Swine Flu and Pregnancy Deaths.
Andre Willers
30 Aug 2009
Synopsis :
Spanish Flu (H1N1) had a higher mortality rate for users of Aspirin .
Swine Flu (H1N1) the same to a higher degree .
Acrylamide poisoning is indicated .
Young fetuses spontaneously abort , but older ones has a more pronounced effect on the mother .
Some possible treatments are discussed .
Discussion :
For Johan , who highlighted the aspirin problem .
Acrylamide is a potent nerve poison .
(See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy and Acrylamide" )
Google "acrylamide" for more .
Google "aspirin acrylamide" for the biochemical link .
I do not have access to the articles , but from the precis it seems clear that there is a biochemical pathway between aspirin and acrylamide .
Flu viruses seem to target this . Notice the symptoms of numbness , tingling and tiredness which are common to flu and peripheral neuropathy . (The tingling exacerbates sneezing)
Temperature control goes out of whack and can fluctuate wildly . The nerves sending sensor data to the brain are damaged , usually in the middle of the axon .
In severe cases , the CNS is affected and general systemic collapse follows .
A fetus in the third trimester (when nerve tissue is rapidly developed) is especially vulnerable . The womb-systems might succeed in keeping acrylamide out , in which case the mother suffers . If not , the fetus dies . We would then expect a higher incidence of still births where flu is involved , especially Swine Flu .
A much higher incidence (near sterility) due to spontaneous abortions just after conception due to Swine flu can be expected in survivors .
See general arguments in http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "Coffee Foam : the Fertility Phene-switch"
Short-term Advantage to the virus :
1.The organism's immune system is placed in disarray by the disorganization of it's nervous system .
2. Other opportunistic organisms take advantage of this , further weakening the immune response by splitting it . Pneumococcia especially . But expect problems with domesticated bacteria who might use the opportunity (sensed via quorum systems) to switch on lethality genes .
Long-term Advantage to the virus :
More of it will be manufactured in the Phene-structures as discussed in http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "Coffee Foam : the Fertility Phene-switch"
What to do on getting Flu :
1.Do not take any aspirin .
2. From http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy and Acrylamide" :
Cut down on acrylamide formation .
"Start quote
Asparigine , glucose/fructose , (temp>120 Celsius) are all three necessary to produce Acrylamide . Hence foods low on the first two , or cooked below 120 Celsius are safe
The EU study found that 90% of diet derived acrylamide comes from :
French Fries (slap chips) : 16% – 30%
Potato crisps : 6% - 46%
Coffee (it's always roasted ) : 13% - 39%
Pastries and Sweet biscuits : 10% - 20%
Bread , breadrolls , pizza and toast (especially the crust) : 10% - 30%
In general , avoid anything that used a temperature of 120 Celsius or above in it’s preparation . This includes teas .The effective concentrations of acrylamide needed to trigger the reaction is very low , especially for diabetics already sensitized .
Anything low GI microwaved submerged in water , or cooked without burning or browning should be ok .
End quote"
3. Keep sugar spikes down . The virus might be actively promoting higher sugar levels (diabetes II ) to increase acrylamide production .
4. Evening Primrose Oils (active ingredient Alpha-Lipoic Acid )
This is not indicated for pregnant or breastfeeding women without medical supervision .
Some clinical trials indicate that this is effective in halting or reversing (actually repairing ) nervous system damage .
The road-gang . It facilitates repair of the axon .
From personal experience , this works .
But large doses are needed ( 1500 = 3x500 mg daily) for peripheral neuropathy .
5. Take sulfur supplements (MSM)
Discussed before ad nauseam .
6. In extremis :
6.1 A whiff of H2S (about rotten-egg concentration < 30 ppm) . The idea is that the body's immune system will concentrate it where necessary for a stasis reaction .
6.2 An infusion of infra-red opaque material , by injection if necessary . This will drastically affect phene-switches . Iffy - much more research is needed .
See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "Coffee Foam : the Fertility Phene-switch"
Spanish Flu :
Tinned foods (especially bullybeef) were all heated to about 150 degrees centigrade .
These formed the staples of soldiers and a lot of civilians during and after WW I. But note that it is high in acrylamide . Add aspirin and the flu virus and very high mortality rates were reached . The fertility rates also decreased drastically , (as discussed previously ).
Some populations never recovered previous fertility rates (eg Afrikaners in South Africa . Note priming during Boer War .)
Swine Flu Prognosis :
Will it switch to a more lethal form like the Spanish Flu ?
We have had a replay thus far (relatively mild flu with low mortality and world-wide incidence , now apparently wind-borne . Some isolated tribes of central-Brazilian Indians have reported up to 25 % positive tests)
From the viewpoint of the phene-mechanisms , high-mortality diseases are mild corrections . Low fertility is a much more serious correction , which can easily lead to species extinction .
If there is no switch to a more lethal form , it means that fertility rates will plunge and remain low forever (unless there is human intervention) . This will cause all sorts of short term social unrest . (There is not much of a long term)
The Slow Plague .
Alea iacta est : but the dice are still in the air .
And so it spins .
Andre .
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Makgadikgadi Sea .
Makgadikgadi Sea .
Andre Willers .
28 Aug 2009
Synopsis :
Southern Africa had a large interior freshwater sea until historical times , with major effects on human evolution and regional climates .
Discussion :
Map source : Reader's digest "Atlas of the World" (1993) ISBN 0-276-42001-264-7 .
P128 : Map of Southern Africa .
Wikipedia , Google . See appendices .
The topographical map clearly shows a major basin with 200 – 1000 meter elevation
Location :
Bounded by 16 to 28 degrees latitude (longest about 1 320 km) ,
The width varies : roughly hourglass-shape . At the narrowest in the middle : 23 to 25 degrees longitude (about 240 km) at about latitude 22 degrees .
The widest about 500 km . Bounded in the east by about 27 degrees longitude , and the west by 20 degrees longitude .
The basin is bounded by higher elevations and mountains on all sides , except for the breakthrough gap of the Zambezi at Victoria Falls .
Faults :
Roughly the line from Worcester – Grootvlei – Kakamas – Khakea – Lake Ngami – Victoria Falls – Present course of Zambezi to Great Rift Valley .
Essentially a branch of the Great East African Rift . See the Luangwa river plains .
See also Zimbabwe – Kalahari Axis , Gumare fault .See Appendices .
Note that these faults runs right through the center of the old Kalahari Sea , and was thus sensitive to the changes in it's water level . This in turn was sensitive to rainfall and river-inflow / outflow balance . Changes in the weight of the water would cause changes in seismic activity .
The faults are quite active (cf Tulbagh earthquakes , when the southernmost end had a mild 6.8 tremor.) . The Zimbabwe – Kalahari Axis and Gumare fault have been active in historical times , but with long intervals . Overdue . .
Periodic fluctuations .
The entire system is seismically sensitive to climate fluctuations caused by the periodic filling and emptying of the Makgadikgadi Sea . Hence the zig-zag pattern of the Victoria Falls gorges .
Climate .
There is also a complex feedback with rainfall patterns in the catchment areas of the feeder rivers . The system is an endorheic basin (internal drainage-see Appendix B)
But such a large body of water and concomitant vegetation drastically alters the rainfall in its region .
See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "Biotic pump"
Notice the orientation of rivers on the sides of the old sea (ie Namibia , Angola) . They are all on the side of ridges facing the basin , ie from where moisture will come . A large percentage of moisture simply recirculated within the basin .
During the full episodes , it simply overflowed through the Limpopo .
Earthquakes opened the Victoria Falls portal . The water level fell . Moisture recirculation fell . The borders dried up . If this coincides with a dry climate period , we get the present shrinkage to marshes at the deepest parts .
Earthquakes sooner or later close the Victoria Falls portal , and the process reverses .
This has been going on for more than 3 million years (see Appendix C) .
The latest reversal started about 10 000 years ago , with the major climate shift at the end of the ice age .
Orange River .
Note the very peculiar fact that most major rivers in South Africa (Orange , Vaal , Harts , Modder , etc) are on top of ridges . This has led to some interesting squirming by geologists , since water has this well-known propensity to flow downhill . The explanations are suitably convoluted and involve escarpments , really long stretches of time and lots of erosion .
Whatever , it still means that the major rivers are unstable vis-a-vis major tectonic movements , but may be self-sealing due to heavy silting .Though this takes some heavy swallowing .
But the Orange river has a high probability of also periodically emptying into the Inland Sea . Most probably about 60 km downstream from Kakamas , where it comes nearest to the Molopo .
This is not an idle question , since such an old riverbed will be lousy with alluvial diamonds . Might even be gold-nuggets from the Vaal .
Human Evolution .
See Appendix D .
The point actually pinpointed is where the borders of present RSA , Namibia and Botswana meet . This is not an accident , since the borders follow habitability . This is where the Nossob river meets the westernmost part of the old inland sea . An ideal place for human evolution .
Lots of food , easily gathered . A whole sea of potable water .Lots of caves . An extended coastline to accommodate expanding population or climatic change . An outlet to the South-South-West with no unsurmountable barriers for the bored and rebellious .
The inhabitants of Pinnacle Point near Mosselbay were thus colonizers , migrating via the West Coast . They were stopped by the dense Tsitsikama forest and inhospitable terrain past that . The really inhospitable central plateaux were only the populated by outcasts , criminals and refugees .
Others on the inland sea would move northwards during fluctuations , eventually ending up in the Rift Valley system . From there they could easily move northwards , using well-known strategies and technologies next to the rift lakes . Bypassing the whole problem of latitude crossing (cf Jared Diamond) .
Back-pressure .
The periodic nature of the process means that after the first migration , and after Toba
(73 000 BP) , there would be people already there . But population density was low and newcomers (essentially refugees) , were helped on their way , eventually towards North Africa , Middle-East , Asia and Europe . This attitude (called Ubuntu) is still a characteristic of most ordinary people in Africa .
Interesting asides :
Aquatic human episode : a freshwater sea like the Magadikgadi Sea would be a much more benign environment for such evolutionary development than salt-water ocean . Note the trainable capability of humans to see underwater (not very well known , but well documented) .
More telling is Click . See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "Click and human Evolution" Click sounds aid fishing . Do humans still use this ? (without technology)
The inland sea teemed with fish . Clicking would not only locate , but also chase fish into weirs or nets . We know they used weirs (stone weirs have been found by archeologists in areas like Mosselbay) . The efficiency of clicks (mimicking predators like dolphins) would be very efficient in chasing fish . They would also attract dolphins , which would share of the largesse . The beginning of a long cupboard love .
With the invention of agriculture , click-languages fell out of fashion .
"So last year .Who needs the effort ." But some aquaculture enclaves might still have it . Cf surprising Chinese efficiency in freshwater aquaculture . Do they cluck ?
Was the first domestication done simply by seeing which animals responded to clicks , then selecting and breeding . This could be easily tested .
Chickens and falcons also respond better to clicks . How deep does it go ? I will need a lot of convincing for a virus click-whisperer . What about a homeopathic click-whisperer ? The shaman has click-whispered into this large body of water and it is transmitted . Sigh . Many humans believe exactly that . Holy water .
Endorheic Pumps.
See Appendix B
Basins which have internal drainage act like pumps to any living organisms inside them . Because of the interaction between rainfall and vegetation , there is a feedback oscillation . When times are good , populations increase . When times are bad , the tough emigrate , and export their troubles .
The Magadikgadi basin is probably the oldest , but the Tibetan Plateau is not far behind . Ditto the steppes of Mongolia , Aral and Black Seas . North Africa (Lake Fezzan , Lake Chad) , the whole Arabian and Sinai peninsulas , northern Mexico , Middle-West USA are examples . All the troublespots . Even small climatic fluctuations cause trouble if the population is over carrying capacity .
Zimbabwe I
See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "Fractal collapse of societies"
For about 2000 years , to about 1400 AD , there was a flourishing civilization around the borders of the inland sea . The climate in the highland-areas around it was very benign , with rain the year around . Extensive ruins of terraced agriculture are discernable . The center was in Zimbabwe .
Value added items were exported to India , Arabia mainly gold , minerals and precious stones Like now .
See the photo's in Adam's Calender by Heine and Tellinger . (ISBN 1-920153-07-1) .
Especially p25-p27 . Kilometers of ruins showing clear evidence of agriculture (terraced ,nogal) and husbandry , with market mechanisms (roads , but no evidence of wheel tracks) . Though the authors try hard , the ruins are patently fresh . They show less weathering than equivalent Roman ruins in Europe . They are younger than 1000 years . There is no evidence of Deep Time . Stone fences are still above ground . Terraces are evident . Not very old at all . But still indicative of a flourishing society about 100 BC to 1400 AD .
So what happened ?
A severe earthquake opened up Victoria Falls again and the inland sea started draining . This coincided with the latest long-term drying-up . A tipping point was reached (because of the feedback effect) , and things went to hell in a handbasket quickly after that . There was already shrinkage before that , but this was the coup-de-grace .
The overseas merchants (Dravidian South Indian merchant class – the Komati) cut their losses and departed . Markets shrunk . The locals abandoned expensive agriculture , especially as the climate changed . The shrinkage was gradual . When the final pull-out occurred , the remnants could live on the land in a simple subsistence economy .
What remained was kilometers of ruins (like Rome before the Renaissance.)
Note that this was not a failure of civilization , but an effect of climate change .
The market disappeared because the infrastructure to feed the labour force was no longer sufficient . A market cannot create a climate . (Not then , in case)
What can we do about it ?
Well , we can rob the Congo river or the Rift lakes , but that is inelegant .
(Ne kulturny)
An elegant solution is to punch a channel underground to below 1000 meters in the Atlantic , use the pressure to squirt the water into basin , after desalinating it .
The technology exists :
1.The tunnel :
Sub-Crustal torpedoes . Submarine versions are already in use with the Russian and USA navies . Simply a high-speed projectile that uses vaporized plasma ahead of it to change the phase of the material . A train of them condenses the plasma on the sidewalls as a strong material .Cheap .
2.The desalination :
See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "Negative Pressure : an important update" 6 Mar 2009 .
The nanotechnology is due at any moment . By it's very nature , it is high throughput .
3. The ideal spot :
The top reaches of the Nossob river , about midway between Okanhanja and Epokira . From there is an uncomplicated run for a sub-crustal missile to the Atlantic towards the south-west .. The further advantage is that the flooding would be via a natural river . It would be truly spectacular . It is doubtful that they could get the right depth on first try , but would rather go too deep , than too shallow . A huge permanent geyser of water hundreds of meters high would result . An inverse waterfall , to rival Victoria Falls .
4. What if the desalination is not ready ?
(Yakkity-yak humans –most likely)
A sea-water sea would be nearly as acceptable . The climatic effects would be similar. We have a model in the Black Sea .
Do the same in other endorheic basins ? Libya might do it first . Or repopulating the Aral sea . The Black Sea can do with some topping up .
This can be done definitely within 6 months from now .
See map of endorheic basins in Arabia and Sinai .
Not to mention India . Or Australia . They really need it .
5. Ocean current climatology will suddenly assume a new strategic importance .
6. The defense strategic importance of sub-crustal missile technology .
Nil .
They cannot defend against super-crustal missiles . So that is not applicable . The thing a nation or civilization has to worry about is resources . And this technology frees up the oceans' resources .
Ecology is the major worry , and avenues for that exist .
7. Money .
There is an incredible amount of money to be made .
Actually made . Real wealth creation . Millions of acres made fertile even with just saline water nearby . The carbon credits of a sub-ocean fountain dissolving CO2 alone will pay the fairly modest capital costs (about $500 million) . Sneer at iceberg-towing.
Global flooding ?. Rather worry whether there is enough water in the oceans to satisfy human demand .
An interesting exercise : calculate the remaining sea-level after maximal usage of sea-water . (Hint : look at ice-ages . Would we use the water-equivalent of miles thick glaciers on land ? Easily .Crops , drinking , industrial etc . But remember , if it is properly cleansed , it is borrowed . It does get returned to the ocean . But an awful lot of it is "in use" , in the air as it were . This percentage will increase .)
Industrial demand will lead to such a shortage of water that it would be economical to import water from the Saturn orbital clouds .
8. Parallel sub-crustal missiles .
I am deeply unhappy about the fact that major river systems in South Africa are on hard ridges . It is simply unstable , unless there is a deep trench in the river bed . The only way I can think of is a a collapsed tunnel . Drilled by a sub-crustal missile .
Meteor impact :
If you look at the paths of the Vaal ,Caledon and Orange rivers and backtrack , you see that the tracks meet at 36.67 degrees longtitude and 26.78 latitude . This would be the putative impact point of a meteorite that split into two and tunneled under the crust for about 1 620 km till the two plasma bodies slowed to a threshold velocity and they swerved sharply towards each other . They impacted roughly where Hopetown is now . (A bit to the south-east , actually .) Expect diamonds .
What to expect at the impact point :
This is about 200 km from Beira . This has been a carbon rich area for a long time . I do not know when the impact took place , but even if it was a fragment of the Vredefoort meteor there would still be gas and maybe oil deposits formed by the impact waves .
Note the lightning-like offshoots before the final .
At the end , quantum distribution of charge on the plasma body overwhelms internal coherence and the two bodies rush towards each other and self-annihilate .
Violent energy release results .
Hence the little stretch of the Orange river between Colesberg and Kimberley .
What to expect at the impact point (36.67 degrees longtitude and 26.78 latitude) .
This is in the Mozambique channel . There should be oil and gas in a radius of 120 km .
The two missile trajectories passed on either side of Nelspruit , with dense rock concentrators on either side . There should be at least gas , probably oil .
Something similar at Bloemfontein , but probably only gas .(Figures)
Notice all the thermal springs around .
At Nelspruit : narrow at the top and wide at the bottom . Quite large .
Andre .
Appendix A
Geological changes to the course
More than two million years ago, the Upper Zambezi river used to flow south through what is now the Makgadikgadi Pan to the Limpopo River. The land around the pan experienced tectonic uplift (perhaps as part of the African superswell) and a large lake formed, and extended east.
Meanwhile, 1,000 kilometres (620 mi) east, a western tributary of the Shire River in the Great Rift Valley's southern extension through Malawi eroded a deep valley on its western escarpment. At the rate of a few cm per year, this river, the Middle Zambezi, started cutting back the bed of its river towards the west, aided by grabens (rift valleys) forming along its course in an east-west axis. As it did so it captured a number of south-flowing rivers such as the Luangwa and Kafue.
