Blue Smokers
Andre Willers
20 Aug 2013
Synopsis :
Early planetary formation geological processes and high U235
concentrations lead to explosive episodes . Large moons and life is commonplace
Discussion :
1.Early planets are unstable as geological processes concentrate
U235 in a shell around the core .
2.This leads to blow-offs : see Appendix A , Appendix B for various scenarions .
3.For Earth type planets , see Appendix B .
A part of the crust is blown off and reforms as a large Moon
. Triggered by a large impact at the edge of criticality .
The Moon is critical in the evolution of life.
But instead of a rare event (like a large collision) , it
now seems like the normal development pattern for small rocky planets with not
too much water .
4.For Water-worlds , see Appendix A .
These should be detectable using present Extra-solar
Planetary detection methods . The Uranium and Plutonium lines should be clear
once somebody is looking .
5.Venus and Mars .
The water envelope keeps on getting blown off . Until no
water is left .
Note the effect of a large Moon . This prevents the escape
of too much water .
6.Corrollary :
Luna should have large deposits of water in it’s interior
. So should Phobos and Deimos . They seem to be the same age as Mars .(?)
7.The missing moon of Venus .
This seems to be Mercury
(See Appendix D) . The mass of the Mercury moon was too big by a factor
of 5.5 (Venus/Mercury ~14.74 compared to Earth/Luna ~81.29)
The paving-over of Venus was a direct result of the loss of
this water . The Mercury-moon of Venus scavenged too much water .
There should be some missing mass at the
Intra-Mercurials . Can be seen in
appendix D para 2 below .(0.188888 AU) . Possible shepherd planets
8.The opposite happened with Mars .
The ratio of the mass of surviving moons (Phobos + Deimos)/Mars
~ 5x100 000 . The rest of the mass
seems to be spread over the next Titius-Bode orbital . (ie Asteroid belt) See
Appendix D .
Mons Olympus and the rest were the result . Supervolcanoes
as fissiles concentrated and exploded . A sort of inverse of Appendix A .
9 Just call me Von Velikovsky .
10.Transuranics .
If there are pockets of nuclear stability in the supra-plutonium
range , they will be found on the peripheries of Terran , Venus and Mars expact craters .
11.An Expact Crater is where something erupts violently .
The inverse of an Impact crater .
12. Diamonds :
A handy guide is diamonds .
See Appendix E .
13. Stable Transuranics on Earth .
Look at the edges of cool diamond volcano pipes . See
Appendix E .
You know , all that bits they threw away before in the tailings
14. Acid Mine water
has a high concentration of Supra-Uranics .
The geological process would have concentrated supra-uranics
The most valuable mineral resource on the planet today .
And they are throwing it away !
15. Value of supra-uranics .
At present , millions of dollars per gram . But available in
commercial quantities as discussed above .
16 . Why are Transuranics important ?
Because they are the poor man’s way of quantum computing .
One atom of TransPu is
equivalent to one Qbit . The internal forces are enough to keep the atom in a
state of superposition .
17. Radioactivity can then be seen to follow the normal
rules of Beth() systems . Creativity .
Steered randomness .
Interesting Worlds .
Appendix A
Natural fissile reactors in young water worlds .
Worlds like these seem to be common .
From “Neptune’s Brood” by Charles Stross ISBN 978-0-356-50099-7
“Was that a blue smoker?”
“Krina: Blue smokers are radiation hazards.”
So yes, it was a blue smoker. I shuddered,
half-disbelieving. I’d been lucky enough to see one of the wonders of the known
universe with my own eyes—and I’d survived.
Shin-Tethys is a young planet, and this is reflected in its
isotope balance. Among other corollaries of this is the fact that much of the
uranium 235 that was present when it formed has not had time to decay; uranium
found locally is around 1 percent U-235. When volcanoes erupt on the surface of
the mantle, down in the mixed rock-and-ice-VII crust below the bottom of the sea,
the magma they eject is rich in uranium. And when the magma bubbles up through
the rock and the ice and encounters seawater, well . . .
