Monday, December 02, 2013

Immortality Update 3 : Cilia

Immortality Update 3 : Cilia

Andre Willers
2 Dec 2012
“Hair, hair, hair, hair, hair
Hair, hair, hair. Flow it, show it, long as I can grow it, my hair.”   Rado and Ragni
Synopsis :
Cilia are cellular hairs that have diversified into the visual field , the fetal development field , in every organ . Their simple 9+2 microtubule structure lends itself to nanotech and buckytube interventions .
Discussion :
1.See NewScientist   of  2 November 2013 .“Our Inner Tails” by Philip Beales (a genetic expert) .
2.See Appendix A and Appendix B  and Appendix C
3. A brief summation :
When individual cells evolved modi operandi to co-operate in multicellar entities , the evolutionary mechanism simply adapted existing cilia . The tails of unicellulars split into sensors , motors , designators of organs , nerves (especially axons) , and many more .
Note mitochondria . Probably the original blueprint for adapting tails .
4.Especially interesting is the development of visual cells : simply an adapted  hair . Amazing .
Note the correlation with axons . Both have “railway” type transport systems .
Indeed , we strongly suspect that axons and thus the nervous system was evolved from cilia .
Things that zap the transport systems in axons , should then zap intraflagellor systems in cilia . See Appendix D for some culprits . Especially acrylamide .
5.Spin control of cilia is then even more important ( see )
Though frequencies will have to adjusted .
But using APS technology plus PEEP (see ) should clear bronchial tubes and some arterial ones . See Appendix E
6.Congenital heart defect and lung disfunction link
If there is a genetic family history of congenital heart defects , the probability is high that lung diseases like emphysema will occur .
This is because the underlying causative mechanism is a genetic defect in cilia .
Expect earlier than normal hearing loss , eye defects , diabetes , frequent urinary infections , etc .  See appendix B
7.The bald cell is a dead cell .
New cilia on a cell can be created . Creating not only lifespan , but youthfulness .
8.Bald DNA
Think of telomeres as a tail which have a feedback relationship with actual cilia of the cell .
See Appendix F for calculation of Hayflick limit from first principles .
These can now be reset , at least theoretically by using this feedback relationship .
9.Cellular cilia grooming .
Like any hair , they do better with grooming .
Cellular combs (see ) or in Appendix G especially for vain humans or humans of longevity  .
Prediction : “Comb” and “brush” molecules exist that grooms cilia on cellular surfaces . Most likely analogues for telomeres exist as well , which is why humans are so long-lived .
These would be classified as epigenetics , but we can certainly create ones equal or better .
10. Salon of Monsieur Andre
Cilia stylist to the cells .
Appendix A
Cilia are slender, microscopic, hair-like structures or organelles that extend from the surface of nearly all mammalian cells (multiple or single). They are primordial.
The ciliary apparatus is connected to cell cycle progression and proliferation, and cilia play a vital part in human and animal development and in everyday life.
The length of a single cilium is 1-10 micrometres and width is less than 1 micrometre.
Cilia are broadly divided into two types. They function separately and sometimes together:
'Motile' (or moving) cilia are found in the lungs, respiratory tract and middle ear. These cilia have a rhythmic waving or beating motion (see right). They work, for instance, to keep the airways clear of mucus and dirt, allowing us to breathe easily and without irritation. They also help propel sperm.
'Non-motile or 'primary' cilia were long thought to be evolutionary vestigial organs (since being first described in 1898). They are now recognised as playing crucial roles in a number of organs. Some act as a sensory antenna for the cell, receiving signals from other cells or fluids nearby.
·         In the kidney, for example, cilia bend with urine flow and send a signal to alert the cells that there is a flow of urine.
·         In the eye, non-motile cilia are found inside the light-sensitive cells (photoreceptors) of the retina. These cilia act like microscopic train-tracks, and allow the transport of vital molecules from one end of the photoreceptor to the other.
Structurally, each cilium comprises a microtubular backbone - the ciliary axoneme - surrounded by plasma membrane (see figure below).
Motile cilia are characterized by a typical ’9+2’ architecture with nine outer microtubule doublets and a central pair of microtubules (e.g bronchi).
Primary cilia appear typically as single appendages microtubules on the apical surface of cells and lack the central pair of microtubules (e.g. in kidney tubules).

