Monday, February 10, 2014

Catching a Time Traveller .

Catching a Time Traveler.

Andre Willers
11 Feb 2014
Synopsis :
We can get the Umbrella man.
Discussion :
1.Time travellers we know about .
The two women and the Umbrella Man at the Kennedy assassination .
2. Claimed time traveller .
A lot of detail , all false .
But the lies tells us that the Umbrella Man is familiar with the work of Graham Greene , especially “ Our man in Havana” .
The sketch of the supposed time travel device is simply an old XT computer motherboard with some imaginative additions .
He used the Haber family as an umbrella to signal his retrieval availability . They were completely innocent .
3.So , look at a friend of the Haber family who is involved in teaching English Literature . Especially with a fondness for Graham Greene .  He is the Umbrella  Man .
3. Why go to all this trouble ?
He probably got paid in anti-agathics . Get them back or grow old and die . (Early time travel)
4. Isn’t Time Travel fun ?


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