Monday, August 30, 2010

Home .

Home .
Andre Willers
30 Aug 2010

For Pax on her birthday .
Home is where the heart is .

The City-Nomad meme conflict has to be resolved before Singularity .

Discussion :

Humans have territorial instincts hardwired in .

In City (plot,village,town) memes : these are standard for holding and handing down actual pieces of ground . Home for the tiller of the ground .

In Nomads , there is no ground . Instead , the genome is substituted .
The women and inheritance become the territory .
Hence the fierce penalties for female adultery in nomad societies like Old Hebrew , Islam . The woman is seen as the guardian of the genome , which translates as the honour of the clan , gens ,tribe , ben , etc .
Adultery is seen in the same way as in a City-meme where the person sells the ancestral home , treacherously opens the gates to the invader , collaborates , etc .
The penalties are about the same .

Hence the problems with honour-crimes , where the two meme-systems clash .

These are not culture systems , but Meme systems . Rooted in deeper mechanisms than mere language or belief .

Essentially , nomads are matriarchal societies , since women control the genome . See previous posts . Regardless of superficial appearances .

Cities and Demi-Nomads :
The success of the city-model necessitates the growth of nomads inside the city-structure . Call them the Demi-Nomads .
Known as gangs , Hells-Angels , Mafia , Triads , etc .
Notice the attempt to fuse family(ie genome) and territory .

But remember that most of the inhabitants of the planet now are demi-nomads . City dwellers that rent accommodation and work for a corporation , with seldom long-range network ties to family . A classical destabilized system , hunting for a stabler platform (ie ready for revolution) . This nearly happened in 2007 (food price explosion)

The planet can easily support about 40 billion humans (at 2010 tech levels) , with even moderately good management . Global warming and various environmental insults are mere hiccups .

The Singularity :
The run-up is now so deep that even normal humans can see it .

The problem is not material resources , but human perceptions in how to distribute it .

And distributed it will be . Pax will help you .


Friday, August 27, 2010

Fat to Fish

Fat to Fish

Andre Willers

27 Aug 2010


Lakes of pork fat can cheaply be turned into nutritious omega-3,5,6,9 fats

Fish .

Discussion :

1.Freeze thin strips(2 cm) of fat .

2. Pasteurize the frozen strips at about 40 degrees celsius for twenty minutes with hot air .

3.The frozen fats convert into nutritious omega-3,5,6,9 fats from the outside in .

Actually, the useful fats migrate out from the frozen core and auto-catalyze , using the temperature differential .

4. Thats it .

Worth : about 40 billion dollars .


Quantized Brains and Smooth Sensoriums.

Quantized Brains and Smooth Sensoriums.
Andre Willers
27 Aug 2010

"Every family of neurons are happy in their own way , but some are happier than others."
(With apologies to Tolstoy )

How does a digital hardware (ie quantized) develop into a smooth feedback sensorium?

Discussion :
A convenient point of departure . Lots of information processing gets done intra-neuron , but we have to start somewhere and the system is fractally-feedback , so progressive arguments can be applied to infra-neuronal level .

GrowthBursts and Apoptosis :
Neuronal bunches are quantized first by GrowthBursts , and then Apoptosis of elements not used . Nodes develop .
This results in things like the frog's eye and mirror networks .

From a network view , nodes with dense local connections and few long-range connections form .

The nature of the connections:
Not only neuronal , but chemical as well Glial cells, intra-neuronal fluids , neurotransmitters , pressure waves , infra-red , radio , Electric- and ElectroMagnetic and magnetic waves in general . Gravitic influences . (The neurons have not read the textbooks) .

Quantum effects , notably entanglement and the Elitzur-Vaidman effect . This last really speeds things up in all possible space-time directions .It warps probability functions . Life development would be impossible without it in this Locale .

The problem : putting it all together .
As you can see , every node of the network is bombarded by information coming from various time-space destinations . They have to be assembled into a whole (the Sensorium) to compete with other organisms doing the same (or slightly better) .

Known methods :
1.Electric waves
(also known as brainwaves : eg alpha , beta , etc)
Simple timing mechanisms to synchronize neuronal dendrite and axon transmissions .

Chemical signals have known rates of removal , enabling source-determination .

3.The others :
They exist . An exercise for the reader .

The Result:
The brain , by it's evolutionary history , has mechanisms that can identify and assemble incoming quantized information .