Eventually the large lake trapped at Makgadikgadi (or a tributary of it) was captured by the Middle Zambezi cutting back towards it, and emptied eastwards. The Upper Zambezi was captured as well. The Middle Zambezi was about 300 metres (980 ft) lower than the Upper Zambezi, and a high waterfall formed at the edge of the basalt plateau across which the upper river flows. This was the first Victoria Falls, somewhere down the Batoka Gorge near where Lake Kariba is now.[6] For details of how the falls cuts back its bed to form the gorge, see How the Victoria Falls formed.
The Zambezi region was known to medieval geographers as the Empire of Monomotapa, and the course of the river, as well as the position of Lakes Ngami and Nyasa, were given broadly accurately in early maps. These were probably constructed from Arab information.
Appendix B
List of endorheic basins
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The following is a list of endorheic basins — watersheds which do not drain to the sea.
Appendix C
Lake Makgadikgadi
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lake Makgadikgadi is an ancient lake that existed in what is now the Kalahari Desert in Botswana. It may have once covered as much as 80,000 km² and been 30 m deep. The Okavango, Zambezi, and Cuando rivers once all emptied into the lake.
Origin and History
Approximately 3 million years ago, strong easterly winds brought about the formation of elongated dunes which ran from east to west across the middle of the Kalahari Desert. During wetter times, these dunes channeled the flow of the great rivers of the area, the Okavango, Chobe, and Zambezi, eastwards with the Limpopo River into the Indian Ocean.
About 2 million years ago, the formation of the fault known as the Kalahari-Zimbabwe axis, which runs from the Zimbabwe capital Harare through its second-largest city Bulawayo and ends in the eastern side of the Kalahari, created an enormous basin and forced these rivers to flow into and fill up the basin. Lake Makgadikgadi was thus created.
As the millennia passed, the lake was filled to capacity and began to overflow. About 20,000 years ago, as a result, it began to drain northwards and then eastwards. This caused the middle and lower Zambezi Rivers to connect, resulting in the formation of Victoria Falls. With the water now able to flow out of the basin, Lake Makgadikgadi was able to drain partially and its average level decreased.
A drier climatic period followed which caused an increase in evaporation and a decrease in the flow of the rivers that fed it. By about 10,000 years ago the drying of Lake Makgadikgadi was in an advanced stage. Sediment and debris from the Okavango River and windblown sand were gradually filling the lake.
The formation of the Gumare fault caused a reduction in the elevation of the land. As a result, the water of the Okavango River spread out over a much larger area of land than it previously did, forming the now characteristic fan-shaped inland delta of the Okavango, which further reduced the water that flowed into Lake Makgadikgadi and hastened its demise.
Today the only remains of Lake Makgadikgadi, are the Okavango Delta, the Nxai Pan, Lake Ngami, Lake Xau, the Mababe Depression, and the two main Makgadikgadi pans of Sua and Nwetwe.
Lake Makgadikgadi is theorized to have been the birthplace of the vast number of cichlids[1] that once swam the Congo River, Zambezi River, Okavango River and Limpopo River - as many as 100 to 400 new species, of which approximately 25 survive today. The lake's sheer size may have provided the ancestors of these fish with an extremely wide range of new ecological niches to exploit and thus could have served as the stimulus for the evolution of the new species, which they may have done in record time before the lake drained completely. The theory further says that the newly evolved species, after having evolved within the confines of the lake, could have escaped with the waters of the lake as it drained, and populated the rivers of the region to evolve into the cichlids that exist today.
In current times this land is desiccated most of the year and is a seasonal wetland in the rainy summer months.[2]
C. Michael Hogan (2008) Makgadikgadi, The Megalithic Portal, ed. A. Burnham [1]
James Owen (May 4. 2005) Lost African Lake Spawned Fish Diversity "Beyond Belief. National Geographic News[2]
Coordinates: 20°43′0″S 24°57′3″E / 20.71667°S 24.95083°E / -20.71667; 24.95083
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Makgadikgadi"
Categories: Former lakes | Geography of Botswana | Makgadikgadi Pan | Pleistocene
Appendix D
Human Evolution .
Snip from a NYT article about a new study by a group of geneticists which pins the origin of humankind to a spot on the coast of southwest Africa near the Kalahari Desert. The study is said to be the largest ever of its kind on African genetic diversity. The researchers say Africans are descended from 14 ancestral populations that typically correlate with language and cultural groups.
Locations for the Garden of Eden have been offered many times before, but seldom in the somewhat inhospitable borderland where Angola and Namibia meet.
A new genetic survey of people in Africa, the largest of its kind, suggests, however, that the region in southwest Africa seems, on the present evidence, to be the origin of modern humans. The authors have also identified some 14 ancestral populations.
The new data goes far toward equalizing the genetic picture of the world, given that most genetic information has come from European and Asian populations. But because it comes from Africa, the continent on which the human lineage evolved, it also sheds light on the origins of human life.
The research team was led by Sarah A. Tishkoff of the University of Pennsylvania, and reported in in a recent issue of Science: "The Genetic Structure and History of Africans and African Americans." (via Ned Sublette)
Appendix E
Okavango .
Greatest Places Physical Geography: Dr. Cecil Keen, July 1997
Geographic Description: Described as "the river which never finds the sea", the Okavango in northwestern Botswana disappears into a 6,000-square-mile maze of lagoons, channels, and islands. The river system annually brings more than 2 million tons of sand and silt into the Delta, yet less than three percent of the water emerges at the other end to either flood Lake Ngami or cross another 300 miles of the Kalahari, then to enter Lake Xau and the Makgadikgadi Pans.
The Okavango Delta, in the midst of the Kalhan sands, is Africa's largest and most beautiful oasis. The River Okavango, which rises in the highlands of Angola, never reaches the sea; instead its mighty waters empty over the sands of the Kalahari. Here the great Kalahari desert thirst is locally quenched in a blue-green wilderness of fresh water, with emerald reed beds and towering trees.
It is a natural refuge and giant water hole for the larger animals of the Kalahari. The water gives rise to many forms of life unexpected in a "desert": There are fish, crocodiles basking on the sands, and hippopotamuses and swamp antelopes feeding on the vegetation.
The Okavango is the last surviving remnant of the great Lake Makgadikgadi whose waters and associated swamps once covered much of the Middle Kalahari. It also is closely associated with the Kwando, Linyanti, and Chobe swamps and river systems to the northeast. It is thought that long ago the Okavango, Chobe, Kwando, and upper Zambezi waterways flowed as one massive river across the Middle Kalahari, to join the Limpopo River and then to the Indian Ocean.
The earth movements that created the rift of the Kalahari-Zimbabwe Axis impeded this flow, causing a damming back of the giant river, which resulted in the formation of a series of high and complex swamps. As the Okavango River left the humid highlands and entered the arid flatness of the Kalahari, it slowed and dropped its sediment load. Channels became blocked and the water sought other courses, continuing to deposit its sediments wherever it traveled. Over time, some 2 million tons of sand and debris were deposited over the Kalahari sands, creating the characteristic fan shape of the Delta.
The Okavango's waters still cut the characteristic fan shape of the Delta. The Okavango's waters still cut paths through this built-up cone and deposit their sand load, causing the channels to continue changing direction. Superimposed on these changes were the climate fluctuations of the last million years. In arid periods these complex swamps and waterways would recede; in wetter times the myriad channels may have combined to form one vast river flowing into a huge lake--the former Lake Makgadikgadi.
2 parallel faults now control the direction in which the Okavango River enters the Kalahari Basin, in an area called the Panhandle. Other faults also direct its exit from the Delta, flowing south into the ocean of sand. As the Okavango flows over the Gomare Fault, a continuation of the Great Rift Valley of east Africa, that runs southwest to northeast, the slope of the land breaks it up into numerous channels, which fan outwards over the Delta. These are blocked by 2 southern faults, the Kunyere and the Thalamakane, which redirect the Delta's myriad channels. The Thalamakane Fault acts as a 150-mile-long natural dam: Here the channels abruptly change direction and join to form one river, the Boteti, which flows eastwards through a break in the fault towards the Makgadikgadi Pan. A small channel, the Nghabe River, continues southwest toward Lake Ngami, serving as both inlet and outlet depending on the strength and direction of the annual floods.
The present Okavango is still connected to the Chobe-Zambezi River system via the Selinda Spillway. However, recent arid conditions have meant that these water courses are now seldom joined. The geology of the Okavango is still inherently unstable, as the faults continue to move and earth tremors occur. Channels become filled with sand and debris, and massive plugs of papyrus interrupt their flow. The pattern of drainage in the Delta will continue to change.
Interior drainage systems occur typically in arid areas where water evaporates to leave an accumulation of salts as a saline pan, as in Makgadikgadi and Lake Ngami. The Okavango is unique in that it forms a freshwater Delta, simply because it has several outlets. Even though their outflow comprises only three percent of the Okavango's inflow, this is enough to carry away most of the salts and keep the Delta's waters fresh. In fact there are 2 groups of outlets: west to Lake Ngami, and south and east to the Makgadikgadi Pan via the Boteti River.
Although the total drainage pattern in the Delta is complex, there is an underlying simplicity in the slow and regular pulse of water that flows down each year from the Angolan highlands. South of the Panhandle the Delta fans out for many miles. During dry periods it is estimated to cover at least 6,000 square miles, but in wetter years, with a heavy annual flood, the Okavango's waters can spread over 8,500 square miles of the Kalahari's sands. Deep water occurs in only a few channels, while vast areas of reed beds are covered by only a few inches of water.
The Okavango offers an oasis of habitat for prolific plant and animal life in a personified state of "balance in nature." Two plants dominate the Delta's perennial swamps: papyrus, a giant sedge (type of grass) which grows naturally only in Africa, and the willowy phoenix palm. They provide a fascinating record of recent changes in the limits of the perennial swamps. Papyrus, being a herbaceous species, responds more quickly to changes in water level than the phoenix, which is a woody species. The full extent of the perennial swamps along the Thaoge River, before it began to dry up this century, can be seen by the distribution of the phoenix palm, which extends much further south than the papyrus. Conversely, papyrus extends much farther east than the palm, along the Moanatshira system. This indicates the expansion of perennial swamps during this century. On the Boro River, the papyrus and phoenix occur in the same places, indicating that the extent of swamp areas has remained relatively unchanged in the central Delta during this century.
Inhabiting the waters of the Okavango are an estimated 35 million fish of almost 80 species. The most abundant, three species of bream, are preserved from excessive predation by crocodiles feeding on the tiger fish that would prey on the bream. Hippos flatten paths through the papyrus on their nocturnal forays to graze, allowing easier access for the sitatunga and antelope to traverse across the swamps during their daytime migrations. Belts of forest fringe the swamps with tall trees giving shade to large herds of larger game. Beyond the forest fringe the landscape forms an open savanna park land, and in these drier areas the greatest concentrations of game are accompanied by the predator families: lion, leopard, cheetah, hyena, and wild dog. It is in these forest fringes and savanna grasslands that elephants and giraffes can be found browsing with antelope of almost every kind, from buffalo, wildebeest, and kudu, to sable, roan and impala. Okavango is a delicate and unique example of dynamic equilibrium at work in nature. A place worthy of being called a "greatest place."
Andre Willers .
28 Aug 2009
Synopsis :
Southern Africa had a large interior freshwater sea until historical times , with major effects on human evolution and regional climates .
Discussion :
Map source : Reader's digest "Atlas of the World" (1993) ISBN 0-276-42001-264-7 .
P128 : Map of Southern Africa .
Wikipedia , Google . See appendices .
The topographical map clearly shows a major basin with 200 – 1000 meter elevation
Location :
Bounded by 16 to 28 degrees latitude (longest about 1 320 km) ,
The width varies : roughly hourglass-shape . At the narrowest in the middle : 23 to 25 degrees longitude (about 240 km) at about latitude 22 degrees .
The widest about 500 km . Bounded in the east by about 27 degrees longitude , and the west by 20 degrees longitude .
The basin is bounded by higher elevations and mountains on all sides , except for the breakthrough gap of the Zambezi at Victoria Falls .
Faults :
Roughly the line from Worcester – Grootvlei – Kakamas – Khakea – Lake Ngami – Victoria Falls – Present course of Zambezi to Great Rift Valley .
Essentially a branch of the Great East African Rift . See the Luangwa river plains .
See also Zimbabwe – Kalahari Axis , Gumare fault .See Appendices .
Note that these faults runs right through the center of the old Kalahari Sea , and was thus sensitive to the changes in it's water level . This in turn was sensitive to rainfall and river-inflow / outflow balance . Changes in the weight of the water would cause changes in seismic activity .
The faults are quite active (cf Tulbagh earthquakes , when the southernmost end had a mild 6.8 tremor.) . The Zimbabwe – Kalahari Axis and Gumare fault have been active in historical times , but with long intervals . Overdue . .
Periodic fluctuations .
The entire system is seismically sensitive to climate fluctuations caused by the periodic filling and emptying of the Makgadikgadi Sea . Hence the zig-zag pattern of the Victoria Falls gorges .
Climate .
There is also a complex feedback with rainfall patterns in the catchment areas of the feeder rivers . The system is an endorheic basin (internal drainage-see Appendix B)
But such a large body of water and concomitant vegetation drastically alters the rainfall in its region .
See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "Biotic pump"
Notice the orientation of rivers on the sides of the old sea (ie Namibia , Angola) . They are all on the side of ridges facing the basin , ie from where moisture will come . A large percentage of moisture simply recirculated within the basin .
During the full episodes , it simply overflowed through the Limpopo .
Earthquakes opened the Victoria Falls portal . The water level fell . Moisture recirculation fell . The borders dried up . If this coincides with a dry climate period , we get the present shrinkage to marshes at the deepest parts .
Earthquakes sooner or later close the Victoria Falls portal , and the process reverses .
This has been going on for more than 3 million years (see Appendix C) .
The latest reversal started about 10 000 years ago , with the major climate shift at the end of the ice age .
Orange River .
Note the very peculiar fact that most major rivers in South Africa (Orange , Vaal , Harts , Modder , etc) are on top of ridges . This has led to some interesting squirming by geologists , since water has this well-known propensity to flow downhill . The explanations are suitably convoluted and involve escarpments , really long stretches of time and lots of erosion .
Whatever , it still means that the major rivers are unstable vis-a-vis major tectonic movements , but may be self-sealing due to heavy silting .Though this takes some heavy swallowing .
But the Orange river has a high probability of also periodically emptying into the Inland Sea . Most probably about 60 km downstream from Kakamas , where it comes nearest to the Molopo .
This is not an idle question , since such an old riverbed will be lousy with alluvial diamonds . Might even be gold-nuggets from the Vaal .
Human Evolution .
See Appendix D .
The point actually pinpointed is where the borders of present RSA , Namibia and Botswana meet . This is not an accident , since the borders follow habitability . This is where the Nossob river meets the westernmost part of the old inland sea . An ideal place for human evolution .
Lots of food , easily gathered . A whole sea of potable water .Lots of caves . An extended coastline to accommodate expanding population or climatic change . An outlet to the South-South-West with no unsurmountable barriers for the bored and rebellious .
The inhabitants of Pinnacle Point near Mosselbay were thus colonizers , migrating via the West Coast . They were stopped by the dense Tsitsikama forest and inhospitable terrain past that . The really inhospitable central plateaux were only the populated by outcasts , criminals and refugees .
Others on the inland sea would move northwards during fluctuations , eventually ending up in the Rift Valley system . From there they could easily move northwards , using well-known strategies and technologies next to the rift lakes . Bypassing the whole problem of latitude crossing (cf Jared Diamond) .
Back-pressure .
The periodic nature of the process means that after the first migration , and after Toba
(73 000 BP) , there would be people already there . But population density was low and newcomers (essentially refugees) , were helped on their way , eventually towards North Africa , Middle-East , Asia and Europe . This attitude (called Ubuntu) is still a characteristic of most ordinary people in Africa .
Interesting asides :
Aquatic human episode : a freshwater sea like the Magadikgadi Sea would be a much more benign environment for such evolutionary development than salt-water ocean . Note the trainable capability of humans to see underwater (not very well known , but well documented) .
More telling is Click . See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "Click and human Evolution" Click sounds aid fishing . Do humans still use this ? (without technology)
The inland sea teemed with fish . Clicking would not only locate , but also chase fish into weirs or nets . We know they used weirs (stone weirs have been found by archeologists in areas like Mosselbay) . The efficiency of clicks (mimicking predators like dolphins) would be very efficient in chasing fish . They would also attract dolphins , which would share of the largesse . The beginning of a long cupboard love .
With the invention of agriculture , click-languages fell out of fashion .
"So last year .Who needs the effort ." But some aquaculture enclaves might still have it . Cf surprising Chinese efficiency in freshwater aquaculture . Do they cluck ?
Was the first domestication done simply by seeing which animals responded to clicks , then selecting and breeding . This could be easily tested .
Chickens and falcons also respond better to clicks . How deep does it go ? I will need a lot of convincing for a virus click-whisperer . What about a homeopathic click-whisperer ? The shaman has click-whispered into this large body of water and it is transmitted . Sigh . Many humans believe exactly that . Holy water .
Endorheic Pumps.
See Appendix B
Basins which have internal drainage act like pumps to any living organisms inside them . Because of the interaction between rainfall and vegetation , there is a feedback oscillation . When times are good , populations increase . When times are bad , the tough emigrate , and export their troubles .
The Magadikgadi basin is probably the oldest , but the Tibetan Plateau is not far behind . Ditto the steppes of Mongolia , Aral and Black Seas . North Africa (Lake Fezzan , Lake Chad) , the whole Arabian and Sinai peninsulas , northern Mexico , Middle-West USA are examples . All the troublespots . Even small climatic fluctuations cause trouble if the population is over carrying capacity .
Zimbabwe I
See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "Fractal collapse of societies"
For about 2000 years , to about 1400 AD , there was a flourishing civilization around the borders of the inland sea . The climate in the highland-areas around it was very benign , with rain the year around . Extensive ruins of terraced agriculture are discernable . The center was in Zimbabwe .
Value added items were exported to India , Arabia mainly gold , minerals and precious stones Like now .
See the photo's in Adam's Calender by Heine and Tellinger . (ISBN 1-920153-07-1) .
Especially p25-p27 . Kilometers of ruins showing clear evidence of agriculture (terraced ,nogal) and husbandry , with market mechanisms (roads , but no evidence of wheel tracks) . Though the authors try hard , the ruins are patently fresh . They show less weathering than equivalent Roman ruins in Europe . They are younger than 1000 years . There is no evidence of Deep Time . Stone fences are still above ground . Terraces are evident . Not very old at all . But still indicative of a flourishing society about 100 BC to 1400 AD .