On Old Earth, the Fragiles’ birth world, the floor of the
oceanic abyssal plains were punctuated by black smokers—volcanic vents from
which issued streams of superheated, mineral-rich water, under too much
pressure to boil but hot enough to melt lead. The black smokers in turn
supported complex ecosystems, as rich minerals precipitated out of the hot
solution rising from their chimneys and provided warmth and nutrients in the
chilly depths.
Blue smokers are not so friendly to life.
Rising magma meets rock and dissolves it, then boils up into
a layer of heavy water ice. This is not ice as we know it, under
Fragile-friendly temperature and pressure conditions. Ice under such immense
pressure transitions to a different, denser crystalline structure: one that is
denser than water, so that it sinks to the bottom of the sea. When magma meets
heavy ice, the ice melts, forming a mineral-rich liquor at very high
temperature. The bolus of molten minerals rises, melting its way through the
ice progressively, until it reaches open water, still hundreds of kilometers
below the surface.
As to why it remains liquid . . .
Neutrons from naturally fissioning U-235 meet the hydrogen
nuclei in the ice and water. Hydrogen is a moderator, slowing fast neutrons,
making them easier for heavy nuclei to capture. The rate of fission shoots up,
achieving criticality. The bolus of molten minerals gets hotter, roiling and
glowing blue with Cerenkov radiation—photons emitted by particles traveling
faster than the speed of light in water. If it gets too hot, the water
molecules break apart into gaseous hydrogen and oxygen, and the nuclear chain
reaction slows—but then the water molecules re-form under immense pressure, and
things pick up again. The only constant is the radiation. And the bubble of
dissolved uranium salts, of course, fissioning merrily away like a deadly
Blue smokers—feral uncontained fission reactors—periodically
wander up from the depths. It can take weeks or months for them to reach the
surface thermocline, driven by the pressure gradient: Finally they pop,
exploding in a gout of viciously radioactive steam while still below the surface
of the sea, sending a dome of whitewater and finally a mushroom cloud boiling
up from below. Along the way, as they rise, they wreak havoc. A blue smoker
will kill anything and anyone too slow and stupid to get out of the way—it will
kill them just as dead as any other uncontained nuclear reaction, cooking them
thermally, then with slow neutrons and gamma radiation. If you want to dispose
of a corpse, a blue smoker is the ultimate in waste-disposal tools.
They have other uses.
If you can break a blue smoking bolus of fissile
uranium-laden water apart with water jets, you can cool it down. And then
you’re left with a mineral strike of incredible value: thousands of tons of
saturated uranium solution, rich in U-235 and plutonium isotopes. Blue smokers
tend to repeat in the same crustal area, time and again, bursting out like
geysers. Frequently they erupt on a schedule regular enough to set a clock
from. The farther down you capture your radioactive nightmare, the less of its
fissile material will have decayed. And so the maniacs who mine the blue
smokers of Shin-Tethys do so as deep in the abyssal depths as they can venture.
Appendix B
Earth natural reactors of the explosive variety in early
times .
Super Coolants
Andre Willers
24 Jul 2013
Synopsis :
Super coolants are why we have only
one large moon and very little super-volcano activity .
Discussion :
1.This is speculative .
2.Super coolants :
Carbon nanotubes +silicone oil ->
160 % boost in thermal conductivity ( NewScientist6 July 2013 p38 “Fluid
thinking” Katherine Sanderson .
Why ?
It is the spin .
Linear vibrations (temperature) is
translated into spin and then back again . But while in the spin state , the
molecule penetrates further . This is supercooling .
3.Your little heat engine can be
much more efficient if carbon nanotubes are added .
4.Terran reactors :
( NewScientist6 July 2013 p30 “The
day the earth exploded” Stuart Clark )
The geological processes
concentrated fissile materials . Some areas did go critical , like Oklo .
5. Or Blowing the Moon off .
6. Regardless , carbon nanotubes
acting as super coolants kept the radioactive materials in the earth’s crust
from going critical .
7.The source of the carbon nanotubes
is Gaia . The living system on the surface .
8. Another one of Gaia’s little
feedback systems .
9. How to get filthy rich :
Just look at the material about 1-10
mm away from the fault . Look at the carbon nanotubes or buckyballs .
These will conduct heat at near
super-conductor levels , but will be cheap .
10 .Delicious !
Rocky planets like earth blow a
large moon , then super-cooling prevents another blow-up .