The Smooth Sensorium :
Delicious !
The incoming quanta of information are not all the same size , either in space or time . In assembling them , there are overlaps . The overlaps create not just the illusion of smoothness , but in some cases actual smoothness .

Minimum Necessary Sufficient description of the Brain :
See previous posts , especially ":The Inside of Zero"
This translates as the Minimum Necessary Sufficient number of Arithmetical systems to describe a Universum .
This number is 27
(26+1 if you insist on a general time-dimension)

So we will need at least (26 + timepulses) or 27 communication modes to describe an ordinary Universum entity .

An entity can be a particle .

M=2^27! This is the number one-on-one communication interaction modes possible .

The inside of Zero :
Consider W = (1 + (-1) )^M
Consider what the (-1) means . It means absence in a delineated sense . .

To count presences and absences we have to use

W = (1 + (+1) )^M
= 2^M
= 2^(2^(27!))

This is the number of possible delineated particles in this particular multiversum .
N=2.127088 x 10^(10^28)

As expected , a fairly large number . But finite . Also as expected . Infinite series tend to curl up at their extreme ends in these universes
The average mass of a delineated baryonic particle can be used to calculate the mass , which does not have much meaning .

Sigh !
Being finite , it means that it is embedded in a higher order of infinity .
See "NewTools"
The sequence is unending .

Our Universe (a subset) is estimated to contain about 10^80 particles . Leaving lots of other universes . But not enough for the Everett interpretation of multiple universes . .
Multiple universes do happen but not at every minuscule event .
As expected from quantum effects .

It is clumped . And clumped in a very specific way . Fractally .

Self-organizing principles .
We want to know if conservation principles are applicable . Mainly , if conservation of souls (ie complexity over a certain threshold) is applicable .

Can this be used to bring about "bands" of complexity that can be quantized ?

The answer seems to be yes .

Complexities then self-organise themselve into bands .

We can then collapse the equation into
Complexity = 2^(n!) , where n is the bands and the associated energy is proportionate to the Complexity . A typical multidimensional feedback equation with limited boundary effects . Energy bound into the system ~ Complexity .

Energy is conserved if n <= 4 .

Manufacturing souls .
Does macroscopic quantum object with a mass of 10^-5 gm have a soul ?
These have been made .A chimp soul should have the same mass
Chicken or the egg ?
Does the soul come first , or the body ? A meaningless question . We can , and do , manufacture both .

But does a macroscopic quantum object of 10^-5 have a compressed soul ?
We can certainly make one , and imbue it into a system .

Wait for episode two .


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Andre Willers
25 Aug 2010

For Carl .

"Beware of low-flying crocodiles!" Sign at crocodile farm .

Why are the juveniles of one of the most successful multicellular species so susceptible to shock-death ?

Discussion :
During a recent visit to a crocodile farm , we were informed not to handle young crocodiles too heavily , as they die easily of shock . But this is one of the most heavily armoured and successful species that ever lived . They predate the dinosaurs .
What gives ?

Evolution and egg-laying :
Egg-laying species are very prolific . The problem is over-population on a river-sandbar , especially during droughts .

The amygdala :
An elegant solution to the problem .
Crocodile amygdala's in juveniles are large , enabling shock-death through various feedback processes . This is a Darwinnian learning process .
As they grow older , it decreases in size until an optimal programmed system is left that is shock-resistant .

The adult is a very formidable predator , with behaviour patterns optimized by excising individuals that made a mistake . It also has a ferocious immune system , that locks in juvenile mistakes .

This reptilian learning system was so successful that it transmitted to dinosaurs and mammals (their descendants)

Can it be reset ?
Crocs have the capability of growing the amydala by eating other crocs , small ones . This resets some of the amygdala's learning patterns and shrinkage .
Remember , it is a fluctuating pattern of good-times/bad-times on the riverbank .Big crocs that eat small crocs in an changing environment have an advantage if eating the small crocs in tough times enlarges the amygdala and enables new learning patterns to be laid down .

This has carried down to humans .
Your amygdala is programmed to shrink , no matter what you do . It is a learning and abstraction mechanism . But it has evolutionary triggers that enables it’s stem cells to enlarge it . In this case , croc fat . The biochemical triggers are at least 200 million years old . So , they should be fairly simple to find .

