Saturday, June 04, 2011

Milk .

Milk .
Andre Willers
5 Jun 2011

Milk is a nearly ideal energy transmission medium in a fluid . It is a signaling , energy and denial medium .

Lactose is composed of glucose (the energy) , galactose(the signal) . The recipient needs a specific enzyme(lactase) to split the two molecules and make the glucose available . This prevents hijacking .

So , lactose was first , and many signaling systems evolved around it . Bacterial switches are characterized by their response to lactose (mainly galactose).
Galactose concentrations determine glucose concentration responses (ie diabetes II)

Milk in mammals evolved because it was such a stable medium .

Energy transmission in the bloodstream would then be very sensitive to lactose concentrations . As well as switches in various bacteria .

A lactase inhibitor should stop many pathogenic systems . Especially the latest outbreak of German yuckies (see "Oh Shit !" Jun 2011)

Diabetic II :
They should take a small amount (about two tablespoons-30 ml) of full cream milk with a probiotic . This biases the galactose switches on the bacteria .The effect is leveraged .

Galactose interventions :
A simple drink of 1 Cream and 1/3 live yoghurt should have some interesting effects on blood sugar levels , HIV levels and general immunity systems .
The ratios are important .

The milk of human kindness .


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