aggressive expansion .
Remember , that only the upper and middle classes ate bread . The bottom class (99 % of the population till about 1800 AD) ate porridge morning , noon and night. Milling kernels of wheat was ( and is ) expensive in real energy terms . (cf “Roman women will not grind wheat or cook “ after the Sabine episode , or lack of white bread in WW2) . Since it is a high energy food , it would be one of the great ironies of history that Empires and Inventions were caused by bread crusts . There is also a positive feedback element involved , namely that the type of wheat with the highest aspargine content will be the most widespread ( spread by the restless conquerors ) .
One wonders if the political instability inherent in the Middle East and North Africa are due to the high acrylamide content of their traditionally baked (from hot rock flat bread) foods . (In poorer regions like Europe , the plebs could not afford the energy cost .)
Hah! So much for meat . The weevilly baked biscuit of the middle ages was the driving force of the mariners to populate the earth with high-asparigine wheat .
No wonder things have gotten more unstable . For every diabetic , there are at least ten with an itchy , irritable nervosity .
Will humans use aspariginase ? This is an enzyme that destroys asparigine . Dosing food to a country with this will render them relatively docile in long run . Any volunteers ?
An interesting corollary is rice vs wheat . Rice is usually cooked at 100 Celsius . As the Chinese and Indian populations shift to high-arganine western wheat types , not only will their diabetes rates rise , but their aggression will rise at a much higher rate .
Interesting times for all .
Can one bake bread at less than 120 Celsius ?
See web references on Acrylamide:
1. PIM’s (1999) : The clinical picture .
Some highlights:
Chronic exposure to Acrylamide:
Chronic acrylamide toxicity is characterized by local
dermatitis, excessive sweating, fatigue, weight loss and
features of progressive CNS disturbance (especially truncal ataxia) and peripheral neuropathy. The severity of symptoms and the rapidity of onset appears to relate to the duration of exposure to, and the daily dose of, acrylamide.
Recovery over a period of weeks to months following removal from exposure is the usual course.
Biological half-life by route of exposure
In blood, acrylamide has a half-life of approximately 2
hours. In tissues, total acrylamide (parent compound an
metabolites) exhibits biphasic elimination with an initial
half-life of approximately 5 hours and a terminal half life of 8 days (Edwards, 1975; Miller et al., 1982).
Acrylamide does not accumulate in the body. [Note: all data derived from animal studies].
2. On 25 April 2002 (cf New Scientist of 22 April 2006 p 8 ) , Sweden’s National Food Administration announced that acrylamide in significant concentrations was found in many common processed foods . This prompted a major clinical food study by the European Union : the results are given on the EU’s food site:
http://www.ciaa.be click on Documents , Positions , search on acrylamides from website .
Appendix VIII
Phene Systems.
Andre Willers
5 Nov 2009
Synopsis :
Cellular-wall control systems(phenes) of epigenetic and virus systems are becoming known and described .
Discussion :
See NewScientist 8 Aug 2009 p 41 "Kills all known germs" by B Holmes .
Relevant research by Philip Thorpe at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas .
See also http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "Coffee Foam" 2 Aug 2009 and later .
The argument is simple : self-replicating structures started on the walls of bubbles (probably clay : Gecko life) . These developed into the present day epigenetic control structures of processes inside the bubbles (ie cells) .
Viruses are messengers/controls both for intra-cellular and extra-cellular use .
Which is why they are usually wrapped in variants of the cell-wall .
Phosphatidylserine :
From the NewScientist article , this is a molecule mostly found sticking out of the inner lining of the cell-wall . Virus budding entails that this molecule is then found in particular patterns sticking out of the outside the outer cell-wall .
We expect such a mechanism if the cell-wall harbours the meta-controls (ie epigenetics) of the cell and some multicellular activity (ie virus messenger generation).
Humans have created antibodies that inactivate or target-for-destruction the bits of the Phosphatidylserine molecule sticking out of the cell-wall .
This will break the feedback-cycle of a large range of harmful viruses (apparently including HIV , Flu's , some cancers) .
Bavituximab ( a name only a Pharma could love) does exactly this . Expect to see a lot of it .
The question is :
Why are these antibodies not part of the body's normal immune system ?