But in the meantime , you can simply apply croc fat (like Repcillin) . Use a little , as it is potent . About a 1 mg on the tongue and a 1 mg on each jaw at the hinge point (this activates some old receptor sites) . Where the croc rolls prey into touch . Chemical transference .

The digestive system cannot harm the active components , since they can survive a croc's digestive system .

New cells and connections form .
But program the new connections positively : smile !
After taking the stuff , about 10 minutes of reverse muscle positive programming HAS to done .(Smile , Smile , Smile) Otherwise you only repopulate the new amygdala with old systems ..

A good cure for PTSD .

I have just followed the above recipe .

What I experienced after taking Croc fat :
1.Sense of humor sharpens .This means puns and general intelligence .
2.The load lifts . Keep smiling . This actually works .
3.Irrational laughter results as tensions discharge .
4. Hippocampus enlarges due to spillover feedback effects . Short-term memory improves .
5.Take large doses of omega3-9 fats (2 Tbs flaxseed oil , 2 Tbs Cod liver oil)
The more you lift the corners of you’re your mouth , the more there is a silly giggle .This is hippocampus discharging . The amygdala is in close interchange .
7. Interesting . The degree of giggles is directly correlated to the degree of lifting of the corners of the mouth . This is not voluntary .

A direct amygdala connect is evident .
It can be switched on and off by movement of the outer sides of lips .Not noticed before croc fat ingestion .

8. What is happening behind the scenes ?
The Hippocampus and Amygdala are enlarging . Stem cells are mobilizing like mad . Initial stem cells are programming later ones .

9. After about 30-40 minutes , extreme lifting of the mouth corners (Big Smile) has less of an effect . The active ingredient in croc fat is wearing off ,but the amygdala and hippocampus has been reprogrammed and enlarged .

10 . Your short-term memory and emotional maturity should have improved quite a bit .

11. Test :
Curl up the sides of the mouth in an extreme smile . If you burst out in giggles , the amygdala has been reprogrammed .
But this will only happen after taking croc fat as prescribed .

12.This is reminiscent of THC receptors being very specifically and controlledly targeted .

14. The change is permanent .
The new cells and interconnections are there .

15 How often to repeat ?
Give the little suckers a chance to settle in . Once a day for about two weeks , then tapering off with refreshers once a month .

Now you know why the croc always smiles .


Monday, August 23, 2010

Antibodies and 3Dprinters

Antibodies and 3Dprinters
Andre Willers
23 Aug 2010

Custom antibodies can be formed by 3D printers from a continually updated electronic library of critical shapes . Essentially , a dynamic nano filter .

Discussion :
NewScientist "First step to custom antibodies is plastic" p12 19/6/2010 .
Artificial antibodies to bee venom (melittin) were created . Test mice survival increased from 0% to 60% after treatment . The artificial antibodies worked as a first-line treatment .

The Promise:
A new level of Immune System
An implanted , miniaturized 3DPrinter with a large , updated electronic library of antibody shapes prints new antibodies on local or network command .

The Danger:
Electronic viruses can spread into the metabolic systems

You pays your money and takes your choice .

At present :
First-line defense can be rapidly done .
Poisonous compounds (radiological , biological) :
Their imprints are well known . Existing 3Dprinters can be programmed to print plaques of antibodies that break down into smaller antibodies and scavenge the harmful molecules .

Immediate secondary treatment will probably be necessary , especially in the case of radioactives . But initial , deadly damage can be greatly ameliorated .

Anything that comes into the bloodstream can be zapped . Continual treatment might be necessary (eg HIV , TB , lethal contaminated environment , etc)
This includes metastazing elements of cancer .

Harmful breakdown products or harmful signaling chemicals can be zapped . Great care needs to be taken not to throw out the baby with the bathwater .

Capacity :
The existing immune memory system is limited . It can , and has been overwhelmed by the equivalent of a "denial of service" attack (HIV) .

Security :
Great care should be taken in ensuring security of linkages between the old immune system , the new one and the outside electronic systems .
The new electronic immune system's memory and capacity might be very large , but it is vulnerable to electronic forms of attack . Like the Internet .

Nanotech Security Protocols :
This technology , though at start is not quite nanotech , soon will be . It should fall under the the same security protocols as nanotech . (These have been reasonably successful)

Really, really immediate applications :
1.Print antibodies to trap gold , cadmium , etc out of a slurry or even sea water .Get filthy rich .
2.Print antibodies to trap sodium(Na) out of sea water . Desalination . Get even richer

A worry :
Can isotopes be trapped ? No . This is a coarse method , involving shapes , not energy processes .

