Sunday, October 25, 2009

Moire Patterns .

Moire Patterns .
Andre Willers .
25 Oct 2009

Synopsis :
Seeing what is not there : the pattern . A superior visual training system .

Discussion :
A pattern is an algorithm relating elements .
See "Integrated click"

Windows Media Player . Right-Click on the black and goto , This gives an analogue of Itarin or visual training systems slaved to sound .
The picture is the sound with a simple transform into 3-dimensions . Watching it for about 5 minutes triggers major transform-correlations in the visual-auditory system .

Make sure your ears are clean and have no hairs . "Beautiful ears"

The Amazing thing :
You see Moire patterns in the central square plane of pixels . These were not designed in , but a result of the musical transforms rotating the plane .

The important point to note is that this pattern is creation of the observing eye . It has to see the whole thing at once to observe the pattern . There is no pattern inherent in any single pixel .

The information processing is done in the retina and hind-brain . Final assembly in visual cortex .

The rotation through a new dimension gives an attacking point to bootstrap up through dimensions even from a plane viewpoint .

For our normal 2-dim system focusing on the Moire pattern on the plane rotating through 3 Dim trains the retina-brain better than Itarin as far as edges and curves go . Maybe corners too .

Visual acuity increases immediately to first learned default . I mean immediately .
(I did use click and tapping)

The pattern recognition algorithms triggered in the retina are far better using Moire patterns . In hindsight , obvious .Only virtual systems are activated and trained in the retina and related neurons .

What is interesting is that the first stop of the system is the normal , one foot from the page learned in youth . It focuses well there , but is not very flexible around it . Obviously , some more training is needed (This is after about 10 mins of training , my boredom threshold) .

The effect seems to persist , so some long-term potentiating did take place . I was clicking and tapping , too . Who knows . See if the effect persists tomorrow .

Auditory systems in the short frequencies should have improved as well , but I have no easy way of testing this .

Clicking :
This is extraordinarily hard to coordinate at first . I still have not mastered the double click to fit in with the music and tapping .

Like rubbing your belly circularly with one hand , while moving the other forward and back on the head (an old test) .

After mastering some modicums of click , the rubbing test went without any feeling of strain . Not even effort or concentration . I was surprised . I could do it before , but had to concentrate . Now I just did it , like normal .

I can only imagine that communication between left-lobe and right-lobe of the brain had improved at the level of hand-arm co-ordination . Since my corpus callosum is hopefully still the same , information carried by pressure differentials seems left .

Click .

Very interesting . I just tried to write with my left hand and compared it to my normal right hand writing . About the same , but some feeling of strain in the left hand .

By Gad ! Don't tell me this actually works !!

The Owl Maneuvre .
The Algorithm :
1.Center head and eyes.
2.Keep plane of face steady and move head left (like an Egyptian dancer)
3. Keep plane of face steady and move head right (like an Egyptian dancer)
4. Keep plane of face steady and move head up (like an Egyptian dancer)
5.Keep plane of face steady and move head down (like an Egyptian dancer)
6. Keep plane of face steady and move head to center .
7. Go

This stretches the neck and is good for stress .

This is a hardwired orientation algorithm . Owls use it just before they fly through a heavily wooded area . It obtains maximum information about distances and orientations . If you double-click during each phase , timing is greatly facilitated .

Use this in training at various distances from the screen above .

Reflex speeds :
I have no testing facilities , but from the quick response to even minuscule training in click , there should be a marked response .

From cloppity-clop to clickety-click

Andre .

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