But there are many mini-reactors.
Called magma plumes .
Continents etc .
11 Earth type planets are common in
gas clouds rich in carbon .
12 Terra forming Mars .
All it needs is some nano-catalyst
to form super-coolants in Mons Olympus and the other big volcanoes .
Then step back . (The reaction will
be fairly enthusiastic )
13 Venus will be easier .
All you need will be some
crystallization nano’s. The planet will repave .Blowing off a lot of CO2 in the
process . This can be harvested . A few high velocity fly-by’s by asteroids can
steer the blow-off towards Mars and Luna .
14 .Superconductors of the heart
only work in tandem .
Appendix C
Earth’s natural fission reactors in
recent times .
A natural nuclear fission reactor is a uranium deposit where
self-sustaining nuclear chain reactions have occurred.
This can be examined by analysis of isotope ratios. The existence of
this phenomenon was discovered in 1972 at Oklo in Gabon, Africa, by French physicist Francis Perrin.
The conditions under which a natural nuclear reactor could
exist had been predicted in 1956 by Paul Kazuo Kuroda.[1] The
conditions found were very similar to what was predicted.
Oklo is the only known location for this in the world and consists
of 16 sites at which self-sustaining nuclear fission reactions
took place approximately 1.7 billion years ago, and ran for a few
hundred thousand years, averaging 100 kW of
power output during that time.[2][3]
Appendix D
Orbital dynamics .
Easy Orbits
Andre Willers
21 Jun 2013
Synopsis :
The Titius-Bode Law of orbital distances
have been revamped and applied to discovered exo-planets . A good fit was found
. An Intra-Mercurial is deduced .
Discussion :
An old discarded empirical “Law” has
been picked up , dusted off , revamped and is now used to find Solar and
exo-Solar planets .
The Intra-Mercurials can be seen in
para 2 below .(0.188888 AU) . Possible shepherd planets .
1.A summation :
A handy guide to planetary parking
17 April 2013 by Jacob Aron
Magazine issue 2913. Subscribe and
Read more: Click here to read the
original, longer version of this story
NEED somewhere to park your planet?
You won't have to circle the galaxy for long: up to two-thirds of planetary
systems have empty spaces where an extra world could comfortably reside.
The gravitational tug-of-war between
a star and its orbiting planets means that the worlds must be spaced at particular
distances or else their orbits become unstable. The planets will then wobble
around until some collide or are ejected.
Our current understanding of
planetary formation suggests that most stable systems should be filled to
capacity. "In the solar system, we know that's not quite true, because we
know that in between Mars and Jupiter you could put another planet," says
Sean Raymond at the Laboratory of Astrophysics of Bordeaux in France. Some
theories say we started out with more worlds, but jostling with Jupiter caused
some to be ejected 4 billion years ago.
Julia Fang and Jean-Luc Margot at
the University of California, Los Angeles, wanted to find out whether other
planetary systems are full, or if they also have unoccupied but stable orbital slots
in between their planets.
The pair simulated millions of
systems in a variety of orbital configurations and compared their models with
real systems seen by NASA's Kepler space telescope. This told them which of
their modelled systems are spaced right to be stable. The duo then checked
whether these systems had orbital slots going spare, by sticking an extra
planet in between two existing ones and modelling how the orbits evolved over
100 million years. Would it cause a collision or ejection?
Fang and Margot discovered that
about a third of the stable two- and three-planet systems they modelled would
go haywire if they added a world, rising to nearly half for four-planet systems
(The Astrophysical Journal, That means the remaining majority of
systems have empty stable zones, although that proportion could be revised
downwards as more systems are discovered.
Pinning down spaces between known
exoplanets might be useful for finding worlds that have so far avoided
detection, says Raymond. "You can say, 'We think there should be a planet
on this orbit, go look for it'," he says.
In fact, two other astronomers have
found seemingly unoccupied slots that may in fact harbour potentially habitable
worlds. Their method involves reviving the Titius-Bode relation, a rough
mathematical rule for predicting planetary spacing. Developed in the late
1700s, the rule initially worked well for our solar system but fell out of
favour when it conflicted with the discovery of Neptune in 1846.
