Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Makgadigidi Harbours

Makgadigidi harbours

Andre Willers
5 Dec 2013
The Makgadigidi Sea in middle Africa must have had harbours , and harbour cities .
Discussion :
1 Ruins : These are extensive .
Bah ! Just go and look for yourself for the ruins at the GPS .
There are many artificial structures at 27:33:59.88 S  18:36:34.11 E
Google Earth it and zoom out to see context .

3. Why is there a sea here?

4. Neanderthals :
Don’t be surprised to see the odd skeleton and DNA popping up at this site .

5.Well , nobody pays attention . Even though there is a large fortune in gold and diamond from mining and alluvial sites around the old Vredefort impact site (ie Southern Africa) accumulated in these sites . See also for why they would accumulate compact wealth like gold and diamond for trading .
Disgusted with all of you


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