Ciliary proteins are synthesized in the cell body and must be transported to the tip of the axoneme. This is achieved by Intraflagellar Transport (IFT), an ordered and highly regulated anterograde and retrograde translocation of polypeptide complexes (IFT particles) along the length of the ciliary axoneme.
See figure below.

Source: L.B. Pedersen and J.L. Rosenbaum. Current Topics in Developmental Biology.85:23-61, 2008

Dysfunction or defects in motile and primary cilia are now understood to underlie a number of devastating genetic conditions - termed ciliopathies - which carry a heavy economic and health burden on individuals, families and society.
Much is still unknown about the structure and function of motile and primary cilia, but we believe that more research into these critically important cellular organelles will eventually bring about better ways to treat and help people whose lives are impacted by defective cilia.
Appendix B
Defective and dysfunctional functioning in motile and non-motile cilia affects multiple systems, causing blindness, deafness, chronic respiratory infections, kidney disease, heart disease, infertility, obesity and diabetes.  These symptoms have significant impact on those affected; some are devastating, most are life-threatening.
The diagram below indicates the effects and a non-exhaustive summary of some of these symptoms is provided below. For information on known and identified ciliopathy syndromes and diseases, see the Ciliopathies section of this site.

Retinal degeneration, rod cone dystrophy and retinitis pigmentosa
Cilia are found inside photoreceptors in the eyes. They connect the inner segment to the outer segment and carry proteins made in the inner segment to outer segment. Malfunction stops transport of vital proteins, and the photoreceptors die.
Airway congestion, glue ear, hearing loss
Lung / airway abnormalities
Motile cilia line the respiratory airways, to help clear mucus and dust. As well as primary ciliary dyskinesia, sinusitis, rhinitis, bronchitis and otitis have all been associated with motile cilia dysfunction.
Congenital heart defects
Cilia are important during development of the heart. Flow of fluid is sensed by cilia leading to changes of cell growth. Failure of cilia leads to left left-right asymmetry, eg situs inversus.
Renal anomalies, eg cystic kidneys
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), autosomal recessive PKD (ARPKD) and nephronophthisis (NPHP) are the major inherited cystic kidney diseases.
The cilia in the epithelial cells in the kidney point into the urine and sense the flow. This stops cells dividing and send a signal to control urine concentration. When the cilia are defective, there is no signal and too much cell division, resulting in uncontrolled cyst formation.
Sterility, hypogonadism
Appendix C
Johns Hopkins researchers say they have figured out how human and all animal cells tune in to a key signal, one that literally transmits the instructions that shape their final bodies. It turns out the cells assemble their own little radio antenna on their surfaces to help them relay the proper signal to the developmental proteins "listening" on the inside of the cell.
The transmitters are primary cilia, relatively rigid, hairlike "tails" that respond to specialized signals from a host of proteins, including a key family of proteins known as Wnts. The Wnts in turn trigger a cascade of shape-making decisions that guide cells to take specific shapes, like curved eyelid cells or vibrating hair cells in the ear, and even make sure that arms and legs emerge at the right spots.
"Our experiments go to the heart of the development and maintenance of our body tissue," says Johns Hopkins geneticist Nicholas Katsanis, Ph.D., associate professor at the McKusick-Nathans Institute for Genetic Medicine. "Any miscues with the Wnt signaling pathway," says Katsanis, "and you're looking at major childhood diseases and defects."
In a report published on September 30 in Nature Genetics, Katsanis and his team used a small transparent fish, zebrafish, to literally watch what happened if they chemically blocked the production of three proteins that are required for primary cilia function during the period when a fish egg develops into a grown up, fully-finned fish.
The more they blocked, the more developmental errors - for example, the growing fish would not properly extend their tails - they were able to track to defective Wnt signaling.
Katsanis notes that once inside a cell, the Wnt pathway splits into two branches that need to be balanced depending on the needs of each cell: the so-called canonical branch, which typically drives cells to multiply, and the non-canonical branch, which controls messages to refine cell shape and growth. The errors seen in the fish pointed to an imbalance where canonical signaling predominated.
A series of biochemical studies revealed that cilia normally help a cell keep the right balance by selectively destroying proteins in the canonical branch to prevent excess growth. Defective ciliary function therefore leads to defective destruction of key proteins, which then causes problems in interpreting the Wnt signal.
"We thought that the key to the balancing act occurred inside the cell, but it now seems clear that the cilia are the main relay stations," Katsanis says. "We've just reset a huge volume of literature under a new light."
The research was funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Development, the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Disorders, the National Institute for Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders, the German Academic Exchange Service, and the Medical Research Council.
Authors on the paper are Philip Beachy of Stanford School of Medicine; Philip Beales of University College London; George DeMartino from UT Southwestern; and Jantje M. Gerdes, Norann Zaghloul, Carmen Leitch, Shaneka S. Lawson, Masaki Kato, Shannon Fisher and Katsanis of Johns Hopkins.
Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by Johns Hopkins

