Friday, May 03, 2013

Better than Hubble .

Better than Hubble.

Andre Willers
3 May 2013
Synopsis :
A Swarm of Metamaterial telescopes from 600 km orbit has resolutions of Earth’s surface in the the nanometer range in any frequency . Literally watch  the molecules on a person’s face from orbit with your Smartphone  . See bacteria or viruses on the surface of Mars . See Socio-Economic Systems metamorphose .
Discussion :
1.This is not a fancy . See Appendix A . It is only ten years on since metamaterials were first manufactured , and even now old-style optics are so obsolete that the US is desperately giving it away . Get some PR kudo’s before any snot-nosed kid with a few bucks has a superior system . See Appendix A and B.
2.A quick discussion :
We can make lots of small quantities of metamaterial  hyperlenses/mirrors , which can be aggregated into swarms .
3.We already do the Swarm bit with Smartphones and their Apps .
4.Expect some next generation   of Samsung  or Apple (Steve jobs would have done it in the next gen) with metamaterial camera’s . Essentially , infinite number of pixels .
5.Just have a cheap swarm of HyperReflecters in orbit (a few ounces of matter) . Courtesy of SpaceX or any other cheap launcher . See Appendix AA.3
6.The intelligent parts are on the ground in the Smartphones and the Cloud . They can see each other via the reflections from the orbital swarms .
7.You can then watch your neighbour down to the nanometer level . What fun ! If only anyone did something interesting .
But notice the tuneability : definitely possible with radar-frequencies used for airport scanners . Ordinary clothes would be transparent .
Expect major research in clothing metamaterial blockers at these frequencies . X-rays possible from scattering .
8.Interesting things can be done : a Panopticon approach :
8.1 A decent asteroid watch .
8.2 A decent disease watch . Apps can watch the molecules and bacteria on the skins of all animals and plants on the planet . And I mean all . Zap those you don’t like from orbit .
8.3 Adaptations for underwater can be made .
8.4 Life on other planets .
8.5 Dare I say it ? SETI.
8.6 Weapons : bioweapons , eco-weapons , weather-weapons will be most effective . The future equivalent of bug-spray will see off most of present armies .
9.Socio-Economic Systems :
What about Freedom ?
A meaningful say in your own affairs is possible in the Ostrum system .
Do not confuse Freedom with Privacy . Privacy never existed in a social species .
The Ostrum-system will then very quickly become dominant .
The Panopticon approach will force representation and accountability on every economically active organism on the planet . Do not be surprised at the “Senator for Plants” or “Congressman for Pilchards” .
This was a system successfully used by the Ancient Egyptians to run a high civilization for thousands of years on a piece of ground smaller than most cities .
10 . Singularity .
“Better than Hubble” means “Faster than Hubble” . Outstripping the bounds of the inflating universe .  
“Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound" .
Yes , our old friend is back in even a more powerful guise .
Only , now we are all him .
11.And now we will all have x-ray vision .
See the effects !
12.Looking outwards , we see reflections of ourselves twirling away in transluminating mirrors past the Hubble Limit .
Coming soon to a civilization near you !
Enjoy it .
Appendix AA
Links for some background :
1. : some old basic research
2. : some of the metamaterials .
3. : Metamaterial minitelescopes to form swarms
4.  : swarms of telescopes

Appendix A
The US Department of Defence donated two Hubble class telescopes to NASA.
Newscientist 9 Feb 2013 p6
“Last year (2012) , the US National Reconnaisance Office offered NASA the optics , which are similar to those on the Hubble space telescope,but slightly wider field of view “
Telescopes aimed at Earth .
Which is where that embarrassing little glitch with the Hubble telescope’s mirror came from . See Appendix B for the spin .
This means that they have new technologies orders of magnitude better .
With resolutions in the nanometer range from orbit .

Appendix B
1 degree = 60 arcminutes = 3600 arcseconds

Hubble’s resolution is of the order of 0.05 arcsec .
“If Hubble looked at the Earth - from its orbit of approx. 600 km - this would in theory correspond to 0.3 meter or 30 cm”
“Various tweaks and enhancements would add about 10x better resolution . About 3 cm . Number plate size .”
“The story I've always heard was that Hubble was enabled partly by the existence of surveillance satellites with similar specs. Supposedly HST is roughly equivalent to a KH-11 spy satellite; those have been in orbit since the late 70s or thereabouts. Presumably there are far more sophisticated things up there now. “

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