Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Memristors , Minus Kelvin and Superconductivity

Memristors , Minus Kelvin and Superconductivity
Andre Willers

8 Oct 2008

See “Minus Kelvin and Superconductivity”

Memristors is a new technology that builds memory right into the circuit element by using atoms as movable chaperones .

This is an obvious candidate for developing meta-materials for superconductivity .

The process:

It can be automated by using a 3D printer , computer with genetic algorithms and a tester in a suitable loop .

Hints :

1.Beth(2) elements can be incorporated to decrease number of generations by using analogues of neuro-transmitters .

2.Beth(1) elements can be incorporated by using Cooper-pair sonances as a primitive starting point , but make sure to include non-infinitesimal rotations(spin) in the

“chromosomes” .

If these are included and the selection criteria are fairly strict , it should not take more than about 35xn generations , where n is the number of chromosomes .

(Derivation: a billion years is about e^35 seconds . A generation a second with one chromosome will take about ln(e^35) =35 generations . More chromosomes(n) is to the power of n , ie 35xn generations . The permutations are not factorial because of the extreme efficiency of the genetic algorithm to search information spaces . See the literature.)

Superconductive heat .
It would be easier to develop a superconductive heat material first , then use annealing analogues to sneak up on electronic superconductivity .

It will be much faster , since random things happen faster in heat , and you are looking for high-temperature conductors in any case .

Understanding Beth(x) mathematics will be a recommendation , especially self-organised linear random processes .

Costs :

Since a 3D printer is used in the developmental process , production costs will be very low .

Benefits :

The usual suspects for superconductivity .

But temperature superconductivity can give very low-cost energy by tapping geothermal heat .

Cheap high-speed atmospheric flight (atmospheric friction heat can be conducted to thrust chambers) .

And so it goes .


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