Rull Mind-controls
Andre Willers
15 Jun 2008
Background :
AE van Vogt in the 1950’s postulated an alien species whose understanding of the human nervous system was so profound that they could compel certain behaviours by sketching lines on surfaces .
He called them the Rull .
Is this possible with humans ?
Yes . It is called writing .
Orders . The Truth Revealed . The Law , etc .
The Rull .
Let us postulate that the Rull communicates by exchanging scent molecules and have no concept of writing . They then have a language surpassing any human by factors of thousands . They would not even recognize human language as communication , the same as humans do not recognize the chimp cries .
In analyzing human communication , they would take the entire organism into account .
The visual sub-section would involve hard-wired responses from the human evolutionary ancestry and more recent neural-network learned behaviours .
They desire to induce a compulsive state . One is available in the “Falling-in-Love” syndrome , an obsessive-compulsive state essential to human survival . There are even hard-wired triggers : body-shapes (hips , breasts etc for males , legs ,shoulders for females , etc.)
They would notice that most human neural activity takes place at a sub-conscious level .
Many mirror-neuron networks compete to present a composite to the sensorium .
This provides scope for iteration . This is essential for compulsion .
An image with a fractal pattern , but a different pattern at each iteration leading to the desired neural configuration .
A good one will take eyeball saccades into account .
The person looking at the pattern will not even be aware that neural cascades are building up into the pre-programmed firing sequences .
Until Wham! The obsessive-compulsive complex is activated .
The human visual system is acute enough to make fine fractal differences of this nature possible .
An example :
Take “Drink Coke” . Assign each pixel to a fractal pattern and spread them according to a most probable saccade pattern . With each iteration of the eyeball movement and successive integrations in the brain , the elements of the slogan is assembled and eventually recognized consciously . But , before that , elements of it are evaluated by the amygdala in a google-type friend-or-foe reaction . This is where the Rull would tie in a “friend” reaction using old evolutionary paths .
Note that the amygdala plays a role analogous to the immune system .
But it has an Achilles heel . It has to allow obsessive-compulsive behaviour (“Falling in Love”) , otherwise the species will die out .
Note Mk IV humans . Glasses allow both fine-detail obsessive compulsive behaviour (the definition of MkIV) and more “normal” behaviour .
People with glasses also fall in love forever . The obsessive-compulsion is , well , obsessive .
Men who want to marry should make passes at girls who wear glasses .
This made the grand Chinese Experiment of one-child families possible .
The 85% wearing of glasses by Chinese means that they love their spouse and child obsessively . This rather changes the dynamic . There are no spare males for military adventures . If the leadership tries human-wave attacks , they will face revolt .
There might be a lot of them , but everyone is two citizen’s only son .
This leads to an intriguing speculation : does wearing glasses lead to a fundamental change in human perception (the way the neural cascades are assembled) ?
The answer is yes .
It is because of peripheral vision .
In the natural state , peripheral vision is unbounded : there is no clear demarcation .
But with glasses there is .
The visual system adapts , but the Friend-or-foe amygdala reaction takes place before the visual assembly is done . Varying the size and strength of the glasses then gives an easy and powerful way of reprogramming the amygdala !
I draw your attention to the “-isms” : patriotism , nationalism , communism , capitalism etc and ad nauseam etc . These became common as the use of glasses proliferated .
But why did organized religion like Catholicism or Protestantism then decline?
This is ironic : because they were too broad . The same thing is happening at the moment to sciences like physics .
Glasses have a focusing effect on the mirror-neuronal assemblies . Vague theories without any backup remain out of focus and are treated like peripheral vision items outside the rim of the glasses .
You can rid of phobias easily .
Create your own phobias or philias !
The Rull strikes again!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Petroleum and Population
Petroleum and Population
Andre Willers
11 June 2008
What will happen to the teeming billions on Earth if Petroleum should suddenly vanish?
Answer : About 3 billion would starve .
How do we get to this figure ?
We look in the past ( 1800 – 1900 ) when petroleum did not play a big role . We then calculate the estimated population in 2000 AD using the Exponential Growth Rate Constant of this period ( 1800 – 1900 ) .