3.CO2 : the present human hysteria .
A snap . (To avoid the crackle and pop)
Live to enjoy your riches .

Now get out there and make money .


Friday, August 20, 2010

Sex , Neanderthals and Nerds .

Sex , Neanderthals and Nerds .
Andre Willers
20 Aug 2010

Homo Sapiensis and Homo Neanderthal have interbred . About 2.4 % of Western European genetic material are from Homo Neanderthal . But the effects are disproportionate , especially concerning attracting a mate and speciation .
Nerds are driving speciation .

Discussion :

Homonins out of Africa populated pockets of Western Europe during interglacial periods . They then speciated due to cold adaptation during successive periods of glaciation , but still remained interfertile with later waves of immigrants .

2.Big torso , short arms and legs .

4.Sociological adaptation :
4.1Sociopathy : small groups can survive better in cold-stressed hunter-gatherer environments . The Nerds .
4.2Hysterical Focus , partly carried by pheromones , loses much of it’s effect in a cold environment . The pheromones don't travel well in frigid air . . The Nerds .

5.Sweating : exposure surfaces like palms face and scalp:
There are three primary glands excreting through the skin:
1.Sebaceaous : oils .For waterproofing .
2.Watery sweat : all over the skin . Homo Saps. Temperature control .
3.Watery exudation at base of hair-follicle . Found in most furry animals . For temperature control , but not as efficient for prolonged exertion . Cf foam on racing horses' fur .

6.MHC. Smell and pheromones .
Speciation is still occurring . Homo Saps and Homo Neanderthal are not too turned on by each other's pheromones . Hence perfumes .

7.Dogs .
Homo saps dogs will immediately detect suspicious MHC compounds . Hair-trigger dogs will attack the perceived enemy .
Neanderthaloid dogs vice versa : cf Anatolian sheep dogs .

Masks both MHC and pheromones . We strongly suspect that Homo Saps and Homo Neanderthal miscegenation was only possible because of alcoholic drinks .
Make both drunk . Alcohol then would have been a sacred drug .

But why ?
Hercules . Son of Gods and men .
Deliberate breeding . Remember , these ancestors of ours were very good genetic engineers .
Homo Neanderthalensis had some very desirable somatic traits : great power/weight ratios , cold resistance , sociopathy (following orders , a highly desirable trait from the viewpoint of the Boss) .
Bigger brains , probably more intelligent .
So , they bred them . Using alcohol . Susceptibility to alcohol was engineered in . (ie only drunks were allowed to breed)
See "The Origins of war and Peace"

Bugger ! I never thought of this before . Arrgh!!
Susceptibilty to alcohol was meant as a social control mechanism . But we got the Celts and their ilk .

This only works as advertised if the grooming is done by a member of the same species and same sub-group. Live with it .
The pheromones are more important .

Summation :
Neanderthaloids will tend to sweat little through palms , face and scalp . Oily secretions has a temperature trigger , so , unless it is cold enough , the surface skin will tend to be dry and scaly .
They will smell different to dogs and to humans , especially after exercise .
They will be very strong , with great patience in on-on-one situations , but inclined to explosive outbursts in social situations with lots of pheromones about .
Not useful for long-distance running , but good for busting things .
You know , berserkers .

A quick test : How much of a Neanderthal are you ?
1.Do you like working on your own ?
2.Don’t relate well in groups , but well on-on-one ?
3.Don't get sweaty palms ?
4.Have oily hair?
5.Don't mind cold ?
6.Have difficulty being accepted in a Homo Saps dog-pack ?
7.A potential Homo Saps sex partner immediately loses interest after smelling your breath ( MHC incompatibility) ?
8.A Homo Saps sex partner immediately loses interest after you showered (Scent) ?

If you answered yes 6/8 , then you have significant Neanderthal genes influencing your behaviour . A sudden influx of high-concentration alcohol will make you very suggestable and prone to violence . A Tool . Engineered for this about 50 000 years ago .
Aren’t you joyous that you serve Greater Purpose ? Especially after this Purpose has been forgotten ?

Where to find a matching member of the species ?
The highest concentration should be found in the bars of North Western Europe .
But their descendents are all over . Also , try Basques , Cornish and Fins .
You will have to sniff around after the shower.