Charles Lineweaver and Timothy
Bovaird of the Australian National University in Canberra have now applied the
equation to 64 other known systems that contain multiple planets or planet
candidates. They found that it works as well as – or better than – it does for
the solar system in 89 per cent of cases ( The rule
also suggested unoccupied but stable orbital slots in several systems
discovered by Kepler, including two in the life-friendly zone around the star
The team reckons these spaces
contain as-yet-undetected planets. But if some systems have a truly empty slot,
could a sufficiently advanced civilisation build a planet and park it in orbit?
"Gravitationally it would certainly work out, I'm just not sure about the
logistics," says Fang.
This article appeared in print under
the headline "Handy guide shows planet parking slots"
2. Bit more detail
They predict a trans Plutonian
called Eris .
But extrapolating from eyeballing
and general principles , there seems to be room for intra-Mercurial at 0.188888
AU (=x^(-1.6666))
radius of the sun = 0.00464913034
Astronomical Units
It seems that the sun might have
shepherd planets close in .
Happy orbits !
Appendix E
Andre Willers
8 Feb 2011
"Diamonds are a girl's best friends " Gaia
Synopsis :
Earth is globed by a glittering shell of diamonds formed during the
cooling phases of the planet about 3 to 1 billion years ago . A few of these
survive transportation to the surface during some cool volcanic , tectonic and
impact events .
Discussion :
See Appendices below below :
1.Lots of Carbon
A planet without a diamond necklace would not have enough carbon to give
rise to a carboniferous life .
Startrek would say :
"No diamonds , no life as we know it , Jim ."
2.Neutrino Signature :
Large concentrations of diamonds have a distinct neutrino shadow (due to
multiple refraction and absorption) .
Sufficient masses of diamonds in a semi-liquid matrix self-assemble into
meta-materials to more efficiently absorb neutrinos . Cold volcanos result .
For the proof of this :
Either you see it , or else it will be a bit of a slog .
Remember , the surrounding semi-molten rock is transparent to neutrinos
A lot of energy is absorbed by the diamond metamaterial . This plays a major part in the planetary
energy balance .
This has obvious significance to detection of extra-solar planets
capable of bearing carbon-based life .
Venus indicates too much energy can be transferred
, leading to mantle-eruptions that paved the planet . The carbon went into CO2
in the atmosphere . Not that many diamonds left on Venus .
Mars should be lousy with diamonds . Just look
around the hot pockets .
Or that big ,cool volcano . Or the fracture zones between the
hemispheres .
Or … .
You get the drift .
Are there undiscovered diamond deposits in South Africa ?
Yes .
The Vredefort impact created
numerous near-contiguous fractures. The gave way under pressure to cool
volcano's with very rapid exit velocities (ie the diamonds scooped up from the
mantle did not have time to burn up . ) These weathered and water washed the
diamonds away to be concentrated in places like Alexander bay .
This took a fairly long time . Rivers formed , vanished , reformed and
the land twisted
To the West , many deposits have been found . Kimberley , etc
To the East , few .if any .
Algorithm :
Draw a circle around Vredefort with radius at Kimberley . You will
notice it encompasses most of the gold and platinum bearing areas towards all
areas except East and South-East . This is because these areas got squinched up
in subsequent tectonic movements . Nobody can un-squinch them , but we can say
meaningful things on a macroscopic scale . Because the time-scale is relatively
large , we can use
"Newtools" Nov 2008 . The Reserve and Error arguments indicate that
we simply progressively shrink the East and South-East present map measurements
to a third of the radii projected from Vredefort-Kimberley
radius . This gives a kidney shaped depression just east of the Orange
River and west of the coastal escarpment . From Estcourt in the north to
Colesberg-Noupoort in the south . Minerals should be concentrated here .
Note that the first diamond in South Africa was picked up at Colesberg .
I could never figure out why this was not followed up .
Estimated diamond reserves :
About 1/3 of that found at Alexander bay .
Platinum etc : about 1/3 to ¼ found to the north .
Heavy metals would tend to settle at dead-ends or swirling lees .
The corridor from Colesberg to East London is the most remarkable
geological trap system I have ever seen . It looks like a baleen whale's mouth
It should be lousy with heavy metals .
A less remarkable system can be seen heading to Idutywa .