Appendix D
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Peripheral Neuropathy of Legs. A Cure.
Peripheral Neuropathy of Legs. A Cure.
Andre Willers
20 Apr 2010

My Birthday Present to fellow sufferers .

A methodology for reducing chronic symptoms (95%) and repairing nerves .

Data from my personal experience .
1.Use APS as for lower back pain once a day (8 min) . Unease relief 80%-85% .
2.Use capsaicum on upper thighs . Before sleep . Unease relief 10% . The need for this will decrease after about 5-7 usages of APS usage .
3. Keep blood-glucose concentration <=6.5
4. Do not eat high acrylamide foods
5.Take alpha-lipoic acid . 250 mg (1+2+1) per day initially .Taper .
Beware reflux . An amusing side effect . Rejection reflexes of crap food are repaired .
Not beloved by the fast-food industry .
(Pregnant women should not take this in large doses. )

Discussion :
The pathology is caused by damage to the nerves , (especially the long leg-nerves) by high glucose concentrations in DiabetesII and Acrylamide from diet .

How it works:
The pain-pulses of damaged nerve A arrive at the synapses in the lower back (spine) . Here , certain specialized glial cells count the frequency and duration . To prevent the gate-effect of pain impulses to mask further pain signals of further tissue damage from other nerves , these cells take on the function of automatically pulsing pain signals as if from nerve A , while inhibiting the damaged nerve A's signal .

This enables other damage signals to come through , preventing further damage .
This has obvious evolutionary advantages in preventing cascading damages .

The problem is that , even if damage to nerve A has been repaired , the off-switch of this mechanism may not work . Or the damage to nerve A might remain .

See "Peripheral Neuropathy" et al .
Chronic neuropathy results from the inability to activate the "Off" switch in microglial and astrocyte bodies in the dorsal root ganglion .
See Scientific American Nov 2009 p 33 .

A further teensy problem is that , even if there was a temporary repair , if the chronic condition (like too high glucose or acrylamide concentrations) the microglial and astrocyte bodies get re-triggered . And they would be sensitized as well .

The Methodology :
1.Drastically reduce the pain impulses from the microglial and astrocyte bodies in the dorsal root ganglion . For this we use the APS technology , with electrodes configured for "Back Pain" .
See "ATP as Neurotransmitter"

I originally bought this machine in 2001 for Neuropathy leg pains , but put the electrodes on the legs . This had little or no effect . Only after reading the article :
See Scientific American Nov 2009 p 33 did I realize that the chronic pain is generated in the lower back .
Putting the electrodes on the sides of the lower hip as recommended for lower back pain led to a reduction of that chronic burning unease sensation of 80-85 percent.
After about 4-7 days .

Some of the remainder of unease could be ameliorated by using gate-theory : capsaicum . Just smear it on the thighs . This generates pain signals that compete at the lowest spine ganglia , but unfortunately the system habituates easily . .

This brings us to about 95% of unease .

At least I could sleep without analgesics .

But there are still twinges .

The damage to the nerves still exist . The neuropathic pain will quickly re-establish itself . We are just managing the condition , not curing it .

The Cure :
Repair the nerves , while keeping the damaging agents under control .
The damaging agents are too high concentrations of glucose and acrylamide .
Keep them under control via diet or insulin .

The repair is enhanced by alpha-lipoic acid (evening primrose oil).
Take supplements .

Desensitizing the system :
A really permanent , buffered system . I do not have that .
Working ,working ….

A promising lead is propranolol . Reprogramming memories at synapse level (ie the microglial and astrocyte bodies in the dorsal root ganglion .)
Google "propranolol PTSD"

Happy Birthday !

Appendix E
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Andre Willers
10 Nov 2013
Synopsis :
A simple way to clear plaques from bronchial , venous and brain glymphatic tubes .