Fundamental assumptions used in the calculation:
Exponential curve .
See the Appendix for the derivations .
The population size is described by the exponential equation of the form
Population = M * e^(K*t)
Where M is a constant , K is the important Exponential Growth Rate Constant and t is years (ie t=2000 at 2000 AD) .
Populations are usually more exactly described using a S shaped curve , but the populations we are talking about show no signs yet of inflection into the top half of the S-curve . Exponential growth is a close enough fit for the bottom half of this curve , especially given the approximate nature of the data .
Malthus :
We assume that populations expanded at the maximum rate made possible by their technologies . This is the historical experience .
This means that , if we extrapolate the same growth rate forward , it will be at the limits of that technology . The population we arrive at will be near the maximum sustainable by that technology .
Any piece of ground does not have an innate human , animal or plant population carrying capacity . This capacity varies with the technology of it’s inhabitants . This technology includes the bodies of the inhabitants . (Eg teeth , digestive systems , salt tolerance , etc ,etc)
Saying that we need another 1.6 or 2 Earths is meaningless without specifying the technological level .
Technological Levels .
A : Medieval : 1500 – 1700 . Animal power , Pre-medicine , Pre-industrial , Pre-Coal , Pre-Petroleum . The old Era.
Start period world population (in billions) : 0.425
End period world population (in billions) : 0.600
Exponential Growth Rate Constant (K) : 0.0017
Estimated world population in 2000AD at this growth rate (in billions) : 1.0
B : The Age of Reason : 1700 – 1800 . . Science . Medicine and Industrial revolutions start . Pre-Coal , Pre-Petroleum .
Start period world population (in billions) : 0.600
End period world population (in billions) : 0.813
Exponential Growth Rate Constant (K) : 0.00303
Estimated world population in 2000AD at this growth rate (in billions) : 1.5
C : Industrial revolution : 1800 – 1900 . The Age of Coal. Pre-Petroleum .
Start period world population (in billions) : 0.813
End period world population (in billions) : 1.550
Exponential Growth Rate Constant (K) : 0.00645
Estimated world population in 2000AD at this growth rate (in billions) : 3.0
D : Petroleum Age : 1900 – 2000 .
Start period world population (in billions) : 1.550
End period world population (in billions) : 6.1
Exponential Growth Rate Constant (K) : 0.0137
Estimated world population in 2000AD at this growth rate (in billions) : 6.1
A Table will make it clearer :
K{x10^(-3)} 1.7 3.03 6.45 13.7
Pop2000(bn) 1.0 1.5 3.0 6.5
Corollaries at 2000AD and with present technology:
C . Without Petroleum the planet can support 3 billion .
Without Petroleum and coal the planet can support 1.5 billion .
Without Petroleum , coal , industry or medicine the planet can support 1.0 billion . This is also the estimate of the basal carrying capacity of the planet .
Almost by definition , as only animal power is used . The population will probably be near or past the inflexion point for this tech–level .
Note the near-doubling of K at each technological paradigm-shift . I suspect that this is because of the fractal nature of the development stages of the world population .
The Vanishing Act of Petroleum .
Of course , petroleum won’t vanish overnight . But , after Hubbert’s Peak has been reached (when rate of new discoveries are less than rate of usage) , the oil in the ground appreciates faster than returns to be gotten by selling it .
This point has already been passed .(+- 2005)
Hoarding .
Producers down the whole supply-chain hoard product . Prices rocket , encouraging more hoarding in a vicious positive feedback cycle .
This is a well-known mechanism usually seen in famines when warehouses are full of food and people starve . ( Eg 1942-1943 in Bengal , 4 to 6 million people starved to death even though there was a good harvest . The war made merchants expect higher prices , so they locked up the food in warehouses . The incompetent and corrupt British administration allowed it .)
Of course , one person’s hoarding is another person’s optimization of profits . The only way out of this impasse is by political leadership , not a quality in great supply at the moment .
Prognosis: Not good .