So what happened ?
A severe earthquake opened up Victoria Falls again and the inland sea started draining . This coincided with the latest long-term drying-up . A tipping point was reached (because of the feedback effect) , and things went to hell in a handbasket quickly after that . There was already shrinkage before that , but this was the coup-de-grace .
The overseas merchants (Dravidian South Indian merchant class – the Komati) cut their losses and departed . Markets shrunk . The locals abandoned expensive agriculture , especially as the climate changed . The shrinkage was gradual . When the final pull-out occurred , the remnants could live on the land in a simple subsistence economy .
What remained was kilometers of ruins (like Rome before the Renaissance.)
Note that this was not a failure of civilization , but an effect of climate change .
The market disappeared because the infrastructure to feed the labour force was no longer sufficient . A market cannot create a climate . (Not then , in case)
What can we do about it ?
Well , we can rob the Congo river or the Rift lakes , but that is inelegant .
(Ne kulturny)
An elegant solution is to punch a channel underground to below 1000 meters in the Atlantic , use the pressure to squirt the water into basin , after desalinating it .
The technology exists :
1.The tunnel :
Sub-Crustal torpedoes . Submarine versions are already in use with the Russian and USA navies . Simply a high-speed projectile that uses vaporized plasma ahead of it to change the phase of the material . A train of them condenses the plasma on the sidewalls as a strong material .Cheap .
2.The desalination :
See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "Negative Pressure : an important update" 6 Mar 2009 .
The nanotechnology is due at any moment . By it's very nature , it is high throughput .
3. The ideal spot :
The top reaches of the Nossob river , about midway between Okanhanja and Epokira . From there is an uncomplicated run for a sub-crustal missile to the Atlantic towards the south-west .. The further advantage is that the flooding would be via a natural river . It would be truly spectacular . It is doubtful that they could get the right depth on first try , but would rather go too deep , than too shallow . A huge permanent geyser of water hundreds of meters high would result . An inverse waterfall , to rival Victoria Falls .
4. What if the desalination is not ready ?
(Yakkity-yak humans –most likely)
A sea-water sea would be nearly as acceptable . The climatic effects would be similar. We have a model in the Black Sea .
Do the same in other endorheic basins ? Libya might do it first . Or repopulating the Aral sea . The Black Sea can do with some topping up .
This can be done definitely within 6 months from now .
See map of endorheic basins in Arabia and Sinai .
Not to mention India . Or Australia . They really need it .
5. Ocean current climatology will suddenly assume a new strategic importance .
6. The defense strategic importance of sub-crustal missile technology .
Nil .
They cannot defend against super-crustal missiles . So that is not applicable . The thing a nation or civilization has to worry about is resources . And this technology frees up the oceans' resources .
Ecology is the major worry , and avenues for that exist .
7. Money .
There is an incredible amount of money to be made .
Actually made . Real wealth creation . Millions of acres made fertile even with just saline water nearby . The carbon credits of a sub-ocean fountain dissolving CO2 alone will pay the fairly modest capital costs (about $500 million) . Sneer at iceberg-towing.
Global flooding ?. Rather worry whether there is enough water in the oceans to satisfy human demand .
An interesting exercise : calculate the remaining sea-level after maximal usage of sea-water . (Hint : look at ice-ages . Would we use the water-equivalent of miles thick glaciers on land ? Easily .Crops , drinking , industrial etc . But remember , if it is properly cleansed , it is borrowed . It does get returned to the ocean . But an awful lot of it is "in use" , in the air as it were . This percentage will increase .)
Industrial demand will lead to such a shortage of water that it would be economical to import water from the Saturn orbital clouds .
8. Parallel sub-crustal missiles .
I am deeply unhappy about the fact that major river systems in South Africa are on hard ridges . It is simply unstable , unless there is a deep trench in the river bed . The only way I can think of is a a collapsed tunnel . Drilled by a sub-crustal missile .
Meteor impact :
If you look at the paths of the Vaal ,Caledon and Orange rivers and backtrack , you see that the tracks meet at 36.67 degrees longtitude and 26.78 latitude . This would be the putative impact point of a meteorite that split into two and tunneled under the crust for about 1 620 km till the two plasma bodies slowed to a threshold velocity and they swerved sharply towards each other . They impacted roughly where Hopetown is now . (A bit to the south-east , actually .) Expect diamonds .
What to expect at the impact point :
This is about 200 km from Beira . This has been a carbon rich area for a long time . I do not know when the impact took place , but even if it was a fragment of the Vredefoort meteor there would still be gas and maybe oil deposits formed by the impact waves .
Note the lightning-like offshoots before the final .
At the end , quantum distribution of charge on the plasma body overwhelms internal coherence and the two bodies rush towards each other and self-annihilate .
Violent energy release results .
Hence the little stretch of the Orange river between Colesberg and Kimberley .
What to expect at the impact point (36.67 degrees longtitude and 26.78 latitude) .
This is in the Mozambique channel . There should be oil and gas in a radius of 120 km .
The two missile trajectories passed on either side of Nelspruit , with dense rock concentrators on either side . There should be at least gas , probably oil .
Something similar at Bloemfontein , but probably only gas .(Figures)
Notice all the thermal springs around .
At Nelspruit : narrow at the top and wide at the bottom . Quite large .
Andre .
Appendix A
Geological changes to the course
More than two million years ago, the Upper Zambezi river used to flow south through what is now the Makgadikgadi Pan to the Limpopo River. The land around the pan experienced tectonic uplift (perhaps as part of the African superswell) and a large lake formed, and extended east.
Meanwhile, 1,000 kilometres (620 mi) east, a western tributary of the Shire River in the Great Rift Valley's southern extension through Malawi eroded a deep valley on its western escarpment. At the rate of a few cm per year, this river, the Middle Zambezi, started cutting back the bed of its river towards the west, aided by grabens (rift valleys) forming along its course in an east-west axis. As it did so it captured a number of south-flowing rivers such as the Luangwa and Kafue.
Eventually the large lake trapped at Makgadikgadi (or a tributary of it) was captured by the Middle Zambezi cutting back towards it, and emptied eastwards. The Upper Zambezi was captured as well. The Middle Zambezi was about 300 metres (980 ft) lower than the Upper Zambezi, and a high waterfall formed at the edge of the basalt plateau across which the upper river flows. This was the first Victoria Falls, somewhere down the Batoka Gorge near where Lake Kariba is now.[6] For details of how the falls cuts back its bed to form the gorge, see How the Victoria Falls formed.
The Zambezi region was known to medieval geographers as the Empire of Monomotapa, and the course of the river, as well as the position of Lakes Ngami and Nyasa, were given broadly accurately in early maps. These were probably constructed from Arab information.
Appendix B
List of endorheic basins
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The following is a list of endorheic basins — watersheds which do not drain to the sea.
Appendix C
Lake Makgadikgadi
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lake Makgadikgadi is an ancient lake that existed in what is now the Kalahari Desert in Botswana. It may have once covered as much as 80,000 km² and been 30 m deep. The Okavango, Zambezi, and Cuando rivers once all emptied into the lake.
Origin and History
Approximately 3 million years ago, strong easterly winds brought about the formation of elongated dunes which ran from east to west across the middle of the Kalahari Desert. During wetter times, these dunes channeled the flow of the great rivers of the area, the Okavango, Chobe, and Zambezi, eastwards with the Limpopo River into the Indian Ocean.
About 2 million years ago, the formation of the fault known as the Kalahari-Zimbabwe axis, which runs from the Zimbabwe capital Harare through its second-largest city Bulawayo and ends in the eastern side of the Kalahari, created an enormous basin and forced these rivers to flow into and fill up the basin. Lake Makgadikgadi was thus created.
As the millennia passed, the lake was filled to capacity and began to overflow. About 20,000 years ago, as a result, it began to drain northwards and then eastwards. This caused the middle and lower Zambezi Rivers to connect, resulting in the formation of Victoria Falls. With the water now able to flow out of the basin, Lake Makgadikgadi was able to drain partially and its average level decreased.
A drier climatic period followed which caused an increase in evaporation and a decrease in the flow of the rivers that fed it. By about 10,000 years ago the drying of Lake Makgadikgadi was in an advanced stage. Sediment and debris from the Okavango River and windblown sand were gradually filling the lake.
The formation of the Gumare fault caused a reduction in the elevation of the land. As a result, the water of the Okavango River spread out over a much larger area of land than it previously did, forming the now characteristic fan-shaped inland delta of the Okavango, which further reduced the water that flowed into Lake Makgadikgadi and hastened its demise.
Today the only remains of Lake Makgadikgadi, are the Okavango Delta, the Nxai Pan, Lake Ngami, Lake Xau, the Mababe Depression, and the two main Makgadikgadi pans of Sua and Nwetwe.
Lake Makgadikgadi is theorized to have been the birthplace of the vast number of cichlids[1] that once swam the Congo River, Zambezi River, Okavango River and Limpopo River - as many as 100 to 400 new species, of which approximately 25 survive today. The lake's sheer size may have provided the ancestors of these fish with an extremely wide range of new ecological niches to exploit and thus could have served as the stimulus for the evolution of the new species, which they may have done in record time before the lake drained completely. The theory further says that the newly evolved species, after having evolved within the confines of the lake, could have escaped with the waters of the lake as it drained, and populated the rivers of the region to evolve into the cichlids that exist today.
In current times this land is desiccated most of the year and is a seasonal wetland in the rainy summer months.[2]
C. Michael Hogan (2008) Makgadikgadi, The Megalithic Portal, ed. A. Burnham [1]
James Owen (May 4. 2005) Lost African Lake Spawned Fish Diversity "Beyond Belief. National Geographic News[2]
Coordinates: 20°43′0″S 24°57′3″E / 20.71667°S 24.95083°E / -20.71667; 24.95083
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Makgadikgadi"
Categories: Former lakes | Geography of Botswana | Makgadikgadi Pan | Pleistocene
Appendix D
Human Evolution .
Snip from a NYT article about a new study by a group of geneticists which pins the origin of humankind to a spot on the coast of southwest Africa near the Kalahari Desert. The study is said to be the largest ever of its kind on African genetic diversity. The researchers say Africans are descended from 14 ancestral populations that typically correlate with language and cultural groups.
Locations for the Garden of Eden have been offered many times before, but seldom in the somewhat inhospitable borderland where Angola and Namibia meet.
A new genetic survey of people in Africa, the largest of its kind, suggests, however, that the region in southwest Africa seems, on the present evidence, to be the origin of modern humans. The authors have also identified some 14 ancestral populations.
The new data goes far toward equalizing the genetic picture of the world, given that most genetic information has come from European and Asian populations. But because it comes from Africa, the continent on which the human lineage evolved, it also sheds light on the origins of human life.
The research team was led by Sarah A. Tishkoff of the University of Pennsylvania, and reported in in a recent issue of Science: "The Genetic Structure and History of Africans and African Americans." (via Ned Sublette)
Appendix E
Okavango .
Greatest Places Physical Geography: Dr. Cecil Keen, July 1997
Geographic Description: Described as "the river which never finds the sea", the Okavango in northwestern Botswana disappears into a 6,000-square-mile maze of lagoons, channels, and islands. The river system annually brings more than 2 million tons of sand and silt into the Delta, yet less than three percent of the water emerges at the other end to either flood Lake Ngami or cross another 300 miles of the Kalahari, then to enter Lake Xau and the Makgadikgadi Pans.
The Okavango Delta, in the midst of the Kalhan sands, is Africa's largest and most beautiful oasis. The River Okavango, which rises in the highlands of Angola, never reaches the sea; instead its mighty waters empty over the sands of the Kalahari. Here the great Kalahari desert thirst is locally quenched in a blue-green wilderness of fresh water, with emerald reed beds and towering trees.
It is a natural refuge and giant water hole for the larger animals of the Kalahari. The water gives rise to many forms of life unexpected in a "desert": There are fish, crocodiles basking on the sands, and hippopotamuses and swamp antelopes feeding on the vegetation.
The Okavango is the last surviving remnant of the great Lake Makgadikgadi whose waters and associated swamps once covered much of the Middle Kalahari. It also is closely associated with the Kwando, Linyanti, and Chobe swamps and river systems to the northeast. It is thought that long ago the Okavango, Chobe, Kwando, and upper Zambezi waterways flowed as one massive river across the Middle Kalahari, to join the Limpopo River and then to the Indian Ocean.
The earth movements that created the rift of the Kalahari-Zimbabwe Axis impeded this flow, causing a damming back of the giant river, which resulted in the formation of a series of high and complex swamps. As the Okavango River left the humid highlands and entered the arid flatness of the Kalahari, it slowed and dropped its sediment load. Channels became blocked and the water sought other courses, continuing to deposit its sediments wherever it traveled. Over time, some 2 million tons of sand and debris were deposited over the Kalahari sands, creating the characteristic fan shape of the Delta.
The Okavango's waters still cut the characteristic fan shape of the Delta. The Okavango's waters still cut paths through this built-up cone and deposit their sand load, causing the channels to continue changing direction. Superimposed on these changes were the climate fluctuations of the last million years. In arid periods these complex swamps and waterways would recede; in wetter times the myriad channels may have combined to form one vast river flowing into a huge lake--the former Lake Makgadikgadi.
2 parallel faults now control the direction in which the Okavango River enters the Kalahari Basin, in an area called the Panhandle. Other faults also direct its exit from the Delta, flowing south into the ocean of sand. As the Okavango flows over the Gomare Fault, a continuation of the Great Rift Valley of east Africa, that runs southwest to northeast, the slope of the land breaks it up into numerous channels, which fan outwards over the Delta. These are blocked by 2 southern faults, the Kunyere and the Thalamakane, which redirect the Delta's myriad channels. The Thalamakane Fault acts as a 150-mile-long natural dam: Here the channels abruptly change direction and join to form one river, the Boteti, which flows eastwards through a break in the fault towards the Makgadikgadi Pan. A small channel, the Nghabe River, continues southwest toward Lake Ngami, serving as both inlet and outlet depending on the strength and direction of the annual floods.
The present Okavango is still connected to the Chobe-Zambezi River system via the Selinda Spillway. However, recent arid conditions have meant that these water courses are now seldom joined. The geology of the Okavango is still inherently unstable, as the faults continue to move and earth tremors occur. Channels become filled with sand and debris, and massive plugs of papyrus interrupt their flow. The pattern of drainage in the Delta will continue to change.
Interior drainage systems occur typically in arid areas where water evaporates to leave an accumulation of salts as a saline pan, as in Makgadikgadi and Lake Ngami. The Okavango is unique in that it forms a freshwater Delta, simply because it has several outlets. Even though their outflow comprises only three percent of the Okavango's inflow, this is enough to carry away most of the salts and keep the Delta's waters fresh. In fact there are 2 groups of outlets: west to Lake Ngami, and south and east to the Makgadikgadi Pan via the Boteti River.
Although the total drainage pattern in the Delta is complex, there is an underlying simplicity in the slow and regular pulse of water that flows down each year from the Angolan highlands. South of the Panhandle the Delta fans out for many miles. During dry periods it is estimated to cover at least 6,000 square miles, but in wetter years, with a heavy annual flood, the Okavango's waters can spread over 8,500 square miles of the Kalahari's sands. Deep water occurs in only a few channels, while vast areas of reed beds are covered by only a few inches of water.
The Okavango offers an oasis of habitat for prolific plant and animal life in a personified state of "balance in nature." Two plants dominate the Delta's perennial swamps: papyrus, a giant sedge (type of grass) which grows naturally only in Africa, and the willowy phoenix palm. They provide a fascinating record of recent changes in the limits of the perennial swamps. Papyrus, being a herbaceous species, responds more quickly to changes in water level than the phoenix, which is a woody species. The full extent of the perennial swamps along the Thaoge River, before it began to dry up this century, can be seen by the distribution of the phoenix palm, which extends much further south than the papyrus. Conversely, papyrus extends much farther east than the palm, along the Moanatshira system. This indicates the expansion of perennial swamps during this century. On the Boro River, the papyrus and phoenix occur in the same places, indicating that the extent of swamp areas has remained relatively unchanged in the central Delta during this century.
Inhabiting the waters of the Okavango are an estimated 35 million fish of almost 80 species. The most abundant, three species of bream, are preserved from excessive predation by crocodiles feeding on the tiger fish that would prey on the bream. Hippos flatten paths through the papyrus on their nocturnal forays to graze, allowing easier access for the sitatunga and antelope to traverse across the swamps during their daytime migrations. Belts of forest fringe the swamps with tall trees giving shade to large herds of larger game. Beyond the forest fringe the landscape forms an open savanna park land, and in these drier areas the greatest concentrations of game are accompanied by the predator families: lion, leopard, cheetah, hyena, and wild dog. It is in these forest fringes and savanna grasslands that elephants and giraffes can be found browsing with antelope of almost every kind, from buffalo, wildebeest, and kudu, to sable, roan and impala. Okavango is a delicate and unique example of dynamic equilibrium at work in nature. A place worthy of being called a "greatest place."
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Click and Human Evolution .
Click and Human Evolution .
Andre Willers
26 Aug 2009
Synopsis :
Human echolocation generated by tongue clicks led to enhanced dwelling , hunting , food gathering and information sharing techniques . Remnants are still around (San-bushmen)
Discussion :
NewScientist 11 Apr 2009 p31 "Seeing with sound"
What echolocation can do :
2.General shape and size
3.1 Density (solid vs sparse)
3.2 Reflection or absorption
This is integrated in the sensorium with visual data to create a world-picture .
Benefits :
1. Caves become habitable (even in the absence of fire) .You can get around without injury . This is an important consideration without your handy pharmacy with antibiotics .
2. Ripe fruit can be easily distinguished .
3. Pack-hunting at night becomes possible . The click not only locates and identifies the prey , but also spooks it along . Fellow hunters are identifiable . Smaller predators are warned away .
Humans were and are formidable nocturnal predators . They did not huddle in caves , scared of the beasties outside . The beasties outside were scared of them . Look at your cities , today .
4. Clicks can penetrate surface layers and densities of soil , for edible tubers .
5. Tracking : sonic returns from clicks can very accurately define existence , age and type of tracks . Even in rock where no visual imprint would show compression . (See FlashSonar below)
6. Information transmission : the whole system is much more efficient (ie higher survival rate) if the relationship between clicks and threats or goodies can be taught . Hence first languages were heavy on clicks . The technique would be inherent in the language (cf Marshall McLuhan : the medium is the message.)