Discussion :
1.Bronchial resonance via the pipe PEEP causes resonances in the surrounding liquids , namely the veins , arteries , lymphatic system and glymphatic system .
The glymphatic system (or glymphatic clearance pathway) is a functional waste clearance pathway for the mammalian central nervous system (CNS). This includes horribles like amyloid plaques (Alzheimers, Parkinson)
3. At present , we do not know what the resonant frequencies for loosening the various plaques are . But we can chirp them using the Pipe PEEP .
4.Simply move the pipe up and down while exhaling . This changes the frequencies . Somewhere you will hit the sweet spot for different organs .
Anything is better than nothing . Even a small influence will have disproportionate effects .

5.Try it for Parkinsons , Alzheimers , emphysema , cholesterol . All the same type of thing . Plaques of various types , vulnerable to resonant loosening . Even programmed for it . Why you have HRV .

This is simply the normal heart chirping around certain frequencies . See
Loosening plaques all over the show . Hence the chirping . Too many customers .
If it decreases , you are soon dead .

7.Heart damage :
PEEP causes some pronounced effects on heart action .
If PEEP pipe exhalation is at some harmonic of heartbeat , this gives the heart muscle a breather . There is a leverage effect from cortisol (though I have no proof)

8.Worth a try to beat the old-age creeping memory terribles .

In memory of your breath


Appendix A

Thursday, June 14, 2012
Bronchial Resonance
Bronchial Resonance
Andre Willers
14 Jun 2012
Synopsis :
Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure (OPEP) at about 15 Hz not only clears mucus , but also enhances oxygen uptake and prevents alveoli collapse .
Discussion :
A simple and elegant device (see Appendix II) induces resonances in the bronchial system at around 15 Hz ( 6-26 Hz) . This is a resonance of the mucus bacterial film , breaking it up . For evolutionary reasons , (See Appendix IV) , the filii of the airways operate optimally at this frequency . In other words , “hard” plaques liquefy and can be expelled .
This has an obvious effect on the bronchial system . Pumping out mucus (ie obstructions) from the upper regions of the bronchial tree causes a capillary pumping-out of muck out of the alveoli . Which frees them up for better gas transfer .
There is an ancillary effect . The walls of the narrower bronchial tubes also have a greater gas-transfer capability , once cleared of insulating mucus . They then operate more like the much more efficient bird-lungs . Will this trigger some epigenetic switching-on of bird-lung genes in the human genome ? I do not know , but it is likely .
Any athlete will better his performance by using this technique .
There is an intriguing catch-up effect . The brain normally limits performance to 2/3 of maximal (Noakes) . But this takes time . Using OPEP just before an exertion means a multiplier of 3 of the increment in performance . Enough to win .
Instant Yoga :
The range 8 – 15 – 26 Hz is intriguingly close to brainwave frequencies . Using it will entrain brainwaves through pressure-wave fluctuation , especially at the synapse level . (ie neurotransmitter densities will fluctuate in resonance pressure resonances from the bronchial system ) .
Ohm mane padme sum !

Which brings us to the !Click language .
Or it’s descendant , the glottal stop . These interrupt the expiration in patterned ways . I tried it with the standard double-click (two teeth-clicks , followed by two tongue clicks during expiration using a Flutter device (see Appendix II)) . The effect was a enhanced clarity of mind , which I ascribe to enhanced oxygen intake . Be cautious . !Click combined with Flutter devices can have major biosystem effects .
Interesting Asides :
1.Are other plaques (eg arteries , alzheimers , infections , etc) also susceptible to resonances at around these frequencies ?
2Music , of course . Heavy rhythm , where the body resonates with the sound .
3.Smoking . At first glance , all smokers should use this technique . But if it leads to switching on some bird-lung genes , this would make them more susceptible to bird-flu . I simply do not know enough .
4.Coughing : this is an OPEP system . Time it . The frequency is close to 15 Hz, but only in short bursts. The artificial Flutter system is better .
5.Snoring : This is mostly on expiration (see Appendix III) . An attempt by the body system to induce a Flutter system on expiration . Thus , using a Flutter artificial system should cure most snoring problems .
6.Hiccups : it stops them cold . Also it’s little brother , that pesky reflux .(Heartburn)
7.Will it have an effect on the pylorus valve and the duodenal peristalsis , and hence Diabetes ?
(See “Cure for diabetes” May 2012)
I have no idea at present . Watch the next thrilling episode .

