Theory of Reactionless Drive .
Andre Willers
12 May 2014
Synopsis :
Spin is translated into linear at the Dirac Point . Momentum
is not conserved . Dirac points are inherent in many materials . Cavorite ,
anybody ?
Discussion :
1.The important bit :
“The finding of orbital texture switch at Dirac
point implies the novel backwards spin texture -- right-handed instead of
left-handed, in the short-hand of physicists -- comes from the coupling of spin
texture to the orbital texture for the conserved quantity is total angular
momentum of the wave function, not spin. The new findings, supported partly by
observations taken at the Advanced Light Source at Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory, were surprising and bolster the potential of the topological insulators.”
The kicker :
"In this paper, we computed and measured
the profile
of the topological states and found that the orbital texture
of topological states switches from tangential to radial across the Dirac
point," Zhang said. Equally surprising, they found that phenomenon wasn't
a function of a unique material, but was common to all topological insulators.”

See Appendix A for a fuller quote .
2. What does this mean ?
That bit “tangential to radial” means that
angular momentum is changed into linear momentum .
This is your reactionless drive .
“Tangential” must have an angular acceleration .
“Radial” is linear .
At the Dirac Point ,
3. The switcharoo : momentum and energy .
“And this means that the
momentum and energy association is very much like that of photons, which
implies that electrons could move at speeds approaching the speed of light.
These parts of graphene’s structure are known as Dirac points”
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4. The Trick : We can manufacture Dirac Points
Known materials :
4.1 Graphene
4.2 Graphyne
The existence of Dirac cones in the band structure of two-dimensional materials accompanied by unprecedented electronic properties is considered to be a unique feature of graphene related to its hexagonal symmetry. Here, we present other two-dimensional carbon materials, graphynes, that also possess Dirac cones according to first-principles electronic structure calculations. One of these materials, 6,6,12-graphyne, does not have hexagonal symmetry and features two self-doped nonequivalent distorted Dirac cones suggesting electronic properties even more amazing than that of graphene.
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The existence of Dirac cones in the band structure of two-dimensional materials accompanied by unprecedented electronic properties is considered to be a unique feature of graphene related to its hexagonal symmetry. Here, we present other two-dimensional carbon materials, graphynes, that also possess Dirac cones according to first-principles electronic structure calculations. One of these materials, 6,6,12-graphyne, does not have hexagonal symmetry and features two self-doped nonequivalent distorted Dirac cones suggesting electronic properties even more amazing than that of graphene.
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4.3 Titanium oxide .
Multilayer VO2/TiO2 nanostructures (d1-d0 interfaces
with no polar discontinuity) are studied with first-principles density
functional methods including structural relaxation. Quantum confinement of the half-metallic VO2 slab within insulating TiO2 produces an unexpected and unprecedented
two-dimensional new state, with a (semi-Dirac) point Fermi surface: spinless
charge carriers are effective-mass-like along one principal axis but are
massless along the other. Effects of interface imperfection are addressed.
HgTe . An old UFO favourite .
It actually has a steerable Dirac Point .
Graphyne seems easier and cheaper .
See Bi2Se3 topological insulators .
4.5 Many materials seems to form Dirac Points.
See appendix A
“topological insulators like bismuth selenide (Bi2Se3),
bismuth telluride (Bi2Te3), antimony telluride (Sb2Te3),
and mercury telluride (HgTe)”
One has the sneaky suspicion that experimental
results that showed this anomalous result was swept under the carpet in the
true spirit of human scientific enquiry .
From Para 4.3 above , unidirectional
translations of thermo spin into linear momentum is possible .
This means planar explosives .
Also cavorite . An anti-gravity material
(powered by heat) might actually be possible .
What a surprise !
5. What does all this mean ?
5.1 Topological insulators have profound
quantum implications .Space-time can no longer be considered equipotential in
all directions . There will be general and local preferred dimensions .
Oh well , general relativity was comforting
while it lasted .
5.2 Induction of Dirac Points in vacuo .
Dirac Points can induce further Dirac Points in
the vacuum fluctuations surrounding it , thereby propagating it it . Something
like Electro-magnetic radiation .
The fermions (matter in our old terminology)
becomes effectively of zero mass at the Dirac Point .
This means that the Relativity Lightspeed limit
does not apply to it . (It has no mass)
Thus , Faster-than-Light is possible, but only
in certain very prescribed directions .
5.3 Topological Insulators also says that we can build some mean
batteries .
A graphyne battery should be able to store
about 10^(3^3) ~ 10^27times more energy than an ordinary chemical battery .
A typical AA higher-end battery stores about 10 000
Joules .
A Topological Insulator battery can store 10^4
x 10^27 J ~ 10^31 J , which is about the total output of the Sun’s
energy per day . (see
Now that should be sufficient for most low-tech
applications .
5.4 FTL , anti-gravity and reactionless drives
powered by an AA size battery is only part of it .
Jump-start the sun from your cell-phone battery
Andre .
Appendix A
from universities, journals, and other
Super-fast quantum computers? Scientists find
asymmetry in topological insulators
August 13, 2013
DOE/National Renewable Energy Laboratory
New research shows that a class of materials being
eyed for the next generation of computers behaves asymmetrically at the
sub-atomic level. This research is a key step toward understanding the
topological insulators that may have the potential to be the building blocks of
a super-fast quantum computer that could run on almost no electricity.
New research shows that a class of materials being
eyed for the next generation of computers behaves asymmetrically at the
sub-atomic level. This research is a key step toward understanding the
topological insulators that may have the potential to be the building blocks of
a super-fast quantum computer that could run on almost no electricity.
Scientists from the Energy Department's National
Renewable Energy Laboratory contributed first-principles calculations and
co-authored the paper "Mapping the Orbital Wavefunction of the Surface
States in 3-D Topological Insulators," which appears in the current issue
of Nature Physics. A topological insulator is a material that behaves as an
insulator in its interior but whose surface contains conducting states.
In the paper, researchers explain how the
materials act differently above and below the Dirac point and how the orbital
and spin texture of topological insulator states switched exactly at the Dirac
point. The Dirac point refers to the place where two conical forms -- one
representing energy, the other momentum -- come together at a point. In the case
of topological insulators, the orbital and spin textures of the sub-atomic
particles switch precisely at the Dirac point. The phenomenon occurs because of
the relationship between electrons and their holes in a semiconductor.
This research is a key step toward understanding
the topological insulators like bismuth selenide (Bi2Se3),
bismuth telluride (Bi2Te3), antimony telluride (Sb2Te3),
and mercury telluride (HgTe) that may have the potential to be the building
blocks of a quantum computer, a machine with the potential of loading the
information from a data center into the space of a laptop and processing data
much faster than today's best supercomputers.
"The energy efficiency should be much
better," said NREL Scientist Jun-Wei Luo, one of the co-authors. Instead
of being confined to the on-and-off switches of the binary
a quantum computer will act more like the human brain, seeing something but
imagining much more, he said. "This is entirely different