The virus system is also used for information carrying .
Suppressing the virus system completely will destroy a multicellular organism , and make it revert to a collection of individual cells , even down to elemental chemicals if done properly . (Cf Ebola , SuperEbola , etc)
This can be bypassed by shining intense , quantum-entangled infra-red light through the mess (see previous posts) .
The normal system has to play a delicate balancing act between destruction from bad viruses and good,communication viruses .
If the baddies get too big an influence , intervention might be required . This is the duty of the epigenetic system . Why is it falling down on the job ?
The Dendritic Immune sytem
This is the connection between the synapse-type learning systems and the phene-system in the cell walls .
The dendritic immune system's effectiveness is magnified by at least 3 orders of magnitude by a continuous sharp pressure-differential . The search space is drastically reduced by stochastic resonance . (The proof is either immediately obvious or very long).
Hence modern music and it's prevalence .
Your chances of survival is about 10^3 better if you listen to some semi-random rock.
Hence iPod and others . This is a real effect .
But we can do better than that by internal Click programming .
You know : Clicking the tongue , beak , teeth , exoskelet .
There is no animal with synapses or an immune system that makes no clicks at some stage .
This is actually quite amazing .
We would then expect plants to be noisy . And they are , on very low frequencies . This is how desert elephants survive : they hear the bulbous plants growing by the low-frequency pulses sensed through their feet . A patch of bulbs would have a signature low-frequency pulse observable from a long way off . (The bulbs would evolve-learn to spurt growth at the same time . This would lessen the chance of detection and eating by close-by herbivores not as smart as elephants)
Click-talking plants .
Better than just talking to them . But try some castanets . Tap-dancing will work too , but the neighbours will think you're really crazy tap-dancing to the plants . Tojours .
Grinding your teeth .
A common complaint , usually explained away as stress . Actually , your teeth are trying to click together . A part of the body's housekeeping routine . Programming the gums and intestinal tract .
Just for the hell of it , click your teeth together 5 times together with 5 double-tongue clicks interspersed as you feel . Count them . You will feel an immediate stress-relief feeling . Blood pressure will drop . Be careful if medication to lower blood pressure is taken .
I just thought of the above , and tried it .
The teeth (molars mostly) must click against each other . You will notice there is a damage-control protocol hardwired in . The teeth will click , but not hard enough to cause damage . This already tells us that this is an old system .
The natural tendency will be for a double-teeth click , followed by a double tongue-click with the mouth open . The process then repeats , varying the teeth , tongue and mouth open/closed .
Be careful of hypotension of the cardiovascular system . The stress relief is very pronounced . Especially around the neck and upper shoulder muscles .
Teeth-grinding should cease .
But why ?
I did not expect this . But the effect is so pronounced that I cannot ignore it .
The neck and shoulder muscles do not relax through an effort of will or exercise . They just relax . (Sort of melt) .
Maybe a double bite-bite on empty air signals the end of an aggressive episode , and for expensive fight-or-flight mechanisms to stand down .
This would make this fairly deep-wired , certainly deeper than psychological stress .
Phene effects .
The stand-down is an immediate stand-down , regardless of the number previous stress-generating events . This must be true , since this is the epigenetic programming system . There is no other memory system .
Phene programming of immune-systems , bone-growth , digestion , neural growth etc ,are immediately affected . Genes are switched from crisis to maintenance . Using the carbohydrate-energy mechanism is a short-term crisis mechanism .
Standing down the mechanism should ameliorate conditions like Diabetes II .
Or getting fat .
Want to get thin ?
The algorithm :
Double-teeth click , followed by a double tongue-click with the mouth open . The process then repeats , varying the teeth , tongue and mouth open/closed .
Repeat at least ten times a month .
That’s it .
Can it be this simple?
Yes .
Why has nobody thought of it before ?
As far as I am aware , nobody in our recorded history has thought that the click of teeth together can have physiological effects . Prehistoric societies were probably aware of the effect .
Yet it does , as you can find out for yourself .
The same for the simplicity . Simple causes has wide effects , because they are so basic . You must look at the whole argument .
In any case , there is hardly any risk .
I am doing it . Tojours!
Hasta la vista !
Coming or going .
