Sunday, March 17, 2013



Andre Willers
17 Mar 2013
Naktiq devices can easily and cheaply create LAZER’s

Discussion :
1.See Appendix A for Naktiq devices .
Twistors : how to make them .

2.See Appendix B for LAZER’s
Light Amplification by Zeropoint Emission of Radiation .

3. What does this mean ?
It means that you can tap zeropoint energy with off-the-shelf components , using plain vanilla electronic systems .
Without using new physical principles .
4.Appendix A tells the hard part , how to make an Electromagnetic twistor .
5.Appendix B tells you how to apply it .

See you in orbit , one way or another .


Appendix A

Electromagnetic-wave Black Holes : a critical new technology .
Andre Willers
15 Feb 2010

Synopsis :
Actual microwave EM blackholes have been created , using metamaterials . These metamaterials can be easily and cheaply replicated using 3D printers .
This enables cheap Maxwell's Demons .

Newscientist 24 Oct 2009 p15 "Table-top black holes made on Earth"
Applied Physics Letters vol95 , pp041106 by Narimanov and Kildishev. by Tie and Qiang of the Southeastern University , Nanjing . They built the actual device .

The Device:
Call it a Naktiq device after the inventors .
A metamaterial is manufactured that fairly smoothly increases the electric-permittivity from the outer skin to the core of a cylinder . This bends the electrical component of the Electro-magnetic Wave to spiral into the core .
This material is of a fine structure , hence very amenable to 3D printing .
Already done for microwaves , which are fairly long wave-length and where a fairly coarse physical structure is sufficient .

Maxwell's Daemons :
Originally postulated as a method of separating high-temperature molecules from lower temperature molecules .

Passing an ionized particle stream through a matrix of these Naktiq Devices will separate high-energy and low-energy EM waves precisely according to the design of the metamaterial .

Can useful Work be done ?
Yes . As long as there is a large heat-pool as external source .

The existence proof :
Create vertical cylinders of the Naktiq Device , in a large pool with no pumping .
Random particle movement would lead to entrapment of the lower energy bands , which will be cooler and sink . The outer remainders , being hotter by definition , will rise .
This can be exploited without any operating energy expenditure .
Hence , useful work can be extracted by the Naktiq Device from a large heat pool .

Ram-Jets without fuel .

A Ram-jet based on this Naktiq Device will eject two differentiated gas-streams :
1. The high-temperature exhaust can be configured by engine design to impart thrust to the motor . Simple jet-thrust .
2.The low-temperature exhaust can be channeled to flow above the wings . This will give amazing lift (VTOL due to pressure differentials caused by temperature differentials) or far behind the plane (at high speed)

Conservation of Energy:
The kinetic energy/time of the plane and air-resistence balances the work performed .
Over a certain critical speed , a Plane and Naktiq Device of this nature will be self-sustaining while it is in an atmospheric pool of heat .

But the atmospheric pool of heat will slowly decrease as energy is used by all the planes .
In the present Terra case (2010) , this is desirable to decrease global warming .
(You can work out for yourself where all the energy of each flight goes .
Hint : the planet itself will act as buffer of kinetic energies . When the energy discrepancies between planes landing and taking off from Los Angeles airport threatens to destabilize the San Andreas Fault , reconsider and replan.)

We can simply put a Naktiq Device at the end of a helicopter-like rotor and turn an electric generator .

Cheap copters.
Or we can put them at the end of copter rotors .

Biologics .
Micro-and nano-structures of this sort are to be expected in biological structures .
An actual rotating structure that uses Naktiq Devices for energy pumping and differentiation .

2.Folded proteins :
Quantum energy levels are biased according to sheets of materials biasedly emitting and absorbing EM energies at close range . To make it more interesting , the critical values change after each energy-packet interchange . You need at least Beth(1) to understand what is going on . and there is a strong suspicion that the system is upwardly-generating . The levels of Beth increase without limit .

Cellular systems use infrared for a large range of housekeeping communication tasks .
Infrared Naktiq Devices can be used to exactly interrupt or reprogram certain processes .
Eg : simply flooding the surrounding spaces of a tumour with Infrared Naktiq Devices will stop it dead in it's tracks .

Femto , Pico etc scales .
The same principle can be used . For human use , we would use the "cooler" exhaust and the "metamaterial" would be Beth patterns in the space-time structure , created by particle exchanges in certain specific patterns . The heat-pool would be the quantum particle foam . Cf cosmic radiation .

Very Large Scale :
Imagine a dust cloud in a Galactic swirl . Naktiq Devices will definitely form , since they are a simple geometric form of molecules .
A certain percentage of Naktiq Devices will clump together because of the energy differentiation .
The process is iterated .The remainder after a few billion years is low-energy matter and anemic energy , with large gulfs separating much higher energy systems expanding at much higher pseudo-speeds .
Something like the observable universe today .