7. Cochleal training . Optimal results are obtained by speaking and training before paring of hearing-neurons in the mind and ear .
8. Predator or prey visual camouflage is largely useless . It would be interesting to find the echo-stealth pattern of leopards (the only species that found homonids tasty.). Likely to be quite good even in the surviving sub-species . Hint to the military .
9. Written transmissions: These would be very old , but in incised glyphs that can only be discerned by very a aurally sensitive priesthood . Hence the lack of soot smudges on the ceilings of old sacred caves . These would be rites of passages , showing that the initiate was a master of both aural and visual systems .
10. Incised hieroglyphs would also be optimizated for click-reflection .
11. Get an opinion of viewers in the audio spectrum . We do not even have words for this .
12. The Pyramids : it has long been a puzzlement how the builders of the inside passages could see , since there was and still is not any soot on the ceilings . The answer is that they used echo-location (the Sacred Language of clicks) .
13. See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "LinearB and Philological Invariance"
Using Philological Invariance principles , and seeing that we are at the end of the process , we suspect strongly that that the ur-click language lies at the root of most Old Egyptian pronunciations .
Let us see "Jessica" , a known old word .
"dhe" – wet click with most of the forward tongue .
"s" – click with the tip of the tongue .
"ka" – click with the tip of the tongue moving backward and the jaw opening to make the "a" sound .
"Jessica" would sound nearly like "tic-tac-toe" , with a click for the "t" while opening the mouth saying it .
"x!ic-x!ac-x!oe" , where x! is a click of the tongue . Say it rapidly and an Old Egyptian would have understood you , even bowed , as it was a Royal Name in the old dynasties .
A San bushman would understand it as well .
Which is why old systems did not have vowels . The click sound could only be made with an associated vowel (basically , opening or closing of the jaw) . What we call syllabic , but rooted in the pronounciation and frequency of the click .
Bantu-language clicks .
The genetic evidence is that the Bantu population moved from northern Africa , down to the east coast past the equator , then across the continent to the south-western parts of south Africa . The general perceived wisdom is that they picked up the clicks in their language from san-slave women . But it seems much more likely that they always had it . San might have reinforced it , master-servant is a slippery concept at a low level of technology .
As the Sahara dried out , some went east to become the Egyptians , and some went South to become the Bantu . What is remarkable that both kept their identity under extreme external influences . The usual culprits are religion and culture (ie language) .
What use is a click language to a visually orientated , semi-agricultural society ?
Note that this hints that agriculture first evolved in the Sahara , during the desertification . As it got worse , groups moved east , south and west .
Weeds .
The women gossiping in click language while weeding can tell a weed much more efficiently than any other known system . Not only what is a weed , but when it will seed . The agricultural effort of subsistence agriculture is cut by at least a factor of ten
But without a click-language , they cannot tell you how they do it .
Chinese and other tonal languages .
Ur-languages would be tonal as clicks degenerate into tones .
But weed identification would still be paramount .
This influenced their written language . Chinese are basically Tibetan , and they are very sensitive to weeds . Being at the margins , they cannot tolerate any dissent from the collective .
Note sound systems on the steps of middle-american pyramids .
I have had about as much of humans that I can take .
Andre .
Andre Willers
26 Aug 2009
Synopsis :
Human echolocation generated by tongue clicks led to enhanced dwelling , hunting , food gathering and information sharing techniques . Remnants are still around (San-bushmen)
Discussion :
NewScientist 11 Apr 2009 p31 "Seeing with sound"
What echolocation can do :
2.General shape and size
3.1 Density (solid vs sparse)
3.2 Reflection or absorption
This is integrated in the sensorium with visual data to create a world-picture .
Benefits :
1. Caves become habitable (even in the absence of fire) .You can get around without injury . This is an important consideration without your handy pharmacy with antibiotics .
2. Ripe fruit can be easily distinguished .
3. Pack-hunting at night becomes possible . The click not only locates and identifies the prey , but also spooks it along . Fellow hunters are identifiable . Smaller predators are warned away .
Humans were and are formidable nocturnal predators . They did not huddle in caves , scared of the beasties outside . The beasties outside were scared of them . Look at your cities , today .
4. Clicks can penetrate surface layers and densities of soil , for edible tubers .
5. Tracking : sonic returns from clicks can very accurately define existence , age and type of tracks . Even in rock where no visual imprint would show compression . (See FlashSonar below)
6. Information transmission : the whole system is much more efficient (ie higher survival rate) if the relationship between clicks and threats or goodies can be taught . Hence first languages were heavy on clicks . The technique would be inherent in the language (cf Marshall McLuhan : the medium is the message.)
7. Cochleal training . Optimal results are obtained by speaking and training before paring of hearing-neurons in the mind and ear .
8. Predator or prey visual camouflage is largely useless . It would be interesting to find the echo-stealth pattern of leopards (the only species that found homonids tasty.). Likely to be quite good even in the surviving sub-species . Hint to the military .
9. Written transmissions: These would be very old , but in incised glyphs that can only be discerned by very a aurally sensitive priesthood . Hence the lack of soot smudges on the ceilings of old sacred caves . These would be rites of passages , showing that the initiate was a master of both aural and visual systems .
10. Incised hieroglyphs would also be optimizated for click-reflection .
11. Get an opinion of viewers in the audio spectrum . We do not even have words for this .
12. The Pyramids : it has long been a puzzlement how the builders of the inside passages could see , since there was and still is not any soot on the ceilings . The answer is that they used echo-location (the Sacred Language of clicks) .
13. See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "LinearB and Philological Invariance"
Using Philological Invariance principles , and seeing that we are at the end of the process , we suspect strongly that that the ur-click language lies at the root of most Old Egyptian pronunciations .
Let us see "Jessica" , a known old word .
"dhe" – wet click with most of the forward tongue .
"s" – click with the tip of the tongue .
"ka" – click with the tip of the tongue moving backward and the jaw opening to make the "a" sound .
"Jessica" would sound nearly like "tic-tac-toe" , with a click for the "t" while opening the mouth saying it .
"x!ic-x!ac-x!oe" , where x! is a click of the tongue . Say it rapidly and an Old Egyptian would have understood you , even bowed , as it was a Royal Name in the old dynasties .
A San bushman would understand it as well .
Which is why old systems did not have vowels . The click sound could only be made with an associated vowel (basically , opening or closing of the jaw) . What we call syllabic , but rooted in the pronounciation and frequency of the click .
Bantu-language clicks .
The genetic evidence is that the Bantu population moved from northern Africa , down to the east coast past the equator , then across the continent to the south-western parts of south Africa . The general perceived wisdom is that they picked up the clicks in their language from san-slave women . But it seems much more likely that they always had it . San might have reinforced it , master-servant is a slippery concept at a low level of technology .
As the Sahara dried out , some went east to become the Egyptians , and some went South to become the Bantu . What is remarkable that both kept their identity under extreme external influences . The usual culprits are religion and culture (ie language) .
What use is a click language to a visually orientated , semi-agricultural society ?
Note that this hints that agriculture first evolved in the Sahara , during the desertification . As it got worse , groups moved east , south and west .
Weeds .
The women gossiping in click language while weeding can tell a weed much more efficiently than any other known system . Not only what is a weed , but when it will seed . The agricultural effort of subsistence agriculture is cut by at least a factor of ten
But without a click-language , they cannot tell you how they do it .
Chinese and other tonal languages .
Ur-languages would be tonal as clicks degenerate into tones .
But weed identification would still be paramount .
This influenced their written language . Chinese are basically Tibetan , and they are very sensitive to weeds . Being at the margins , they cannot tolerate any dissent from the collective .
Note sound systems on the steps of middle-american pyramids .
I have had about as much of humans that I can take .
Andre .
Click and Human Evolution .
Click and Human Evolution .
Andre Willers
26 Aug 2009
Synopsis :
Human echolocation generated by tongue clicks led to enhanced dwelling , hunting , food gathering and information sharing techniques . Remnants are still around (San-bushmen)
Discussion :
NewScientist 11 Apr 2009 p31 "Seeing with sound"
What echolocation can do :
2.General shape and size
3.1 Density (solid vs sparse)
3.2 Reflection or absorption
This is integrated in the sensorium with visual data to create a world-picture .
Benefits :
1. Caves become habitable (even in the absence of fire) .You can get around without injury . This is an important consideration without your handy pharmacy with antibiotics .
2. Ripe fruit can be easily distinguished .
3. Pack-hunting at night becomes possible . The click not only locates and identifies the prey , but also spooks it along . Fellow hunters are identifiable . Smaller predators are warned away .
Humans were and are formidable nocturnal predators . They did not huddle in caves , scared of the beasties outside . The beasties outside were scared of them . Look at your cities , today .
4. Clicks can penetrate surface layers and densities of soil , for edible tubers .
5. Tracking : sonic returns from clicks can very accurately define existence , age and type of tracks . Even in rock where no visual imprint would show compression . (See FlashSonar below)
6. Information transmission : the whole system is much more efficient (ie higher survival rate) if the relationship between clicks and threats or goodies can be taught . Hence first languages were heavy on clicks . The technique would be inherent in the language (cf Marshall McLuhan : the medium is the message.)
7. Cochleal training . Optimal results are obtained by speaking and training before paring of hearing-neurons in the mind and ear .
8. Predator or prey visual camouflage is largely useless . It would be interesting to find the echo-stealth pattern of leopards (the only species that found homonids tasty.). Likely to be quite good even in the surviving sub-species . Hint to the military .
9. Written transmissions: These would be very old , but in incised glyphs that can only be discerned by very a aurally sensitive priesthood . Hence the lack of soot smudges on the ceilings of old sacred caves . These would be rites of passages , showing that the initiate was a master of both aural and visual systems .
10. Incised hieroglyphs would also be optimizated for click-reflection .
11. Get an opinion of viewers in the audio spectrum . We do not even have words for this .
12. The Pyramids : it has long been a puzzlement how the builders of the inside passages could see , since there was and still is not any soot on the ceilings . The answer is that they used echo-location (the Sacred Language of clicks) .
13. See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "LinearB and Philological Invariance"
Using Philological Invariance principles , and seeing that we are at the end of the process , we suspect strongly that that the ur-click language lies at the root of most Old Egyptian pronunciations .
Let us see "Jessica" , a known old word .
"dhe" – wet click with most of the forward tongue .
"s" – click with the tip of the tongue .
"ka" – click with the tip of the tongue moving backward and the jaw opening to make the "a" sound .
"Jessica" would sound nearly like "tic-tac-toe" , with a click for the "t" while opening the mouth saying it .
"x!ic-x!ac-x!oe" , where x! is a click of the tongue . Say it rapidly and an Old Egyptian would have understood you , even bowed , as it was a Royal Name in the old dynasties .
A San bushman would understand it as well .
Which is why old systems did not have vowels . The click sound could only be made with an associated vowel (basically , opening or closing of the jaw) . What we call syllabic , but rooted in the pronounciation and frequency of the click .
Bantu-language clicks .
The genetic evidence is that the Bantu population moved from northern Africa , down to the east coast past the equator , then across the continent to the south-western parts of south Africa . The general perceived wisdom is that they picked up the clicks in their language from san-slave women . But it seems much more likely that they always had it . San might have reinforced it , master-servant is a slippery concept at a low level of technology .
As the Sahara dried out , some went east to become the Egyptians , and some went South to become the Bantu . What is remarkable that both kept their identity under extreme external influences . The usual culprits are religion and culture (ie language) .
What use is a click language to a visually orientated , semi-agricultural society ?
Note that this hints that agriculture first evolved in the Sahara , during the desertification . As it got worse , groups moved east , south and west .
Weeds .
The women gossiping in click language while weeding can tell a weed much more efficiently than any other known system . Not only what is a weed , but when it will seed . The agricultural effort of subsistence agriculture is cut by at least a factor of ten
But without a click-language , they cannot tell you how they do it .
Chinese and other tonal languages .
Ur-languages would be tonal as clicks degenerate into tones .
But weed identification would still be paramount .
This influenced their written language . Chinese are basically Tibetan , and they are very sensitive to weeds . Being at the margins , they cannot tolerate any dissent from the collective .
Note sound systems on the steps of middle-american pyramids .
I have had about as much of humans that I can take .
Andre .
Andre Willers
26 Aug 2009
Synopsis :
Human echolocation generated by tongue clicks led to enhanced dwelling , hunting , food gathering and information sharing techniques . Remnants are still around (San-bushmen)
Discussion :
NewScientist 11 Apr 2009 p31 "Seeing with sound"
What echolocation can do :
2.General shape and size
3.1 Density (solid vs sparse)
3.2 Reflection or absorption
This is integrated in the sensorium with visual data to create a world-picture .
Benefits :
1. Caves become habitable (even in the absence of fire) .You can get around without injury . This is an important consideration without your handy pharmacy with antibiotics .
2. Ripe fruit can be easily distinguished .
3. Pack-hunting at night becomes possible . The click not only locates and identifies the prey , but also spooks it along . Fellow hunters are identifiable . Smaller predators are warned away .
Humans were and are formidable nocturnal predators . They did not huddle in caves , scared of the beasties outside . The beasties outside were scared of them . Look at your cities , today .
4. Clicks can penetrate surface layers and densities of soil , for edible tubers .
5. Tracking : sonic returns from clicks can very accurately define existence , age and type of tracks . Even in rock where no visual imprint would show compression . (See FlashSonar below)
6. Information transmission : the whole system is much more efficient (ie higher survival rate) if the relationship between clicks and threats or goodies can be taught . Hence first languages were heavy on clicks . The technique would be inherent in the language (cf Marshall McLuhan : the medium is the message.)
7. Cochleal training . Optimal results are obtained by speaking and training before paring of hearing-neurons in the mind and ear .
8. Predator or prey visual camouflage is largely useless . It would be interesting to find the echo-stealth pattern of leopards (the only species that found homonids tasty.). Likely to be quite good even in the surviving sub-species . Hint to the military .
9. Written transmissions: These would be very old , but in incised glyphs that can only be discerned by very a aurally sensitive priesthood . Hence the lack of soot smudges on the ceilings of old sacred caves . These would be rites of passages , showing that the initiate was a master of both aural and visual systems .
10. Incised hieroglyphs would also be optimizated for click-reflection .
11. Get an opinion of viewers in the audio spectrum . We do not even have words for this .
12. The Pyramids : it has long been a puzzlement how the builders of the inside passages could see , since there was and still is not any soot on the ceilings . The answer is that they used echo-location (the Sacred Language of clicks) .
13. See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "LinearB and Philological Invariance"
Using Philological Invariance principles , and seeing that we are at the end of the process , we suspect strongly that that the ur-click language lies at the root of most Old Egyptian pronunciations .
Let us see "Jessica" , a known old word .
"dhe" – wet click with most of the forward tongue .
"s" – click with the tip of the tongue .
"ka" – click with the tip of the tongue moving backward and the jaw opening to make the "a" sound .
"Jessica" would sound nearly like "tic-tac-toe" , with a click for the "t" while opening the mouth saying it .
"x!ic-x!ac-x!oe" , where x! is a click of the tongue . Say it rapidly and an Old Egyptian would have understood you , even bowed , as it was a Royal Name in the old dynasties .
A San bushman would understand it as well .
Which is why old systems did not have vowels . The click sound could only be made with an associated vowel (basically , opening or closing of the jaw) . What we call syllabic , but rooted in the pronounciation and frequency of the click .
Bantu-language clicks .
The genetic evidence is that the Bantu population moved from northern Africa , down to the east coast past the equator , then across the continent to the south-western parts of south Africa . The general perceived wisdom is that they picked up the clicks in their language from san-slave women . But it seems much more likely that they always had it . San might have reinforced it , master-servant is a slippery concept at a low level of technology .
As the Sahara dried out , some went east to become the Egyptians , and some went South to become the Bantu . What is remarkable that both kept their identity under extreme external influences . The usual culprits are religion and culture (ie language) .
What use is a click language to a visually orientated , semi-agricultural society ?
Note that this hints that agriculture first evolved in the Sahara , during the desertification . As it got worse , groups moved east , south and west .
Weeds .
The women gossiping in click language while weeding can tell a weed much more efficiently than any other known system . Not only what is a weed , but when it will seed . The agricultural effort of subsistence agriculture is cut by at least a factor of ten
But without a click-language , they cannot tell you how they do it .
Chinese and other tonal languages .
Ur-languages would be tonal as clicks degenerate into tones .
But weed identification would still be paramount .
This influenced their written language . Chinese are basically Tibetan , and they are very sensitive to weeds . Being at the margins , they cannot tolerate any dissent from the collective .
Note sound systems on the steps of middle-american pyramids .
I have had about as much of humans that I can take .
Andre .
Monday, August 24, 2009
Acropolis and Catastrophe Theory .
Acropolis and Catastrophe Theory .
Andre Willers
24 Aug 2009
Synopsis :
The Acropolis virtual superstructure is an Elliptic Umbilic (bifurcation set only , three control dimensions and two controlled dimensions .)
Discussion :
See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "Why is the Parthenon not round"
See "Catastrophe Theory" by D. Postle p25
See Catastrophe Theory by Rene Thom .
Why this shape ?
Because the Greeks were already familiar with it .
There is a surviving chair dating circa 300 BC where the supporting structures are Elliptic Umbilic . It looks hyper-modern even after 2300 years and will always look hypermodern , because it projects the eye and mind into two virtual dimensions .
The three control dimensions can be described in elliptical terms in the normal three dimensions . These would be under the complete control of the builders . See previous discussions about elliptical building technologies .
The virtual two controlled dimensions would be used to describe all sorts of esoteric fancies . Zeus and Hera , male , female , electric charge , magnetism etc ,etc .
Stability .
This is a meta-material .
The structure is two sets of 3 points , each one connected to any other by a portion of an ellipse . Each subset of 3 is connected by a narrow point in the connecting ellipses , the umbilicus .
The material structures (ie control dimensions) would be extremely stable . They are in stable attractor zones .Hence the use as chair legs . Very strong .
Catastrophe Theory enables us to ascribe attractor-basin dimensions . Within the attractor basin , any linear disturbance (ie stress) strengthens the structure . Torque at the umbilicus is a weak point , but is compensated for by bundling the structures .
Note that the structure is closed . Hence crystalloid formations of this configuration are possible . These will also be very stable .
