Friday, September 04, 2009

Death of the Neanderthals .

Death of the Neanderthals .

Andre Willers.

5 Sep 2009


The Neanderthals died out because their legs were too short .

Discussion :

See Scientific American Aug 2009 p34 " Twilight of Neanderthals"

Start quote p 39 :

"the energetic cost of locomotion was 32 percent higher in Neanderthals than anatomically modern humans."

End quote .

What does this mean ?

They ran slower . With a heavier body . Heavy infantry vs light infantry .

The multiplier :

Rapidly varying climatic effects pushed Neanderthal communities into 3 subgroups (p37) , Western Europe , Southern Europe and Western Asia . These types of communities survived the genetic isolation in previous episodes by the occasional migration of males . It only takes a few males to revitalize genetic diversity .

Males' role in the scheme of things . Cf equivalent occurrences in Pacific islands

circa 17th and 18th centuries .

But humans were cursorial raptors .

Adapted to long-distance chases .

They inderdicted enough Neanderthal males trying to reach other enclaves to ensure a genetic diversity collapse .

Dogs .

Dogs (wolves) were fellow travelers with humans . Not domesticated then (and some think never really domesticated . Dogs can still interbreed with wolves . There has been no fundamental genome change . Genetically , dogs are still undomesticated . Notice how fast they go feral .) .

Humans could run with them and the chase enforced a pack-leadership type of social organization .

Wolves were (and are)smart enough to change their behaviour to ensure their survival. Both humans and wolves ate better if they shared prey according to pack protocols .

Humans-Dogs (wolves).

This partnership proved fatal to Neanderthals .

1.Genetic diversity was fatally impaired by interdiction of groups of males trying to travel to another enclave . While a bunch of Neanderthals could see off a bunch of humans , they still had to eat . And the faster dogs and humans chased all game away .

Or , more likely , let the Neanderthals make the kill (usually whooly rhinocerous) , then chase them away from the carcase . They could do this because they could run faster and for longer and had projectile weapons (spears) . The really classical advantage of mobility .

These would have been small groups of adventurous humans . Juveniles . the equivalent of soccer yobbos.

2.The Human-dog system enveloped the Neanderthal enclaves and simply removed their food supply .

3. MHC and dogs .

Dogs (or semi-wild wolves) would have learned to recognize the scent of Neanderthals . These would have been exterminated as enemies of the Pack .

The only surviving Neanderthal genomic material would be in those with MHC tolerable to dogs .

For some reason , Anatolian Sheepdogs keep on popping up in my mind . These were and are actually the only surviving , working wolf-killers , but they might have learned to tolerate Neanderthal MHC . (On the principle of the enemy of my enemy is my friend .)

So , if you were looking for some Neanderthal genes , the wilds of Anatolia would be a good place to look . Especially if there are lot of Anatolian sheep-dogs around . The Neanderthal anatomical features would have been very diluted .

Ie , it would not have been genetic incompatibility that prevented miscegenation , but the dogs not tolerating an alien .

These would long predate Bronze age , Aryan , Celtic , Persian , Greek , Roman or Turkic populations .

Old , old .

4.Neanderthals could not compete

Because wolves would not adopt them into the pack . They were not cursorial raptors. Their legs were too short .

5. Now do you see why humans run ?

Running releases aromatic compounds (pheromones , MHC's , etc) that defines a person as human . Your dog requires walkies not just for exercise , but to reassure himself that you are still a member of the pack . Humans are now so washed , deodorized and scented that a poor dog can only recognize his fuehrer if he sweats a bit .

The same is true for inter-human reactions .

Huddling together in gymnasiums .

Or even intra-human reactions .

The parts of a human interacting with each other , defining boundaries .

But all your organs still need chemical communication to tell each other they are part of the same pack .

6. The loneliness of the long-distance runner .

Actually , he is not lonely at all . He is enveloped in a cloud of sweat and aromatic chemicals that tells his identity and position in the pack . His ancestors are all with him . His footfalls entrain him .

Hence the effects of even slight breezes . Washing away the effluvium . A top athlete will perform better with a slight breeze from behind (reinforcing) , while the others will perform better with a breeze to the side or from front . (Reducing self-limitation.)

A heavier breeze from behind will actually reduce performance of the top athlete . These boundaries can be calculated exactly .

See Tim Noakes on fatigue and other self-limiting mechanisms . Olfactory and aural mechanisms are major pack governing systems .

7. School curricula

Can you see why running fast or long is so important to humans ? It defines them .

Thousands of years later , and children are still measured by these skills . Major planet-wide competitions are held .

8. Click , Chi and running and breathing .

Pronounce Chi the correct , old way :

!xi : A tongue click on exhalation.

!xo : A tongue click on inhalation.

In long distance , endurance running this measures the amount of oxygen inhaled or CO2 exhaled , depending on the patterns of clicks and tongue conformations .

And all those Eastern Mystical Ways ?

The force of Chi ?

Just another click .

A running song would automatically evolve in click-language in optimal configurations . A fast chasing song , or a slowlong-chase song or a rushing song . All automatically balancing O2/CO2 with slow-twitch/fast twitch muscle requirements .

You can see how songs evolved . Nobody is going to sit around saying !xi - !xo at every inhalation-exhalation . (Except the demented priesthood) . The rest simply made up songs (working ditties ) . The origins of mantras .

"Om mane padme sum" a well known mantra .

"!xm !xm!xn !xp!xd(left twist of tongue) !xme(right twist of tongue) !xsm(a fat click with a left twist to the tongue,recovering from the previous right twist of the tongue )

Combat : They were formidable heavy infantry . See Etruscans below .

As you can see , not a language for faint-tongued .

9.Click-poetry .

From the Lescaux caves : a free translation :

"!xp-!xp-!xop joined the thunder of the hooves . But I still see her shy backward look and hear her in the hesitant patter of the wind in the trees ."

10. Etruscans .

The indications are that Etruscans were remnants of Neanderthal genetic mixtures that fled from Anatolia circa 1200 BC .

Markers :

1.Big noses .

Neanderthals were cold-adapted . Over at least 500 000 years of climatic vicissitudes . This is a very strong positive adaptation to dry climates , whether cold or hot . Genes for this would have spread rapidly .

Greek noses were straight . Roman noses were , well , Roman .

So the Etruscans came in before the Greek irruption .

Roman noses came from the Etruscans (like most else Roman) .

2. Click language

Note the puzzling lack of recognizable inscriptions on their many tombs .

The inscriptions are there , but just not recognized .

Try Click-resonances as described above and in previous posts .

3. Suffixes in Latin .

A typical result of a click ur-language . The vowels are the opening and closing of the jaw after click , with some twisting and guttural effects .

4. Combat styles .

Heavy infantry .Most telling . Most people assume that the Roman Heavy Infantry style comes from the Greek Hoplites . Actually, it comes from the Etruscan , and there is some evidence that the Greeks learned a lot about this from the Etruscans .

Why else trade with them ? Greeks were Yankee or Viking traders : they only traded if they could not take .

So , if you want Neanderthal genes , go to Tuscany .

PS. Tuscan hounds (ie Anatolian dogs) were renowned in Roman days .Still is .

Nice doggie .


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