Sunday, September 04, 2011


Major Earthquakes Warning
Andre Willers
5 Sep 2011

Synopsis :
Magma activity has increased to such an extent that internet-data packages are affected by changes in the Earths magnetosphere . Major eruptions expected on 6 Sep 2011 .

Discussion :
Google "magma movements 2011"
Europe has been hit by earthquake swarms . Never a good sign .
See "Seismic-to-sound transducer" Jul 2011
Don't you wish you had a working one now ?

Increased magma activity has been recorded all over the planet .

Calls over Skype had a reverboratory effect (on 3 Sep 2011) , with lots of service dropping .

Caused by Symmetrical time-retardation with lots of packet degradation .
But there is no anomalous Solar activity . This leaves anomalous Terran activity . The only thing that can have this sort of effect is disturbance in the magma plumes on a planetary scale .

Geologically , Europe is like the face of an old woman who has never heard of botox . (with apologies to Gaia)
If there are major disturbances in Europe , Verde is almost certain to go .
Vesuvius , Etna , Hekla , Rift valley will erupt .
Expect major eruptions in Arctic and Antarctic, with accelerated ice-melting and possible ice-surges .

Merde .

What humans can do :
Use nukes to remove major dangers like Yellowstone , Verde , Antarctica , Greenland , Iceland . Hope that this will relieve magma pressure on heavily populated areas .
Get your useless academics to focus less on in-fighting and more on solving the problem .

Pray .

Sadly , I think that Gaia is simply tired of humans . (The trigger of this whole episode is the rapid melting of the icecaps , resulting in longitudinal expansion of the magma tubes .)

Humans are about to join the dinosaurs .
At 13h00 US Eastern Time on 6 September 2011

Ragnarok , anyone ?


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