Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Andre Willers
25 Aug 2010

For Carl .

"Beware of low-flying crocodiles!" Sign at crocodile farm .

Why are the juveniles of one of the most successful multicellular species so susceptible to shock-death ?

Discussion :
During a recent visit to a crocodile farm , we were informed not to handle young crocodiles too heavily , as they die easily of shock . But this is one of the most heavily armoured and successful species that ever lived . They predate the dinosaurs .
What gives ?

Evolution and egg-laying :
Egg-laying species are very prolific . The problem is over-population on a river-sandbar , especially during droughts .

The amygdala :
An elegant solution to the problem .
Crocodile amygdala's in juveniles are large , enabling shock-death through various feedback processes . This is a Darwinnian learning process .
As they grow older , it decreases in size until an optimal programmed system is left that is shock-resistant .

The adult is a very formidable predator , with behaviour patterns optimized by excising individuals that made a mistake . It also has a ferocious immune system , that locks in juvenile mistakes .

This reptilian learning system was so successful that it transmitted to dinosaurs and mammals (their descendants)

Can it be reset ?
Crocs have the capability of growing the amydala by eating other crocs , small ones . This resets some of the amygdala's learning patterns and shrinkage .
Remember , it is a fluctuating pattern of good-times/bad-times on the riverbank .Big crocs that eat small crocs in an changing environment have an advantage if eating the small crocs in tough times enlarges the amygdala and enables new learning patterns to be laid down .

This has carried down to humans .
Your amygdala is programmed to shrink , no matter what you do . It is a learning and abstraction mechanism . But it has evolutionary triggers that enables it’s stem cells to enlarge it . In this case , croc fat . The biochemical triggers are at least 200 million years old . So , they should be fairly simple to find .

But in the meantime , you can simply apply croc fat (like Repcillin) . Use a little , as it is potent . About a 1 mg on the tongue and a 1 mg on each jaw at the hinge point (this activates some old receptor sites) . Where the croc rolls prey into touch . Chemical transference .

The digestive system cannot harm the active components , since they can survive a croc's digestive system .

New cells and connections form .
But program the new connections positively : smile !
After taking the stuff , about 10 minutes of reverse muscle positive programming HAS to done .(Smile , Smile , Smile) Otherwise you only repopulate the new amygdala with old systems ..

A good cure for PTSD .

I have just followed the above recipe .

What I experienced after taking Croc fat :
1.Sense of humor sharpens .This means puns and general intelligence .
2.The load lifts . Keep smiling . This actually works .
3.Irrational laughter results as tensions discharge .
4. Hippocampus enlarges due to spillover feedback effects . Short-term memory improves .
5.Take large doses of omega3-9 fats (2 Tbs flaxseed oil , 2 Tbs Cod liver oil)
The more you lift the corners of you’re your mouth , the more there is a silly giggle .This is hippocampus discharging . The amygdala is in close interchange .
7. Interesting . The degree of giggles is directly correlated to the degree of lifting of the corners of the mouth . This is not voluntary .

A direct amygdala connect is evident .
It can be switched on and off by movement of the outer sides of lips .Not noticed before croc fat ingestion .

8. What is happening behind the scenes ?
The Hippocampus and Amygdala are enlarging . Stem cells are mobilizing like mad . Initial stem cells are programming later ones .

9. After about 30-40 minutes , extreme lifting of the mouth corners (Big Smile) has less of an effect . The active ingredient in croc fat is wearing off ,but the amygdala and hippocampus has been reprogrammed and enlarged .

10 . Your short-term memory and emotional maturity should have improved quite a bit .

11. Test :
Curl up the sides of the mouth in an extreme smile . If you burst out in giggles , the amygdala has been reprogrammed .
But this will only happen after taking croc fat as prescribed .

12.This is reminiscent of THC receptors being very specifically and controlledly targeted .

14. The change is permanent .
The new cells and interconnections are there .

15 How often to repeat ?
Give the little suckers a chance to settle in . Once a day for about two weeks , then tapering off with refreshers once a month .

Now you know why the croc always smiles .


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