Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hearing 3

Hearing 3
Andre Willers
16 Jul 2009

Inner-ear hearing can easily be retrained . It is also intimately tied to eyeball movements and scalp mobility .

Discussion :
See previous "Hearing " , Hearing2" as well as "Aroma and caffeine" Earlier posts on tapping of fingers and rhythms .

I thought I had to get a new sound system to do retraining . but first I tried the old one and listened carefully .

I found that just by moving the eyeballs from one speaker to the next in time to the music caused pronounced physiological changes . A "perking-up" sensation in the inner ear . Difficult to describe , since we have no language referents for inner-body processes . Do not mistake this for moving the head or tapping (those can be added later)

This is a primary correlation system between visual saccades and auditory saccades .
Also has major implications for left-to-right reading and phonetic systems .

Sounds impressive , but what does it mean ?

Each system has evolved from chemo-receptors , but the neurological information handling is similar . Saccades are ripples of active perception , integrated in-situ . The system learns more easily along evolutionary routes . Hearing is an active process , with all those little hairs playing the same role as retinal receptors .

The focus:
By moving the eyeballs only , we force a change in the auditory focus . Remember the visual system is not symmetric as far as movement vector-perception is concerned . A similar asymmetry is found in the auditory system .

The feedback from the focus change causes retraining in the auditory nerve-hair complex .

But why should there be a correlation ? Well , why not ? Both systems are concerned with survival in a social context .
See below .

Scalp movement .
Human surface skin is much more mobile than those of animals .
You will notice as you move your eyes only from speaker to speaker , that little facial muscles you never knew you had become alive . Not just noticeable . But active . Quirking eyebrows . Pricking ears . Pointing ears . Etc .

These are all communication media for humans .

The Animated Face .
Not just a figure of speech , but an essential tool if you want to succeed in any human social endeavor .
Ever watch an animated girl ? Her face is like a rubber mask .

Why eyeball movements ?
Simple mechanics .
Barring quantum systems , there simply is not enough nerve connections to correlate eye saccades with ear saccades . But moving the eyeballs from side-to-side is the first level of macro-integration which can be integrated with hearing . From a complexity viewpoint , I suspect that the eyeball-movement is the driver .

Simply moving your eyes only from side to side , changes the perception of the music . Usually , it sounds as if the focus has changed from ear to ear . All humans can hear music in their heads . If you are not careful , you cannot stop hearing the music as long as your visual system is active .

Interesting effects can be obtained by mixing eye-movements and music movements in various harmonic or disharmonic proportions . Known as jazz , walz , rock , etc .

And caffeine ?
It is a dendritic accellerant . If you move your eyes from side to side after drinking coffee or tea (like in a conversation) , your hearing gets better and communication as well . Scalp mobility improves . Immune system as well .

Peripheral Neuropathy .
There is a teensy-weensy problem . If an axon (an overgrown dendrite) has a transport-crash ,
caffeine sends more stuff faster . Hence the correlation between coffee or tea and peripheral neuropathy . Pulsing would be an approach .

Ah , yes , Pulsing .Patterned pulsing . Also called music .

The major users of axon pathways in the body are muscles . so , dancing to the music while entraining stimuli by moving the eyes side-to-side to the music will give the axon time to recover .

The same is applicable in the brain .

Notice that most music has a rousing portion , followed by a calming portion . The calming portion is usually longer . (by 2/3)
This enables various nerve systems to recover (purely physiological) .

A verbal equivalent (a designed poem)

"Love flourishes and grows until it dies , then grows again and
again .
Again it dies , but flourishes again . It dies again , but again it grows
again ."

Maybe a pop song , but is this evolution ? Actually , yes . Evolution is all about love . Sex is peripheral .
It is tied in with the pulsing . Competition is only about 1/3 of the system . Co-operation is about 2/3 .

And so it goes about 2/3 of the time .


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