Some Applications:
1.The above structure describes PNA , but this is too stable for life-forms in competition . Hence the less-stable RNA , DNA . All give rise to the familiar helix .
2.Superconductivity :
The stability means that a surplus electron in one set of 3 will pop through the umbilicus to the other set of 3 (where there is a created deficit of one electron) with no measurable resistance .
3.Amplification at the umbilicus :
Electromagnetic waves / charge / magnetics will speed-up or retard electrons at the umbilicus . In a random EM environment , the DNA strands must be coiled to minimize this effect .But we can use it deliberately in amplification and storage devices .
Note the capability of storing magnetic "charge" by using twistor EM waves .
Ie , we can easily and cheaply create magnetic monopoles inside the structure . Whether they will persist outside of it , is another matter . Most likely an EM burst at the boundary , probably non-coherent . Cheap , high-power lighting . With proper timing , maybe even coherent . Omni-directional , high-energy x-ray laser bursts .
4. Umbilical rotors .
By timing the electron surplus/deficit properly , elements of the two sets of 3 can be set to rotating relative to each other , using local energy sources . Cf mitochondria , rotifers .
5. Zero-point energy .
See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "The inside of zero"
This is a meta-material .
The inside of the whole set of six points can be described as the inside of zero , with a virtual interface at the umbilical , subject to conditions as described in "The inside of zero" .
The structure will have no metric on the inside , and thus zero energy pressure from the quantum foam inside . It will leach energy from the quantum foam outside . Since it is symmetrical , it normally will be neutral unless we biase it . A voltage differential about the size used in a cathode ray set should be sufficient .
6.Cold-fusion .
While some fusion might occur at the entanglement of the virtual particles at the umbilicus , it is more likely that most of the energy generation is due to Zero-point energy . Hence the low incidence of high-energy neutrons .(Luckily for the experimenters.)
Biological systems have the same problem . See previous posts on chicken fat as moderator of fast neutrons .
7 . Radiation Shield . (Really good stealth)
This is a meta-material .
A Hyperbolic Umbilic(bifurcation set only , three control dimensions and two controlled dimensions .) See "Catastrophe Theory" by D. Postle p25
Energy and energetic particles captured and radiated in all directions . Found on skin surfaces and photosynthesis .
8 . Radiation Trapping and Usage .
This is a meta-material : like Chicken fat .
A Parabolic Umbilic (bifurcation set only , FOUR control dimensions and two controlled dimensions .) See "Catastrophe Theory" by D. Postle p25
Energy and energetic particles captured , cooled and energy used.
Because there are four control dimensions in a three dimensional universe , the molecular structure can capture and release , emitting surplus energy in less harmful ways by flipping the control structure in two ways .
The actual molecular structure can be calculated using present quantum tools and using chicken fat as a basal hint .
Thus , one could probably make a high-energy intensity infrared laser using chicken fat .
But it will also make excellent radiation shielding for nuclear reactors or the Mars mission , as long as excess energy can be used (like in a ion-drive for propulsion.)
The way to the planets is greased with chicken fat .
9. Athletics .
See previous discussions on Biological Fusion Powered Systems .
Note that Usain Bolt trains on chicken nuggets .
I await the first fusion cookbook with eager anticipation .
Andre Willers
24 Aug 2009
Synopsis :
The Acropolis virtual superstructure is an Elliptic Umbilic (bifurcation set only , three control dimensions and two controlled dimensions .)
Discussion :
See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "Why is the Parthenon not round"
See "Catastrophe Theory" by D. Postle p25
See Catastrophe Theory by Rene Thom .
Why this shape ?
Because the Greeks were already familiar with it .
There is a surviving chair dating circa 300 BC where the supporting structures are Elliptic Umbilic . It looks hyper-modern even after 2300 years and will always look hypermodern , because it projects the eye and mind into two virtual dimensions .
The three control dimensions can be described in elliptical terms in the normal three dimensions . These would be under the complete control of the builders . See previous discussions about elliptical building technologies .
The virtual two controlled dimensions would be used to describe all sorts of esoteric fancies . Zeus and Hera , male , female , electric charge , magnetism etc ,etc .
Stability .
This is a meta-material .
The structure is two sets of 3 points , each one connected to any other by a portion of an ellipse . Each subset of 3 is connected by a narrow point in the connecting ellipses , the umbilicus .
The material structures (ie control dimensions) would be extremely stable . They are in stable attractor zones .Hence the use as chair legs . Very strong .
Catastrophe Theory enables us to ascribe attractor-basin dimensions . Within the attractor basin , any linear disturbance (ie stress) strengthens the structure . Torque at the umbilicus is a weak point , but is compensated for by bundling the structures .
Note that the structure is closed . Hence crystalloid formations of this configuration are possible . These will also be very stable .
Some Applications:
1.The above structure describes PNA , but this is too stable for life-forms in competition . Hence the less-stable RNA , DNA . All give rise to the familiar helix .
2.Superconductivity :
The stability means that a surplus electron in one set of 3 will pop through the umbilicus to the other set of 3 (where there is a created deficit of one electron) with no measurable resistance .
3.Amplification at the umbilicus :
Electromagnetic waves / charge / magnetics will speed-up or retard electrons at the umbilicus . In a random EM environment , the DNA strands must be coiled to minimize this effect .But we can use it deliberately in amplification and storage devices .
Note the capability of storing magnetic "charge" by using twistor EM waves .
Ie , we can easily and cheaply create magnetic monopoles inside the structure . Whether they will persist outside of it , is another matter . Most likely an EM burst at the boundary , probably non-coherent . Cheap , high-power lighting . With proper timing , maybe even coherent . Omni-directional , high-energy x-ray laser bursts .
4. Umbilical rotors .
By timing the electron surplus/deficit properly , elements of the two sets of 3 can be set to rotating relative to each other , using local energy sources . Cf mitochondria , rotifers .
5. Zero-point energy .
See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "The inside of zero"
This is a meta-material .
The inside of the whole set of six points can be described as the inside of zero , with a virtual interface at the umbilical , subject to conditions as described in "The inside of zero" .
The structure will have no metric on the inside , and thus zero energy pressure from the quantum foam inside . It will leach energy from the quantum foam outside . Since it is symmetrical , it normally will be neutral unless we biase it . A voltage differential about the size used in a cathode ray set should be sufficient .
6.Cold-fusion .
While some fusion might occur at the entanglement of the virtual particles at the umbilicus , it is more likely that most of the energy generation is due to Zero-point energy . Hence the low incidence of high-energy neutrons .(Luckily for the experimenters.)
Biological systems have the same problem . See previous posts on chicken fat as moderator of fast neutrons .
7 . Radiation Shield . (Really good stealth)
This is a meta-material .
A Hyperbolic Umbilic(bifurcation set only , three control dimensions and two controlled dimensions .) See "Catastrophe Theory" by D. Postle p25
Energy and energetic particles captured and radiated in all directions . Found on skin surfaces and photosynthesis .
8 . Radiation Trapping and Usage .
This is a meta-material : like Chicken fat .
A Parabolic Umbilic (bifurcation set only , FOUR control dimensions and two controlled dimensions .) See "Catastrophe Theory" by D. Postle p25
Energy and energetic particles captured , cooled and energy used.
Because there are four control dimensions in a three dimensional universe , the molecular structure can capture and release , emitting surplus energy in less harmful ways by flipping the control structure in two ways .
The actual molecular structure can be calculated using present quantum tools and using chicken fat as a basal hint .
Thus , one could probably make a high-energy intensity infrared laser using chicken fat .
But it will also make excellent radiation shielding for nuclear reactors or the Mars mission , as long as excess energy can be used (like in a ion-drive for propulsion.)
The way to the planets is greased with chicken fat .
9. Athletics .
See previous discussions on Biological Fusion Powered Systems .
Note that Usain Bolt trains on chicken nuggets .
I await the first fusion cookbook with eager anticipation .
Friday, August 21, 2009
Financial Crisis 21 Aug 2009
Financial Crisis 21 Aug 2009
Andre Willers
21 Aug 2009
Synopsis :
Hyper-stimulation of real wealth creation through stochastic resonance will be an interesting challenge .
Discussion :
See previous posts in http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "Financial Crisis xxxxx"
The classical financial crisis is over (and has been since Oct 2008 , when food prices stabilized .)
Stochastic resonance :
It is easiest seen by way of analogy :
Imagine the ruins of a city submerged just below calm sea level . It is difficult to find out the nature of it through inspection . But introduce waves , ie turbulence/chaos and portions are revealed . We photo these and patch them together . Pretty soon , we have good picture .
Similarly , funding for basic research before the crisis was calm and orderly . Nothing surprising was allowed to disturb the serene waters . But underneath …
The chaos of the crisis and the enormous amounts of capital injected sloshes around in the system in truly unpredictable , chaotic ways .
Stochastic resonance .
The Internet and journals functions as a memory of the of the flashes .
Technology :
The effect will be an explosion of both technology and new basic principles .
In our analogy , the underlying structures become visible in the chaotic process .
We have seen the equivalent in previous turbulent episodes in the past . Indeed , some think this is the function of turbulent episodes .
Humans get bored , then rock the cradle .
Maybe learn something .
Remember that money in human terms is a futures contract spread over real and virtual entities . No matter how large the present stimulus is , the impact can be simply spread over the flood-plains of the future and virtual persona of companies .
Watershed for short-term gains .
This means a defeat for the philosophy of short-term gains . The Quarterly report .
In hindsight , the emphasis on short-term gains increasingly appears to be a rear-guard action to protect the convertability of capital into income .
Do not be surprised if severe limitations are placed on the ability to convert capital growth into income . The effect of this will be to ring-fence capital stimuli and prevent Cost-of-living inflation (especially food) .
This is inevitable if present Western systems wish to survive .
Stochastic Deflation .
The rate of wealth creation is not the same on all financial dimensions . We already see this effect vis-Ã -vis electronics and mechanics . The old ways get devalued .
Why walk when you can teleport ?
Why play the piano if you can get any music ?
And so it goes .
France in the early 1700's and Britain in the late 1800's spring to mind .
The net effect is the creation of entities like MicroSoft . Stabilizing niches .
The niches are usually self-defined (not vertically integrated) .
The present term is "core-business" .
Usually used by companies in decline . (Cf Anglo-American)
Systemic Shock .
This is minimized by having small units of value (dollars , etc) . This enables small entities to grow , filling niches that cushions systemic shock as waves of changes propagate through the system .
Small businesses (like Microsoft) cushion the shock by making things as expensive as usual . Real low costs are disguised , until a major concatenation of shock fronts (like 2008) hits .
Note : the systemic shock of real low costs will continue . So get used to continual financial stimulus packages . This is exactly equivalent to a two-tier system of capital and interest . Spain tried it in the 1500's and went bankrupt .
This time the gold is from innovation , but it is doubtful if anybody has learned anything . The old Roman Republic foundered on the same rock .
The question is : can the rate of innovation (ie wealth creation) exceed the exponential rate of wealth consumption ?
The long term answer is yes (otherwise we would not be here) .
The short term answer is also yes , hence we are heading into the singularity .
The shocks to the system of low costs will diminish in severity , until it rivals the price fluctuations of salt .
Chips , anyone ?
Andre Willers
21 Aug 2009
Synopsis :
Hyper-stimulation of real wealth creation through stochastic resonance will be an interesting challenge .
Discussion :
See previous posts in http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "Financial Crisis xxxxx"
The classical financial crisis is over (and has been since Oct 2008 , when food prices stabilized .)
Stochastic resonance :
It is easiest seen by way of analogy :
Imagine the ruins of a city submerged just below calm sea level . It is difficult to find out the nature of it through inspection . But introduce waves , ie turbulence/chaos and portions are revealed . We photo these and patch them together . Pretty soon , we have good picture .
Similarly , funding for basic research before the crisis was calm and orderly . Nothing surprising was allowed to disturb the serene waters . But underneath …
The chaos of the crisis and the enormous amounts of capital injected sloshes around in the system in truly unpredictable , chaotic ways .
Stochastic resonance .
The Internet and journals functions as a memory of the of the flashes .
Technology :
The effect will be an explosion of both technology and new basic principles .
In our analogy , the underlying structures become visible in the chaotic process .
We have seen the equivalent in previous turbulent episodes in the past . Indeed , some think this is the function of turbulent episodes .
Humans get bored , then rock the cradle .
Maybe learn something .
Remember that money in human terms is a futures contract spread over real and virtual entities . No matter how large the present stimulus is , the impact can be simply spread over the flood-plains of the future and virtual persona of companies .
Watershed for short-term gains .
This means a defeat for the philosophy of short-term gains . The Quarterly report .
In hindsight , the emphasis on short-term gains increasingly appears to be a rear-guard action to protect the convertability of capital into income .
Do not be surprised if severe limitations are placed on the ability to convert capital growth into income . The effect of this will be to ring-fence capital stimuli and prevent Cost-of-living inflation (especially food) .
This is inevitable if present Western systems wish to survive .
Stochastic Deflation .
The rate of wealth creation is not the same on all financial dimensions . We already see this effect vis-Ã -vis electronics and mechanics . The old ways get devalued .
Why walk when you can teleport ?
Why play the piano if you can get any music ?
And so it goes .
France in the early 1700's and Britain in the late 1800's spring to mind .
The net effect is the creation of entities like MicroSoft . Stabilizing niches .
The niches are usually self-defined (not vertically integrated) .
The present term is "core-business" .
Usually used by companies in decline . (Cf Anglo-American)
Systemic Shock .
This is minimized by having small units of value (dollars , etc) . This enables small entities to grow , filling niches that cushions systemic shock as waves of changes propagate through the system .
Small businesses (like Microsoft) cushion the shock by making things as expensive as usual . Real low costs are disguised , until a major concatenation of shock fronts (like 2008) hits .
Note : the systemic shock of real low costs will continue . So get used to continual financial stimulus packages . This is exactly equivalent to a two-tier system of capital and interest . Spain tried it in the 1500's and went bankrupt .
This time the gold is from innovation , but it is doubtful if anybody has learned anything . The old Roman Republic foundered on the same rock .
The question is : can the rate of innovation (ie wealth creation) exceed the exponential rate of wealth consumption ?
The long term answer is yes (otherwise we would not be here) .
The short term answer is also yes , hence we are heading into the singularity .
The shocks to the system of low costs will diminish in severity , until it rivals the price fluctuations of salt .
Chips , anyone ?
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Optimization .
Andre Willers
18 Aug 2009
Synopsis :
We look at financial optimization and extrapolate where necessary .
Discussion :
Optimization is hard and usually involves hunting over landscapes of future potentialities , looking for optima and minima . In other words , it involves infinities .
We have already done this for simple entities :
(see http://andreswhy.blogspot.com. "New Tools : Reserves" )
We use the same argument on the remainders to generate degrees of risk .
What can we afford to place at risk ?
Let z = proportion that remains after we have sequestered our fundamental reserve .
Then the remainder at every iteration n where we keep a proportion of z of the remainder as a reserve of lesser importance is
(1) 1-z
(2) 1-2z+z^2 = (1-z)^2
(n) (1-z)^n
n would denote the degree of risk . Note that it is an exponential function . What you can risk decreases very rapidly .
Competition and greed .
Without competition , the optimal n =1 (ie the maximal reserve) .
Z is normally about 1/e (Eulers constant , as discussed) . About 1/3 .
But competition or greed can drive z to a lower value . Riskier business or evolutionary avenues are explored , leading to extinctions due to unexpected big down-turns (as happened in 2008 in Terran economic systems , or numerous dead-ends in evolution of life-forms )
Greed can be seen as internal competition .
The algorithm to reduce risk in competition is as described above : Take a proportion z of each successive remainder for n times .
The proportion you can gamble at degree risk n can be denoted by A(n) = (1-z)^n
We know z should be 1/e +- 1/3 . The rest can be calculated to degree risk n .
The Advantage :
We have an objective measurement of A(n) = risk(N) of a portfolio or extra investment (the Margin ) :
N A=(1-1/e)^n = 0.632120588^n
0 1
1 0.63
2 0.40
3 0.25
4 0.16
5 0.10
6 0.06
Example :
You have 100 000 to invest (regardless of previous investments) . (The beauty of this argument : you can sub-section investments) .
Invest 63% in quality shares that you think will outperform cash , or 6% at the casino.
You see how it goes .
An amusing note :
If you expand the term (1-z)^n and sum the positive and negative terms of the result over n , you get a combination of Elliot-waves and Fibonacci numbers .
As suspected , these systems are artifacts of the analyses .
The predictive information content is null .
Genes .
A portfolio and marginal genes can be examined in the same way .Top organisms that have been around for a long time (eg sharks , jellyfish , birds , etc) have large reservoirs of genetic potential and are capable of explosive adaptation . Bacteria sidestep the problem by not having strong identities . Mammals only evolved the ultimate survival mechanism (flight) twice ( bats and humans) . They will have to pull harder at their bootstraps .
Did tropical penguins catch flying fish on the wing underwater ?
Pterodactyls .
Can any be still around ?
The answer is surprisingly , yes .
But they have gone underwater , switched to a sulfur metabolism . The evidence is bats . The genetic bleed-through (via plasmids , et al) . Look in the cavern-complexes of Central-America near the sulfuric volcanoes . They would have had an instinct to return to ancestral breeding grounds . Note Quetzalcoatl . Deep-sea vents . Note the scars on sperm-whales .
And Nessie ?
Loch Ness is very old . The schism dates back to the Cretaceous . It is possible that breeding females returns there , especially if there is volcanic venting in the neighbourhood (cf Surtsey)
Guano , anyone ?
Andre .
Andre Willers
18 Aug 2009
Synopsis :
We look at financial optimization and extrapolate where necessary .
Discussion :
Optimization is hard and usually involves hunting over landscapes of future potentialities , looking for optima and minima . In other words , it involves infinities .
We have already done this for simple entities :
(see http://andreswhy.blogspot.com. "New Tools : Reserves" )
We use the same argument on the remainders to generate degrees of risk .
What can we afford to place at risk ?
Let z = proportion that remains after we have sequestered our fundamental reserve .
Then the remainder at every iteration n where we keep a proportion of z of the remainder as a reserve of lesser importance is
(1) 1-z
(2) 1-2z+z^2 = (1-z)^2
(n) (1-z)^n
n would denote the degree of risk . Note that it is an exponential function . What you can risk decreases very rapidly .
Competition and greed .
Without competition , the optimal n =1 (ie the maximal reserve) .
Z is normally about 1/e (Eulers constant , as discussed) . About 1/3 .
