Saturday, May 31, 2014

Stop Nasal and other Drips .

Nasal Drip .

Andre Willers
1 Jun 2014
Synopsis :
Don’t be a Drip .
Discussion :
1.Nasal drip is no joke .Continuous mucous production (usually from the sinus) causes lung inflammation , hacking coughs , sleeplessness , drinking too much , cooking dishes nobody will ever eat , etrc . Not a desirable state .

2.We zap it by using extreme variations of a known amelioration chemical . In this case , Thyme .
3. We do this using the amplification techniques discussed in

4. The Recipe :
Very crudely :
4.1 A teaspoon of thyme (oreganum or jasmine can be used) .
4.2 A teaspoon of psyllium husks . A critical element
4.3 Mix with about 100 ml water and your spit if DNA targeting is required .
4.4 Stand for at least  10 minutes to let chemicals populate psyllium reaction chambers .
4.5  Then PCR it .
This is but a primitive sketch , suitable for a kitchen .
PCR Start cycle with 100 ml
      Microwave  till  95 C       30-40 sec @ 900 w
      Cool till 60 C                    mix with 35 ml cold water
      Microwave till 72 C         About 40 sec
      Cool till 60 C                    mix with additional 30 ml cold water .
End cycle .
Reduce volume to 100 ml by discarding excess . (Hint : the origin of homeopathic dilution)
Repeat about 3 times at least .

4.6 Number of cycles:
For this sort of purpose , 3-8 cycles should suffice .

5. This can be adapted to amplify any chemical intervention (herbal , drugs , antibiotics , etc)

6. It’s not magic .
It takes a number of repeated efforts , estimated at a minimum of three.
The effect is very efficient .
7. The caveats in
are relevant .

8. Responsibilities :
This technique is ridiculously easy to apply , with very far-reaching consequences .
If you have to look after someone else , take extra care .
9.While actually using this , I noticed a very interesting effect .
As soon as an actually workable intention was formulated , some of the symptoms cleared up .

A placebo effect , but quite real .
How does this work ?
Theoretically , Skunk–works in the organism models strangers .
This is the mirror-neuron network . But this smears information over quantum tempo’s

10 More interesting is that the PCR leads to a slight smear of information around the present . Enough to make life probable .
Placebo Rules , OK?

Let’s hope the cure is not worse than the disease .
Good luck with this sort of power .



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