Prices shoot up non-linearly . Then , hiccups develop in the supply-chain and actual physical shortages result . This is the equivalent of inventory build-up . This has disasterous consequences on an economic system optimized on Just-in-Time deliveries . National and Military interests seize the only reserves in the system . The bubble collapses . Markets collapse . The demise of Capitalism and Democracy . (A-la-USSR)
Even huge multi-national oil companies can be bankrupted . They sit on huge inventories of oil-products , but their customers can no longer afford to buy .
Non-food producing nations starve .
Genocidal war and volkewanderung (already happening in Africa) .
Civil wars (a-la-Yugoslavia) in artificial states . Even established states with ethnically diverse populations (US ,China , India , UK,Iraq,etc) can be torn apart by diverse interests as groups battle to eat .
All this against the background of climate change , as well as nuclear and biological weapons .
I have described this scenario in previous posts on the collapse of the Late Bronze Age . See
In Interregnums like these leadership is critical . Even small actions can have huge effects . The whole system has gone non-linear .
Andre Willers
The population size is described by the exponential equation of the form
Population = M * e^(K*t)
(This can be described as the left-hand side of the S-shaped population curve known as activation or logistic functions in Neural Networks . Also known as squash functions .)
P(1)=M*e^(K*t(1) )
P(2)=M*e^(K*t(2) )
P(2)/P(1)= e^(K(t(2) –t(1) ) )
K=ln (P(2)/P(1) ) / ( (t(2) –t(1) )
Solving for M and substituting in above gives
P(3) = P(2) * [ [ P(2)/P(1) ] ^ [ {t(3) –t(2)} / {t(2) –t(1)} ] ]
P(1) , P(2) and P(3) are populations at times t(1) , t(2) and t(3) respectively
M is a constant , K is the important Exponential Growth Rate Constant and t is years (ie t=2000 at 2000 AD) .
Populations (from UN , McEvedy)
Year Billion
1500 0.425
1700 0.600
1800 0.813
1900 1.550
2000 6.100
Andre Willers
11 June 2008
What will happen to the teeming billions on Earth if Petroleum should suddenly vanish?
Answer : About 3 billion would starve .
How do we get to this figure ?
We look in the past ( 1800 – 1900 ) when petroleum did not play a big role . We then calculate the estimated population in 2000 AD using the Exponential Growth Rate Constant of this period ( 1800 – 1900 ) .
Fundamental assumptions used in the calculation:
Exponential curve .
See the Appendix for the derivations .
The population size is described by the exponential equation of the form
Population = M * e^(K*t)
Where M is a constant , K is the important Exponential Growth Rate Constant and t is years (ie t=2000 at 2000 AD) .
Populations are usually more exactly described using a S shaped curve , but the populations we are talking about show no signs yet of inflection into the top half of the S-curve . Exponential growth is a close enough fit for the bottom half of this curve , especially given the approximate nature of the data .
Malthus :
We assume that populations expanded at the maximum rate made possible by their technologies . This is the historical experience .
This means that , if we extrapolate the same growth rate forward , it will be at the limits of that technology . The population we arrive at will be near the maximum sustainable by that technology .
Any piece of ground does not have an innate human , animal or plant population carrying capacity . This capacity varies with the technology of it’s inhabitants . This technology includes the bodies of the inhabitants . (Eg teeth , digestive systems , salt tolerance , etc ,etc)
Saying that we need another 1.6 or 2 Earths is meaningless without specifying the technological level .
Technological Levels .
A : Medieval : 1500 – 1700 . Animal power , Pre-medicine , Pre-industrial , Pre-Coal , Pre-Petroleum . The old Era.
Start period world population (in billions) : 0.425
End period world population (in billions) : 0.600
Exponential Growth Rate Constant (K) : 0.0017
Estimated world population in 2000AD at this growth rate (in billions) : 1.0
B : The Age of Reason : 1700 – 1800 . . Science . Medicine and Industrial revolutions start . Pre-Coal , Pre-Petroleum .
Start period world population (in billions) : 0.600
End period world population (in billions) : 0.813
Exponential Growth Rate Constant (K) : 0.00303
Estimated world population in 2000AD at this growth rate (in billions) : 1.5
C : Industrial revolution : 1800 – 1900 . The Age of Coal. Pre-Petroleum .