But competition or greed can drive z to a lower value . Riskier business or evolutionary avenues are explored , leading to extinctions due to unexpected big down-turns (as happened in 2008 in Terran economic systems , or numerous dead-ends in evolution of life-forms )
Greed can be seen as internal competition .
The algorithm to reduce risk in competition is as described above : Take a proportion z of each successive remainder for n times .
The proportion you can gamble at degree risk n can be denoted by A(n) = (1-z)^n
We know z should be 1/e +- 1/3 . The rest can be calculated to degree risk n .
The Advantage :
We have an objective measurement of A(n) = risk(N) of a portfolio or extra investment (the Margin ) :
N A=(1-1/e)^n = 0.632120588^n
0 1
1 0.63
2 0.40
3 0.25
4 0.16
5 0.10
6 0.06
Example :
You have 100 000 to invest (regardless of previous investments) . (The beauty of this argument : you can sub-section investments) .
Invest 63% in quality shares that you think will outperform cash , or 6% at the casino.
You see how it goes .
An amusing note :
If you expand the term (1-z)^n and sum the positive and negative terms of the result over n , you get a combination of Elliot-waves and Fibonacci numbers .
As suspected , these systems are artifacts of the analyses .
The predictive information content is null .
Genes .
A portfolio and marginal genes can be examined in the same way .Top organisms that have been around for a long time (eg sharks , jellyfish , birds , etc) have large reservoirs of genetic potential and are capable of explosive adaptation . Bacteria sidestep the problem by not having strong identities . Mammals only evolved the ultimate survival mechanism (flight) twice ( bats and humans) . They will have to pull harder at their bootstraps .
Did tropical penguins catch flying fish on the wing underwater ?
Pterodactyls .
Can any be still around ?
The answer is surprisingly , yes .
But they have gone underwater , switched to a sulfur metabolism . The evidence is bats . The genetic bleed-through (via plasmids , et al) . Look in the cavern-complexes of Central-America near the sulfuric volcanoes . They would have had an instinct to return to ancestral breeding grounds . Note Quetzalcoatl . Deep-sea vents . Note the scars on sperm-whales .
And Nessie ?
Loch Ness is very old . The schism dates back to the Cretaceous . It is possible that breeding females returns there , especially if there is volcanic venting in the neighbourhood (cf Surtsey)
Guano , anyone ?
Andre .
Monday, August 10, 2009
The Inside of Zero .
The Inside of Zero .
Andre Willers
7 Aug 2009
Synopsis :
A system of 13 Diophantine equations with 26 unknowns are the necessary sufficient to describe Arith I systems relative to Arith II system , with a Degree of Complexity = 10 .
These are used to describe a mathematical vacuum , with some physical consequences .
Discussion :
See Appendix A , B , Recursive Theory .
See previous posts , where Arith I and Arith II systems were discussed in detail .
The problem lies in discussing Non-Aristotelian systems using Aristotelian concepts of delineation (ie True , not-True ) .
Infinity .
The alert reader would have noticed that most of the problems come from processes continued indefinitely , which is taken as infinity . But is it ? Kantor already proved that varieties of infinity exists . It immediately follows that the software-computer we call mathematics and logic needs some revision .
The works of Russell , Godel , Matiyasevich et al pointed out some further contradictions in the Aristotelian model .
Can a theorem be true only for Aleph0 but not for Aleph1 ?
This is analogous to the problems with parallel lines continuing "infinitely" , that led to non-Euclidean geometries .
Recursive Genesis .
The standard axioms of arithmetic needs only a tweak on one axiom to generate the necessary revisions .
Generate new numbers by adding 1 to any number a .
Arith II
The Standard Set (call it Arith II) states that a+1<>a , where a is a previous number . The number line does not loop back on itself .
Arith I
The number line can loop back on itself . A circular number-line is formed . In a certain sense , we are discussing the topology of circular number loops in a Arith II space and their relationships .
The metric has not been defined . The question then becomes :
How many Arith I systems (= ArithI(m) ) plus one ArithII system (we only need one ArithII) are necessary sufficient to describe this particular Universum ?
Rotational Translations (spin) .
This is actually moving from one dimension to another , regardless of the frame of reference . Every ArithI system then actually needs a spin indicator : ie , which way it is curving in an (n-1) dimensional space .
I draw your attention to the curious fact that the angle in 2-dim is 2pi , while in 3 dim it is 4pi . More of this anon .
The Degree :
The maximum exponent in an equation if you change all the variables into one variable . This is important because it indicates the number of dimensions we have to use to describe the equation . Do not confuse it with the number of variables .
Minimum Necessary Sufficient .
The Ball-Breaker . The description defines reality .
This has been called many things :
Principle of Least effort , time , distance ,
Entropy .
Occam's Razor .
Collapse of the wave-function .
Economy of effort , etc .
The trade-off :
Matiyasevich et al has shown that there is a relationship between the Degree and the Number of variables necessary to describe an item in an Universum using a related number of equations .
Boundaries :
The following relationships has been proved :
Degree = 4 , variables 58
Degree = 10 , variables = 26 , equations =13
Degree = 10^45 , variables = 10
Is there a minimum number number of degrees ?
I doubt very much whether a Degree lower than 4 will be found . See Physical significance below .
See previous posts .
Physical Significance .
"Everything that can be , will be . But not all at once ." AW
The Degree can be described as the number of dimensions . You will notice the correlation with string theory .
Sadly , a Theory of Everything is impossible . But we can creep up on it .
Delicious !
Degree = 10 , variables = 26 , equations =13 , Spin =2
The numbers 26 =2x13 , and spin =2 should be knocking at the jaded doors of your mind .
Cards .
A pack of 13x4 = 52 cards forms a very good analogue of the Mathematical Process of a Universum .
You can work out for yourself why humans have a good use for a very good analogue of the universe .
And the Jokers ?
Remember , the Joker can take on any value . A good decription of a trans-luminal , low-probability event .
The most popular string theory uses 10 dimensions .
And the rest of the Tarot pack ?
Remember , we are talking about necessary sufficient without straining human capabilities too much .
Prime Numbers :
A prime number is simply an ArithI system (in ArithII measurements) that cannot be chopped up .
A mathematical atom , relative to ArithII . The number we need is related to the number of variables .
It is like zero
The Inside of Zero .
Degree = 10 , variables = 26 , equations =13 , Spin =2
If we plug in 26 prime numbers into the Diophantine polynomial generational equation in AppendixA below (and there are an infinity to choose from) , we get 26 ArithI systems , which have a mathematical vacuum inside them . No numbers .
A very interesting place . Note that the resultant is also a prime atom . It is recursive . Only the spin remains free .
Like the inside of a singularity .
Physically , this will have some very interesting effects .
There are no quantum fluctuations inside zero . The metric does not exist , even at Planck level .
Super-conductivity :
Purely an effect of the number of atoms crowded together .
It does not matter which atoms . They just have to be in certain configurations . Hence the present confusion in the field .
Disintegration of matter
(cold-fusion or cold-fission) .
But observational systems really like conservation laws . Energy release can then be only through particle or EM means .
If the geometries are chosen correctly , we can constrain the output mainly to electron/proton or electron/EM .
Direct electrical energy from matter . Very good power generation in our Universum .
Quantum Epigenetics .
The patterns on the surface of zero are constrained by trans-luminal effects inside zero . The outside patterns dictate the quantum-fluctations , as well as trans-luminal and super-luminal effects from all over .
The spin of Zero will thus drag creation of quantum fluctuations around it . This will affect things not only on a small scale , but on a large scale as well . The Drags do not balance out .(cf Relativistic rotation drag)
This can actually easily be calculated in the standard way by wave functions and General Relativity .
Rotating around a point
Note that there is a difference between spin and a particle rotating about center .
This can be constrained by using the fact that angular radians in 2 dimensions is 2pi and in 3 dimensions is 4pi .
Physically , in our descriptions , it means the particle does not really know whether it is orbiting in 2 dimensions or is spread over a surface in 3 dimensions (cf h/2pi)) , but we can constrain the geometries (and do in our quantum devices !)
God's sense of humour .
Degree = 10 , variables = 26 , equations =13 , Spin =2
Each degree (ie dimension) can take on +1, 0, -1 spins . Thus 10^3 number of states .
(We do not worry about minimum necessary sufficient spins , only state what is .)
This gives a polynomial of 27 integers of degree 10 with a value of 3 spins . See Appendix A below .
The Fine structure constant of our universe is
1/alpha = h/2pi * c / e^2
=137.035 999 070 (98)
where h is Planck's Constant , c is lightspeed in vacuo (see above) and e is electron charge , all in dimensionless electrostatic units . The value is dimensionless (ie the same for any definition of units)
It shows the relationship between h (Plancks constant , which includes the definition of mass) , spin (the pi , but there has to be compensation for dimensional drifting between dim2 and dim3 as discussed above) , observational speed (c ) and electric charge (e) .
It means that spinning mass and charge are intimately related to the number of dimensions it has to rotate through .
So , it is no surprise to find that
Beta = (1/10 + 1/27) * 10^3
=1000*(0.1 + 0.037037037…)
= 137 . 037 037 …
The difference in the sixth decimal can be attributed to drag effects and dimensional compensations , which have not been taken into account .
Biological Epigenetics .
The same type of argument can be applied to biological cells and denizens of multicellular organism . While they might not rotate , they definitely do partially rotate to-and-fro .
Three magnetic fields at right angles to each other or twistor-EM waves will have definite biological effects .
Do not try this at home .
Does nothing matter ?
The Zero knows .
Andre .
Appendix A
From http://mathworld.wolfram/com/PrimeDiophantineEquations.html
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formula_for_Primes
Formula based on a system of Diophantine equations
A system of 14 Diophantine equations in 26 variables can be used to obtain a Diophantine representation of the set of all primes. Jones et al. (1976) proved that a given number k + 2 is prime if and only if the following system of 14 Diophantine equations has a solution in the natural numbers:
α0 = wz + h + j − q = 0
α1 = (gk + 2g + k + 1)(h + j) + h − z = 0
α2 = 16(k + 1)3(k + 2)(n + 1)2 + 1 − f2 = 0
α3 = 2n + p + q + z − e = 0
α4 = e3(e + 2)(a + 1)2 + 1 − o2 = 0
α5 = (a2 − 1)y2 + 1 − x2 = 0
α6 = 16r2y4(a2 − 1) + 1 − u2 = 0
α7 = n + l + v − y = 0
α8 = (a2 − 1)l2 + 1 − m2 = 0
α9 = ai + k + 1 − l − i = 0
α10 = ((a + u2(u2 − a))2 − 1)(n + 4dy)2 + 1 − (x + cu)2 = 0
α11 = p + l(a − n − 1) + b(2an + 2a − n2 − 2n − 2) − m = 0
α12 = q + y(a − p − 1) + s(2ap + 2a − p2 − 2p − 2) − x = 0
α13 = z + pl(a − p) + t(2ap − p2 − 1) − pm = 0
The 14 equations α0, …, α13 can be used to produce a prime-generating polynomial inequality in 26 variables:
ie: PrimeNumber = (k+2) ( 1- a0^2 - … a13^2) )
This is equal to the polynomial
(k + 2)(1 −
[wz + h + j − q]2 −
[(gk + 2g + k + 1)(h + j) + h − z]2 −
[16(k + 1)3(k + 2)(n + 1)2 + 1 − f2]2 −
[2n + p + q + z − e]2 −
[e3(e + 2)(a + 1)2 + 1 − o2]2 −
[(a2 − 1)y2 + 1 − x2]2 −
[16r2y4(a2 − 1) + 1 − u2]2 −
[n + l + v − y]2 −
[(a2 − 1)l2 + 1 − m2]2 −
[ai + k + 1 − l − i]2 −
[((a + u2(u2 − a))2 − 1)(n + 4dy)2 + 1 − (x + cu)2]2 −
[p + l(a − n − 1) + b(2an + 2a − n2 − 2n − 2) − m]2 −
[q + y(a − p − 1) + s(2ap + 2a − p2 − 2p − 2) − x]2 −
[z + pl(a − p) + t(2ap − p2 − 1) − pm]2)
> 0
is a polynomial inequality in 26 variables, and the set of prime numbers is identical to the set of positive values taken on by this polynomial inequality as the variables a, b, …, z range over the nonnegative integers.
In other words , we have a single Diophantine polynomial equation with 27 variables based on 14 sub-equations .
Eliminating one variable (n) as discussed above , leaves us with 26 variables based on 13 equations , but the Exponential Order (Degree) is unchanged .
A general theorem of Matiyasevich says that if a set is defined by a system of Diophantine equations, it can also be defined by a system of Diophantine equations in only 9 variables. Hence, there is a prime-generating polynomial as above with only 10 variables. However, its degree is large (in the order of 1045). On the other hand, there also exists such a set of equations of degree only 4, but in 58 variables (Jones 1982). Jones et al 1976 , Riesel 1994 p40
Appendix B
Diophantine set
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In mathematics, a Diophantine set of j -tuples of integers is a set S for which there is some polynomial with integer coefficients
f(n1, ..., nj, x1, ..., xk)
such that a tuple
(n1, ..., nj)
of integers is in S if and only if there exist some (non-negative) [1] integers
x1, ..., xk with
f(n1, ..., nj, x1, ..., xk) = 0.
Such a polynomial equation over the integers is called a Diophantine equation. In other words, a Diophantine set is a set of the form
where f is a polynomial function with integer coefficients. [2]
Matiyasevich's theorem, published in 1970, states that a set of integers is Diophantine if and only if it is recursively enumerable. A set S is recursively enumerable precisely if there is an algorithm that, when given an integer, eventually halts if that input is a member of S and otherwise runs forever. This means that the concept of general Diophantine set, apparently belonging to number theory, can be taken rather in logical or recursion-theoretic terms. This is far from obvious, however, and represented the culmination of some decades of work.
Matiyasevich's theorem effectively settled Hilbert's tenth problem. It implies that Hilbert's tenth problem is unsolvable. This problem is the challenge to find a general algorithm which can decide whether a given system of Diophantine equations has a solution among the integers. David Hilbert posed the problem in his celebrated list, from his 1900 address to the International Congress of Mathematicians.
1 Examples
2 Matiyasevich's theorem
2.1 Proof technique
3 Application to Hilbert's Tenth problem
3.1 Logical structure
3.2 Refinements
4 Further applications
5 Footnotes
6 References
7 External links
[edit] Examples
The well known Pell equation
X^2 – d(y +1)^2 = +- 1
is an example of a Diophantine equation with a parameter. As has long been known, the equation has a solution in the unknowns x,y precisely when the parameter d is 0 or not a perfect square. In the present context, one says that this equation provides a Diophantine definition of the set
consisting of 0 and the natural numbers that are not perfect squares. Other examples of Diophantine definitions are as follows:
The equation a = (2x + 3)y defines the set of numbers that are not powers of 2.
The equation a = (x + 2)(y + 2) defines the set of numbers that are not prime numbers.
The equation a + x = b defines the set of pairs (a,b) such that (a<=b)
[edit] Matiyasevich's theorem
Matiyasevich's theorem says:
Every recursively enumerable set is Diophantine.
A set S of integers is recursively enumerable if there is an algorithm that behaves as follows: When given as input an integer n, if n is a member of S, then the algorithm eventually halts; otherwise it runs forever. That is equivalent to saying there is an algorithm that runs forever and lists the members of S. A set S is Diophantine precisely if there is some polynomial with integer coefficients f(n, x1, ..., xk) such that an integer n is in S if and only if there exist some integers x1, ..., xk such that f(n, x1, ..., xk) = 0.
It is not hard to see that every Diophantine set is recursively enumerable: consider a Diophantine equation f(n, x1, ..., xk) = 0. Now we make an algorithm which simply tries all possible values for n, x1, ..., xk, in the increasing order of the sum of their absolute values, and prints n every time f(n, x1, ..., xk) = 0. This algorithm will obviously run forever and will list exactly the n for which f(n, x1, ..., xk) = 0 has a solution in x1, ..., xk.
[edit] Proof technique
Yuri Matiyasevich utilized an ingenious trick involving Fibonacci numbers in order to show that solutions to Diophantine equations may grow exponentially. Earlier work by Julia Robinson, Martin Davis and Hilary Putnam had shown that this suffices to show that every recursively enumerable set is Diophantine.
[edit] Application to Hilbert's Tenth problem
Hilbert's tenth problem asks for a general algorithm deciding the solvability of Diophantine equations. The conjunction of Matiyasevich's theorem with a result discovered in the 1930s implies that a solution to Hilbert's tenth problem is impossible. The result discovered in the 1930s by several logicians can be stated by saying that some recursively enumerable sets are non-recursive. In this context, a set S of integers is called "recursive" if there is an algorithm that, when given as input an integer n, returns as output a correct yes-or-no answer to the question of whether n is a member of S. It follows that there are Diophantine equations which cannot be solved by any algorithm.
[edit] Logical structure
Here an argument taking exactly the form of an Aristotelian syllogism is of interest:
(Major premise): Some recursively enumerable sets are non-recursive.
(Minor premise): All recursively enumerable sets are Diophantine.
(Conclusion): Therefore some Diophantine sets are non-recursive.
The conclusion entails that Hilbert's 10th problem cannot be solved. The most difficult part of the argument is the proof of the minor premise, i.e. Matiyasevich's theorem, which itself is much stronger than the unsolvability of the Tenth Problem.
[edit] Refinements
Later work has shown that the question of solvability of a Diophantine equation is undecidable even if the equation only has 9 natural number variables (Matiyasevich, 1977) or 11 integer variables (Zhi Wei Sun, 1992).
[edit] Further applications
Matiyasevich's theorem has since been used to prove that many problems from calculus and differential equations are unsolvable.
One can also derive the following stronger form of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem from Matiyasevich's result:
Corresponding to any given consistent axiomatization of number theory,[3] one can explicitly construct a Diophantine equation which has no solutions, but such that this fact cannot be proved within the given axiomatization.
[edit] Footnotes
^ The two definitions are equivalent. This can be proved using Lagrange's four-square theorem.
^ Note that one can also use a simultaneous system of Diophantine equations to define a Diophantine set, because the system
f1 =0 , …,fk =0
is equivalent to the single equation
f1^2 + f2^2 + … + fk^ = 0
^ More precisely, given a -formula representing the set of Gödel numbers of sentences which recursively axiomatize a consistent theory extending Robinson arithmetic.