Where to get it in South Africa: See Appendix V

Life doesn’t suck . It is a blow job .
Andre .

Appendix I
A good summation
Oscillatory PEP Therapy
OPEP therapy was first developed and described in Switzerland, as an adjunct or supplement to traditional airwayclearance methods.
Appendix II
When the oscillation frequency approximates the resonance
frequency of the pulmonary system, endobronchial pressure oscillations are amplified and result
in vibrations of the airways. The vibrations produced by these oscillations cause the "fluttering"
sensation from which the FLUTTER derived its name. These vibrations loosen mucus from the
airway walls. The intermittent increases in endobronchial pressure decrease the collapsibility of
the airways during exhalation, increasing the likelihood of clearing mucus from the
tracheobronchial tract. The airflow accelerations increase the velocity of the air being exhaled,
facilitating the movement of mucus up the airways
Appendix III
More info
Appendix IV
Mobilization of mucus by airway oscillations.
Freitag L, Kim CS, Long WM, Venegas J, Wanner A.
Pulmonary Division, University of Miami, Mt. Sinai Medical Center.
The effects of high frequency asymmetric airway oscillations on mucus clearance were evaluated in excised tracheas of sheep, in an animal model of excessive mucus production, and in patients with bronchiectasis. Asymmetric high frequency ventilation (15 Hz) with expiratory biased flow profiles (expiratory peak-flow greater than inspiratory peak-flow) could move mucus droplets towards the pharynx in rigid and flexible tracheas by gas-liquid interaction. In rigid tracheas the mucus was transported towards the periphery of the model lung if the oscillations were inspiratory biased. In very collapsible tracheas, however, even inspiratory biased oscillations moved the mucus cephalad. Parameters influencing direction and speed of mucus are airflow profile, peak-flow, airway compliance and lung resistance. Gamma-camera studies showed that in anesthetized dogs radiolabeled artificial mucus followed the direction of the bias during high frequency ventilation. In five human volunteers with bronchiectasis and excessive secretions the asymmetric airway oscillations were superimposed during spontaneous breathing using a mouthpiece. Airway wall vibrations following the pressure swings of the oscillator could be observed. During forced expiration inward bulging of the posterior membranes of trachea and bronchi occurred at the negative pressure phase of the oscillations. This event was associated with increased appearance of sputum in the central airways. We conclude that high frequency ventilation with asymmetric flow profiles applied via tube or mouthpiece might be an effective future treatment of mucostasis.


[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Appendix V
Where to get it South Africa
Price R90
Pmb (0331) 903271
Jhb 082 900 7103
Cpt 082 871 6855
Pmb 082 900 3187
Appendix F
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Hayflick Limit Calculation
Hayflick Limit Calculation .
Andre Willers
19 Feb 2011

Synopsis :
The Hayflick Limit calculation from first principles is looked at in more detail (on request)

Discussion :

See "Ageing" Feb 2011

The bit below seems to need some amplification .

" Suppose there is a p probability of damage at each mitosis event .
Then the cumulative damage ratio would be Cd= p* n(n+1)/2 , where n is the number of cell divisions . A linear summation .

From "NewTools" Reserves and error arguments we know that for an old system like this 1/3 error ratio would probably render it non-viable .

Thus , we can say 1/3 = p* n(n+1)/2 would solve for n at the Hayflick limit ."


Detailed Explanation :

1, Error Probability p
TTAGGG is the switch for activating a telomere cap .
There are 4 bases , which gives 4^6=4096 possibilities .
p = 1/(4^6) = 1/4096 = 0.000244414 as discussed .

2, Reserve :
There exists a Probability Reserve to counter errors.
This term includes the various repair mechanisms , fail-safes , etc to mitigate damage
The organism can only afford to allocate a specific percentage of it's resources to this . It has been calculated (in old systems subject to evolutionary pressures) to be an average of 1/3 of unity probability .
See "NewTools" Nov 2008 . The subsections under "Infinite Probes" and Reserves . I am not going to repeat these here .

3.At each Cell division :
Division 1 : Error Prob = p Deduct p from Probability Reserve .
Division 2 : Error Prob = p+p (old error plus new error) Deduct 2p from Probability Reserve .
Division 3 : Error Prob = 2p+p (old errors plus new error) Deduct 3p from Probability Reserve .
Division n : Error Prob = (n-1)p+p (old errors plus new error) Deduct n*p from Probability Reserve .

