Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Drip irrigation for the body.

Drip irrigation for the body .

Andre Willers
14 Nov 2013
Synopsis :
Perforated plastics can give metered applications of antiseptics , antibiotics and medicines .
Discussion :
1.Lolly drip irrigation :
Indian farmers could not afford expensive drip irrigation equipment . So , they used perforated plastic tubes originally made for ice-lolly’s . See Appendix A .

2.The same principle can be applied to applications of astringent medicines , externally or internally . Especially in emergency conditions , where the cure could be worse than the disease .
3.Effective medicines , where the dosage has to be controlled .
4. Burn wounds :
4.1 Wrap in cling-wrap . Perforate by Spur-tool . Then Spray , wipe , paint or immerse in medicine . The dosage is metered on the wound by the density of perforations .
4.2 Antiseptics on general trauma : RAPSAR
Wrap , Perforate , Spray , Wait , Redo
4.3Internal skin :
Intestinal gut , lungs , etc .
Eg . There has been a lot of clinical experience with drug-mules swallowing condoms  .
Just load the condom with medicine (like anti-acids , probiotics , antibiotics, etc) , perforate it and swallow .
This is better than capsules or pills , as larger doses can be more precisely metered and delivered , especially in emergency situations like cholera , dysentery or radiation damage .
5.Emergency oxygen and heat .
Certain chemicals , combined with stomach acids will generate oxygen and heat . Metered by mechanisms as above .
Useful for deep water or space .
With OxyGen Porridge you won’t even notice the atmosphere disappear .
Breathing is a privilege , not a right .
Snortingly yours
Appendix A
– APRIL 19, 2013
Where water is short, many farmers are trying to use water more efficiently. Most irrigation schemes are hugely wasteful: often only a third of the water poured on to fields reaches the roots of plants. The rest is lost, evaporating into the sky or seeping underground.
The solution is to get smart. The best way is drip irrigation: rather than just flooding fields, farmers lay pipes with holes so the water can drip into the soil close to plant roots. Until now the pipes have been too expensive for most farmers, but about 15 years ago somebody had a brilliant idea. He, or more likely she, thought of replacing expensive pipes with the cheap polythene tubing that street sellers all over India use to package ice lollies. These come in long rolls stamped with perforations, which the lolly sellers use to tear off each individual lolly container. It turns out that the perforations are perfect for dripping water onto the soil.
So the farmers lay the plastic tubes across their fields near plants, fill them with water and wait for the drips of water to irrigate their crops. It is cheap and very efficient.


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