Friday, January 07, 2011


Thank you for feedback and appreciation .
I tried the shotgun approach of
1.Smoking , drinking (temp>107 , dehydration)
2.Steaming (temp>107)
3.Bitters (Angosturas bitters in the steaming)
4.Usual MSM
5.Antibiotics for residual effects .
6.Chicken fat .

Symptoms showed rapid decrease after two days , then slower . 95% relief after 3 days . Much faster than normal . Bronchial symptoms mostly absent .
It seems that the temperature and bitter regimes prevented bronchial build-up .

I was concerned that the bitter chemicals activating the bitter receptors in the lungs might lead to overstimulation and subsequent emphysema . But keeping things on an infrequent basis should be healthy , on the old use-it-or-lose-it principle .

Purging would be better .
Ten inhalations from bitter steam .
Then ten inhalations from a different bowl of steam without bitters .

Should put the bounce back into the old alveoli , what !

Rife miroscope :
I can intuit that the metamaterial processes used in nanometer optical/matter processes can be replicated in ordinary materials . Silver seems to be a candidate . But the maths of twistors and tightly-bound chaotic interfaces needs a bit of work .
But it can be done . Has been done . Only not very reliably .

See Images to one nm.

"Arma virusquo cano"
Roman nanotechnologist .


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