Start period world population (in billions) : 0.813
End period world population (in billions) : 1.550
Exponential Growth Rate Constant (K) : 0.00645
Estimated world population in 2000AD at this growth rate (in billions) : 3.0
D : Petroleum Age : 1900 – 2000 .
Start period world population (in billions) : 1.550
End period world population (in billions) : 6.1
Exponential Growth Rate Constant (K) : 0.0137
Estimated world population in 2000AD at this growth rate (in billions) : 6.1
A Table will make it clearer :
K{x10^(-3)} 1.7 3.03 6.45 13.7
Pop2000(bn) 1.0 1.5 3.0 6.5
Corollaries at 2000AD and with present technology:
C . Without Petroleum the planet can support 3 billion .
Without Petroleum and coal the planet can support 1.5 billion .
Without Petroleum , coal , industry or medicine the planet can support 1.0 billion . This is also the estimate of the basal carrying capacity of the planet .
Almost by definition , as only animal power is used . The population will probably be near or past the inflexion point for this tech–level .
Note the near-doubling of K at each technological paradigm-shift . I suspect that this is because of the fractal nature of the development stages of the world population .
The Vanishing Act of Petroleum .
Of course , petroleum won’t vanish overnight . But , after Hubbert’s Peak has been reached (when rate of new discoveries are less than rate of usage) , the oil in the ground appreciates faster than returns to be gotten by selling it .
This point has already been passed .(+- 2005)
Hoarding .
Producers down the whole supply-chain hoard product . Prices rocket , encouraging more hoarding in a vicious positive feedback cycle .
This is a well-known mechanism usually seen in famines when warehouses are full of food and people starve . ( Eg 1942-1943 in Bengal , 4 to 6 million people starved to death even though there was a good harvest . The war made merchants expect higher prices , so they locked up the food in warehouses . The incompetent and corrupt British administration allowed it .)
Of course , one person’s hoarding is another person’s optimization of profits . The only way out of this impasse is by political leadership , not a quality in great supply at the moment .
Prognosis: Not good .
Prices shoot up non-linearly . Then , hiccups develop in the supply-chain and actual physical shortages result . This is the equivalent of inventory build-up . This has disasterous consequences on an economic system optimized on Just-in-Time deliveries . National and Military interests seize the only reserves in the system . The bubble collapses . Markets collapse . The demise of Capitalism and Democracy . (A-la-USSR)
Even huge multi-national oil companies can be bankrupted . They sit on huge inventories of oil-products , but their customers can no longer afford to buy .
Non-food producing nations starve .
Genocidal war and volkewanderung (already happening in Africa) .
Civil wars (a-la-Yugoslavia) in artificial states . Even established states with ethnically diverse populations (US ,China , India , UK,Iraq,etc) can be torn apart by diverse interests as groups battle to eat .
All this against the background of climate change , as well as nuclear and biological weapons .
I have described this scenario in previous posts on the collapse of the Late Bronze Age . See
In Interregnums like these leadership is critical . Even small actions can have huge effects . The whole system has gone non-linear .
Andre Willers
The population size is described by the exponential equation of the form
Population = M * e^(K*t)
(This can be described as the left-hand side of the S-shaped population curve known as activation or logistic functions in Neural Networks . Also known as squash functions .)
P(1)=M*e^(K*t(1) )
P(2)=M*e^(K*t(2) )
P(2)/P(1)= e^(K(t(2) –t(1) ) )
K=ln (P(2)/P(1) ) / ( (t(2) –t(1) )
Solving for M and substituting in above gives
P(3) = P(2) * [ [ P(2)/P(1) ] ^ [ {t(3) –t(2)} / {t(2) –t(1)} ] ]
P(1) , P(2) and P(3) are populations at times t(1) , t(2) and t(3) respectively
M is a constant , K is the important Exponential Growth Rate Constant and t is years (ie t=2000 at 2000 AD) .
Populations (from UN , McEvedy)
Year Billion
1500 0.425
1700 0.600
1800 0.813
1900 1.550
2000 6.100
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