Sunday, September 07, 2014

Rogue Swan Weapons

Rogue Swan Weapons

Andre Willers
7 Sep 2014
Synopsis :
Rogue Superposition Waves are created to kindle Black Swan events .
Discussion :
1.Rogue waves :
From Appendix A , Appendix B and Google it is clear that some heavy research is going on about creating and controlling Rogue waves .
These principles would be applicable to any superposition situation (ie where things can be added ) .
Water waves , quantum waves , electromagnetic waves , earthquake waves , sound waves , economic waves , etc
2.Black Swan Events .
See Appendix C .
Very low probability , very high impact events .
3. Big , unexpected rogue wave with major impact is a Black Swan event : a Rogue Swan .
  Like the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs .
4. Rogue Swan Weapons:
4.1 Disrupt any weapon at lightspeed  . Workable ABM
4.2 Do it with quantum probability waves and generating “good” luck or “bad” luck no longer is an item of faith .
4.3 Towering Tsunamis .
4.4 Giant Earthquakes .
4.5 Blinding flashes or deafening blasts
4.6 Economic Recessions , Depressions or Booms
Etc , etc.

5.Testing , testing…
Looking at the state of the world , it seems that Economic Rogue Swan systems are being tested .
Have you fed your pet Rogue Swan lately ?


Appendix A
Rogue waves :
Abstracts from the article
General high-order rogue waves in the nonlinear Schrödinger equation are derived by the bilinear method. These rogue waves are given in terms of determinants whose matrix elements have simple algebraic expressions. It is shown that the general N-th order rogue waves contain N−1 free irreducible complex parameters. In addition, the specific rogue waves obtained by Akhmediev et al. (Akhmediev et al. 2009 Phys. Rev. E 80, 026601 (doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.80.026601)) correspond to special choices of these free parameters, and they have the highest peak amplitudes among all rogue waves of the same order. If other values of these free parameters are taken, however, these general rogue waves can exhibit other solution dynamics such as arrays of fundamental rogue waves arising at different times and spatial positions and forming interesting patterns.

1. Introduction
Rogue waves, also known as freak waves, monster waves, killer waves, extreme waves and abnormal waves, is a hot topic in physics these days. This name comes originally from oceanography, and it refers to large and spontaneous ocean surface waves that occur in the sea and are a threat even to large ships and ocean liners. Recently, an optical analogue of rogue waves—optical rogue waves, was observed in optical fibres (Solli et al.2007Kibler et al. 2010). These optical rogue waves are narrow pulses that emerge from initially weakly modulated continuous-wave signals. A growing consensus is that both oceanic and optical rogue waves appear as a result of modulation instability of monochromatic nonlinear waves. Mathematically, the simplest and most universal model for the description of modulation instability and subsequent nonlinear evolution of quasi-monochromatic waves is the focusing nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation (Benney & Newell 1967Zakharov 1968Hasegawa & Tappert 1973). This equation is integrable (Zakharov & Shabat 1972), thus its solutions often admit analytical expressions. For rogue waves, the simplest (lowest-order) analytical solution was obtained by Peregrine (1983). This solution approaches a non-zero constant background as time goes to Graphic, but rises to a peak amplitude of three times the background in the intermediate time. Special higher order rogue waves were obtained by Akhmediev et al.(2009a) using Darboux transformation. These rogue waves could reach higher peak amplitude from a constant background. Recently, more general higher order (multi-Peregrine) rogue waves were obtained by Dubard et al.(2010)Dubard & Matveev (2011)Gaillard (2011)Ankiewicz et al. (2011)and Kedziora et al. (2011). It was shown that these higher order waves could possess multiple intensity peaks at different points of the space–time plane. These exact rogue-wave solutions, which sit on non-zero constant background, are very different from the familiar soliton and multi-soliton solutions which sit on the zero background. They were little known until recently owing to high public interest in theoretical explanations for freak waves observed in the ocean. These rogue waves are intimately related to homoclinic solutions (Akhmediev et al. 19851988Its et al. 1988Ablowitz & Herbst 1990). Indeed, rogue waves can be obtained from homoclinic solutions when the spatial period of homoclinic solutions goes to infinity (Akhmediev et al. 198519882009bGaillard 2011). These rogue waves are also related to breather solutions which move on a non-zero constant background with profiles changing with time (Akhmediev et al. 2009c).
In this article, we derive general high-order rogue waves in the NLS equation and explore their new solution dynamics. Our derivation is based on the bilinear method in the soliton theory (Hirota 2004). Our solution is given in terms of Gram determinants and then further simplified, so that the elements in the determinant matrices have simple algebraic expressions. Compared with the high-order rogue waves presented in Dubard et al.(2010) and Gaillard (2011), our solution appears to be more explicit and more easily yielding specific expressions for rogue waves of any given order. We also show that these general rogue waves of N-th order contain N−1 free irreducible complex parameters. In addition, the specific rogue waves obtained in Akhmediev et al. (2009a) correspond to special choices of these free parameters, and they have the highest peak amplitudes among all rogue waves of the same order. If other values of these free parameters are taken, however, these general rogue waves can exhibit other solution dynamics such as arrays of fundamental (Peregrine) rogue waves arising at different times and spatial positions. Interesting patterns of these rogue-wave arrays are also illustrated.

The maths follows in the article
Appendix B
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the component in an internal combustion engine, see Crankcase ventilation system.
In physics, a breather is a nonlinear wave in which energy concentrates in a localized and oscillatory fashion. This contradicts with the expectations derived from the corresponding linear system for infinitesimal amplitudes, which tends towards an even distribution of initially localized energy.
discrete breather is a breather solution on a nonlinear lattice.
The term breather originates from the characteristic that most breathers are localized in space and oscillate (breathe) in time.[1] But also the opposite situation: oscillations in space and localized in time[clarification needed], is denoted as a breather.

Appendix C
Black Swan
The black swan theory or theory of black swan events is a metaphor that describes an event that comes as a surprise, has a major effect, and is often inappropriately rationalized after the fact with the benefit of hindsight.
The theory was developed by Nassim Nicholas Taleb to explain:
1.   The disproportionate role of high-profile, hard-to-predict, and rare events that are beyond the realm of normal expectations in history, science, finance, and technology.
2.   The non-computability of the probability of the consequential rare events using scientific methods (owing to the very nature of small probabilities).
3.   The psychological biases that make people individually and collectively blind to uncertainty and unaware of the massive role of the rare event in historical affairs.


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