Read Appendix C link .
Would Luna have diamonds ?
Doubtful . Diamonds probably did form in Earth(0) before the impact
event that resulted in Luna , but the impact temperatures probably cooked any
diamonds .
But , some might have survived in pockets of Earth(0) ejecta in Trojan
orbits . There is a distinct probability (+-15%) that large diamonds can be
found in Earth-Lunar Trojans .
Re-entry diamonds with datable pyrodone garnet inclusions would then
give formation dates before the Luna-forming impact . Has any been found ?
Unknown . On human form results like these have probably been swept
under the carpet .
So , Gaia might have diamond earrings . These should be even easier to
detect from really far away using neutrino shadowing .
Simply put , a planet with lots of carbon and a big moon can be detected
from very far away .
So much for Ceti . Anyone interested already knows what is here , and
has done so for millions of years .
Gaia will not be pleased .
You think I am joking ?
"Inverse Anthropomorphisms" Feb 2011
"Death of the Dinosaurs " Dec 2008
"AI-1 " Jul 2008
"AI update " Jun 2009
And sundry others .
I do not know how aware or self-aware Gaia is at the moment in logical
terms , but both will follow in the near future .
"Singularities " Feb 2011
And Gaia would not be pleased to be ignored . (Remember
Information (like this blog) would be open to her . (Memory)
I , for one , have no intention of pissing her off .
Maybe a teensy bit of exploration might be called for ?
Tentatively yours
A good general discussion :
Mine or Location
Diamond Age
(Billion years) |
Pipe Age
(billion years) |
Pipe Rock
Diamond Inclusions
Orapa, Botswanna
Premier, S. Africa
Argyle, Australia
Finsch, S. Africa
Finsch, S. Africa
Kemberly, S. Africa
In the above listing, * means approximate. The
Finch Mine, South Africa is listed twice because it includes two pipes
featuring diamonds of differing ages. Note the vast difference between the ages
of the diamonds and of the pipe material that carried them to the surface.
Impact considerations from Vredefort impact .
Formation and structure
The asteroid that
hit Vredefort is one of the largest ever to strike Earth (at least since the Hadean) and is
estimated at 5–10 km (3.1–6.2 mi) wide.[3] The
crater has a diameter of roughly 250–300 km (155–186 mi),[2] larger
than the 200 km (124 mi) Sudbury Basin and
the 170 km (106 mi) Chicxulub crater.
This makes Vredefort the largest known impact structure on Earth. (The Wilkes Land crater in Antarctica, if
confirmed to be the result of an impact event, is even larger at 500 kilometers
across.) The Vredefort crater's age is estimated to be more than 2 billion years (2,023 ± 4 million years),
striking during thePaleoproterozoic era. It is the
second-oldest known crater on Earth, a little less than 300 million years
younger than the Suavjärvi crater in Russia.
It was
originally thought that the dome in
the center of the crater was formed by a volcanicexplosion,
but in the mid 1990s evidence revealed that it was the site of a huge bolide
impact, as telltale shatter cones are often discovered in the bed of
the nearby Vaal River.
The Vredefort
crater site is one of the few multi-ringed impact craters on
Earth, although they are more common elsewhere in the Solar System.
Perhaps the best-known example isValhalla crater on Jupiter's
moon Callisto, although Earth's Moon has a number as
well. Geological processes, such as erosion and plate tectonics,
have destroyed most multi-ring craters on Earth.
The nearby Bushveld Igneous Complex (BIC) and Witwatersrand Basin were created during
this same period, leading to speculation that the Vredefort bolide's mass and
kinetics were of sufficient magnitude to induce regional volcanism. The BIC is
the location of most of the world's known reserves of platinum group metals (PGMs),
while the Witwatersrand basin holds most of the known reserves of gold.
The Vredefort
Dome World Heritage Site is currently facing threats from unstructured property
developments and the Parys Sewage Treatment Plant, which are in a dilapidated
state and are pumping untreated sewage into the Vaal River and the crater site.[citation needed]
A more detailed consideration of impacts .
Note the general fractal nature of fractures in the scope of the
supersonic impact wave and subsequent relaxation wave
Cool routes to the surface result .
Hence survival of diamonds .
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