A web site with a commercial Neanderthal DNA service provider should do the trick .
Something Darwin never thought of . The Internet as a driver for speciation .

The Great Experiment.
What is it ?
To merge the varieties of Man .
The Grand Old Ladies tried to merge the varied species of humans in a non-destructive way . Their attitude was a bit hard-boiled . Various drugs were tried , mainly alcohol . To overcome pheromone barriers .
But why ?
Humans pride themselves on the fact that they can adapt to any climate . But evolution tells us that an organism evolves to fit a niche optimally . The two principles are contradictory . The genes have to be mixed .

If Not :
Species war would have resulted . With various species involved , genocidal wars would be most likely . All would likely perish .

Will the Great Experiment fail ?
No .
The Intervention succeeded .Humans perceive themselves as a single species .
So you might be x% Neanderthal and y% Ergaster . You are not going to go to war about it . Our society can handle the conflicts .

The Singularity
The same conflict handling-mechanisms will hopefully handle the stresses leading into the Singularity .

I want to receive it , not dispense it . A painful definition of adulthood.

That still does not stroke my hair .


Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Lead SA

Andre Willers
4 Aug 2010

Safety :
Unsafe , especially in the short term .

An attempt to ignite an Hysterical Focus like with the Soccer WorldCup .

Discussion :
See "Soccer and SA" , "Inside the Ignition of an Hysterical Focus"

As predicted , the South Africans want to repeat the success of the Soccer WorldCup .
But with different goals .

Here lies the promise and the danger .

The promise is that they might get some of it right .

The danger is that some might go awry , or more likely get hi-jacked .

The same tools are used:
1.Short-range network systems like newspapers , SMS , email , twitter .
2.Long-range network systems like radio , twitter , SMS , email .

There is also a lot of PR and advertising experience .

But whether there is sufficient theoretical knowledge of Hysterical Focus Systems and how to ignite them remains to be seen .

But an interesting experiment .

Can it be controlled?
Previous experiences in history ( eg National Socialism , Communism , religion) were
instructive , but not hopeful .

Once the politicians get onboard , the Emperor Zuma scenario (ie Empire of Africa ) becomes increasingly probable . (Order of 90% - 95% probability) .

Delicious irony : President Zuma's large number of children makes this very likely , as it ensures a stable succession , acceptable to other super-powers .
(Cf Saudi-Arabia compared to Napoleon , Kaiser , Hitler , Stalin , Mao) .

1.Large number and percentage of unemployed young men .
2.Danger from China and India fishing in the troubled waters of Africa .(Minerals)

Interesting times indeed .


Sunday, August 01, 2010

Souls 2 and The Nucluonic Packing curve.

Souls 2 and The Nucluonic Packing curve.
Andre Willers
1 Aug 2010

Safety :
Life is unsafe .

Complexification compacts energy .
This results in self-consistent pockets up to n=26 , when there is a critical threshold .
The system then can become internally self-sustaining , without necessarily having critical large number thresholds .
(Cf radioactivity , breeder reactors , etc)

Discussion :
See "New Tools" , "The inside of zero " ,Tarot ", "Tarot II" ,"Unlimited Energy" , etc , etc .

The Nucluonic Packing curve :
Fusion of elements releases energy until element 26 : Iron (Fe) . Thereafter fusion takes energy . The reason for this is the nature of the reality , that it requires only 26 dimensions to be fully described . See previous posts .

You can rewrite the Periodic table using Beth(x) notation .

This example is to illustrate that complexification involves energy concentration and transformation on a very basic level .

The mass of the soul :
The soul is a complexification . This concentrates energy (ie ability to affect something else) in various probabilistic ways . These can be described using the Beth(x) notation .

A teensy-weensy problem :
Potential energy has no mass .
Otherwise gravitational lensing would not be possible .
Every mass can have different potential energy depending on the observer .
This would smear the spectrum .
Think it through .

(This is where the Equivalence assumption in General Relativity breaks down.)

Thus , the potential complexification of a (ovum+sperm) might be described a potential energy , but it would have no mass . The mass would then evolve with the actual complexification .
And it would be quantal on order of Beth(0) , Beth(1) , Beth(2) , Beth(3) .
Beth(4) beings would be testing you .