Is even one instance of Naktiq Devices replicable ? I have to say yes , because of prions . Simple molecular foldings are replicable .
In the totality of billions of galaxies and trillions of gas clouds , there would be a massive increase in replicable Naktiq Devices

Replicable devices inevitably lead to escalation on the Beth axis : ie intelligence .

So we have the delicious conclusion that the effects ascribed to Dark Mass and Dark Energy are actually a measure of the Intelligence in a galaxy .

Something a student of history has long suspected : human intelligence can only be measured in cosmological terms .

But an Intelligence Naktiq Device , self-replicating . Roll on the Singularity !

Smartly yours

Appendix B
Dodgem Quantum Cycloids

Andre Willers
12 Mar 2013
Synopsis :
An amusing way how Nature determines Least-time , Effort or Distance . A ball rolling on a bigger ball (epicycloid) dodges inside (quantum effect) and rolls inside (hypocycloid) . Repeat . Reconciling the two gives two equations for two variables . Solvable . With all sorts of delicious extras.

Discussion :
1.Hypocycloid :

2.Epicycloid :

3.Both systems are non-linear . See the little animations in the above links . All those spiky points . Where linearity breaks down .

4.Which explains why the is so small (only 1.3 x 10^18 V/M)

5. The maths is a nightmare . Any Calculus using infinitesimals have to stitched together . Still do-able if the quantum-dodgem is only Beth(0) random . But random orders of Beth(1+) will require something better .
6.Remember , photons do this while moving along a geodesic (“orbit”)
7.A Cheat : see Appendix I
Twistors enable a much simpler calculation .
In physical terms , it means slightly lower energy levels at quantum levels . (Calculation costs energy)
The photon/particle slivers into “forbidden” quantum states .
8.Stacking them :
We can stack them to get really nifty quantum catalysts . A little bit at a time . Nibble them to death .

9. Some Applications :
9.1 Photosynthesis
The splitting of water into Hydrogen and Oxygen (about 4% at present) can be ramped up to about 80% .
9.2 Burning nitrogen as fuel (catalyst)
9.3Nuclear fuel
10. You cannot have the benefits without the dangers and the responsibilities .

If you exterminate yourselves , God will be disappointed that you did not do more .


Appendix I
Light Amplififcation by Zeropoint Emission of Radiation(LAZER)
Andre Willers
5 Mar 2013
A Zeropoint Energy tap is achieved by combining Maxwell’s equations , Twistors and the Schwinger Limit .

Discussion :
1.Transform the usual solution to Maxwell’s equations (sine forms) to cylindrical co-ordinates .
The solution then becomes 1/r*sin(x) for E(electric field) and B(magnetic field)

2.Twist the fields and reduce r .

3. Somewhere on the twistor axis , r reduces enough so that the Electric field increases above the Schwinger limit .

4.Space then goes non-linear .
Even for Beth(0) , there is an energy gain .
The Zeropoint energy arises from random (Beth(0) ) particle-anti-particle interactions . The electric field is strong enough to tease them apart .
(Schwinger) . Inside bubble r0 , particles recombine . Outside r0 , particles combine with existing matter , giving rise to current flow .
A circle always fits inside a bigger circle . From this , Calculate the random energy escaping from around a bubble .

5.But it is a twistor . Energy release is not Beth(0) , ie flip-of-coin random .
6.There are eight = 2^3 possibilities in 3D+T space.
6.1Positive feedback : Energy keeps being pumped in with no limit : Big Bang
6.2 Steady state : Energy pumped in is limited in some way . Very long , very massive electromagnetic wave (basically , a cosmic string)
6.3. Severely limited energy pump . Maxwell's Classical equations applies . Pinching out to simple EM wave .
6.4 6.1+ 6.2 Big Bangs + steadystates
6.5 6.1+6.3 Big Bangs + waves (observed per present theory)
6.6 6.1+6.2+6.3 All of the above . The most likely .
6.7 6.2 + 6.3 Strongly radiating Cosmic Strings .
6.8 The Null case : there is no quantum particle-antiparticle formation . There is no ElectroMagmetic Waves . Pure Mass .

7.Gravitational effects :
There is a measurable gravitational wave generated at the Schwering limit . But it is +g , -g affair at right angles to the Electric and Magnetic field.
Can be quite strong at Schwering limit .
7.1 On Earth :
There is a strong Electric field from the ground to the ionosphere , a magnetic field from the sun at right angles . The +g , -g effect would be at right angles to both .
Why do you think these small asteroids disintegrate ? Urals , 2013 . +g , -g .
7.2 More useful is anti-gravity system .
Simply create a very strong local electric field parallel to the ground and at right angles to the Solar magnetic field . Do the above tricks , configured so that +g is towards the planet and –g away from it .
7.3 Using twistors, this is self-powering . Nifty .

8.Ethics :
The positives far outweigh the negatives .
You can try to use these technologies for negative purposes . See what happens to you .
Things are not what they seem .

Skimmed milk masquerades as cream .


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