Topological Insulators are of great interest
currently for their potential to use their exotic properties to transmit
information on electron spins
virtually no expenditure of electricity, said Luo. NREL's Xiuwen Zhang is
another co-author as are scientists from University of Colorado, Rutgers
University, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory, and the Colorado School of Mines. Luo and Zhang work in NREL's
Center for Inverse Design, one of 46 Energy Frontier Research Centers
established around the nation by the Energy Department's Office of Science in
2009 to accelerate basic research on energy.

The finding of orbital texture switch at Dirac
point implies the novel backwards spin texture -- right-handed instead of
left-handed, in the short-hand of physicists -- comes from the coupling of spin
texture to the orbital texture for the conserved quantity is total angular momentum
of the wave function, not spin. The new findings, supported partly by
observations taken at the Advanced Light Source at Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory, were surprising and bolster the potential of the topological
"In this paper, we computed and measured the profile
the topological states and found that the orbital texture of topological states
switches from tangential to radial across the Dirac point," Zhang said.
Equally surprising, they found that phenomenon wasn't a function of a unique
material, but was common to all topological insulators.

The topological insulators probably won't be
practical for solar cells, because at the surface they contain no band gap. A
band gap -- the gap between when a material is in a conducting state and an
inert state -- is essential for solar cells to free
and have them turn into energy carrying electrons.

But the topological insulators could be very
useful for other kinds of electronics-spintronics. The electrons of topological
insulators will self-polarize at opposite device edges. "We usually drive
the electron in a particular direction to spatially separate the spin-up and
spin-down electrons, but this exotic property suggests that electrons as a
group don't have to move," Luo said. "The initial idea is we don't
need any current to polarize the electron spins. We may be able to develop a
spin quantum computer and spin quantum computations."
In theory, an entire data center could operate
with virtually no electricity. "That's probably more in theory than
reality," Luo said, noting that other components of the center likely
would still need electricity. "But it would be far more energy
efficient." And the steep drop in electricity would also mean a steep drop
in the number of coolers and fans needed to cool things down.
Luo cautioned that this is still basic science.
The findings may have limited application to renewable energy, but Luo noted
that another of NREL's key missions is energy efficiency.
Story Source:
The above story is based on materials provided
by DOE/National
Renewable Energy Laboratory. Note: Materials may be
edited for content and length.
Journal Reference:
Yue Cao, J. A. Waugh, X-W. Zhang, J-W. Luo, Q.
Wang, T. J. Reber, S. K. Mo, Z. Xu, A. Yang, J. Schneeloch, G. D. Gu, M.
Brahlek, N. Bansal, S. Oh, A. Zunger, D. S. Dessau. Mapping the orbital wavefunction of the surface states in
three-dimensional topological insulators. Nature Physics, 2013;
9 (8): 499 DOI:10.1038/nphys2685
Cite This Page:
DOE/National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
"Super-fast quantum computers? Scientists find asymmetry in topological
insulators." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 13 August 2013.
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