Friday, June 09, 2006

Training the Immune

Training the Immune System.

The immune system is capable of handling most diseases , but is primarily reactive . The initiative is with diseases causing rapid changes in the targeting markers . Two new powerful techniques , which works very well in synergy , have emerged :

Method :
1. Isolate some disease causing cells (ie cancerous cells , HIV , etc)
2.Slow the activity in the cells , thereby halting cell-wall changes , by using H2S concentrations graduated from (say) 75 ppm to 80 ppm.
3. Kill the cells using hypochlorous acid ( bleach ) .
  1. Inject the lot back into the organism  .

  2. Repeat quickly.

Rationale :

1. The effect of H2S is well documented .
It slows the metabolism of the whole cell , including the cell-wall .

2. The effect of hypochlorous acid ( bleach ) :
Refer to
Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy , Do1:10.007/s00262-006-0127—9
New Scientist  of 4 March 2006 p17 .

Cancer cells killed by hypochlorous acid (HOCl) ( bleach ) is five times more likely to be recognized as malign by dendritic cells than those killed by other means . This is an experimental fact .
The reason seems to be that one of the main methods by which the immune systems
kills deviant cells is by an injection of hypochlorous acid ( bleach ) . The fragments of hypochlorous acid mark the fragments of target cells as enemies to the immune system .
It is interesting to note that this seems to indicate a rapidly changing cell-wall structure for cancer cells , as there is a enemy-recognition , but not a very big one . This suggests the changeable cell-wall frozen at the moment of death does not encompass a large variety of the surface-configurations the cell can assume .

Hence we suggest a H2S concentration gradient up to stasis level to halt the various cell-wall permutations at various configurations at the moment of the hypochlorous acid kill . This should increase the immune system’s  enemy recognition percentage .

The question remains why would the technique be more effective with H2S than without it ?
The answer is that these intractable diseases , by definition , has evolved anti-attack mechanisms . One of these would certainly involve rapid change in the surfaces of the cells . The cells in the treatment sample would quickly diverge from the body’s system  . The body’s system would change slower because of signaling molecules (refer to quorum effect ) .
Thus , by immediately slowing the treatment sample by a graduated H2S concentration , killing it and immediately re-injecting , the immune system gains recognition of the enemy and hopefully some degree of advance on it .

The suspicion arises that a very simple molecule like HOCl is like other similarly simple molecules (nitrogen oxides , CO2 , etc that are used by living organisms as powerful signalling molecules .

HOCl kills any cell we know of . The only defense seems to be a thick shield . Is this wholly due to it’s reactive nature , or is there also a receptor site for it ? Immune cells kill by injecting it through a synapse-like structure . Thus , the targeting mechanism and the lethal payload share a linkage . This structure can learn through evolution .

Evolutionary speaking , the immune system will first try to kill by apoptosis as this is more economical . If this fails , then it will try to kill the cell by HOCl injection . If this fails and the system is still under stress , the chances are that it is a disease that is changing cell-walls quicker than the matching changes in the synapse-like immune cells mechanism .

The immune system will evolve two strategies :
First , try to decrease the change-speed in the attacking organism (first because this is older in evolutionary terms .)
Then , increase the learning speed of the immune system . Can you see where this is heading ?

Strategy 1 . Decrease in the change-speed in the attacking organism (whether internal like cancer  or external like flu ) is handled by H2S type mechanisms . Hence the importance of sulfur ( see my previous notes ).

Strategy 2 . Increase the immune system’s learning speed.
Erk. This is a bit humbling .
On a basic level , Iodine seems to fill the requisite niche for a simple thing that has profound effects on the immune system , and thus on the nervous system .

The mechanism controlling the long-term , planet-wide distribution of sulfur and iodine is the algal organisms in the upper levels of the oceans . These are very temperature-dependant .

As the planetary temperature rises , the average concentration of sulfur and iodine falls because the algae retreat to the poles . Diseases increase . The immune systems first try the H2S route (because this is older ) , then try increasing the learning speed . We see this as intelligence .

Thus , we can see the pulse of intelligence in human affairs after the end of the last ice-age as a direct result of the increase in diseases caused by the decrease in sulfur and iodine concentrations .

An example: It is generally thought that the increased fishing off African waters caused the Africans to eat more bush-meat , thereby increasing their exposure to exotic diseases . But they have been eating the same for thousands of years . The critical lack is iodine

To sum up , human increased intelligence can be seen as an immune-system response to periods of warm inter-glacials . Since there is small evolutionary pressure to decrease intelligence , the effect ratcheted up . At present , humans can be seen as part of the planetary response to the relentless warming of the sun .

In other words , a planet like Earth which started off slightly too cool about 3 billion years ago , reached ideal life-temperature about 2 billion years ago and has gradually heated up as the sun became hotter (it is now 25% hotter than 3 billion years ago) .

The life-systems on the planet formed a complex feedback system which kept the system at livable temperatures . (Cf  Daisyworld , Gaia  and similar models) .

It is important to realize that the insolation from the sun fluctuated . The higher influx from sol left less leeway on the upper end of the boundary for living organisms on earth . A bit hotter , and living things did not as well with as a bit cooler .

So , as the sun became hotter , the earth’s thermostat evolved to be cooler (to leave room for fluctuations on the hot side). Please note that no conscious agency is necessary . Living learning mechanisms like discussed above evolved and became more intelligent with each heat-burp .

Till eventually , we get the present situation . Humans will have to cool the planet or become extinct . This can be seen to be (nearly) inevitable from the first planetary configuration . Another way of looking at it that humans are a part of the life systems on the planet ensuring its continuation .

Humans are a result of the heating of the planet , not the cause .

Intelligence is inevitable on any planet around a star on the main sequence .


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