Thursday, September 25, 2008

Job and Duty

Job and Duty
Andre Willers

25 Sept 2008

“England expects every man to do his duty “ Nelson .

“Do your job or be fired” . The Boss .

Why this dichotomy ?

Every social human always keeps at least 33% in reserve , in body , soul , and society

See “Infinite Probes” , etc

is a hunt mechanism as discussed in “ Duty”

The Hunt Mechanism can and does override this reserve mechanism .(Old evolutionary and new pack evolutionary) .

Damn the obstacles and use 100 % resources .

Heavily used in religions and armies .

is a maintenance mechanism . The efficiency to be maintained for wives , kiddies and uncertainties .

As discussed , 33% . The 67% potential surplus is exploited by religions , armies and capitalists .

See “The Sexes of Man” .

A societal reserve mechanism .

The monks are more efficient , since they approach “Duty” .

They hunt God .

Their reserve portion is ploughed back into the society .

Capitalism :

Capitalism tries to turn every Job into a Duty .

Greater and greater efficiency for short-term gain .

The Shareowners then profit on the realization of the 67% reserve .

But this reserve is quickly exhausted . Then the system collapses to a lower sustainable level , and again , and again until we are back to 33% .

It overshoots at least two times .

This is called an Eliot Business Cycle .

Capitalism is short term profits .(Job)

Socialism is long-term profits .(Duty)

Using futures mechanisms , we connect the two and have at least some percentage of Duty in Job . We can even say how much , since the Duty is a reserve .

A society that converts 33% of it’s Jobs into Duty is stable .

Hence the Roman and Hebrew model where municipal and religious duties =33%


It is easy to see that using futures in a capitalist model where values are always changing according to beth(0) randomness leads to the well-known Black-Scholes equations used in past futures trading .

But since Humans , which are beth(1+) , are part of the loop , this leads to tears .

Black-Scholes breaks down .

Beth(1+) randomness leads to pop-up bubbles which pinch out if left unattended .

What does this mean ?
A beth(1) society cannot do without some regulation .
Beth(x) societies can bootstrap if beth(n+1) elements scoop up the top elements of beth(n) . This is why civilization seems to advance .

Religion .

From the above , we can deduce that we are in for a heavy dose of religion , seen as duty . The CEO’s of the surviving banks better learn their hymns !

About time .

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