Sunday, February 13, 2011

Memory of Water

Memory of Water
Andre Willers
14 Feb 2011

"And we are here as on a darkling plain
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight
Where ignorant armies clash by night "
Matthew Arnold (Dover Beach)

Synopsis :
Yet another battle between Dogma and Experimental results is shaping up .
This concerns whether water can retain a structure (ie memory) for a meaningful time.
The ease in creating quantum entanglement on large and lasting scale indicates that the Water Memory bunch are going to win this time .

Discussion :
Nobel prizewinner (2008) Luc Montagnier released the results of experiments that strongly indicated that water can retain memory structures sufficiently so that extremely sensitive techniques like PCR amplification could replicate a "ghost" DNA structure . The experimental technique used strongly suggests quantum entanglement .

The method of release of the data :
Montagnier obviously did not want to go the same route as poor Jacques Benveniste , whose work and personality was thoroughly trashed by "Nature" journal using non-professionals James Randi (a magician) and Walter Stewart (a "fraudbuster") , both gloryhounds . This from a professional peer-reviewed journal !
Benveniste died in 2004 , after a packed jury of referees was not "satisfied" at the results of a repeat experiment .

This damaged Science Journals irreparably .
Controversial findings could no longer rely on a reasonably objective review and testing .

Hence , Montagnier released his findings first on the platform of choice these days :
Arxiv : See

Then he released it through NewScientist , an objective science reporter with no obvious hidden agenda .
See NewScientist 15 Jan 2011 p8 "Scorn over claim of teleported DNA"

I presumes an article in Scientific American , and maybe National Geographic is in the works .

In the meantime , peer-review journal (whichever one was chosen) is still winding its labyrinthine way .

The Experiment :
This is from the description in NewScientist :
It is simple enough to be done in a high-school lab .

Algorithm :
1,Take a test tube of DNA about 100 base pairs long (Source) . Dilute it between 7-12 times (essential for "entanglement hole")
2.Place it next to test tube of pure water ("Target", both inside a coil insulated from the earth's magnetic field .
3.Subject them to a 7 Herz electromagnetic wave for 16-18 hours . (The entanglement process)
4,Then do PCR (polymerase chain reaction) on both tubes in isolation .
5.The result was that the 100 base pair DNA fragments were recovered from both test tubes .
6.Test protocols ruled out contamination .
7.The inescapable conclusion is that information has been transmitted .
8.But how ? Entanglement ? Memory ?or something else . Only experiment can tell .

Some possible explanations :
1,Entanglement :
Entangled particles have become easier to create and to last longer .
See NewScientist 15 Jan 2011 p1 "Entanglement trap=Memory"
About 7 nanoseconds in solidstate materials .

NewScientist 22 Jan 2011 p12 "Quantum states last longer in birds' eyes"
The European Robin can maintain entangled states for 100 microseconds in it's eye .

A class of Entanglement Chaperones in biological systems is adduced .

So we can theorize that water (hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms) in the Source testtube entangles with water (hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms) in the target Testtube .
In the Target testtube , this shows the target DNA as a hole in the water molecules' entanglements .

Here is the Memory Trick :
Enough molecules remain entangled during PCR that the reaction will recognize shapes .Remember , DNA evolved specifically to do this trick .

One possible mechanism :
Hydrogen atoms in water have an angle of about 108 degrees between them and the oxygen atom , but this is very sensitive to spins in the atoms . And these are notoriously easy to entangle .
This means that a water molecule can have 2^3 = 8 entangled memory states .
(ie 2 for each atom spin) .
And some clump together in long-lasting patterns .
These can be counted by (1+1)^8 =256 . So , any water molecule has a 256 bit entangled memory . Not shabby for three atoms .
Note that this is after qbit collapse .

So , even after the entanglement collapses , the water molecule's individual atoms spin states collapse into 256 different states .
This means that water has a memory via the entanglement route .

If there is only Pure entanglement memory (ie only original has memory)
This is easy enough to test : disturb or destroy Source testtube before doing PCR on Target testtube . Ie destroy any possible entanglement memory . This should include the coils .

If the Target testtube still produces DNA after this , it could mean that the entanglement is across time . This would simply mean a true memory lodged in the original . And may you have joy of un-entangling that .

Or Else water has a memory .
The 256 bit memory theorized above .
This should be able to be verified experimentally .
End If

Why the vicious response ?
This is an old war . "Action at a distance" undermines most of humanity's accomplishments in understanding cause-and-Effect relationships . But this is no longer true due to quantum physics in the last 50 years , noe trembling on the edge of a Paradigm Shift .

The "Action at a distance" side has won decisively .
Entanglement as an industrial process is the death stroke .
What you are witnessing is the death-scrabblings of the old guard .

Instead of embracing the experimental results (as a real scientist would) , they
attack the person , instead of the idea . A priesthood defending dogma .

Internet :
Notice the effect of sites like Arxiv . Journals and establishment are bypassed .
There was a similar effect for about three centuries after the invention of moveable type printing by Gutenberg . They were called "Pamphlets" .
Cheap blogs in our terms
Everybody could (and did) put in their penny's worth .

Commercial Considerations :
If water can be programmed via spin-entanglement into a 256 bit memory , it opens up enormous industrial opportunities .

I hereby place this in the open domain . It is not subject to any duties , fees , copyrights or any or all hindrances to entities to freely enjoy the fruits thereof .

Matrioshka Brains .
Forget them .
The really serious action is in interstellar water clouds , where every water molecule is a 256 bit processor .

And here you thought you were only thirsty .

Andre .

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