Andre .
Appendix IX
Nov 2004
The Sexes of Man
Standard Darwinism as applied to genes would indicate that the optimum strategy for a single cell is to have as many offspring as possible .
But how did multicellular organisms then manage to survive in competition with single cells ? After all , it takes more energy to run a multicellular : the organizational overheads .
Their edge is “tough times” . Some cells in multicellular organisms learned to utilize neighbour cells . Since these resources were close , the energy of utilization compared to a unicell hunting food was low .
If times are good , unicellular organisms like bacteria are inclined to eat multicellulars alive or eat their food (cf virulent tropical diseases , etc) . Unicellulars are still by far the biggest biomass on the planet .
If times are bad , the multicellular lives off the designated sacrificial cells , while the surrounding unicellulars die off en masse .
So the optimal environment for multicelluar organism to evolve and flourish is in environment of periodic scarcities . ie Tidal pools , seasons , Milankovich cycles , meteor strikes, volcanoes etc .
Note:the synoptic argument below is in time- and logical sequence .
Some cells became more important than others : in good times cells differentiated , in bad times the less important were scavenged first . Cells learned to package themselves for neat absorbtion (apoptosis) . Organs formed . Only some cells reproduced new organisms . This was a huge saving : stem cells differentiated from egg-cells . The immune system developed. (Differentiated stem cells) . Sex developed as a immune system response against attackers (parasites and diseases ) . Sex also had huge energy saving advantages , since a single gene-set could populate an eco- niche (and deny it to competitors) , but nearly all the males could be sacrificed when times are bad . One would expect a really strong hardwired tendency for males to die near their offspring . (Cf wars , exiles)
Parental care evolved . Now surpluses could be transferred from the adults to the children as long as the adults lived ( or were programmed to care ) .
To put it another way : a gene group can ensure better survival by having a non-reproducing group of relatives. This is but our old principle above where close cells are used as reserves . The only question is the exact percentage .
If a constant percentage (r) of every human generation is postulated to lead to offspring , the relevant percentages for maximized resources per child are
Grandchildren Offspring : 79.3701% No-Offspring : 20.6299%
Great-Grandchildren Offspring : 88.0749% No-Offspring : 11.3251%
(This derivation is available on request , but can easily be duplicated . Just remember that the surplus per generation is the children the “non-offspring” lot did not have , and that the surplus only accumulated after the “non-offspring” should have had children (ie one generation))
As long as the number of offspring per parent remains constant (regardless of 1 to 1 , 1 to many) parentages , these percentages will remain .
What does this mean ?
With humans , it means there is a large niche ( 11% to 21% ) of any generation where having no offspring means that the chances of a gene-groups viable survival is optimal . ie It pays the society to have 11-21% childless people .
The other sexes of Man
These are the gays , asexuals , misanthropes , explorers and other assorted misfits .
(Note recent statistical finding that the female relatives of gay men have more children than average : either a gene fit or the women looking around and thinking they can afford more children on expectations . )
Furthermore , if the birthrate decreases , this niche decreases by between the square and the cube of the decrease the birthrate during the period of the decrease . (Vicious)
Ie a halving of the birthrate will mean a decrease in the niche to ( 3% to 5%) at the best . Note that this is only applicable during the transition . Once it is stabilized , it will return to the 11-22 % range . But things in the interim will not be pleasant .
A societal decrease in tolerance of 8% can only be described as a turn towards fundamentalism .
This is structural:ie driven by factors effectively outside human control .
In both the West and Muslim worlds , the chance of having viable offspring in the 2nd and 3rd generation has decreased markedly . In the West by decreasing birthrates , and in the Muslim world by a static resource base divided by an increasing population . This tends to fundamentalism . Ironically enough , it does not hold (at the present moment) for China,India,Japan because of high growth rates .
But if a worldwide recession (a-la-1930’s) set in (probability +-45%) , then China and Japan could hunker down , but India would be forced into a fundamentalist Hindu expansionist phase . This would trigger a US - India alliance which would grind Islam fine , re-colonise Africa and eye South-America with a hungry eye . Australia is already past its carrying capacity .
To put it in other words , get off-planet . The monkeys are soon going to render this one uninhabitable .