Sunday, March 27, 2011

Click Baby .

Click Baby
Andre Willers
27 Mar 2011

Synopsis :
A potential click-speaker (usually left double-earlobe) needs extra development phases .

The genetic package is extreme richness in mirror-neuron networks , especially in the language centers of the brain , as well as the sensory apparatus (click perception)

Talents :
Language , mathematics (nearly equally) and music .

Dangers :
If the extra mirror neuronal networks are not soaked up by early usage (ie apoptosis of non-used linkages) , inappropriate linkages and sub-mentalities form . The system tries to survive by creating loops of phantom messages , preventing apoptosis .
(This is a purely neuron-level , Darwinnian activity)

For a click-speaker , Asperger's is a big danger below age 7 (my estimate: might be incorrect) .
Exaggerated sensitivity (neuroticism) is also possible .
Certain types of Obsessive–Compulsive behaviour will always be a danger .
Especially regarding mathematics and music , but not language .

Language , by definition , enforces multiple, rapid interaction with other people . Note the rapid . It is essential .
The complexity of language at baby stage is sufficient to soak up the brain-capability .
The more languages the better .

Training the Click-speaker .
From the above arguments , emphasis should be placed on languages , concomitant with hearing skills . Musical training will be subsumed into hearing skills .

The steps :

1.Train in sign language as early as possible .. Google "sign language babies" . Commercial services are available worldwide .
The timing needs some research .
Click speakers would not only start off richer in mirror-neuron networks , but keep on growing them long after norms (part of the package)
Prevention of bad linkages should then start as early as possible , but not pushed past capability as it develops .

2.Sound-training :
Percussion initially ,(drum , zylophone , vibraphone , flute ,etc) accompanied by tunes , but in a ratio of 1 to 2 to time spent on languages .

3.San language .
The only click language available at the moment.
Hear and see

4.Lesser click languages .
Xhosa , Zulu , etc .

5 . Sub-vocalization .

Quote :
// this sign is used when writing San words with a click - similar to the sound made when urging a horse to move.
/ another click sound, like the ' tutting' sound made when expressing sympathy.
! a tongue click which has the sound of cork popping from a bottle.
# with one slash only, sounds like the sucking of a baby with tongue just behind the teeth.
End Quote
Sub-vocalizations can be denoted by a sucking sound , like
# with one slash only, sounds like the sucking of a baby with tongue just behind the teeth.
Click speakers can hear this .
It is a sucking click-sound in the larynx , that click-speakers' system has evolved to hear .

Ignorant Click-speakers run a serious risk of being mis-diagnosed as mentally ill .
"They hear voices , don't they ?" So they do .

Irony :
Science Fiction stories told of Telepaths persecuted because they could hear thoughts
Actual , click-telepaths were persecuted because they could never mature

Without training , and knowledge , a major advantage turns into despair .

It would be interesting to run click-perception tests on the inhabitants of the world's asylums . Some can still be rehabilitated .

Matriarchal return .
If , as speculated in "High Matriarchs" Mar 2011
human genomes are expressing Click-speakers with increasing frequency , we would expect a corresponding rise in asylum inmates . Until the inmates become so numerous they vote themselves into power . A Nietszchean paradigm shift .

Are you nuts , or can you just hear better ?

Click-plugs on the upper ear lobe , anyone ?

Andre .

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