Friday, March 11, 2011

Los Angelos Earthquake Warning .

Los Angelos Earthquake Warning.
Andre Willers
11 Mar 2011

Synopsis :
High probability of 8+ quake in LA within 9 months .
Preparation is vital
The western side of the Pacific Ring of Fire seems to becoming unzipped in a clockwise direction since 2004 due to 8+ quakes . Transmission of stresses can be expected in further clockwise direction to LA within 9 months .

1. The sequence started in late 2004 with three northward-moving 8+ quakes in the South Pacific .
2. The next item was the Indonesian quake of Dec 2004 (9.1)
3. The next item was the Japanese quake of March , 11 2011 (8.9)

The Japanese tectonic community was expecting a major event .
Taking the Indonesian event as a major trigger , it took seven years for the stresses to transmit to a break-point along the Western Pacific Ring of Fire family of faults .

We can expect the same mechanism to operate clockwise over the north pole and down the Eastern Pacific Ring of Fire down to the San Andreas fault , which is similarly primed .

The only question is "How Long?"

The more complicated the fault systems between two points , the longer it will take to transmit sufficient force to trigger a slippage .

In the South Pacific-Indonesia(2004) , transmission took only 1-2 months due to single fault lines .

Indonesia-Japan took 7 years because of the very complicated fault systems surrounding the Japanese Islands (at least 3 major crustal faults)

The fault system over the pole and down the western America's is much simpler , and we can expect a corresponding shorter time .

We are talking months . Within nine months .
This is based on a reserve of a reserve of 7 years .
See "NewTools:Infinite Probes" Nov 2008 , especially the error arguments .
This gives
1/3*1/3*(7*12) = 9 months .

Reports are already coming in of increased activity of Hawaii volcano's .
(23h00 Mar 11 , 2011)

Hawaii is in different system of tectonic activity .
See "Earthquakes and Volcanoes II" Feb 2010
This is due for some activity , but we can only hope it does not combine with the Japan quake and San Andreas in a Perfect Tectonic Storm .

Why are 8+ Quakes different ?
Because they result in earthquake swarms . The event is so energetic that it exacerbates stresses long distances away . The local stress might be relieved , but stresses thousands of kilometers away are intensified , causing what is known as earthquake storms or swarms .
Think "Small-world" network model .

Especially susceptible are faults already trembling on the brink of release .

I sincerely hope I am wrong .
But it would not hurt to get your house in order .



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