The complexification is at least factorial .
The ratio in effects would be at least ( 2^((n+1)!) / 2^((n)!) ) ,where n=0,1,2,3
(See "New Tools:Reserves" argument)

Eg human/chimp=
2^(4!)/2^(3!)= 2^18=2.62144 x 10^5 .
Chimp soul should weigh about 21/(2^18) = 8.01 x 10^(-5) gm . Very small .But measurable .

Eg human/dog=
2^(4!)/2^(2!)= 2^22=4.194 x 10^6 .
Dog soul should weigh about 21/(2^22) = 5 x 10^(-6) gm . Very ,very small .But measurable .

Superhuman (1)
Eg superhuman(1)/human=
2^(5!)/2^(4!)= 2^96=7.9228 x 10^28 .
Superhuman(1) soul should weigh about (2^96)/21 = 3.7728 x 10^(27) gm . Very large .But measurable . Approaching singularity scales .

Superhuman (2)
Eg superhuman(2)/human=
2^(6!)/2^(4!)= 2^696= ??
Superhuman(2) soul should weigh about (2^696)/21 gm which is more than mass of universe . Very , very large .But measurable . Passing singularity scales .

Testability :
1.Use spring scale , balance scale and gravitational interference from a laser array to measure mass of dog , chimp and human ova from moment of conception .
2.There should be discontinous mass-jumps as the fetus progresses through the stages.
3.Similarly , at death .

You see how to do it ?

Good luck to you .
Beth(x->:) )


Souls 2 and The Nucluonic Packing curve.

Souls 2 and The Nucluonic Packing curve.
Andre Willers
1 Aug 2010

Safety :
Life is unsafe .

Complexification compacts energy .
This results in self-consistent pockets up to n=26 , when there is a critical threshold .
The system then can become internally self-sustaining , without necessarily having critical large number thresholds .
(Cf radioactivity , breeder reactors , etc)

Discussion :
See "New Tools" , "The inside of zero " ,Tarot ", "Tarot II" ,"Unlimited Energy" , etc , etc .

The Nucluonic Packing curve :
Fusion of elements releases energy until element 26 : Iron (Fe) . Thereafter fusion takes energy . The reason for this is the nature of the reality , that it requires only 26 dimensions to be fully described . See previous posts .

You can rewrite the Periodic table using Beth(x) notation .

This example is to illustrate that complexification involves energy concentration and transformation on a very basic level .

The mass of the soul :
The soul is a complexification . This concentrates energy (ie ability to affect something else) in various probabilistic ways . These can be described using the Beth(x) notation .

A teensy-weensy problem :
Potential energy has no mass .
Otherwise gravitational lensing would not be possible .
Every mass can have different potential energy depending on the observer .
This would smear the spectrum .
Think it through .

(This is where the Equivalence assumption in General Relativity breaks down.)

Thus , the potential complexification of a (ovum+sperm) might be described a potential energy , but it would have no mass . The mass would then evolve with the actual complexification .
And it would be quantal on order of Beth(0) , Beth(1) , Beth(2) , Beth(3) .
Beth(4) beings would be testing you .

The complexification is at least factorial .
The ratio in effects would be at least ( 2^((n+1)!) / 2^((n)!) ) ,where n=0,1,2,3
(See "New Tools:Reserves" argument)

Eg human/chimp=
2^(4!)/2^(3!)= 2^18=2.62144 x 10^5 .
Chimp soul should weigh about 21/(2^18) = 8.01 x 10^(-5) gm . Very small .But measurable .

Eg human/dog=
2^(4!)/2^(2!)= 2^22=4.194 x 10^6 .
Dog soul should weigh about 21/(2^22) = 5 x 10^(-6) gm . Very ,very small .But measurable .

Superhuman (1)
Eg superhuman(1)/human=
2^(5!)/2^(4!)= 2^96=7.9228 x 10^28 .
Superhuman(1) soul should weigh about (2^96)/21 = 3.7728 x 10^(27) gm . Very large .But measurable . Approaching singularity scales .

Superhuman (2)
Eg superhuman(2)/human=
2^(6!)/2^(4!)= 2^696= ??
Superhuman(2) soul should weigh about (2^696)/21 gm which is more than mass of universe . Very , very large .But measurable . Passing singularity scales .

Testability :
1.Use spring scale , balance scale and gravitational interference from a laser array to measure mass of dog , chimp and human ova from moment of conception .
2.There should be discontinous mass-jumps as the fetus progresses through the stages.
3.Similarly , at death .

You see how to do it ?

Good luck to you .
Beth(x->:) )
