Saturday, February 27, 2010

Coming Earthquakes.

Earthquakes and Volcanoes II
Andre Willers
27 Feb 2010

Synopsis :
Cities at risk from large Earthquakes (7+ on Richter scale ) in near future (+-5 years)
In order of risk :
Guadalajara (Mexico ) , Juneau (Alaska) , Hawaian Islands , Brasilia (Brazil) , Sao Paulo (Brazil) , Tsunamis in South –Atlantic basin from Mouth of Amazon or South Orkney Islands .

Discussion :
See "Earthquakes and Volcanoes"

Basic planetary orbital physics suggests magma spirals from pole-to-pole at 30 degree longitude intervals .
This is very approximate and needs much more research .

Sumatra : Richter 9 , 105 degrees East Longitude , 2004
Haiti : Richter 7 , 75 degrees West Longitude , 2010
Chile : Richter 8.8 , 75 degrees West Longitude , 2010

Notice that Haiti and Chile earthquakes are on nearly the same longitude . Hence the short time gap .

The threat seems to move Eastwards , but this is not certain .
Corkscrew configuration also means longitude of epicenter will probably drift eastward with increasing latitude .

Expectations :
To the West of Chile or Haiti (75 degrees West.)
1. 75+30 = 105 degrees West. Guadaljara (Mexico )
2. 75+2*30= 135 degrees West. Juneau (Alaska)
3. 75 + 3*30 = 165 degrees West . Hawaian Islands

To the east of Chile or Haiti (75 degrees West.)
4. 75-30 = 45 degrees West. Brasilia (Brazil)
5. 75-30 = 45 degrees West. Sao Paulo (Brazil)
6. 75-30 = 45 degrees West.South Orkney Islands . Tsunami threat to South Atlantic coasts .
7. 75-30 = 45 degrees mouth of the Amazon (Brazil) .
Tsunami threat to Amazon , Orinoco and Congo Rivers , as well as Caribbean , West African , Northern American and Western European shores .

The Misses :
Mercifully , Missouri , LA and Cape Verde should not be too severely affected .

South Africa.
From the 2004 experience , we should expect 1.5 – 2 meter tsunamis at Cape Town from Richter 9 events on 45 degrees West Longitude. . It is doubtful whether local faults will be activated .

Antarctica :
Large tsunamis emanating from the South Orkney Islands , combined with the weakening of the floating ice-pack due to global warming , could have a profound effect on the behaviour of Antarctic glaciers . The sudden fracturing of the ice-packs could remove resistance to glacier-flow . This could well cause ice-surges , causing large tsunamis (10-50 meters) in the South Atlantic Basin . All coastal communities would be wiped out .

Did the earth just move for you , or is it just that surf's up ?

Andre .

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