[edit] References
Yuri Matiyasevich. "Enumerable sets are Diophantine." Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 191, pp. 279-282, 1970. English translation in Soviet Mathematics. Doklady, vol. 11, no. 2, 1970.
M. Davis. "Hilbert's Tenth Problem is Unsolvable." American Mathematical Monthly 80, pp. 233-269, 1973.
Yuri Matiyasevich. Hilbert's 10th Problem Foreword by Martin Davis and Hilary Putnam, The MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-13295-8
Zhi-Wei Sun, Reduction of unknowns in Diophantine representations, Sci. China Ser. A, 35:3 (1992), pp. 257–269.
[edit] External links
Matiyasevich theorem on Scholarpedia.
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diophantine_set"
Categories: Diophantine equations | Hilbert's problems
Andre Willers
7 Aug 2009
Synopsis :
A system of 13 Diophantine equations with 26 unknowns are the necessary sufficient to describe Arith I systems relative to Arith II system , with a Degree of Complexity = 10 .
These are used to describe a mathematical vacuum , with some physical consequences .
Discussion :
See Appendix A , B , Recursive Theory .
See previous posts , where Arith I and Arith II systems were discussed in detail .
The problem lies in discussing Non-Aristotelian systems using Aristotelian concepts of delineation (ie True , not-True ) .
Infinity .
The alert reader would have noticed that most of the problems come from processes continued indefinitely , which is taken as infinity . But is it ? Kantor already proved that varieties of infinity exists . It immediately follows that the software-computer we call mathematics and logic needs some revision .
The works of Russell , Godel , Matiyasevich et al pointed out some further contradictions in the Aristotelian model .
Can a theorem be true only for Aleph0 but not for Aleph1 ?
This is analogous to the problems with parallel lines continuing "infinitely" , that led to non-Euclidean geometries .
Recursive Genesis .
The standard axioms of arithmetic needs only a tweak on one axiom to generate the necessary revisions .
Generate new numbers by adding 1 to any number a .
Arith II
The Standard Set (call it Arith II) states that a+1<>a , where a is a previous number . The number line does not loop back on itself .
Arith I
The number line can loop back on itself . A circular number-line is formed . In a certain sense , we are discussing the topology of circular number loops in a Arith II space and their relationships .
The metric has not been defined . The question then becomes :
How many Arith I systems (= ArithI(m) ) plus one ArithII system (we only need one ArithII) are necessary sufficient to describe this particular Universum ?
Rotational Translations (spin) .
This is actually moving from one dimension to another , regardless of the frame of reference . Every ArithI system then actually needs a spin indicator : ie , which way it is curving in an (n-1) dimensional space .
I draw your attention to the curious fact that the angle in 2-dim is 2pi , while in 3 dim it is 4pi . More of this anon .
The Degree :
The maximum exponent in an equation if you change all the variables into one variable . This is important because it indicates the number of dimensions we have to use to describe the equation . Do not confuse it with the number of variables .
Minimum Necessary Sufficient .
The Ball-Breaker . The description defines reality .
This has been called many things :
Principle of Least effort , time , distance ,
Entropy .
Occam's Razor .
Collapse of the wave-function .
Economy of effort , etc .
The trade-off :
Matiyasevich et al has shown that there is a relationship between the Degree and the Number of variables necessary to describe an item in an Universum using a related number of equations .
Boundaries :
The following relationships has been proved :
Degree = 4 , variables 58
Degree = 10 , variables = 26 , equations =13
Degree = 10^45 , variables = 10
Is there a minimum number number of degrees ?
I doubt very much whether a Degree lower than 4 will be found . See Physical significance below .
See previous posts .
Physical Significance .
"Everything that can be , will be . But not all at once ." AW
The Degree can be described as the number of dimensions . You will notice the correlation with string theory .
Sadly , a Theory of Everything is impossible . But we can creep up on it .
Delicious !
Degree = 10 , variables = 26 , equations =13 , Spin =2
The numbers 26 =2x13 , and spin =2 should be knocking at the jaded doors of your mind .
Cards .
A pack of 13x4 = 52 cards forms a very good analogue of the Mathematical Process of a Universum .
You can work out for yourself why humans have a good use for a very good analogue of the universe .
And the Jokers ?
Remember , the Joker can take on any value . A good decription of a trans-luminal , low-probability event .
The most popular string theory uses 10 dimensions .
And the rest of the Tarot pack ?
Remember , we are talking about necessary sufficient without straining human capabilities too much .
Prime Numbers :
A prime number is simply an ArithI system (in ArithII measurements) that cannot be chopped up .
A mathematical atom , relative to ArithII . The number we need is related to the number of variables .
It is like zero
The Inside of Zero .
Degree = 10 , variables = 26 , equations =13 , Spin =2
If we plug in 26 prime numbers into the Diophantine polynomial generational equation in AppendixA below (and there are an infinity to choose from) , we get 26 ArithI systems , which have a mathematical vacuum inside them . No numbers .
A very interesting place . Note that the resultant is also a prime atom . It is recursive . Only the spin remains free .
Like the inside of a singularity .
Physically , this will have some very interesting effects .
There are no quantum fluctuations inside zero . The metric does not exist , even at Planck level .
Super-conductivity :
Purely an effect of the number of atoms crowded together .
It does not matter which atoms . They just have to be in certain configurations . Hence the present confusion in the field .
Disintegration of matter
(cold-fusion or cold-fission) .
But observational systems really like conservation laws . Energy release can then be only through particle or EM means .
If the geometries are chosen correctly , we can constrain the output mainly to electron/proton or electron/EM .
Direct electrical energy from matter . Very good power generation in our Universum .
Quantum Epigenetics .
The patterns on the surface of zero are constrained by trans-luminal effects inside zero . The outside patterns dictate the quantum-fluctations , as well as trans-luminal and super-luminal effects from all over .
The spin of Zero will thus drag creation of quantum fluctuations around it . This will affect things not only on a small scale , but on a large scale as well . The Drags do not balance out .(cf Relativistic rotation drag)
This can actually easily be calculated in the standard way by wave functions and General Relativity .
Rotating around a point
Note that there is a difference between spin and a particle rotating about center .
This can be constrained by using the fact that angular radians in 2 dimensions is 2pi and in 3 dimensions is 4pi .
Physically , in our descriptions , it means the particle does not really know whether it is orbiting in 2 dimensions or is spread over a surface in 3 dimensions (cf h/2pi)) , but we can constrain the geometries (and do in our quantum devices !)
God's sense of humour .
Degree = 10 , variables = 26 , equations =13 , Spin =2
Each degree (ie dimension) can take on +1, 0, -1 spins . Thus 10^3 number of states .
(We do not worry about minimum necessary sufficient spins , only state what is .)
This gives a polynomial of 27 integers of degree 10 with a value of 3 spins . See Appendix A below .
The Fine structure constant of our universe is
1/alpha = h/2pi * c / e^2
=137.035 999 070 (98)
where h is Planck's Constant , c is lightspeed in vacuo (see above) and e is electron charge , all in dimensionless electrostatic units . The value is dimensionless (ie the same for any definition of units)
It shows the relationship between h (Plancks constant , which includes the definition of mass) , spin (the pi , but there has to be compensation for dimensional drifting between dim2 and dim3 as discussed above) , observational speed (c ) and electric charge (e) .
It means that spinning mass and charge are intimately related to the number of dimensions it has to rotate through .
So , it is no surprise to find that
Beta = (1/10 + 1/27) * 10^3
=1000*(0.1 + 0.037037037…)
= 137 . 037 037 …
The difference in the sixth decimal can be attributed to drag effects and dimensional compensations , which have not been taken into account .
Biological Epigenetics .
The same type of argument can be applied to biological cells and denizens of multicellular organism . While they might not rotate , they definitely do partially rotate to-and-fro .
Three magnetic fields at right angles to each other or twistor-EM waves will have definite biological effects .
Do not try this at home .
Does nothing matter ?
The Zero knows .
Andre .
Appendix A
From http://mathworld.wolfram/com/PrimeDiophantineEquations.html
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formula_for_Primes
Formula based on a system of Diophantine equations
A system of 14 Diophantine equations in 26 variables can be used to obtain a Diophantine representation of the set of all primes. Jones et al. (1976) proved that a given number k + 2 is prime if and only if the following system of 14 Diophantine equations has a solution in the natural numbers:
α0 = wz + h + j − q = 0
α1 = (gk + 2g + k + 1)(h + j) + h − z = 0
α2 = 16(k + 1)3(k + 2)(n + 1)2 + 1 − f2 = 0
α3 = 2n + p + q + z − e = 0
α4 = e3(e + 2)(a + 1)2 + 1 − o2 = 0
α5 = (a2 − 1)y2 + 1 − x2 = 0
α6 = 16r2y4(a2 − 1) + 1 − u2 = 0
α7 = n + l + v − y = 0
α8 = (a2 − 1)l2 + 1 − m2 = 0
α9 = ai + k + 1 − l − i = 0
α10 = ((a + u2(u2 − a))2 − 1)(n + 4dy)2 + 1 − (x + cu)2 = 0
α11 = p + l(a − n − 1) + b(2an + 2a − n2 − 2n − 2) − m = 0
α12 = q + y(a − p − 1) + s(2ap + 2a − p2 − 2p − 2) − x = 0
α13 = z + pl(a − p) + t(2ap − p2 − 1) − pm = 0
The 14 equations α0, …, α13 can be used to produce a prime-generating polynomial inequality in 26 variables:
ie: PrimeNumber = (k+2) ( 1- a0^2 - … a13^2) )
This is equal to the polynomial
(k + 2)(1 −
[wz + h + j − q]2 −
[(gk + 2g + k + 1)(h + j) + h − z]2 −
[16(k + 1)3(k + 2)(n + 1)2 + 1 − f2]2 −
[2n + p + q + z − e]2 −
[e3(e + 2)(a + 1)2 + 1 − o2]2 −
[(a2 − 1)y2 + 1 − x2]2 −
[16r2y4(a2 − 1) + 1 − u2]2 −
[n + l + v − y]2 −
[(a2 − 1)l2 + 1 − m2]2 −
[ai + k + 1 − l − i]2 −
[((a + u2(u2 − a))2 − 1)(n + 4dy)2 + 1 − (x + cu)2]2 −
[p + l(a − n − 1) + b(2an + 2a − n2 − 2n − 2) − m]2 −
[q + y(a − p − 1) + s(2ap + 2a − p2 − 2p − 2) − x]2 −
[z + pl(a − p) + t(2ap − p2 − 1) − pm]2)
> 0
is a polynomial inequality in 26 variables, and the set of prime numbers is identical to the set of positive values taken on by this polynomial inequality as the variables a, b, …, z range over the nonnegative integers.
In other words , we have a single Diophantine polynomial equation with 27 variables based on 14 sub-equations .
Eliminating one variable (n) as discussed above , leaves us with 26 variables based on 13 equations , but the Exponential Order (Degree) is unchanged .
A general theorem of Matiyasevich says that if a set is defined by a system of Diophantine equations, it can also be defined by a system of Diophantine equations in only 9 variables. Hence, there is a prime-generating polynomial as above with only 10 variables. However, its degree is large (in the order of 1045). On the other hand, there also exists such a set of equations of degree only 4, but in 58 variables (Jones 1982). Jones et al 1976 , Riesel 1994 p40
Appendix B
Diophantine set
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In mathematics, a Diophantine set of j -tuples of integers is a set S for which there is some polynomial with integer coefficients
f(n1, ..., nj, x1, ..., xk)
such that a tuple
(n1, ..., nj)
of integers is in S if and only if there exist some (non-negative) [1] integers
x1, ..., xk with
f(n1, ..., nj, x1, ..., xk) = 0.
Such a polynomial equation over the integers is called a Diophantine equation. In other words, a Diophantine set is a set of the form
where f is a polynomial function with integer coefficients. [2]
Matiyasevich's theorem, published in 1970, states that a set of integers is Diophantine if and only if it is recursively enumerable. A set S is recursively enumerable precisely if there is an algorithm that, when given an integer, eventually halts if that input is a member of S and otherwise runs forever. This means that the concept of general Diophantine set, apparently belonging to number theory, can be taken rather in logical or recursion-theoretic terms. This is far from obvious, however, and represented the culmination of some decades of work.
Matiyasevich's theorem effectively settled Hilbert's tenth problem. It implies that Hilbert's tenth problem is unsolvable. This problem is the challenge to find a general algorithm which can decide whether a given system of Diophantine equations has a solution among the integers. David Hilbert posed the problem in his celebrated list, from his 1900 address to the International Congress of Mathematicians.
1 Examples
2 Matiyasevich's theorem
2.1 Proof technique
3 Application to Hilbert's Tenth problem
3.1 Logical structure
3.2 Refinements
4 Further applications
5 Footnotes
6 References
7 External links
[edit] Examples
The well known Pell equation
X^2 – d(y +1)^2 = +- 1
is an example of a Diophantine equation with a parameter. As has long been known, the equation has a solution in the unknowns x,y precisely when the parameter d is 0 or not a perfect square. In the present context, one says that this equation provides a Diophantine definition of the set
consisting of 0 and the natural numbers that are not perfect squares. Other examples of Diophantine definitions are as follows:
The equation a = (2x + 3)y defines the set of numbers that are not powers of 2.
The equation a = (x + 2)(y + 2) defines the set of numbers that are not prime numbers.
The equation a + x = b defines the set of pairs (a,b) such that (a<=b)
[edit] Matiyasevich's theorem
Matiyasevich's theorem says:
Every recursively enumerable set is Diophantine.
A set S of integers is recursively enumerable if there is an algorithm that behaves as follows: When given as input an integer n, if n is a member of S, then the algorithm eventually halts; otherwise it runs forever. That is equivalent to saying there is an algorithm that runs forever and lists the members of S. A set S is Diophantine precisely if there is some polynomial with integer coefficients f(n, x1, ..., xk) such that an integer n is in S if and only if there exist some integers x1, ..., xk such that f(n, x1, ..., xk) = 0.
It is not hard to see that every Diophantine set is recursively enumerable: consider a Diophantine equation f(n, x1, ..., xk) = 0. Now we make an algorithm which simply tries all possible values for n, x1, ..., xk, in the increasing order of the sum of their absolute values, and prints n every time f(n, x1, ..., xk) = 0. This algorithm will obviously run forever and will list exactly the n for which f(n, x1, ..., xk) = 0 has a solution in x1, ..., xk.
[edit] Proof technique
Yuri Matiyasevich utilized an ingenious trick involving Fibonacci numbers in order to show that solutions to Diophantine equations may grow exponentially. Earlier work by Julia Robinson, Martin Davis and Hilary Putnam had shown that this suffices to show that every recursively enumerable set is Diophantine.
[edit] Application to Hilbert's Tenth problem
Hilbert's tenth problem asks for a general algorithm deciding the solvability of Diophantine equations. The conjunction of Matiyasevich's theorem with a result discovered in the 1930s implies that a solution to Hilbert's tenth problem is impossible. The result discovered in the 1930s by several logicians can be stated by saying that some recursively enumerable sets are non-recursive. In this context, a set S of integers is called "recursive" if there is an algorithm that, when given as input an integer n, returns as output a correct yes-or-no answer to the question of whether n is a member of S. It follows that there are Diophantine equations which cannot be solved by any algorithm.
[edit] Logical structure
Here an argument taking exactly the form of an Aristotelian syllogism is of interest:
(Major premise): Some recursively enumerable sets are non-recursive.
(Minor premise): All recursively enumerable sets are Diophantine.
(Conclusion): Therefore some Diophantine sets are non-recursive.
The conclusion entails that Hilbert's 10th problem cannot be solved. The most difficult part of the argument is the proof of the minor premise, i.e. Matiyasevich's theorem, which itself is much stronger than the unsolvability of the Tenth Problem.
[edit] Refinements
Later work has shown that the question of solvability of a Diophantine equation is undecidable even if the equation only has 9 natural number variables (Matiyasevich, 1977) or 11 integer variables (Zhi Wei Sun, 1992).
[edit] Further applications
Matiyasevich's theorem has since been used to prove that many problems from calculus and differential equations are unsolvable.
One can also derive the following stronger form of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem from Matiyasevich's result:
Corresponding to any given consistent axiomatization of number theory,[3] one can explicitly construct a Diophantine equation which has no solutions, but such that this fact cannot be proved within the given axiomatization.
[edit] Footnotes
^ The two definitions are equivalent. This can be proved using Lagrange's four-square theorem.
^ Note that one can also use a simultaneous system of Diophantine equations to define a Diophantine set, because the system
f1 =0 , …,fk =0
is equivalent to the single equation
f1^2 + f2^2 + … + fk^ = 0
^ More precisely, given a -formula representing the set of Gödel numbers of sentences which recursively axiomatize a consistent theory extending Robinson arithmetic.
[edit] References
Yuri Matiyasevich. "Enumerable sets are Diophantine." Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 191, pp. 279-282, 1970. English translation in Soviet Mathematics. Doklady, vol. 11, no. 2, 1970.
M. Davis. "Hilbert's Tenth Problem is Unsolvable." American Mathematical Monthly 80, pp. 233-269, 1973.
Yuri Matiyasevich. Hilbert's 10th Problem Foreword by Martin Davis and Hilary Putnam, The MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-13295-8
Zhi-Wei Sun, Reduction of unknowns in Diophantine representations, Sci. China Ser. A, 35:3 (1992), pp. 257–269.
[edit] External links
Matiyasevich theorem on Scholarpedia.
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diophantine_set"
Categories: Diophantine equations | Hilbert's problems
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Coffee Foam .
Coffee Foam .
Andre Willers
1 Aug 2009
Dedicated to Ermeine on her birthday .
"You are the foam on my coffee ." Popular 20th Century AD song .
Synopsis :
Volatile aromatic compounds can be quite effectively captured by using foams on the surface . The large surface areas of the foam bubbles both capture and concentrate the volatiles .
Discussion :
This is used in two hot-water brewing systems :
1.Arabic , Turkish and Greek methods of boiling the grounds three times , and carefully preserving the foam . A foaming agent might be added . The liquid remaining would be very deficient in volatiles , but high in caffeine .
The foam would be loaded with aromatics . The foam is also considered the most important component .
Social ritual :
Serving a guest coffee without foam indicates he is not welcome .
A fascinating aside :
In Greek , Arabic or Turkish societies , a serious suitor for a daughter's hand is served by the woman in question . If the family females in consensus has nixed him , or the woman has a violent antipathy , she serves him coffee without foam . It would be brave or extremely foolish males who ignored this pointed hint . But it also saves face .
