Quantized Brains and Smooth Sensoriums.
Andre Willers
27 Aug 2010
"Every family of neurons are happy in their own way , but some are happier than others."
(With apologies to Tolstoy )
How does a digital hardware (ie quantized) develop into a smooth feedback sensorium?
Discussion :
A convenient point of departure . Lots of information processing gets done intra-neuron , but we have to start somewhere and the system is fractally-feedback , so progressive arguments can be applied to infra-neuronal level .
GrowthBursts and Apoptosis :
Neuronal bunches are quantized first by GrowthBursts , and then Apoptosis of elements not used . Nodes develop .
This results in things like the frog's eye and mirror networks .
From a network view , nodes with dense local connections and few long-range connections form .
The nature of the connections:
Not only neuronal , but chemical as well Glial cells, intra-neuronal fluids , neurotransmitters , pressure waves , infra-red , radio , Electric- and ElectroMagnetic and magnetic waves in general . Gravitic influences . (The neurons have not read the textbooks) .
Quantum effects , notably entanglement and the Elitzur-Vaidman effect . This last really speeds things up in all possible space-time directions .It warps probability functions . Life development would be impossible without it in this Locale .
The problem : putting it all together .
As you can see , every node of the network is bombarded by information coming from various time-space destinations . They have to be assembled into a whole (the Sensorium) to compete with other organisms doing the same (or slightly better) .
Known methods :
1.Electric waves
(also known as brainwaves : eg alpha , beta , etc)
Simple timing mechanisms to synchronize neuronal dendrite and axon transmissions .
Chemical signals have known rates of removal , enabling source-determination .
3.The others :
They exist . An exercise for the reader .
The Result:
The brain , by it's evolutionary history , has mechanisms that can identify and assemble incoming quantized information .
The Smooth Sensorium :
Delicious !
The incoming quanta of information are not all the same size , either in space or time . In assembling them , there are overlaps . The overlaps create not just the illusion of smoothness , but in some cases actual smoothness .
Minimum Necessary Sufficient description of the Brain :
See previous posts , especially http://andreswhy.blogspot.com ":The Inside of Zero"
This translates as the Minimum Necessary Sufficient number of Arithmetical systems to describe a Universum .
This number is 27
(26+1 if you insist on a general time-dimension)
So we will need at least (26 + timepulses) or 27 communication modes to describe an ordinary Universum entity .
An entity can be a particle .
M=2^27! This is the number one-on-one communication interaction modes possible .
The inside of Zero :
Consider W = (1 + (-1) )^M
Consider what the (-1) means . It means absence in a delineated sense . .
To count presences and absences we have to use
W = (1 + (+1) )^M
= 2^M
= 2^(2^(27!))
This is the number of possible delineated particles in this particular multiversum .
N=2.127088 x 10^(10^28)
As expected , a fairly large number . But finite . Also as expected . Infinite series tend to curl up at their extreme ends in these universes
The average mass of a delineated baryonic particle can be used to calculate the mass , which does not have much meaning .
Sigh !
Being finite , it means that it is embedded in a higher order of infinity .
See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com "NewTools"
The sequence is unending .
Our Universe (a subset) is estimated to contain about 10^80 particles . Leaving lots of other universes . But not enough for the Everett interpretation of multiple universes . .
Multiple universes do happen but not at every minuscule event .
As expected from quantum effects .
It is clumped . And clumped in a very specific way . Fractally .
Self-organizing principles .
We want to know if conservation principles are applicable . Mainly , if conservation of souls (ie complexity over a certain threshold) is applicable .
Can this be used to bring about "bands" of complexity that can be quantized ?
The answer seems to be yes .
Complexities then self-organise themselve into bands .
We can then collapse the equation into
Complexity = 2^(n!) , where n is the bands and the associated energy is proportionate to the Complexity . A typical multidimensional feedback equation with limited boundary effects . Energy bound into the system ~ Complexity .
Energy is conserved if n <= 4 .
Manufacturing souls .
Does macroscopic quantum object with a mass of 10^-5 gm have a soul ?
These have been made .A chimp soul should have the same mass
Chicken or the egg ?
Does the soul come first , or the body ? A meaningless question . We can , and do , manufacture both .
But does a macroscopic quantum object of 10^-5 have a compressed soul ?
We can certainly make one , and imbue it into a system .
Wait for episode two .
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