Thursday, June 02, 2011

The Trojan Horse

The Trojan Horse
Andre Willers
3 Jun 2011

Synopsis :
The Trojan Horse was a force of about 40 000 cavalry that prevented naval supply to Troy . "Invited in" was an "in" joke .

Discussion :
See "Great Gla" Jun 2011
The Troy War had boiled down to siege .
Troy was built on a promontory , with many little harbours .To stop most supplies from within a day's sailing (20km/hr wind*10hrs=200 km) would require a spotter at every km , plus a rapid reaction cavalry force of about 100 men . This means about 200* 100 = 20 000 men . Times 2 in both directions
About 40 000 cavalry . This means about 60 000 horses . Not a trivial number .

Remember , they did not have stirrups or compound bows . They had to cling on while galloping and poke at enemies .

This could be supported by the logistical support from the Gla-industrial complex .
They did this , and starved Troy . But it cost them .
Every mouthful for horse and man had to shipped from Greece .

A small Mongol detachment (400 men) would have done better .

The cost was supportable , until the Trojan counterstroke destroyed the Gla infrastructure .
About 100 000 infantry could make their way home , but the "herrenvolk" of cavalry (40 000 of them) , suddenly could not keep themselves or their beloved horses .
They could only ride to contiguous land masses .

They destroyed many near-eastern cities .
And so the Time of Troubles started .

Does this sound familiar ?
Wait until Aug 2 , 2011 , when the USA has to decide whether it can any longer afford trillion dollar deficits . If not , expeditionary forces like in Iraq or Iran will be left to their own tender mercies .

The German strike .
Germany has announced that it will phase out fission reactors by 2025 .
Why ?
They most likely have operational cold-fusion reactors . Now .

The ultimate in Trojan Horse .
The oblique approach from behind . Get screwed by a wooden horse .


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