Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mass of the Human Soul .

Mass of the Human Soul
Andre Willers
21 Apr 2011

We calculate the mass of the human soul from first principles .
A first order result : Soul mass = n! * 0.11576 gm .

Discussion :

See "Slingshots , Dark Matter and Dark Energy" Apr 2011. And previous relevant posts .

Note the argument that we are living in a simulation . This absolves me of ramming things down your throat .

Make of this what you will .

Argument :
AG is a dimensionless number .

αG can be defined in terms of any pair of charged elementary particles that are stable and well-understood. A pair of electrons, of protons, or one electron and one proton all satisfy this criterion. Assuming two electrons, the defining expression and the best current estimate of its value are:

§ G is the Newtonian constant of gravitation;
§ me is the mass of the electron;
§ c is the speed of light in a vacuum;
§ ħ ("h-bar") is the reduced Planck constant;
§ mP is the Planck mass.

Tease it apart :
Ag = m(e) / (h/2pi) * m(e) /{c/G}

Let A = m(e) / (h/2pi)
And B = m(e) /{c/G}

Dimensionally ,
A = seconds/meter squared
B= meter squared/ seconds .
So the product is a dimensionless number .

But we know that 1/ (h/2pi) is the complexity in a Beth(0) universe ..

See "Slingshots , Dark Matter and Dark Energy" Apr 2011. And previous relevant posts .

The first defineable things that will appear in a universe .

We can calculate it for our universe :
A= 9.109 * 10^ (-31) / (1.054 * 10^(-34))
= 8.638 * 10(+3) kg
This is the inverse of the minimum necessary mass to surface in Beth(0) universe for a soul .

The inverse is the minimum mass necessary .
1/A = 0.11576 * 10^(-3) kg .

This is 0.11576 gm per monad .
In delineated systems , soul-masses will increase factorially .
n n! Soul mass
1.00 1.00 0.12
2.00 2.00 0.23
3.00 6.00 0.69
4.00 24.00 2.78
5.00 120.00 13.89
6.00 720.00 83.35
7.00 5040.00 583.43

Weighing the Soul .
Can be done without death .
Use sleep .If n is big enough , a difference can be measured .

But this is like hunting the Snark .
What will you do with a Boojum ?

Andre .

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