Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The California Big Earthquake

Earthquakes and Volcanoes IV
Andre Willers
24 Aug 2011

Synopsis :
The Big One for California is expected with epicenter at about 38 N , 126 W around September 5 , 2011 . In the sea , off Los Angeles . Expect big tsunamis .

Discussion :
See "Earthquakes and Volcanoes II" 27 Feb 2010
It was argued that major quakes will occur at 30 degree Longitude due to spiral magma formations in the magma .

Note sequence of experienced quakes :
38 N 78 W magnitude 5.8 24/8/2011 Virginia quake
40 N 107 W magnitude 3.1 11/8/2011 Colorado quake

The next in sequence is
40 N 135 W magnitude 8.8 to 9.1 Sept 5 , 2011 LA Big One .
Then Hawaian Islands .

"Quote:Expectations : from "Earthquakes and Volcanoes II" 27 Feb 2010
To the West of Chile or Haiti (75 degrees West.)
1. 75+30 = 105 degrees West. Guadaljara (Mexico )
2. 75+2*30= 135 degrees West. Juneau (Alaska)
3. 75 + 3*30 = 165 degrees West . Hawaian Islands "

Effects :
Surprisingly little if sufficient warning is given .
Lessons from Japan ,
Tsunami's are the main threat . And nuclear reactors' cooling systems have to be hardened .

Three big threats :
1, What if Yellowstone Super-volcano goes ?
The main threat is pumice clouds . North America uninhabitable .

Humans now have sufficient clout to prevent a worst-case scenario .
Use nuclear charges to rip open the Yellowstone magma chambers to the north-west . Discharge the volcanic ash and pumice into the arctic gyre .

2, What if Verde Islands go ?
Threat is 60 meter tsunamis on coasts of America , Europe , England .
Once again , vaporize the island using nukes . A dust cloud is survivable , tsunamis's on this scale are not .

3.What if US government takes no precautionary measures and disaster happens ?
Instead of emerging stronger than ever , the state fragments . Nuclear civil war spreads . Humans become extinct . Circa 2020 AD in this scenario .

You have two weeks .


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