Sunday, April 10, 2011


Singularities .
Andre Willers
1 Feb 2011

Synopsis :
A Singularity is defined as a one-way information flow .
Information is the Ultimate Singularity . It can be created , but not destroyed .
Four basic classes of Singularities are adduced .

Discussion :

0. Note that Information is not Data .
Information can be seen as connections between data .
Information can be created but not destroyed .
It is Infinite in a literal sense .
See previous posts on classes of Infinities and the fact that (A plus ~A < Universum)

Why ?
Any new correlation (information) is copied to a G-Universe . See para 3.2 below .
This follows directly from (A plus ~A < Universum) . There is always a possibility of such a Universe , since we can think of it . The Universum is just much larger than we can conceive .

Created to generate information ?
Why don't you ask God . If you are unlucky , He will answer .

1.Class A Singularities .
(A for Attractor) .
A delineated system can be described as having an attractor at a center , with an attraction force inversely proportional to the distance of elements from the center .
Two main sub-classes spring to mind :

1.1Class AB Singularities .
(AB for Attractor Black Hole)
The well-known physical model in a Relativistic Space-Time .
The attraction force is gravity/spacetime curvature , which is mostly proportional to the inverse square of whatever metric is being employed . This can get "rococo"on small or very large scale : see below .

Over certain thresholds of matter concentration and conglomeration , a black hole forms . This consists of an inner Singularity (from which no information can escape ) and a surrounding event-horizen , from which no light can escape .

If that Universe has a Planck-length and Planck-time
Quantum fluctuations are possible .
Information (about mass , curvature and age ) can still escape from the event-horizon via Hawking radiation. Typically , no (or very few) mini-blackholes would then be observed . Their evaporation would stimulate and leave room for particle formation /
Spacetime curvature would be positive .
Putatively our Native Universe .

Else If that Universe has NOT either Planck-length and Planck-time
No quantum fluctuations . Hence no Hawking radiation . Particles won't form , as their place would be usurped by mini-black holes .
Spacetime curvature would be negative or zero .
A strange place .

I can intuit that a transform can be mapped , but I am too stupid to do it .
Eg life-forms would have mini-blackholes as cellular units and singularities as cell-walls . I can see that rococo space-time manipulations on small scale can give some of the advantages of Class AB Singularities . But exactly how ?
End If

1.2 Class AC Singularities .
(AC for Attractor Chaotic)

This is usually used to describe things like Civilizations , software , etc , though it is at heart the same as above .

An example of the Singularity Attractor human civilization is in at the moment should illustrate the principles .

A quick historical run-through of the process :
Information gyres in the phase-spaces around the nexi where interconnections are the densest (cities) . This generates new information , which refers back in a feedback-loop .

The various nexi interconnect and the process accelerates .(Universities)

Internet , Google and Facebook interconnects elements to such a degree and at such speed that outsiders might get the same data , but simply do not understand the information generated in the process .

The Information-flow becomes more-and-more one way into the nexi , until eventually the Information-flow out of the nexi is un-understandable .

In other words , a one-way information flow . A Singularity .

It sounds strange , but think in terms of a textbook . A literate nomad may know that this textbook on medicine might cure his ills , but all the terms are in impenetrable jargon . And a new one is printed every month , then week , then day , then hour , then second , then …

This is a Singularity Class AC

2 Class S Singularities .
(S for Surface) .

Extensively used in human technologies .
2.1 Diodes and Transisters .
The N-P junctions channel information only one way .

Various geometries of the surfaces can approximate geometries found in Class A Singularities .

I would dearly like to know what will happen if ball-surface of N-P–N material is subjected to EMP .
Or Limacon surfaces . Or … .The list is endless .

2.2 Cell Walls and semi-permeable membranes .
Intermediate Class S Singularities are used extensively in living organisms

2.3 Brane structure of Multiverse .
Cosmic strings ? Wrapped branes ? Wrapped strings of String Theory ?

3 Class G Singularities .
(G for Ghost) .

Temporary Singularities (ie pockets of one-way information that disperse .)
Examples :

3.1 Mini-blackholes (formed during Big Bang)
"Is there a Universe near here without Planck Laws ?"
A peripatetic species .

3.2 G-Universes :
Faux universes that formed immediately after the Big Bang , then evaporated , leaving debris in the form of mini-cosmic strings , really exotic particles and thingies that can't make up their minds what they can be .
This shows up in human theoretical constructs as dark matter/energy . Essentially , unidentifiable because they cannot be delineated . But they can be mined for meaning and Information .Most of the Universum consists of this , insofar this statement has any meaning .

See Class D Singularities below .

So , your great^n child might tell you that he mines ghost singularities for information as a living . See what it means to you ?

3.3 Magnetic monopole .
A traveling man . Usually takes off for branes unknown when a G-Universe shuts up shop . Can be inveigled in by a free meal , but is pathologically shy of commitment.Well-known for leaving troublesome by-blows and charges

4 Class D Singularities .
(D for Death) .

Death for sapients is seen as a Singularity , because the information flow is only one way .
There is a lot of anecdotal evidence that information is sometimes the other way , but nothing reliable enough to be classed as a technology in present terms .

From arguments above , we expect copies data-correlations of individuals to be stored
in sets of G-Universes . Correlating these into a personality structures is a problem that has been solved in the Sol III lab , and presumably others . See previous posts on mirror networks , timing and quantum timing in assembling structures .

In human terms , all souls are kept and integrated to form new individuals .
Back-information flow is restricted (kindergarten) . Also , do you want to go back to Grade 1 when you just went to Grade II ?

Temporal Apology :
I had to use "time" terms in arguments above . I am trying to convey information to humans , and humans simply have no non-temporal referent language . Not even mathematics .

Critics :
I hope this satisfies the critics that I do not use the term "Singularity" as a blanket to cover loose thinking .

Multiplicitly yours


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