The summation 1+2+3+…+n = n(n+1)/2

The Probability Reserve is exhausted when the deductions have reduced it to zero .
Then n has reached a limit when
Probability Reserve = p*n(n+1)/2

Probability Reserve= 1/3 as discussed .

Then solving for n when
1/3 = p*n(n+1)/2 for p=1/(4^6)
gives n= 51.5866 or -52.58666

This is the Hayflick Limit .

What does it mean ?

Positive solution : The Individual Hayflick Limit .
The positive solution of n= + 51 seems fairly direct . The cells in an organism have a ceiling on the number of divisions . Cells will apoptose following a more-or-less quadratic curve . Standard old age without scientific intervention .

Negative solution : The Species Hayflick Limit .
The negative solution of n= - 52 is more speculative .
It could mean that species go extinct after 52 speciation events .
Ie , they "spontaneously" go extinct . Like an individual "spontaneously" goes extinct due to old age .
Sharks and crocs have nearly no speciation events .
The problem is where to put the zero-point .
(A new telomere switch ?)
This needs more work .

Boundaries of this argument :
The repair mechanisms postulated in Probability Reserve does not include conscious interventions like Science (ie where Beth(>1) )

A roll in the hay used to be more fun .

Andre .

Appendix F
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Andre Willers
24 April 2008

The oldest profession .
Hair Dressing and Grooming .

The time-traveller with hairdressing and grooming skills can get a job anytime back to hominid days . Beats plumbing any day .

This partially explains the queer gene : Faux-queer . A cunning stratagem to get close to females without the usual male chest-beating .


Grooming is built-in to the hair of mammals .

Hairs get tangled and knotted ( see Theory of Knots) . Your personal experience is that after day’s activity and a night’s sleep , your hair gets tangled and knotted . The theory shows that it is nearly certain that this will occur in any system with three degrees of freedom .

Tangled hair is a bit of no-no to our homonin . It shows that it cannot get a grooming partner . Parasites also have access to unprotected skin .

Chaos first did the weaving with knots and tangles .

Un-weaving was then invented .

Initially fingernails , then a sharp , hard pointed stick ( a one-toothed comb) to tease the knots apart ..
When a favourite stick was kept , it became a tool .

A one-toothed comb .

Found all over in old sites , but usually called something else .

Plaiting of hair followed . Then some unsung woman genius inverted it and plaited grasses and other fibrous growths . Ropes and nets were invented .
Physical strength became unnecessary .
Mk I humans followed .

MkII humans followed after Toba , when weaving was invented as insulation (clothes) . So was fashion , and the world was never the same .

From the evidence , fashion seems to be a more powerful driver than anything . I would like to put an “except” here , but from the Greenland evidence where people starved to death because eating abundant fish around them was “out of fashion” with some old bishop I cannot .

What is of interest is that un-weaving was invented first , then weaving .
Note the correlation of Peace being invented before War .

Multiple-tooth combs .
An invention so ubiquitous that every human on the planet today has one and uses it at least once a day .

It enables an individual to self-groom . You can comb out the tangles in your hair or pelt by your own , without help .

This had an enormous effect on the development of civilization . The very concept of individualism is predicated on the existence of combs .

It frees the individual from the tyranny of the group .

An unkempt individual is excluded . No ifs or buts . Look around you at the homeless people . Once grooming is lost , so is social acceptance and survival . Hence the large number of spaza-hairdressers . It is not an affectation , but sheer survival .

See “Super Refugee”

Note the insistence of disciplined groups like the military or police to hair grooming . Or the inverse , the trust civilians have for anybody with a taut haircut .

See “Old Age Markers”
Note the hairstyles of the Mandarin class in China : shaven in front , denoting wisdom from survival , and extravagant hair (plaits) at the back , denoting humanity .
Hence , a monk will shave his head denoting a divorce from human concerns .

If someone obviously not in a religious order shaves his head (like bouncers , etc) they signal an indifference to the grooming order . They are essentially doomed . An extremely interesting feedback cycle is initiated that ends in the marginalization of such individual . They tend not to have children .

It must be noted that these are universal hominin markers , operating at well below conscious perception .



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