The foam is generated during the hot-brewing process by steam in milk . If done right , this traps a large percentage of aromatic volatiles quickly . The speed is important in commercial applications . The problem lies in smothering the surface of the liquid quickly enough to prevent the escape of these volatiles .
The foam must be eaten , not shoved aside or filtered through a moustache .
Foaming agents :
Milk , as in cappucino .
Chicory , with lesser success . Used in bubble-kernels of freeze-dried instant coffee .
Others exist , unknown to me . But definitely tried .
A cold-water foaming process used by the Lacandon Maya to prepare chocolate foam used a vine they called "suqir" to capture the aromatic volatiles . This was spooned and eaten .
(Source : "The true history of chocolate" ISBN 0-500-28229-3 by Coe , p64-65)
Modern science can supply many more .
Try whipped cream on top of the cold brew .
The canned variety of whipped cream , with lots of cells . These should capture the aromatics that would have escaped .
Lacandon Coffee or Chocolate : a new delicacy .
Cold brew coffee/cacao with a thick layer of highly whipped cream on top . Stir the sludge continuously , without breaking up the foam-cells , letting the volatiles escape into the cream foam . Then rework the Lacandon foam as desired .
The result is a delicacy packed with aromatics , without caffeine if so desired .
Cacao (Chocolate)
Many of the previous discussions are applicable to cacao . Try it , especially the cold brewing .
Quantum aspects .
Quantum systems get hairy when foams are involved . String theory of some sort is unavoidable . After all , string theory is but an attempt at explaining Planck-scale space-time foams . Their bigger cousins do not promise to be more tractable .
Still , it should be very interesting to observe what happens when we shine entangled photons through coffee or cacao bubble-foams . And observe we can , since the foam-sizes are way above quantum levels .
A cheap and easy way of observing macro effects of quantum-level processes . Tasty , too .
The trick is to see that even large , complex aromatic compounds can fit themselves through and around the walls of more than one foam-cell . As long as the topological class matches (roughly , the number of holes).
Novel compounds can form , because the outer surface of cell-A interacts with its own inner surface , but this same outer surface of cell-A is also the inner surface of cell-B . And so forth .
As long as the cells do not collapse or grow too small , they can accommodate even large aromatic molecules quite nicely , thank you .
Cellular automata breeding .
There is a teensy-weensy possible problem . It is unlikely that one compound will fit exactly . It will overlap in some way with another , forming novel compounds . These spread and reverberate in the well-known cellular-automata way . (See Wolfram )
Of course , this has large commercial applications in developing novel compounds for specific applications . The theory is well-known and the apparatus is simple and cheap .
Many living organelles or organs can be seen as compressed , structured foams .
Stabilizer : Chickenfat .
Use a very small amount of chickenfat (a few drops) on the surface before spraying on the cream foam .
Better yet , mix the cream with the moderator before foaming .
These processes (ie novel compounds forming) involve sticky-bonds breaking , releasing short-range x-rays , which in turn releases neutrons . The chickenfat moderates the fast neutrons , slowing down premature collapse of the cellular foam by too many energetic holes being punched in it .
Too many energetic holes means the topological class changes and the whole shebang goes to hell in handbasket very quickly . Not exactly an explosion , but probably a new class of cold fusion .
Can DNA/RNA/PNA be mapped to a foam multicellular surface ?
Indications are that at least some life originated from clay-foams near volcanic vents . Hollow clay-pockets (cells) , whose surfaces were covered inside and out with chemical compounds adhering (even past boiling point) by Van der Waals forces . Gecko life .
Cellular automata breeding and natural selection would quickly lead to self-replication .
This has obvious applications in all present planetary life-forms using DNA/RNA/PNA.
Especially viruses . External DNA and internal DNA can communicate without penetrating the bio-cell wall .It is an evolutionary mechanism . Patterns of electric and Van der Waal forces . Like knocking on the door .
The evolutionary implications are clear .
Epigenetics :
The ur-structures on the cell-walls evolved to control , trigger and steer the processes inside the cell . The cell-nucleus (DNA , etc) only executes the instructions from controls on the cell-wall . Epigenetics is the original self-replicating system , parasitical upon DNA/RNA/PNA . Call it the phene mechanism . Packets of information that can hive off as viruses , viruses being just another way for it to propagate . Now can you see why cells never evolved truly effective anti-virus protection ? It would be literally suicide . Note that the apoptosis initiators are all found on the cell-wall . (except for that gast-arbeiter , mitochondria) .
Epigenetic population control :
Phene structures evolved with built-in population controls . This is inherent in the limited surfaces of the ur-cells .
These communicate via viruses . Cf flu-viruses with or without the ability to change DNA .
Terran life is essentially tripartite :
1.A phene structure on the surfaces of cells . The epigenetic system .
2.A DNA governed cell doing the scutwork .
3.Virus communications medium . Messengers .
All are essential .
The phene system uses DNA and viruses to maintain , duplicate and prevent overpopulation on a large scale .
The mechanism .
The overpopulation triggers will probably something simple , like quorum systems on shortages or too high concentrations of certain chemicals or virus counts . Really simple things . This is an old mechanism , and not given to subtleties .
Sulphur springs to mind . Too high concentration of certain breakdown-products . Each phene pops out markers that get counted . Too many , and viruses (flu's) get made that reduces population , initially by just killing them , but , if that does not work , a reduction in fertility . There is a sound evolutionary reason for this order : errors in killing orders can be corrected by breeding , but not reduction in fertility . This is inclined to be permanent .
Sounds familiar ? Old age .
Forget DNA programming , detritus , etc . Look what is happening on both sides of a bio-cellular wall in a multicellular organism . The cell-wall sees it as overpopulation . From birth , the organism grows like mad , and apoptosis from the phene system races to catch up . The organism uses the apoptosis commands to sculpt organs like the brain and other body parts.But eventually , the system switches to reducing fertility (ie replacement from stem cells) . This shows up as old age .
The fertility Phene-switch.
This is operative at fractal ranges . Ie species and intra-body wide . This gives a clue to its nature .
How does it know overpopulations occurs ?
It is like a computer programmer with all the passwords to a supercomputer , crouching over a headset trying to make out what the crackly thing is saying . What it is listening to is the infrared communication occurring near the cell . If it hears a lot of activity , on the principle of denial , it simply triggers the fertility phene-switch .
(See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "Gene Expression Control")
What can we do about it ?
1.Inject infrared opaque material (might help , but usually too late)
2.GIGO Garbage in , garbage out . Saturating the tissue with infrared frequencies near the critical ones will lead to beat-frequencies that will not trigger the counter . Iffy .
3.A combination of the two above might give better results .
4.Knowing what you are doing will help . This is not one of the world's smartest systems . About as sophisticated as an old 486 computer . And programmed by evolution .
5. Twisted infrared . Some molecules can twist electro-magnetic radiation into a spiral . This will have a drastically lower incidence on a phene counter . Not a true anti-agathic , but should delay age processes considerably .
Can it be reset ?
What we would really like is to reset the phene counters , especially the fertility switch , while avoiding cancers .
Evolutionary speaking , there seems to be no particular reason why a reset should have been included . Death and reproduction was the reset . But there is wriggle room in the definition of organism .
Organs in a multicellular structure age at different rates .
It seems unlikely from the evidence that reproduction rates are the variable . It is the apoptosis rate that changes . And a critical variable seems to be the age and activity of the new-born cell (see http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "Neurogenesis")
A possible mechanism :
We know H2S can halt molecular machinery at a low level . A concomittant blast of high-intensity infrared at the correct frequency (700nM wavelength) can reset the phene counter . The system on restart will think it is at the start of the cycle (ie just been born)
Do not try this at home .
Jurassic Park .
I cannot help wondering if post-facto entangled light might work After all , it is a time-independent process .
The algorithm :
Bathe fossilized dinosaur cells in a DNA nutrient with some flu viruses and some reptilian cells at 104 degrees Fahrenheit . Shine an entangled infrared laser at the critical frequencies for at least some months (chirp it around 700 nanometres wavelength) . See if the phenes patterned in the fossil use the viruses to reassemble the genome .
Pulse it with H2S at 90 ppm and O2 at 30% to kickstart it .
General reserve arguments (see http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "New Tools:Reserves) imply that even after loss of 2/3 of information , the system will still self-reassemble .
Some old viruses will be included .
Do not try this outside a level four lab .
Wave action pounding kelp (which has a high concentration of foamants ) create foam surfaces many times the size of the planet . These bubble surfaces are populated by bacteria and viruses , subjected to mutation pressures many times higher than normal . For millions of years . These include all those bacteria humans have been so thoughtfully been dumping in their sewerage . Their effluent is then aerosolled all over the planet . The quorum systems on the cell-walls sits and watches this .
Death epidemics did not work . Now expect reduced fertility , mediated by flu-like pandemics .
Surfs up !
Epigenetically yours
Andre Willers
1 Aug 2009
Dedicated to Ermeine on her birthday .
"You are the foam on my coffee ." Popular 20th Century AD song .
Synopsis :
Volatile aromatic compounds can be quite effectively captured by using foams on the surface . The large surface areas of the foam bubbles both capture and concentrate the volatiles .
Discussion :
This is used in two hot-water brewing systems :
1.Arabic , Turkish and Greek methods of boiling the grounds three times , and carefully preserving the foam . A foaming agent might be added . The liquid remaining would be very deficient in volatiles , but high in caffeine .
The foam would be loaded with aromatics . The foam is also considered the most important component .
Social ritual :
Serving a guest coffee without foam indicates he is not welcome .
A fascinating aside :
In Greek , Arabic or Turkish societies , a serious suitor for a daughter's hand is served by the woman in question . If the family females in consensus has nixed him , or the woman has a violent antipathy , she serves him coffee without foam . It would be brave or extremely foolish males who ignored this pointed hint . But it also saves face .
The foam is generated during the hot-brewing process by steam in milk . If done right , this traps a large percentage of aromatic volatiles quickly . The speed is important in commercial applications . The problem lies in smothering the surface of the liquid quickly enough to prevent the escape of these volatiles .
The foam must be eaten , not shoved aside or filtered through a moustache .
Foaming agents :
Milk , as in cappucino .
Chicory , with lesser success . Used in bubble-kernels of freeze-dried instant coffee .
Others exist , unknown to me . But definitely tried .
A cold-water foaming process used by the Lacandon Maya to prepare chocolate foam used a vine they called "suqir" to capture the aromatic volatiles . This was spooned and eaten .
(Source : "The true history of chocolate" ISBN 0-500-28229-3 by Coe , p64-65)
Modern science can supply many more .
Try whipped cream on top of the cold brew .
The canned variety of whipped cream , with lots of cells . These should capture the aromatics that would have escaped .
Lacandon Coffee or Chocolate : a new delicacy .
Cold brew coffee/cacao with a thick layer of highly whipped cream on top . Stir the sludge continuously , without breaking up the foam-cells , letting the volatiles escape into the cream foam . Then rework the Lacandon foam as desired .
The result is a delicacy packed with aromatics , without caffeine if so desired .
Cacao (Chocolate)
Many of the previous discussions are applicable to cacao . Try it , especially the cold brewing .
Quantum aspects .
Quantum systems get hairy when foams are involved . String theory of some sort is unavoidable . After all , string theory is but an attempt at explaining Planck-scale space-time foams . Their bigger cousins do not promise to be more tractable .
Still , it should be very interesting to observe what happens when we shine entangled photons through coffee or cacao bubble-foams . And observe we can , since the foam-sizes are way above quantum levels .
A cheap and easy way of observing macro effects of quantum-level processes . Tasty , too .
The trick is to see that even large , complex aromatic compounds can fit themselves through and around the walls of more than one foam-cell . As long as the topological class matches (roughly , the number of holes).
Novel compounds can form , because the outer surface of cell-A interacts with its own inner surface , but this same outer surface of cell-A is also the inner surface of cell-B . And so forth .
As long as the cells do not collapse or grow too small , they can accommodate even large aromatic molecules quite nicely , thank you .
Cellular automata breeding .
There is a teensy-weensy possible problem . It is unlikely that one compound will fit exactly . It will overlap in some way with another , forming novel compounds . These spread and reverberate in the well-known cellular-automata way . (See Wolfram )
Of course , this has large commercial applications in developing novel compounds for specific applications . The theory is well-known and the apparatus is simple and cheap .
Many living organelles or organs can be seen as compressed , structured foams .
Stabilizer : Chickenfat .
Use a very small amount of chickenfat (a few drops) on the surface before spraying on the cream foam .
Better yet , mix the cream with the moderator before foaming .
These processes (ie novel compounds forming) involve sticky-bonds breaking , releasing short-range x-rays , which in turn releases neutrons . The chickenfat moderates the fast neutrons , slowing down premature collapse of the cellular foam by too many energetic holes being punched in it .
Too many energetic holes means the topological class changes and the whole shebang goes to hell in handbasket very quickly . Not exactly an explosion , but probably a new class of cold fusion .
Can DNA/RNA/PNA be mapped to a foam multicellular surface ?
Indications are that at least some life originated from clay-foams near volcanic vents . Hollow clay-pockets (cells) , whose surfaces were covered inside and out with chemical compounds adhering (even past boiling point) by Van der Waals forces . Gecko life .
Cellular automata breeding and natural selection would quickly lead to self-replication .
This has obvious applications in all present planetary life-forms using DNA/RNA/PNA.
Especially viruses . External DNA and internal DNA can communicate without penetrating the bio-cell wall .It is an evolutionary mechanism . Patterns of electric and Van der Waal forces . Like knocking on the door .
The evolutionary implications are clear .
Epigenetics :
The ur-structures on the cell-walls evolved to control , trigger and steer the processes inside the cell . The cell-nucleus (DNA , etc) only executes the instructions from controls on the cell-wall . Epigenetics is the original self-replicating system , parasitical upon DNA/RNA/PNA . Call it the phene mechanism . Packets of information that can hive off as viruses , viruses being just another way for it to propagate . Now can you see why cells never evolved truly effective anti-virus protection ? It would be literally suicide . Note that the apoptosis initiators are all found on the cell-wall . (except for that gast-arbeiter , mitochondria) .
Epigenetic population control :
Phene structures evolved with built-in population controls . This is inherent in the limited surfaces of the ur-cells .
These communicate via viruses . Cf flu-viruses with or without the ability to change DNA .
Terran life is essentially tripartite :
1.A phene structure on the surfaces of cells . The epigenetic system .
2.A DNA governed cell doing the scutwork .
3.Virus communications medium . Messengers .
All are essential .
The phene system uses DNA and viruses to maintain , duplicate and prevent overpopulation on a large scale .
The mechanism .
The overpopulation triggers will probably something simple , like quorum systems on shortages or too high concentrations of certain chemicals or virus counts . Really simple things . This is an old mechanism , and not given to subtleties .
Sulphur springs to mind . Too high concentration of certain breakdown-products . Each phene pops out markers that get counted . Too many , and viruses (flu's) get made that reduces population , initially by just killing them , but , if that does not work , a reduction in fertility . There is a sound evolutionary reason for this order : errors in killing orders can be corrected by breeding , but not reduction in fertility . This is inclined to be permanent .
Sounds familiar ? Old age .
Forget DNA programming , detritus , etc . Look what is happening on both sides of a bio-cellular wall in a multicellular organism . The cell-wall sees it as overpopulation . From birth , the organism grows like mad , and apoptosis from the phene system races to catch up . The organism uses the apoptosis commands to sculpt organs like the brain and other body parts.But eventually , the system switches to reducing fertility (ie replacement from stem cells) . This shows up as old age .
The fertility Phene-switch.
This is operative at fractal ranges . Ie species and intra-body wide . This gives a clue to its nature .
How does it know overpopulations occurs ?
It is like a computer programmer with all the passwords to a supercomputer , crouching over a headset trying to make out what the crackly thing is saying . What it is listening to is the infrared communication occurring near the cell . If it hears a lot of activity , on the principle of denial , it simply triggers the fertility phene-switch .
(See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "Gene Expression Control")
What can we do about it ?
1.Inject infrared opaque material (might help , but usually too late)
2.GIGO Garbage in , garbage out . Saturating the tissue with infrared frequencies near the critical ones will lead to beat-frequencies that will not trigger the counter . Iffy .
3.A combination of the two above might give better results .
4.Knowing what you are doing will help . This is not one of the world's smartest systems . About as sophisticated as an old 486 computer . And programmed by evolution .
5. Twisted infrared . Some molecules can twist electro-magnetic radiation into a spiral . This will have a drastically lower incidence on a phene counter . Not a true anti-agathic , but should delay age processes considerably .
Can it be reset ?
What we would really like is to reset the phene counters , especially the fertility switch , while avoiding cancers .
Evolutionary speaking , there seems to be no particular reason why a reset should have been included . Death and reproduction was the reset . But there is wriggle room in the definition of organism .
Organs in a multicellular structure age at different rates .
It seems unlikely from the evidence that reproduction rates are the variable . It is the apoptosis rate that changes . And a critical variable seems to be the age and activity of the new-born cell (see http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "Neurogenesis")
A possible mechanism :
We know H2S can halt molecular machinery at a low level . A concomittant blast of high-intensity infrared at the correct frequency (700nM wavelength) can reset the phene counter . The system on restart will think it is at the start of the cycle (ie just been born)
Do not try this at home .
Jurassic Park .
I cannot help wondering if post-facto entangled light might work After all , it is a time-independent process .
The algorithm :
Bathe fossilized dinosaur cells in a DNA nutrient with some flu viruses and some reptilian cells at 104 degrees Fahrenheit . Shine an entangled infrared laser at the critical frequencies for at least some months (chirp it around 700 nanometres wavelength) . See if the phenes patterned in the fossil use the viruses to reassemble the genome .
Pulse it with H2S at 90 ppm and O2 at 30% to kickstart it .
General reserve arguments (see http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "New Tools:Reserves) imply that even after loss of 2/3 of information , the system will still self-reassemble .
Some old viruses will be included .
Do not try this outside a level four lab .
Wave action pounding kelp (which has a high concentration of foamants ) create foam surfaces many times the size of the planet . These bubble surfaces are populated by bacteria and viruses , subjected to mutation pressures many times higher than normal . For millions of years . These include all those bacteria humans have been so thoughtfully been dumping in their sewerage . Their effluent is then aerosolled all over the planet . The quorum systems on the cell-walls sits and watches this .
Death epidemics did not work . Now expect reduced fertility , mediated by flu-like pandemics .
Surfs up !
Epigenetically yours
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